Obama The Great Fear Mongerer of the 21st century

We had eight years under Bush of Republicans telling us the wars were going well, the economy was going well, the tax cuts were creating jobs and so on.

And now, suddenly they're right? Only now? Who could believe that?

We did win both wars. Obama's surge did nothing but create more deaths in Afghanistan in 4 years then Bush in 8 at least Obama admits his failure, but of course I doubt you will. Using liberal logic by Obama escalating the war in Afghanistan he recruited more Muslims to the war against us.

The economy had recovered from 9/11, Clinton's recession, the dot.com crash, and the wind down from the Y2K scare and unemployment was hovering around 5 percent. Then disaster struck that even GWB could not recover, the Democrats took over in 2006. Correlate that one event with the demise of the country. Do it with any economic graph 9/10 you will see that disaster struck when the democrats took over and ignored Bush completely.

How's Bush manage to do NOTHING wrong in 8 years? I love that how Bush "inherited" Clinton's mess but Obama can NOT blame anything on Bush. How's that work?

Bush did lots of things wrongly. I am not sure that a person can tell the difference between Bush/Clinton/or Obama. Bush was no Reagan except for a brief period after 9/11. But the facts be the facts. Clinton inherited an economy that was growing. Bush inherieted an economy that was already on the path to economic collaspe. It was gonna happen the only thing that may have stopped it was a congress that did its job. That didn't happen and Obama reaped the whirlwind started many years ago with "free" trade agreements which were not "free" at all and a very flawed housing policy.

But what happened AFTER 2008 is all Obama. It would be different had exactly what happened not happened but it did. We predicted that the out of controlled spending on "shovel ready" jobs that were not really shovel ready would slow and drag out the recovery, we were right.
We did win both wars. Obama's surge did nothing but create more deaths in Afghanistan in 4 years then Bush in 8 at least Obama admits his failure, but of course I doubt you will. Using liberal logic by Obama escalating the war in Afghanistan he recruited more Muslims to the war against us.

The economy had recovered from 9/11, Clinton's recession, the dot.com crash, and the wind down from the Y2K scare and unemployment was hovering around 5 percent. Then disaster struck that even GWB could not recover, the Democrats took over in 2006. Correlate that one event with the demise of the country. Do it with any economic graph 9/10 you will see that disaster struck when the democrats took over and ignored Bush completely.

How's Bush manage to do NOTHING wrong in 8 years? I love that how Bush "inherited" Clinton's mess but Obama can NOT blame anything on Bush. How's that work?

Bush did lots of things wrongly. I am not sure that a person can tell the difference between Bush/Clinton/or Obama. Bush was no Reagan except for a brief period after 9/11. But the facts be the facts. Clinton inherited an economy that was growing. Bush inherieted an economy that was already on the path to economic collaspe. It was gonna happen the only thing that may have stopped it was a congress that did its job. That didn't happen and Obama reaped the whirlwind started many years ago with "free" trade agreements which were not "free" at all and a very flawed housing policy.

But what happened AFTER 2008 is all Obama. It would be different had exactly what happened not happened but it did. We predicted that the out of controlled spending on "shovel ready" jobs that were not really shovel ready would slow and drag out the recovery, we were right.

I was going to say, I can't see any difference, at least not much.
Global Warming and Climate Change skepticism examined

Not one to rant and rave about it....but get your head out of your ass already.

I managed to find this about the Ice Age.

Last glacial period - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Try as I might I found NOTHING how human activity caused the ice to melt and find ourselves in the relatively ice free environment in which we live today.

If THAT warming was caused without human interference, is it logical to presume that the present warming is occurring without human interference?

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