Obama to House Republicans, "Are you going to serve the rich or the middle class?"

Obama and Democrats love the poor so much they want to turn every American into one

No we don't.

On a related note, righties are so steeped in theoretical mumbo jumbo and so lacking of any real world knowledge they actually think poverty could be entirely eliminated - indeed we could all be wealthy - if everyone just worked hard enough.

We've been fighting the "War on Poverty" the Democrat way since 1965....what's the Exit Strategy?

I think Dems love keeping people poor and beholden, it's slave owner mentality

Just goes to prove that a pittance goes a long way towards perpetuating the liberal/Dem hold on the masses of "poor" who think they are getting something for nothing.
I've never heard of the American Civil Was.

Simile moron. Both are facts from the same period.

Even when its from wikipedia and it says "citation needed" .

Good fucking gawd, even if we dispute the motives of the king of Prussia, the facts of the situation remain. As I stated, the Prussian education system was in fact developed to create a worker and military caste, the United States DID adopt it.

Seriously, get your head out of Obama's ass and get an education.
...while wallowing in your partisan bigotry, cowardice, and intellectual dishonesty.

Yup. All of that.
And proud of it.

Honestly, and I mean this with no due respect, you're not worth responding to. You don't even understand what's at play, and you have no fucking CLUE what you're talking about. Seriously, when I read your posts, I feel myself getting stupider, trying to understand your fucking point. Then I realize your only point is "Conservatives Bad, Liberals Good."


Your questions have been addressed, smart guy. I hope you're better at discerning targets than you are in discerning intellectual points. Because if not you've probably shot a lot of innocent people.

I'm saying you're dumb.
The Congress extended the BOOOSH tax cuts for all.
I see.... GWB cut taxes for everyone, not just the rich.
So.. all the people that used the term "GWB's tax cuts for the rich" are liars?
No. He did cut taxes for the rich. The rich are a subset of the all. Have you ever seen a Venn diagram?
Wow. How dishonest are you willing to be to save face for yourself and your Secular Messiah?
I'll bet you cannot cite a SINGLE post where you corrected soemone for referring GWB's tax cuts as for the rich, explaining that he cut EVERYONE'S taxes.

Who did The Dems serve?
Who did The Obama serve?
Their constituency.
I see... so, when GWB cut taxes for everyone, he then served the same constituency.
Because taxes were cut for everyone.

This is precisely why its wrong that we all have different tax rates. We should all pay the same rate, period.

No we shouldn't. How would account for the loss of revenue? You realize that taxing everyone at any rate will never make up for the lost revenue in losing all the tax money from the wealthy right?

Oh, I know this one, so we cut spending right? Do you have ANY idea how much you'd have to cut spending to make up for that?

Flat tax rates are the dumbest fucking tax policy ever. Look at the countries that actually have a flat tax rate...maybe you'll see why it's the dumbest shit ever.

Here's a crazy idea. YOU CUT SPENDING.

I dont know why this is difficult for you guys to understand. Stop oppressing the people. Allow the people, both rich and poor, work less for the government and more for themselves.

Okay. Take 20% from Defense before you take from anywhere else. Deal?
No we don't.

On a related note, righties are so steeped in theoretical mumbo jumbo and so lacking of any real world knowledge they actually think poverty could be entirely eliminated - indeed we could all be wealthy - if everyone just worked hard enough.

We've been fighting the "War on Poverty" the Democrat way since 1965....what's the Exit Strategy?

I think Dems love keeping people poor and beholden, it's slave owner mentality

Democrats aren't keeping anyone poor, and none of us own slaves.

Its sad that you can't think of any other way to make your arguments than to accuse people of being slave holders.

What makes this so perfect is, those beholden for their upkeep, those who inhabit the plantation, are so blissfully, ignorantly unaware of their enslavement. Baaahhhh! The sheep bleat ever more loudly...
these con assholes never deal in facts.

they are the slaves of decades of republican lies

TM. I dont know what will ever get through to you. But I truly hope that you will someday have these scales of lies and corruption covering your eyes lifted and that you will see the truth of what you have let yourself become and change. I hope that one day you will hear the Words of Christ touch your heart and come to Him and be saved. Because the path you are leads to nothing but anger, bitterness, and pain for you and those who love you. Dont settle for what you've let yourself become.

then tell me why you pretend decades of court documented evidence of republicans cheating in elections is not true?

why do you pretend Obama is not an American citizen.

why do you refuse studies done by the Bush admin on voting?

its obvious its you who lie

You dont have decades of court documents. You have alleged court documents from a decades ago. There is a huge difference there. And being familiar with how court documents are made, im not impressed with it.

Ive never claimed Obama wasnt a citizen. Quite the opposite. Why do you feel the need to lie about my position?

I havent seen studies down by the Bush administration nor do I find them relevant to anything Im talking about. So why would I refuse something that's irrelevant? And how do you refuse studies anyway?

Why are you so unwilling to raise your level of discourse? Why won't you try to communicate better? It's not difficult to practice grammar or spelling. It's not difficult to arrange coherent sentences. Or to make logical points. People do it here all the time. Why do you let yourself be seen in a way that hurts your cause when it doesnt take that much effort to write better?

You could do so much better. It wouldnt be difficult to. You could rise the level of communication on the board. But you don't. why?
Can you name a single instance in which the Republicans have advanced the needs of the poor?

You mean by not allowing them to stay poor.

Like when they worked welfare reform and got Clinton to sign it ?

I'd say yes.

prove that with documented facts.

its a lie you fucking idiot

So Republicans didnt pass welfare reform during the Clinton administration? Are you seriously unaware of this?
Yup. All of that.
And proud of it.

Honestly, and I mean this with no due respect, you're not worth responding to. You don't even understand what's at play, and you have no fucking CLUE what you're talking about. Seriously, when I read your posts, I feel myself getting stupider, trying to understand your fucking point. Then I realize your only point is "Conservatives Bad, Liberals Good."

Your questions have been addressed,
This is a lie, at least as far as you go, as you have yet to answer those questions.

But then, lying is a vital tool for a partisan bigot whose only message is "Conservatives Bad, Liberals Good" - for without those lies, you'd have nothing to post.
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Okay. Take 20% from Defense before you take from anywhere else. Deal?

Nope. I think we take 40% off the politicians pay and benefits before we take it from anywhere else. However, I dont have a problem cutting the waste in the defense department. There is no reason we cant have a completely efficient Military and even increase some of the pay and benefits for the troops and not cut spending.

However, Defense is the only department that ever gets cut. Let's cut some of the other departments yet, particularly the ones that arent Constitutional.
And proud of it.

Honestly, and I mean this with no due respect, you're not worth responding to. You don't even understand what's at play, and you have no fucking CLUE what you're talking about. Seriously, when I read your posts, I feel myself getting stupider, trying to understand your fucking point. Then I realize your only point is "Conservatives Bad, Liberals Good."

Your questions have been addressed,
This is a lie, at least as far as you go, as you have yet to answer those questions.

But then, lying is a vital tool for a partisan bigot whose only message is "Conservatives Bad, Liberals Good" - for without those lies, you'd have nothing to post.

Okay. Take 20% from Defense before you take from anywhere else. Deal?

Nope. I think we take 40% off the politicians pay and benefits before we take it from anywhere else. However, I dont have a problem cutting the waste in the defense department. There is no reason we cant have a completely efficient Military and even increase some of the pay and benefits for the troops and not cut spending.

However, Defense is the only department that ever gets cut. Let's cut some of the other departments yet, particularly the ones that arent Constitutional.

I'd be willing to cut what we pay Senators and members of the house. I don't know that 40% is the number, and I'm not even sure how much a dent that will make, but I'm on board with that.

Now, tell me which departments aren't Constitutional, in your view.
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

“Pass a bill extending the tax cuts for the middle class, I will sign it tomorrow. Pass it next week, I’ll sign it next week,” Obama said. “Right now our priority needs to be giving middle class Americans and small businesses the security they deserve.”
So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

What? I thought the Bush tax cuts went only to the rich and screwed over the middle class.

Gosh, you musta missed it when the &&^$% pubs wanted to vote for exactly that. That's what they are still threatening to do.

Did you miss that?
Your questions have been addressed,
This is a lie, at least as far as you go, as you have yet to answer those questions.

But then, lying is a vital tool for a partisan bigot whose only message is "Conservatives Bad, Liberals Good" - for without those lies, you'd have nothing to post.
It does not suprise me in the least that you are not bothered by your partisan bigorty and your intellectual dishonesty - though, again, I am happy to see you are happy to admit their presence.
You lefties have to know what's going on. It isn't about raising more federal revenue. Confiscating more money from the hard working people who gross more than $250,000 per year won't make a drop in the bucket of federal spending. As a matter of fact it will probably have the opposite effect on the economy. It's a cheap political trick designed to massage the socialist base and put congress on the spot. If they approve the measure it will be portrayed by the radical left media as another "read my lips" event and if they vote it down it gives Hussein more class warfare ammunition.
Okay. Take 20% from Defense before you take from anywhere else. Deal?

Nope. I think we take 40% off the politicians pay and benefits before we take it from anywhere else. However, I dont have a problem cutting the waste in the defense department. There is no reason we cant have a completely efficient Military and even increase some of the pay and benefits for the troops and not cut spending.

However, Defense is the only department that ever gets cut. Let's cut some of the other departments yet, particularly the ones that arent Constitutional.

I'd be willing to cut what we pay Senators and members of the house. I don't know that 40% is the number, and I'm not even sure how much a dent that will make, but I'm on board with that.

Now, tell me which departments aren't Constitutional, in your view.

Energy, Labor, Education, EPA, countless departments dont have authorization from the Constitution.

If we followed the Constitution we would be spending significantly less.
You lefties have to know what's going on. It isn't about raising more federal revenue. Confiscating more money from the hard working people who gross more than $250,000 per year won't make a drop in the bucket of federal spending. As a matter of fact it will probably have the opposite effect on the economy. It's a cheap political trick designed to massage the socialist base and put congress on the spot. If they approve the measure it will be portrayed by the radical left media as another "read my lips" event and if they vote it down it gives Hussein more class warfare ammunition.

dear fucking idiot.

this tax law was passed claiming it would produce jsut what you claim.

It never did work as claimed.

that has been proven already so why are you lying about it now?

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