Obama to force more diversity in the suburbs

Get ready for a huge increase in violence and you have to shut up or you're a racist!!! Blacks mostly want to live with other blacks and whites mostly want to live with other whites. Our dumb federal government wants to kill off all the whites with a bunch of fucking illogical idiots.
This was posted earlier and no one could answer my question:

Why would anyone believe this is new with Obama?

Hint: it was enacted in the 70s.
Obama's going to encounter a lot of roadblocks trying to implement this plan. Lawsuits will be filed, which will take YEARS to resolve. Before anything can ever happen, Obama will no longer be President, and this effort will be dropped like a hot potato.
No more moving away liberals! Obama's gonna make you embrace diversity! What? Liberals only like diversity until their kids become school age then they move? aww, to bad now libs! You voted for him twice!

Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods TheHill
I have a way out for you...

Inside South Africa's whites-only town of Orania

Inside South Africa s whites-only town of Orania - BBC News
The regulations would use grant money as an incentive for communities to build affordable housing in more affluent areas while also taking steps to upgrade poorer areas with better schools, parks, libraries, grocery stores and transportation routes as part of a gentrification of those communities.

Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods TheHill

Nothing is being forced. If affluent areas want to take grant money to build affordable housing they can. If they don't, they don't.
It simply provides subsidized housing for the followers of his fellow caudillos south of the border and with former death squad leaders as neighbors those places are going to be safe.
Obama is going too far, even for his white liberal friends. They will not put up with cheap housing being put in their fashionable neighborhoods. Unlike the rest of us, the only minorities these people meet are servants and gardeners.
The wealthier communities don't need the money and will turn the grants down. This will turn middle class communities into slums.
Affordable housing for wealthy neighborhood where the poverty rate is say 1-10% of median income? That could get quite pricey in a lot of places.
The regulations would use grant money as an incentive for communities to build affordable housing in more affluent areas while also taking steps to upgrade poorer areas with better schools, parks, libraries, grocery stores and transportation routes as part of a gentrification of those communities.

Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods TheHill

Nothing is being forced. If affluent areas want to take grant money to build affordable housing they can. If they don't, they don't.
Does this mean that they also get to withhold that portion of their taxes which would otherwise have gone to feed those grants?
Maybe they should begin by forcing Michellville, MD (85% black; $106k median income) to accept some poor Appalachians from Cumberland, MD.
Wouldn't happen because there is too much crime and bad schools in Mitchellville for the Appalachians.
Obama better have a chat with the black leaders in this thread ( This is antithetical to a united society US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ) where The Portland African American Leadership said [regarding putting a new store in their neighborhood]:

"It sent the city a letter saying it would "remain opposed to any development in N/NE Portland that does not primarily benefit the Black community." It said the grocery-store development would "increase the desirability of the neighborhood," for "non-oppressed populations."
From what I saw on the news tonight is that cities or towns that are mainly white will have federal funding (for roads, grants, etc) withheld if they don't diversify their predominately upscale white neighborhoods. It's blackmail basically and Obama intends to make it mandatory before he leaves office.
It's going to be seriously unfair to Alaskans, black folks don't like the cold up here and the vast majority gtfo as soon as the military lets them...

I can just see us all fighting over the few who stay up here lol
Maybe they should begin by forcing Michellville, MD (85% black; $106k median income) to accept some poor Appalachians from Cumberland, MD.
Wouldn't happen because there is too much crime and bad schools in Mitchellville for the Appalachians.
Too close to me. Bad Idea.. Baaaad Idea.
besides, isn't the vast majority of Prince Georges county already a subsidized housing welfare county?
Those in gated communities will be okay. I feel for middle class communities though.

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