Obama: There Is No Debt Crisis

He's right.

More spending is what is required.

Explain how you spend your way out of debt.

Spending encourages economic activity and greater revenue from taxation.

MORE PRIVATE sector spending is needed. Diverting it to government spending slows that process and makes for missed opportunities. All you have to do is look at the length and depth of the current recession to see how poorly government spending at the highest levels ever have made the problem.
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Oh yes Laugher, can you show us where Congress gave the Fed "permission" to print that money?
Spending encourages economic activity and greater revenue from taxation.

Really. By that logic the 800 billion dollar stimulus package would have created hundreds of billions in new revenue.

But that didn't happen.

Show how the billions of dollars sent to Syria, Egypt and Pakistan etc... has created "greater revenue" for us.

Actually it did happen. And the deficit has been shrinking since 2009, in part, because of that.

And your latter point is a big boon to our defense industry..since that's where most of those countries get their gear from.

I noticed you didn't support your claims with any links. Which is typical for your ilk.

More Economists Agree — the Stimulus is a Failure

CBO Report: Stimulus Failed to Stimulate

Taking Apart the $819 billion Stimulus Package
Debt has increased six trillion dollars under Obama administration. Mr. Obama says there is no immediate crisis concerning our rising debt - to 17 trillion. How much further do we need to be in debt to reach crisis mode. Anyone?

Actually, Mr. Obama has increased the debt over $7 trillion dollars, since the $700 billion TARP funding was mostly repaid and spent by the Obama administration.

If Obama does not believe we have a spending problem or a debt crisis, why does he insist on tax increases to reduce the deficit that he does not intend to reduce?

If there's no spending problem... why do they need an ever increasing percentage of 53% of the population's income?

Wow, Lakhota sounds downright anti semitic in that reply! I'm shocked!
I don't know why you think I will dive into the morass that is your reality, Roo. Facts are facts. The Congress controls the cash in this country.

We are in the midst of a modest recovery. The fact that we had the limited stimulus and our common sense POTUS has won political victory after political victory.....is responsible for our avoiding the problems that other nations who opted for austerity are now facing.

You really should come over to the side of fiscal responsibility.
Kick ass employment news today with 10 straight days of records for the Dow.

Assholes are losing your argument in real time. Must suck to be you.

What does the stock market have to do with jobs?

What the Rising Stock Market Doesn't Say About Jobs

The stock market reflects only the outlook for corporate profits, not the economy as a whole. Thus, the rising stock indexes are cold comfort for the millions of unemployed, temporary and part-time workers and self-employed who have seen their income decline and their prospects dim.
Didn't Obama say the Sequester was bad for the economy? Why did the staock market go up then? Your argument is laughable Lone.
I don't know why you think I will dive into the morass that is your reality, Roo. Facts are facts. The Congress controls the cash in this country.

We are in the midst of a modest recovery. The fact that we had the limited stimulus and our common sense POTUS has won political victory after political victory.....is responsible for our avoiding the problems that other nations who opted for austerity are now facing.

You really should come over to the side of fiscal responsibility.

the only 'recovery' in the markets is due to company profits from overseas......here in America we are having one hell of a miserable 'recovery'....and BO is making sure about it too...

how long do you think the central banks will be able to prop up BO's 'modest recovery'.....?
I don't know why you think I will dive into the morass that is your reality, Roo. Facts are facts. The Congress controls the cash in this country.

We are in the midst of a modest recovery. The fact that we had the limited stimulus and our common sense POTUS has won political victory after political victory.....is responsible for our avoiding the problems that other nations who opted for austerity are now facing.

You really should come over to the side of fiscal responsibility.

Limited stimulus? Fiscal responsibility?

The hack runs deep in this one....
Lonelaugher has no concept of Quantitative Easing and the scope of the spending.
I don't know why you think I will dive into the morass that is your reality, Roo. Facts are facts. The Congress controls the cash in this country.

We are in the midst of a modest recovery. The fact that we had the limited stimulus and our common sense POTUS has won political victory after political victory.....is responsible for our avoiding the problems that other nations who opted for austerity are now facing.

You really should come over to the side of fiscal responsibility.

Limited stimulus? Fiscal responsibility?

The hack runs deep in this one....

It's beyond bizarre.
Bizarre? Bizarre is spending 4 years hoping and praying for a worsening economy so that you can say "I told you so". And then....when the economy does not get worse, deny this fact with every fiber of your being.

The economy is better. Jobs are being created, homes are being built, investors are realizing gains. You assholes are all probably better off financially than you were 4 years ago....but won't admit it. I know I am.

Seriously.....you are wrong. Your ideology has failed.
The trickle down recovery working out for you then lonelaugher?

Seems to me Obama has assisted the big companies at the expense of the smaller ones. That is why the stock market looks healthy.
What is the wage growth for 2011? 2012?

Sure you want to use the stock market and unemployment rates as your determiner of recovery?
Kid, go show us where Congress approved the Feds QE,,,c'mon man.

YOU made the statement, you've been asked to prove it and now you are trying to deflect.

I don't know why you think I will dive into the morass that is your reality, Roo. Facts are facts. The Congress controls the cash in this country.

We are in the midst of a modest recovery. The fact that we had the limited stimulus and our common sense POTUS has won political victory after political victory.....is responsible for our avoiding the problems that other nations who opted for austerity are now facing.

You really should come over to the side of fiscal responsibility.
It is not bizarre at all, he simply is as stated.... a hack, and not an informed one.

He is just regurgitating what he's been told.

I don't know why you think I will dive into the morass that is your reality, Roo. Facts are facts. The Congress controls the cash in this country.

We are in the midst of a modest recovery. The fact that we had the limited stimulus and our common sense POTUS has won political victory after political victory.....is responsible for our avoiding the problems that other nations who opted for austerity are now facing.

You really should come over to the side of fiscal responsibility.

Limited stimulus? Fiscal responsibility?

The hack runs deep in this one....

It's beyond bizarre.

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