Obama To Black Graduates: "Luck Kept You From Being A Drug Dealer"

If any white person gave a speech like this, telling black kids that they might as well be drug dealers, that white person would be fired, lose his business deals, and forced into a life in the shadows. But Obama is black, so he can insult his own kind and get away with it.
you are one of the dumbest motherfuckers on this cesspit of a board. congratulations.

Barry is just too damn stupid to understand his words were insulting.
Hopefully someone will knee you in the throat you little monkey. :laugh:
And there you go advocating feral violence. You type people just can't help yourselves.
Bitch please it was guys like you who had a good Ole time castrating ,burning, hanging dragging , raping etc.
You have no right to say jackshit about the violence other people might engage in.

Without question, one of the more stupid comments I've seen on this forum.

I don't know to whom you are referring but I'm sure you know that the KKK was originated as a radical wing of the Democrat party.
Get use to it. It happens often.

BTW welcome to the forum.
If any white person gave a speech like this, telling black kids that they might as well be drug dealers, that white person would be fired, lose his business deals, and forced into a life in the shadows. But Obama is black, so he can insult his own kind and get away with it.
you are one of the dumbest motherfuckers on this cesspit of a board. congratulations.


Remember these words from the D icon and butcher of Vietnam:

"I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years"....?

Try finding that quote on ANY left wing website....you won't I tried. Is it any wonder leftists are so uninformed?
I very much dislike the whole "you didn't build that" ideology. The whole thing is a lie designed specifically to build hate against the wealthy. This is not a healthy way to present anything. Even if one wants to argue that "being in the right place at the right time" is "luck" - the amount of work that goes into a successful business is being glossed over.

To what purpose is saying that "if you get lucky you'll have a good life"? The only thing it does is discourage folks from trying, from putting in the effort that is necessary to achieve success, and instill a belief that they can just sit around and they might 'get lucky.' The real world does not work like that, in the real world businesses are not out to screw anyone (except maybe their competition), and I guarantee you that behind every successful business is an owner who worked their balls off in the beginning, before they could afford to /hire/ other folks to work for them.
that ugly nasty man we had to endure this eight miserable years, make my skin crawl. the stuff he spews is all BS and used to bring down the people in the country
Barry is just too damn stupid to understand his words were insulting.
Hopefully someone will knee you in the throat you little monkey. :laugh:
And there you go advocating feral violence. You type people just can't help yourselves.
Bitch please it was guys like you who had a good Ole time castrating ,burning, hanging dragging , raping etc.
You have no right to say jackshit about the violence other people might engage in.

Without question, one of the more stupid comments I've seen on this forum.

I don't know to whom you are referring but I'm sure you know that the KKK was originated as a radical wing of the Democrat party.
Your point?
If any white person gave a speech like this, telling black kids that they might as well be drug dealers, that white person would be fired, lose his business deals, and forced into a life in the shadows. But Obama is black, so he can insult his own kind and get away with it.
you are one of the dumbest motherfuckers on this cesspit of a board. congratulations.

Go fuck yourself.
We should use every word we have.

Quite obviously you are very limited in that area.
One of the countless number of things you're wrong about.
"That’s a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they’ve been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing you did. So don’t have an attitude."
So what the little rat is saying is for some reason GOD decided NOT TO BLESS some people with "luck" and the others not so lucky can go fuck themselves.
"Luck" being the 'dog whistle' for being born White.
Thanks BONOBO you are a filthy racist asshole.
Got the lease for the apartment above 'Boystown' signed yet?
BONOBO's legacy will be he is the most despised president in American history.
"That’s a pet peeve of mine: People who have been successful and don’t realize they’ve been lucky. That God may have blessed them; it wasn’t nothing you did. So don’t have an attitude."
So what the little rat is saying is for some reason GOD decided NOT TO BLESS some people with "luck" and the others not so lucky can go fuck themselves.
"Luck" being the 'dog whistle' for being born White.
Thanks BONOBO you are a filthy racist asshole.
Got the lease for the apartment above 'Boystown' signed yet?
God, if one exsited, would have no part in success or failure .
To say he/she would, runs counter to the idea of free choice.
Do we need more good black drug dealers?

I don't know if I'm looking at Cliff Huxtable or George Jefferson.
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Soetero is going to leave office with a chip on his shoulder the size of the rock of Gibraltar........same one he came into office with. And I couldn't be happier.....you know deep down this guy is a miserable, angry mofu that hates his country with a passion. His signature policy.......Obamacare.........is a fucking disaster. Nobody likes it in 2016. He will be remembered for causing more racial division than any other president............EVER!! And when the debt bomb goes off, its 100% on his ass. And now we all know that the Iran deal was a hoax.

Who's not winning??!!!!:2up::eusa_think::eusa_think::eusa_think:
Hey....the good news is, we have only about 170 days left of life with Black Bart and then we get decades of being able to laugh our balls off about his legacy!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
BONOBO destroyed what was the beginning of repairing race relations. Fragile yes but a beginning.
Along comes the First AA negro president whose wet dream was to turn America into a socialist country.
He will be remembered as the worst president in US history.

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