Obama to House Republicans, "Are you going to serve the rich or the middle class?"

Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

“Pass a bill extending the tax cuts for the middle class, I will sign it tomorrow. Pass it next week, I’ll sign it next week,” Obama said. “Right now our priority needs to be giving middle class Americans and small businesses the security they deserve.”

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

I thought Congress and the President were supposed to work for and support all classes of people and not try and play them off each other for election year benefits how do you think non partisan voters will fill about that?
If the Dems didnt buy off the poor with promises of federal benefits paid for by the rich, they'd never win an election.
I would hope that they arent corrupt enough to be bought.

In 2008, we were in the midst of a financial meltdown. The nation was looking to change direction due to the collapse. We voted Obama in because he was a radical departure from the norm.

In the 4 years since then, the economy has remained in the toilet, unemployment is rampant, and we have become more fractured as a society. The middle class that bought into Barack Obama in 2008, is of a far different mindset now. Obama know this, which is why he courts every fringe element in America. He has no shot at the middle. So he comes out of the closet, he fans racial hatred, he opens the borders to illegals, he funnels money to the AGW cult. All of the fringe, he hopes, will overpower normal America.
I would hope that they arent corrupt enough to be bought.

In 2008, we were in the midst of a financial meltdown. The nation was looking to change direction due to the collapse. We voted Obama in because he was a radical departure from the norm.

In the 4 years since then, the economy has remained in the toilet, unemployment is rampant, and we have become more fractured as a society. The middle class that bought into Barack Obama in 2008, is of a far different mindset now. Obama know this, which is why he courts every fringe element in America. He has no shot at the middle. So he comes out of the closet, he fans racial hatred, he opens the borders to illegals, he funnels money to the AGW cult. All of the fringe, he hopes, will overpower normal America.

And why so many "Swing States" that went for him last time are clearly in play...Obama is in IOWA today BTW...oddly enough pitching Tax Cuts...:eusa_whistle:
And why so many "Swing States" that went for him last time are clearly in play...Obama is in IOWA today BTW...oddly enough pitching Tax Cuts...:eusa_whistle:

Obama knows he is in trouble.

FDR was the last president reelected with unemployment above 7%. Obama undoubtedly loves Josef Stalin, but he still is no FDR.
And why so many "Swing States" that went for him last time are clearly in play...Obama is in IOWA today BTW...oddly enough pitching Tax Cuts...:eusa_whistle:

Obama knows he is in trouble.

FDR was the last president reelected with unemployment above 7%. Obama undoubtedly loves Josef Stalin, but he still is no FDR.

He's known it for months. he knows his record sucks...to it's time for him to BUY VOTES and throw out some baobles and trinquets/pacifiers as if he is in some sort of Mardi Gras parade or something...he thinks we're stupid and will accept his empty platitudes.
I would hope that they arent corrupt enough to be bought.

In 2008, we were in the midst of a financial meltdown. The nation was looking to change direction due to the collapse. We voted Obama in because he was a radical departure from the norm.

In the 4 years since then, the economy has remained in the toilet, unemployment is rampant, and we have become more fractured as a society. The middle class that bought into Barack Obama in 2008, is of a far different mindset now. Obama know this, which is why he courts every fringe element in America. He has no shot at the middle. So he comes out of the closet, he fans racial hatred, he opens the borders to illegals, he funnels money to the AGW cult. All of the fringe, he hopes, will overpower normal America.

And why so many "Swing States" that went for him last time are clearly in play...Obama is in IOWA today BTW...oddly enough pitching Tax Cuts...:eusa_whistle:

Funny, isn't it? He's touting tax cuts for the middle class as part of his political platform while simultaneously celebrating the obamataxes that the middle class will have to eat. The obamataxes that will far outstrip and offset whatever small benefit we might realize with an extension of the current "tax cuts".
And why so many "Swing States" that went for him last time are clearly in play...Obama is in IOWA today BTW...oddly enough pitching Tax Cuts...:eusa_whistle:

Obama knows he is in trouble.

FDR was the last president reelected with unemployment above 7%. Obama undoubtedly loves Josef Stalin, but he still is no FDR.

He's known it for months. he knows his record sucks...to it's time for him to BUY VOTES and throw out some baobles and trinquets/pacifiers as if he is in some sort of Mardi Gras parade or something...he thinks we're stupid and will accept his empty platitudes.

When his attitude is so clearly obvious, that his constituents are so stupid and cheaply bought, I'm surprised that they don't reject his pandering. Or maybe he's right about too many of his supporters?
Obama knows he is in trouble.

FDR was the last president reelected with unemployment above 7%. Obama undoubtedly loves Josef Stalin, but he still is no FDR.

He's known it for months. he knows his record sucks...to it's time for him to BUY VOTES and throw out some baobles and trinquets/pacifiers as if he is in some sort of Mardi Gras parade or something...he thinks we're stupid and will accept his empty platitudes.

When his attitude is so clearly obvious, that his constituents are so stupid and cheaply bought, I'm surprised that they don't reject his pandering. Or maybe he's right about too many of his supporters?

Because they're nothing but cheap, $2 whores and every night is Saturday night... :eusa_shhh:
He's known it for months. he knows his record sucks...to it's time for him to BUY VOTES and throw out some baobles and trinquets/pacifiers as if he is in some sort of Mardi Gras parade or something...he thinks we're stupid and will accept his empty platitudes.

When his attitude is so clearly obvious, that his constituents are so stupid and cheaply bought, I'm surprised that they don't reject his pandering. Or maybe he's right about too many of his supporters?

Because they're nothing but cheap, $2 whores and every night is Saturday night... :eusa_shhh:

I cannot ignore the oft-stated "because he's black, like me" comment so blatantly espoused by many of his supporters.
Obama knows he is in trouble.

FDR was the last president reelected with unemployment above 7%. Obama undoubtedly loves Josef Stalin, but he still is no FDR.

He's known it for months. he knows his record sucks...to it's time for him to BUY VOTES and throw out some baobles and trinquets/pacifiers as if he is in some sort of Mardi Gras parade or something...he thinks we're stupid and will accept his empty platitudes.

When his attitude is so clearly obvious, that his constituents are so stupid and cheaply bought, I'm surprised that they don't reject his pandering. Or maybe he's right about too many of his supporters?

You mean the American education system as designed by Government and the Unions is working as designed? Be good workers, be good citizens, and NEVER question government?
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

“Pass a bill extending the tax cuts for the middle class, I will sign it tomorrow. Pass it next week, I’ll sign it next week,” Obama said. “Right now our priority needs to be giving middle class Americans and small businesses the security they deserve.”

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

Just so you understand how spin works...seeing as you fall for it so easily.....

Here is another way to say it......

Obama refuses to allow the bottom 98% to continue to enjoy the Bush tax cuts unless he is allowed to punish the top 2% by NOT letting them to continue to enjoy the same cuts.

So he is actually using the middle and lower classes as the fall guys in an effort to push around the top 2%.

So bold of him. So manly of him.
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

“Pass a bill extending the tax cuts for the middle class, I will sign it tomorrow. Pass it next week, I’ll sign it next week,” Obama said. “Right now our priority needs to be giving middle class Americans and small businesses the security they deserve.”

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

Just so you understand how spin works...seeing as you fall for it so easily.....

Here is another way to say it......

Obama refuses to allow the bottom 98% to continue to enjoy the Bush tax cuts unless he is allowed to punish the top 2% by NOT letting them to continue to enjoy the same cuts.

So he is actually using the middle and lower classes as the fall guys in an effort to push around the top 2%.

So bold of him. So manly of him.

So again...as i stated a couple months ago? Obama is using the Class Warfare/Envy angle...he's got nothing else. His record sucks.
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

Just so you understand how spin works...seeing as you fall for it so easily.....

Here is another way to say it......

Obama refuses to allow the bottom 98% to continue to enjoy the Bush tax cuts unless he is allowed to punish the top 2% by NOT letting them to continue to enjoy the same cuts.

So he is actually using the middle and lower classes as the fall guys in an effort to push around the top 2%.

So bold of him. So manly of him.

So again...as i stated a couple months ago? Obama is using the Class Warfare/Envy angle...he's got nothing else. His record sucks.

Seeing as the projected revenue from his suggested tax changes will support about a week of governemnt spending....YES...it is his typical class warfare mantra.
Obama is a puppet of the Elite 1% but we're supposed to be distracted by this artificial "class warfare".
His speech was very good, let's agree to go with what we already agree on. The middle class tax cuts can be extended then the idiot Republicans can try to sell tax cuts for the rich.

I know most of you don't make anywhere near $250,000 a year, why are you fighting so hard to make the already rich, richer. Look out for yourselves..
His speech was very good, let's agree to go with what we already agree on. The middle class tax cuts can be extended then the idiot Republicans can try to sell tax cuts for the rich.

I know most of you don't make anywhere near $250,000 a year, why are you fighting so hard to make the already rich, richer. Look out for yourselves..

If ever the leftist ideology was summed up so well as this, I'd be surprised.

Thanks for the insight.
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

“Pass a bill extending the tax cuts for the middle class, I will sign it tomorrow. Pass it next week, I’ll sign it next week,” Obama said. “Right now our priority needs to be giving middle class Americans and small businesses the security they deserve.”

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?


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