Obama to House Republicans, "Are you going to serve the rich or the middle class?"

OohPooPahDoo says that GWB cut taxes for -everyone- and that you are a liar.

Because taxes were cut for everyone.

This is precisely why its wrong that we all have different tax rates. We should all pay the same rate, period.

No we shouldn't. How would account for the loss of revenue? You realize that taxing everyone at any rate will never make up for the lost revenue in losing all the tax money from the wealthy right?

Oh, I know this one, so we cut spending right? Do you have ANY idea how much you'd have to cut spending to make up for that?

Flat tax rates are the dumbest fucking tax policy ever. Look at the countries that actually have a flat tax rate...maybe you'll see why it's the dumbest shit ever.
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

“Pass a bill extending the tax cuts for the middle class, I will sign it tomorrow. Pass it next week, I’ll sign it next week,” Obama said. “Right now our priority needs to be giving middle class Americans and small businesses the security they deserve.”

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

First off...the way he phrased it only continues to show he really has no class and is, in fact, in way over his skinny ass.

But I have always advocated for this....in a form.

Obama can raise taxes on the rich as long as for every 1 dollar he raises taxes...he shows 3 dollars in spending cuts...not 5 years out....now, cut now, cut the crap....and it does not all come from the military.
What? I thought the Bush tax cuts went only to the rich and screwed over the middle class.

Wow. You're even worse at reading comprehension than I thought.

Dummy, the reason the BTCs screw the middle class is BECAUSE of the tax cuts they continue to give the rich. Most economists recommend ending the portion of the cuts that extend to the rich. You know, people who actually study this shit.

Most economist recommend no such thing.

Can you just cut the libturds some slack and quit using truth? I mean, it's not nice to tease the animals.
Bull crap. Republicans despise the poor, are indifferent to the middle class, and want to give the entire nation to the wealthy. At every opportunity possible, Republicans support the poor getting less and the rich getting more. That's a fact!

Your talking points aren't at all accurate. Which is why you will lose. The Truth will always set you free.

Can you name a single instance in which the Republicans have advanced the needs of the poor?

You mean by not allowing them to stay poor.

Like when they worked welfare reform and got Clinton to sign it ?

I'd say yes.
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

“Pass a bill extending the tax cuts for the middle class, I will sign it tomorrow. Pass it next week, I’ll sign it next week,” Obama said. “Right now our priority needs to be giving middle class Americans and small businesses the security they deserve.”

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

First off...the way he phrased it only continues to show he really has no class and is, in fact, in way over his skinny ass.

But I have always advocated for this....in a form.

Obama can raise taxes on the rich as long as for every 1 dollar he raises taxes...he shows 3 dollars in spending cuts...not 5 years out....now, cut now, cut the crap....and it does not all come from the military.

How much does get to come from Defense, then?
these con assholes never deal in facts.

they are the slaves of decades of republican lies

TM. I dont know what will ever get through to you. But I truly hope that you will someday have these scales of lies and corruption covering your eyes lifted and that you will see the truth of what you have let yourself become and change. I hope that one day you will hear the Words of Christ touch your heart and come to Him and be saved. Because the path you are leads to nothing but anger, bitterness, and pain for you and those who love you. Dont settle for what you've let yourself become.

then tell me why you pretend decades of court documented evidence of republicans cheating in elections is not true?

why do you pretend Obama is not an American citizen.

why do you refuse studies done by the Bush admin on voting?

its obvious its you who lie
Honestly, Uncensored, and I mean this with no due respect, you're not worth responding to.


Look dude, you're a leftist because your stupid, we get it.

You don't even understand what's at play, and you have fucking CLUE what you're talking about. Seriously, when I read your posts, I feel myself getting stupider, trying to understand your fucking point. Then I realize your only point is "Conservatives Good, Liberals Bad."

So then, which has a greater fiduciary impact, Medicare Part D or the Bush tax cuts?

But you don't even understand the points that are made that completely invalidate your arguments. So what's the point? Honestly, this latest tirade I can't quite get a grasp of. We're talking about the effects that the Bush Tax Cuts' rates on the rich have had on the middle class and you go traipsing into the conversation like a bull in a china shop talking about fucking Medicare.

So then, which has a greater fiduciary impact, Medicare Part D or the Bush tax cuts?

Why don't you shut the fuck up, stay focused on THIS issue, and maybe learn something? Everything to you is one fluid talking point. But I'm not going to engage with you on it anymore.

So stupid, which has a greater fiduciary impact, Medicare Part D or the Bush tax cuts?
I'll still sleep well.
...while wallowing in your partisan bigotry, cowardice, and intellectual dishonesty.

Yup. All of that.
And proud of it.

Honestly, and I mean this with no due respect, you're not worth responding to. You don't even understand what's at play, and you have no fucking CLUE what you're talking about. Seriously, when I read your posts, I feel myself getting stupider, trying to understand your fucking point. Then I realize your only point is "Conservatives Bad, Liberals Good."

Seriously! This guy is ultra focused on dick sucking. Why is that?

1) You're telling me that Conservatives don't enjoy giving sweet, sweet head to the rich. That makes me laugh. Because that's all you Conservatives know when it comes to fiscal policy. "Just keep blowing them! It's the only way they won't take their balls and go home."

2) See #1

Again with the gay dick sucking analogies. Something you want to get off your chest there pal?

Sounds more like he wants something on his chest......so something else can reach to his.....well....you get the picture.
Bull crap. Republicans despise the poor, are indifferent to the middle class, and want to give the entire nation to the wealthy. At every opportunity possible, Republicans support the poor getting less and the rich getting more. That's a fact!

Your talking points aren't at all accurate. Which is why you will lose. The Truth will always set you free.

Can you name a single instance in which the Republicans have advanced the needs of the poor?

Well let's see:

Cut taxes for everyone
Ended the Cold war
Protected them from harm.
We approved the Keystone Pipeline.
Passed countless bills to create jobs the past 2 years. They are still sitting on Harry Reid's desk.

I could go on, but that would be a waste of my time as you are going to ignore it and continue to pretend Republicans havent done squat for anyone.

I will say that the biggest thing we do is advocate for the Constitution to be upheld so all people, whether rich or poor, can be protected from oppressive politicians. Unfortunately, we havent been winning that battle yet.
Does anyone really listen to what the man says anymore, except his rabid cult following base?

Not long now folks, send him back to community agitating, the job he's more suited for
He should have asked himself that question when he gave $700 billion to the banks...then another $200 billion...and probably more before the year is out.
How does this not make Obama for the wealthy?

He didn't give 700 B to the banks.

What do you call a "loan" that is never repaid?

An "interest only" loan ?

What does that have to do with TARP?

In TARP the government bought troubled loan assets from banks.
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OohPooPahDoo says that GWB cut taxes for -everyone- and that you are a liar.

Because taxes were cut for everyone.

This is precisely why its wrong that we all have different tax rates. We should all pay the same rate, period.
No we shouldn't. How would account for the loss of revenue? You realize that taxing everyone at any rate will never make up for the lost revenue in losing all the tax money from the wealthy right?
You mean the revenue lost because of Obama's tax cuts for the rich, right?
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

“Pass a bill extending the tax cuts for the middle class, I will sign it tomorrow. Pass it next week, I’ll sign it next week,” Obama said. “Right now our priority needs to be giving middle class Americans and small businesses the security they deserve.”

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

So, it sounds like you're for cutting taxes for some but you want to raise taxes on wealthier Americans. My question is why raise taxes on anybody?

Do you believe raising taxes on the "rich" will increase revenue to the government? There is much evidence that suggests just the opposite may be true. The UK is experiencing the Laffer curve right now by NOT realizing the revenue promised after raising taxes:

The Laffer Curve Wreaks Havoc in the United Kingdom - Daniel J. Mitchell - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

But let's say I'm wrong and raising taxes on the "rich" does result in more revenue to the government. Are you going to actually pay down the deficit with that extra money...or just spend more? If it's the former, please provide any evidence that such a thing could happen in Washington DC. If it's the latter, why in the hell should we support even more deficit spending?

Again, the question is WHY do you want to see tax rates increased on anybody, especially after you acknowledge that taxes on the "middle class" should not be increased. A little logic and reason if you please.

In reality, the libs would most definitely prefer completely confiscating all wealth from those they consider "wealthy". Of course, spending that to decrease the deficit is not in their plan. They would rather pretend it would be used to better to lots of the "poor". In reality, any confiscated wealth would be redistributed to the liberal/progressive supporters. But let's not put that fact, as proven by past performance, out for the public to peruse.
OohPooPahDoo says that GWB cut taxes for -everyone- and that you are a liar.

Because taxes were cut for everyone.

This is precisely why its wrong that we all have different tax rates. We should all pay the same rate, period.

No we shouldn't. How would account for the loss of revenue? You realize that taxing everyone at any rate will never make up for the lost revenue in losing all the tax money from the wealthy right?

Oh, I know this one, so we cut spending right? Do you have ANY idea how much you'd have to cut spending to make up for that?

Flat tax rates are the dumbest fucking tax policy ever. Look at the countries that actually have a flat tax rate...maybe you'll see why it's the dumbest shit ever.

Here's a crazy idea. YOU CUT SPENDING.

I dont know why this is difficult for you guys to understand. Stop oppressing the people. Allow the people, both rich and poor, work less for the government and more for themselves.
Cut taxes for everyone

Maybe I'd give this to you if we weren't also not paying for two massive wars at the same time. That's why the BTC are so harmful to poor people. We all have to pay for them in one way or another. So nope, this isn't a point for you.

Ended the Cold war

LOL. How in the fuck does that help poor people? Or are you finally admitting the Cold War hysteria was just two countries ginning up bullshit to help sell a nuclear arms build up?

But I still don't see how that helps poor people.

Protected them from harm.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

We approved the Keystone Pipeline.

Help the poor by raping Mother Earth and putting more millions of dollars into the hands of the oil companies to continue raping the earth with. Mmm. Nope. Sorry.

Passed countless bills to create jobs the past 2 years. They are still sitting on Harry Reid's desk.

BULLSHIT ALERT! Those are mostly deregulation jobs that have ZERO promised jobs in them. So you lose on that point.

I could go on, but that would be a waste of my time as you are going to ignore it and continue to pretend Republicans havent done squat for anyone.

It's easy to ignore it when you use bullshit and distortion to make your points.

I will say that the biggest thing we do is advocate for the Constitution to be upheld so all people, whether rich or poor, can be protected from oppressive politicians. Unfortunately, we havent been winning that battle yet.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

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