Obama to House Republicans, "Are you going to serve the rich or the middle class?"

Energy, Labor, Education, EPA, countless departments dont have authorization from the Constitution.

If we followed the Constitution we would be spending significantly less.

Tell me why you don't think those departments are Constitutional, if you don't mind.

Because I've read the Constitution. The Federal Government is a government of enumerated powers and not general powers. The Constitution doesnt authorize regulation in those area. And the 10th amendment provides that any authority not given the Federal Government by the Constitution and that authority is retained by the States and individuals.

Well sure, if you actually read the Constitution. But who does that? I mean, how are the central planners supposed to demonstrate their superior intellect if they're limited to what they can oversee? Come on man, they obviously know what's best for everyone else and as history shows, when the people but their faith in men with unlimited powers, everything comes up sunshine and rainbows...:cool:
I just said they want to make it more efficient. What are they going to do to make it more efficient. Just wish it so?

Define "bleeding money".

It takes in less than it makes.

Not really sure why thats difficult to understand.

The Post Office is mandated by law to not post a profit. I'm not sure why you think the Post Office being a Constitutional institution implies it must profit off of the People.

So you think you should waste the people's money instead of being wise stewards with the tax payers money?
Tell me why you don't think those departments are Constitutional, if you don't mind.

Because I've read the Constitution. The Federal Government is a government of enumerated powers and not general powers. The Constitution doesnt authorize regulation in those area. And the 10th amendment provides that any authority not given the Federal Government by the Constitution and that authority is retained by the States and individuals.

In your reading of the Constitution you missed the Commerce Clause and Article I Section 8 Clause 1.


See, Avatar, this is always going to be the problem with people like you. You can't just focus on one part of the document, you have to look at its history. And don't you think that by now the Supreme Court would have ruled all those departments unconstitutional if there was enough law to back that up?

It's Constitutional until the SCOTUS tells us it isn't, is pretty much what I'm telling you.

So, how much of a cut are you willing to make in Defense?
Because I've read the Constitution. The Federal Government is a government of enumerated powers and not general powers. The Constitution doesnt authorize regulation in those area. And the 10th amendment provides that any authority not given the Federal Government by the Constitution and that authority is retained by the States and individuals.

In your reading of the Constitution you missed the Commerce Clause and Article I Section 8 Clause 1.

You do realize that energy, labor, education, and the Environment aren't commerce, right?

Yeah - commercial interests dumping poison into an interstate waterway isn't commerce, Ok, got it.

The transport of nuclear materials from their production site to the nuclear plant they will be used at - is not commerce. Ok, got it.

Student loans aren't for the general welfare, got it.
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It takes in less than it makes.

Not really sure why thats difficult to understand.

The Post Office is mandated by law to not post a profit. I'm not sure why you think the Post Office being a Constitutional institution implies it must profit off of the People.

So you think you should waste the people's money instead of being wise stewards with the tax payers money?

Sure, if you consider a Constitutional institution a "waste of money". I've seen no evidence that they've netted that much of a loss in recent decades, at any rate. They have had some recent losses but in previous years when they are in the black they remit the excess to the People.

Did you know that in the first Postal Act free postage was given to newspapers for certain purposes? Of course not.
Because I've read the Constitution. The Federal Government is a government of enumerated powers and not general powers. The Constitution doesnt authorize regulation in those area. And the 10th amendment provides that any authority not given the Federal Government by the Constitution and that authority is retained by the States and individuals.

In your reading of the Constitution you missed the Commerce Clause and Article I Section 8 Clause 1.


See, Avatar, this is always going to be the problem with people like you. You can't just focus on one part of the document, you have to look at its history. And don't you think that by now the Supreme Court would have ruled all those departments unconstitutional if there was enough law to back that up?

It's Constitutional until the SCOTUS tells us it isn't, is pretty much what I'm telling you.

So, how much of a cut are you willing to make in Defense?

Not true. It's unconstitutional if the people say so. Remember, it was the SCOTUS that said slavery was Constitutional and that free states in the North MUST return escaped slaves. It was only the nullification efforts of Northern states that kept free men in the North free.

For what it's worth, this Libertarian is willing to make significant cuts to defense, even though such oversight is absolutely Constitutional. Of course, the bigger costs come from domestic welfare programs. So, how much of a cut are you willing to make in domestic welfare spending like Medicare, Medicade and soon, Obamacare?
Yeah - commercial interests dumping poison into an interstate waterway isn't commerce, Ok, got it.

The transport of nuclear materials from their production site to the nuclear plant they will be used at - is not commerce. Ok, got it.

Student loans aren't for the general welfare, got it.

Are you on drugs?



Section. 8.

Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
Yeah - commercial interests dumping poison into an interstate waterway isn't commerce, Ok, got it.

The transport of nuclear materials from their production site to the nuclear plant they will be used at - is not commerce. Ok, got it.

Student loans aren't for the general welfare, got it.

Are you on drugs?



Section. 8.

Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Yeah - commercial interests dumping poison into an interstate waterway isn't commerce, Ok, got it.

The transport of nuclear materials from their production site to the nuclear plant they will be used at - is not commerce. Ok, got it.

Student loans aren't for the general welfare, got it.

Are you on drugs?



Section. 8.

Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;


Question: If you believe the general welfare clause allows the federal government broad powers of oversight, what is the point of enumerating specific powers and the 10th amendment?
You lefties have to know what's going on. It isn't about raising more federal revenue. Confiscating more money from the hard working people who gross more than $250,000 per year won't make a drop in the bucket of federal spending. As a matter of fact it will probably have the opposite effect on the economy. It's a cheap political trick designed to massage the socialist base and put congress on the spot. If they approve the measure it will be portrayed by the radical left media as another "read my lips" event and if they vote it down it gives Hussein more class warfare ammunition.

What it is all about is pitting one group (the "poor", and increasingly, the middle-class) who have been told for generations that they are victims, that they are worthy of and deserve so much more than they have, and that there is another whole group of people who can be held solely and personally responsible for the plight of the "have-nots".
What are you even talking about? The fact that the government will need to fund it operations in the future? Wow. How profound.

well you can send them all your weekly paychecks you are so smart about it..the rest of us are tired of this bloated ass Government asking us FOR MORE monies..

I get paid monthly.

Is it to much to ask that the taxpayers of the future fund the future? We have to pay for every expense the government will ever have right now? That's a bit absurd, don't you think?

Dude, seriously...give up the ganga, or whatever it is you're doing. Or maybe enlarge your information base...seriously.
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

“Pass a bill extending the tax cuts for the middle class, I will sign it tomorrow. Pass it next week, I’ll sign it next week,” Obama said. “Right now our priority needs to be giving middle class Americans and small businesses the security they deserve.”

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

Congress is suppose to server all Americans, Not just your Precious Middle Class.
Good move by Obama. This will pin the GOP trash in the corner, show bright and clear to the american people that the GOP hates the middle class, and only fights for their 1% masters.

You gotta be as dumb as the Rderp, 1st the tax cuts were just for the rich,now their OK??

I'll blubber out anything as long its anti Republican even if its as dumb as dirt???!!!

Which party brought the original tax cuts to reality??
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

Is this the same Obama that gave gazillions to Wall Street & unions, golfs several times a week dines on Kobe beef and has worked all of about 18 months at a real job? THAT Obama?

Fuck him... who gives a shit.. he's a s far out of touch with reality as anyone.

YOU have to excuse the OP...He's in California...and just stupid by writ.

And I bet he believes there are 57 states now too.
well you can send them all your weekly paychecks you are so smart about it..the rest of us are tired of this bloated ass Government asking us FOR MORE monies..

I get paid monthly.

Is it to much to ask that the taxpayers of the future fund the future? We have to pay for every expense the government will ever have right now? That's a bit absurd, don't you think?

Dude, seriously...give up the ganga, or whatever it is you're doing. Or maybe enlarge your information base...seriously.

We have to pay for every expense the government will ever have right now?

Yes or no?
Good move by Obama. This will pin the GOP trash in the corner, show bright and clear to the american people that the GOP hates the middle class, and only fights for their 1% masters.

I thought you guys wanted to raise taxes to pay for all the bullshit Obama and Bush spent us into oblivion on.

Do you really think anyone will buy that you can tax the rich and cut taxes on the middle class and poor and still afford all the welfare out there?

We are 1.5 trillion dollars behind on a budget, you couldn't even get 100billion in taxes out of the rich if you got a huge increase of taxes set on them... Then you have to deal with blowback of the rich moving their money out of the country, not spending, not hiering and not investing as much.

This crap is getting so beyond old.

Now only has Obama run up the deficit well past what Bush did, he keeps everyone on some form of welfare and gives out tax credits... Obama and Dems don't want to pay for anything, just like Bush and the Rep congress didn't.
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

“Pass a bill extending the tax cuts for the middle class, I will sign it tomorrow. Pass it next week, I’ll sign it next week,” Obama said. “Right now our priority needs to be giving middle class Americans and small businesses the security they deserve.”

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

No Mr. Obama, now that you and other asshole Dems got your Obamatax passed, we will be serving the government like good little slaves.
I get paid monthly.

Is it to much to ask that the taxpayers of the future fund the future? We have to pay for every expense the government will ever have right now? That's a bit absurd, don't you think?

Dude, seriously...give up the ganga, or whatever it is you're doing. Or maybe enlarge your information base...seriously.

We have to pay for every expense the government will ever have right now?

Yes or no?

So I guess you're 100% ok with Bush's spending habits and never bitched about them?

Holy fuck, you stupid people are getting stupider.

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