Obama to House Republicans, "Are you going to serve the rich or the middle class?"

We've been fighting the "War on Poverty" the Democrat way since 1965....what's the Exit Strategy?

I think Dems love keeping people poor and beholden, it's slave owner mentality

Democrats aren't keeping anyone poor, and none of us own slaves.

Its sad that you can't think of any other way to make your arguments than to accuse people of being slave holders.

Welfare and public education is designed to keep people poor and ignorant.

then why has it not produced what you claimed it produces?
We've been fighting the "War on Poverty" the Democrat way since 1965....what's the Exit Strategy?

I think Dems love keeping people poor and beholden, it's slave owner mentality

Democrats aren't keeping anyone poor, and none of us own slaves.

Its sad that you can't think of any other way to make your arguments than to accuse people of being slave holders.

Welfare and public education is designed to keep people poor and ignorant.

No it isn't.
He didn't give 700 B to the banks.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_IwGC8bCOU]Dylan Ratigan calls out Obama FED GAVE Banks Access to 23.7 TRILLION DOLLARS NOT $700 Billion! mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
“The total potential federal government support could reach up to 23.7 trillion dollars,”
Monkeys COULD fly out your ass.

Or, you could man up and admit you were wrong.

Naw! Ain't gonna happen.
We've been fighting the "War on Poverty" the Democrat way since 1965....what's the Exit Strategy?

I think Dems love keeping people poor and beholden, it's slave owner mentality

Democrats aren't keeping anyone poor, and none of us own slaves.

Its sad that you can't think of any other way to make your arguments than to accuse people of being slave holders.

Welfare and public education is designed to keep people poor and ignorant.

Rhetoric Alert! Rhetoric Alert!


Rhetoric Alert! Rhetoric Alert!
Ah............Those old marxist slogans can seem soooooooooo original sometimes....................LOL

"Workers" of the world, Unite !!!!
Wow. You're even worse at reading comprehension than I thought.

Dummy, the reason the BTCs screw the middle class is BECAUSE of the tax cuts they continue to give the rich. Most economists recommend ending the portion of the cuts that extend to the rich. You know, people who actually study this shit.

Most economist recommend no such thing.

Really? Got some links to back your bullshit up?

Cuz I got these to back my claims up:

U.S. should end Bush tax cuts to shrink debt: economist | Reuters
Independent economist group endorses ending Bush tax cuts | The Raw Story
Economist's View: "Democrats and the Bush Tax Cuts"

Those are just three links. If you want more, let me know.

The first article is calling for an end to all the tax cuts, the second is not a group of economist as much as it is a group with a political agenda to end wealth, the third is a call to restructure the tax code to make it more progressive.

How, exactly, do these back up your claims?
Welfare and public education is designed to keep people poor and ignorant.

Absolutely correct.

The American education system was designed in 19th century Prussia to create a caste system. Prussia wanted a populace divided into semi-skilled labor and a fighting force. Ruled by a small elite. They designed a system to institutionalize children at a young age, encourage conflict and violence to create aggression, then cultivate the most aggressive for military use.

America deliberately and directly imported this system, for the same aims. It is no accident that America became embroiled in European wars and intrigue at the outset of the 20th century, it was by design.

Public education creates an ignorant and obedient workforce trained from an early age to obey authority figures and accept absurdity as reality. You certainly couldn't foist global warming on a populace with critical thinking skills, now could you?
they will never admitt they aree wrong.

proving them wrong to any honest veiwer is enough.

they have no legs to stand on and are now lying nonstop about nearly everything.

the voters will take notice
Welfare and public education is designed to keep people poor and ignorant.

Absolutely correct.

The American education system was designed in 19th century Prussia to create a caste system. Prussia wanted a populace divided into semi-skilled labor and a fighting force. Ruled by a small elite. They designed a system to institutionalize children at a young age, encourage conflict and violence to create aggression, then cultivate the most aggressive for military use.

America deliberately and directly imported this system, for the same aims. It is no accident that America became embroiled in European wars and intrigue at the outset of the 20th century, it was by design.

Public education creates an ignorant and obedient workforce trained from an early age to obey authority figures and accept absurdity as reality. You certainly couldn't foist global warming on a populace with critical thinking skills, now could you?

blather blather blather.

proof dude.

show your proof that what you claim is true
Welfare and public education is designed to keep people poor and ignorant.

Absolutely correct.

The American education system was designed in 19th century Prussia to create a caste system.

It was not. You're so full of shit.

Public education creates an ignorant and obedient workforce trained from an early age to obey authority figures and accept absurdity as reality. You certainly couldn't foist global warming on a populace with critical thinking skills, now could you?

Critical thinking means reasoning that since natural climate changes have occurred in the past its therefore preposterous to even propose man could influence the climate? That's "critical' thinking in your book? REALLY?
Wrong about what? Obama didn't give any money to any banks.

Actually, stupidfuck - Obama gave all the money to the banks. Bush was out of office before the monies were handed out.

Bush is a fucktard and promoted TARP - which fucktard Obama voted for - but Bush was gone before the checks were handed out, which Obama did with a smile.
Democrats aren't keeping anyone poor, and none of us own slaves.

Its sad that you can't think of any other way to make your arguments than to accuse people of being slave holders.

Welfare and public education is designed to keep people poor and ignorant.

Indeed...Good workers and good subjects...nothing MORE. OWS is what happened...and the Statists took ownership of it.

Wrong about what? Obama didn't give any money to any banks.

Actually, stupidfuck - Obama gave all the money to the banks. Bush was out of office before the monies were handed out.

Bush is a fucktard and promoted TARP - which fucktard Obama voted for - but Bush was gone before the checks were handed out, which Obama did with a smile.

So it was Bush's baby then, right?
Democrats aren't keeping anyone poor, and none of us own slaves.

Its sad that you can't think of any other way to make your arguments than to accuse people of being slave holders.

Welfare and public education is designed to keep people poor and ignorant.

then why has it not produced what you claimed it produces?

In NYC, 1/3 of the high school students drop out (40%+ for minorities), I'd say that's the required result of a failed, Progressive educational system
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Who did The Obama serve when He forced the Dems to cut taxes for the rich in 2010?

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