Obama to House Republicans, "Are you going to serve the rich or the middle class?"

A truly nonpartisan person would not favor in increase in tax rates for some but not all.

Bzzzzzzt. Wrong. A truly non-partisan person would look at, as Star Trek so eloquently put it, the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few. Especially when that "Few" is so well-isolated from the every day shit that threatens to bring down the middle class once and for all.

But being a partisan hack like you probably even warps your knowledge of what words mean, so I forgive you. Like Jesus would.

Did JESUS ever say to his desciples or ANYONE he ever ran into...

..."Oh and by the way? Give to Caesar what is Caesar's...Give to GOD what is God's...and by the way? You see that chap over there? He's An agent of Caesar's...just give your taxes to HIM...HE will decide where it goes..."?

Son? YOU are one of those that uses RELIGION when YOU think it suits your purpose in invoking the name of Jesus.


YOU are dismissed.
Bush should have ended the tax cuts before he invaded and occupied/(nation building) two nations.

Let all the tax cuts expire. Tax all income as income including long term capital gains.

Pass a balanced budget amendment with a plan to pay off the debt.

When the debt is paid then we can talk about tax cuts for everyone.
No, fucktard (insert feral baboon meme response). The portion that Obama wants to keep in place is.

Hold on there, monkey boi - you leftist fuctards demanded that the cuts were ONLY for the rich. You and Obama are admitting that you were lying all along?

The portion exists now in keeping the rich rich through upward income redistribution? He wants THAT to go bye-bye.

So, taking a bigger percentage from the "rich" (defined by Obama as those making $150K to $900K - above that they are "donors") is "redistribution?" Look, you're stupid, we get it - but how the fuck does Krugman come to the conclusion that not taxing at an even greater rate is "redistribution?"

Is it your belief that all wealth belongs to Obama? That any income the "evil rich" have is based on the benevolence of Obama? Therefore, if he gives "the rich" more, then he has less to give to the poor? Is this your idea of how things work? (Even Krugman ain't this fucking stupid!)
You're not able to grasp basic facts, dumb fuck: Obama has not yet begun to divide.

Hey Dumbfuck, can I call you Dumbfuck? Dumbfuck, someone else said he's divisive. That means to divide. You know that, right Dumbfuck? You know what divide means? Probably not. But I'll forgive you, Dumbfuck.

You mean like class warfare? Like openly racist attacks at the opposition? Oh wait, that's fucking Obama and the shit licking dims...

Class warfare is keeping a voting base so uneducated and ignorant to how economics actually work as to brainwash them into paying into upward income redistribution gladly. Class warfare is systematically destroying workers' rights laws. Class warfare is fucking over the 99% to please the 1%.

In every nation on the globe, there is a 1% group. You attack the 1% here in hopes of fostering hatred to gain power for your shameful party.

I don't hate the 1%, you dumb fuck, DumbFuck. I just don't think it's a terrible thing to ask those people to pay a little more because they can afford it. You know who else agreed with me? Adam Smith.


So, Obama saying that the Bush tax cuts are for the middle class, meaning that he and the rest of your shameful party have been lying through their fucking teeth for the last decade, is brilliant?


Only if your audience is abysmally stupid, which is the case with Obama.

Your brainwashing is showing, DumbFuck. What Liberals have been saying for YEARS now is that the BTC have been hurting the middle class, and more importantly, the COUNTRY since it's been keeping the deficit unnecessarily high. That's legit economists saying it too, DumbFuck.

So if you raise the rates back up to Clinton-era levels on the rich, but keep the tax cuts for the middle class, yes, the BTC suddenly become a good thing for the middle class and small business. But then you might as well call them the Obama Tax Cuts, which really, if you're honest, is what bugs you the most.

Ha ha. It's so easy to pick you apart because you're the very thing you claim every liberal is: An ignorant, under-educated boob who thinks because he picks up on the talking points he's an expert in the field. Stupid.


The universal symbol of stupidity.

LOL @ Dumbfuck's "zinger."
A truly nonpartisan person would not favor in increase in tax rates for some but not all.

Bzzzzzzt. Wrong. A truly non-partisan person would look at, as Star Trek so eloquently put it, the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few. Especially when that "Few" is so well-isolated from the every day shit that threatens to bring down the middle class once and for all.

Sorry Derp, but a truly nonpartisan individual would be for equal treatment under the law for all and not special treatment for some.

And like it or not if you expect someone else to look out for you at their expense then you are going to be the sheep that is first in line at the abattoir.

But being a partisan hack like you probably even warps your knowledge of what words mean, so I forgive you. Like Jesus would.

Tell me how can I be partisan when I support neither repugnantcans nor dimwitcraps?

And certainly am not looking for forgiveness from a sheep like you so save it for your own sorry ass.

Isn't it funny how Leftists that poo-Poo Religion will invoke it to make a point?
So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country
They don't.

Wait, they still claim to? LOL! BS!
, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class,
They will. They've done it before they'll do it again. They exist to support the wealthy. Period.

Hey POOP.....try using logic instead of partisan rhetoric.

No partisan rhetoric involved. The Republicans have already blocked an attempt by Obama to extend the BOOOOOSH tax cuts for the middle class because he refused to extend them for the wealthy. And they're going to do it once more. Its very clear who it is that they serve.
A truly nonpartisan person would not favor in increase in tax rates for some but not all.

Bzzzzzzt. Wrong. A truly non-partisan person would look at, as Star Trek so eloquently put it, the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few. Especially when that "Few" is so well-isolated from the every day shit that threatens to bring down the middle class once and for all.

But being a partisan hack like you probably even warps your knowledge of what words mean, so I forgive you. Like Jesus would.

Did JESUS ever say to his desciples or ANYONE he ever ran into...

..."Oh and by the way? Give to Caesar what is Caesar's...Give to GOD what is God's...and by the way? You see that chap over there? He's An agent of Caesar's...just give your taxes to HIM...HE will decide where it goes..."?

Son? YOU are one of those that uses RELIGION when YOU think it suits your purpose in invoking the name of Jesus.


YOU are dismissed.

A truly nonpartisan person would not favor in increase in tax rates for some but not all.

Bzzzzzzt. Wrong. A truly non-partisan person would look at, as Star Trek so eloquently put it, the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few. Especially when that "Few" is so well-isolated from the every day shit that threatens to bring down the middle class once and for all.

But being a partisan hack like you probably even warps your knowledge of what words mean, so I forgive you. Like Jesus would.

Did JESUS ever say to his desciples or ANYONE he ever ran into...

..."Oh and by the way? Give to Caesar what is Caesar's...Give to GOD what is God's...and by the way? You see that chap over there? He's An agent of Caesar's...just give your taxes to HIM...HE will decide where it goes..."?
The last thing is pretty much the same as the first.
No, fucktard (insert feral baboon meme response). The portion that Obama wants to keep in place is.

Hold on there, monkey boi - you leftist fuctards demanded that the cuts were ONLY for the rich. You and Obama are admitting that you were lying all along?

The portion exists now in keeping the rich rich through upward income redistribution? He wants THAT to go bye-bye.

So, taking a bigger percentage from the "rich" (defined by Obama as those making $150K to $900K - above that they are "donors") is "redistribution?" Look, you're stupid, we get it - but how the fuck does Krugman come to the conclusion that not taxing at an even greater rate is "redistribution?"

Is it your belief that all wealth belongs to Obama? That any income the "evil rich" have is based on the benevolence of Obama? Therefore, if he gives "the rich" more, then he has less to give to the poor? Is this your idea of how things work? (Even Krugman ain't this fucking stupid!)

Oh, I didn't realize I was supposed to give a fuck about what you think about my economic ideologies. Nor did I realize that I have to follow lock-step with every Left-leaning scholar and pundit. See, DumbFuck, that kind of blind allegiance is what you on the Right have been practicing for so long now, thanks to Rimjob and Fux News that you think everyone does it.

It's cool. I forgive you.
Bzzzzzzt. Wrong. A truly non-partisan person would look at, as Star Trek so eloquently put it, the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few. Especially when that "Few" is so well-isolated from the every day shit that threatens to bring down the middle class once and for all.

But being a partisan hack like you probably even warps your knowledge of what words mean, so I forgive you. Like Jesus would.

Did JESUS ever say to his desciples or ANYONE he ever ran into...

..."Oh and by the way? Give to Caesar what is Caesar's...Give to GOD what is God's...and by the way? You see that chap over there? He's An agent of Caesar's...just give your taxes to HIM...HE will decide where it goes..."?

Son? YOU are one of those that uses RELIGION when YOU think it suits your purpose in invoking the name of Jesus.


YOU are dismissed.

Is that Bob Weir?
Obama calls for middle class tax cut extension - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

So if Republicans in the house really do care about the working class in this country, as they claim to, they'll pass the extension to them and let Obama sign it. If they instead choose to show the entire country that holding out for cuts for the super-wealthy is more important than guaranteeing cuts for the middle class, they'll practice more Obstructionism in the name of "smaller government."

How do you think non-partisan voters will view them if they go that route?

What? I thought the Bush tax cuts went only to the rich and screwed over the middle class.

Wow. You're even worse at reading comprehension than I thought.

Dummy, the reason the BTCs screw the middle class is BECAUSE of the tax cuts they continue to give the rich. Most economists recommend ending the portion of the cuts that extend to the rich. You know, people who actually study this shit.

Most economist recommend no such thing.
Bzzzzzzt. Wrong. A truly non-partisan person would look at, as Star Trek so eloquently put it, the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few. Especially when that "Few" is so well-isolated from the every day shit that threatens to bring down the middle class once and for all.

But being a partisan hack like you probably even warps your knowledge of what words mean, so I forgive you. Like Jesus would.

Did JESUS ever say to his desciples or ANYONE he ever ran into...

..."Oh and by the way? Give to Caesar what is Caesar's...Give to GOD what is God's...and by the way? You see that chap over there? He's An agent of Caesar's...just give your taxes to HIM...HE will decide where it goes..."?
The last thing is pretty much the same as the first.

So what's your point? The FIRST is voluntary...the second is coerced by force.

*Try Again*
He should have asked himself that question when he gave $700 billion to the banks...then another $200 billion...and probably more before the year is out.
How does this not make Obama for the wealthy?
Did JESUS ever say to his desciples or ANYONE he ever ran into...

..."Oh and by the way? Give to Caesar what is Caesar's...Give to GOD what is God's...and by the way? You see that chap over there? He's An agent of Caesar's...just give your taxes to HIM...HE will decide where it goes..."?

Son? YOU are one of those that uses RELIGION when YOU think it suits your purpose in invoking the name of Jesus.


YOU are dismissed.

Is that Bob Weir?

I think it's The T from his last party.
He should have asked himself that question when he gave $700 billion to the banks...then another $200 billion...and probably more before the year is out.
How does this not make Obama for the wealthy?

He didn't give 700 B to the banks.

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