Obama To Issue Decree Forcing All Public Schools To Allow Transgenders To Use Bathroom Of Choice

Pass this around: the people better start SPEAKING up


Obama administration: Insurers must provide services regardless of gender identity
does this mean that Obama/Michelle will allow perverts to use their bathrooms too?

yeah sure. they don't want those twisted freaks around their daughters. only ours
Pass this around: the people better start SPEAKING up


Obama administration: Insurers must provide services regardless of gender identity
does this mean that Obama/Michelle will allow perverts to use their bathrooms too?

yeah sure. they don't want those twisted freaks around their daughters. only ours

Yeah....everyone feels really torn up about how your punk ass is being mistreated!
"Obama To Issue Decree..."


What’s both sad and funny is there are ignorant rightwing twits who would believe such a thing.

Dear C_Clayton_Jones
regardless, it is insulting and unconstitutional for a President to abuse public office
to mandate and threaten punishment for people for their beliefs, for local parents to have
equal say in their school policies that affect their children and are paid for by their taxes.

I'm sorry if you believe in putting executive powers above the right of citizens
and that, worse, you do so SELECTIVELY where only if the policy fits
YOUR beliefs you justify it.

Both are wrongful.

Even if I agreed with a policy, even it was the best solution in the world,
as long as something is FAITH BASED it shouldn't be imposed on the public, threatening opposition with
punishment by abusing federal and executive power.

Faith based issues should include the free choice and consent of the people affected.

All issues of BELIEF should be accounted for and not punished
if there is going to be a consensus on these policies to be
effective and ethical, safe and all inclusive without discriminating against anybody.
You can't change your gender.

A guy in a dress is not a woman, a guy in a dress is a guy in a dress.

The only thing that did change is what we refer to them as: transgender.

Transgender is a politically correct term by the left from what we used to call them which was cross-dressers. Cross-dresser is more appropriate and honest.

uh, guy, there's actually a difference between transgender (someone who thinks they are the opposite sex) and transvestite (someone who just like to wear the clothes of the opposite gender.

I do think that it must be sad for you guys, you can't discriminate against minorities or gays anymore, but dammit, don't take hating the trannies away from us!!!!

You were traumatized by the site of Bugs Bunny in a dress as a child, weren't you?


Dear JoeB131
Transgender by "identity" is faith based and not proven by science.
So Govt cannot make a policy nor punish people for beliefs on things that are faith based.

If you are talking about BIOLOGICAL GENDER
that CAN be verified by medical science.

You are right, we have to agree on terms and conditions.
Pass this around: the people better start SPEAKING up


Obama administration: Insurers must provide services regardless of gender identity
does this mean that Obama/Michelle will allow perverts to use their bathrooms too?

yeah sure. they don't want those twisted freaks around their daughters. only ours

Yeah....everyone feels really torn up about how your punk ass is being mistreated!

Dear Campbell
You should care. Do you realize that bullying is creating a WORSE backlash
against LGBT sympathy? This is making matters WORSE.

Please do NOT treat or respond to people in this way
that hurts the progress made toward sensitivity and inclusion.

You would be defeating the purpose,
and the Transgender and LGBT are feeling the backlash created by this.
Please do not add fuel to the fire, as BOTH sides are getting burned.
next month it will be ok for these boys to crawl into a stall and watch the girls do number 1 and 2. equal rights according to all liberals!

Why would anyone want to do that?

Okay, let's get real here. Ladies, you've probably been sharing your bathrooms with Trannies for years and never knew it. I don't want to break this to you, but it's true.

Which explains why this is a non-issue.
next month it will be ok for these boys to crawl into a stall and watch the girls do number 1 and 2. equal rights according to all liberals!

Why would anyone want to do that?

Okay, let's get real here. Ladies, you've probably been sharing your bathrooms with Trannies for years and never knew it. I don't want to break this to you, but it's true.

Which explains why this is a non-issue.

Then why make a different policy if there was no problem before?
If the problem was harassment and bullying then ban harassment and bullying!

Like the issue over wedding services for same sex couples,
just require that people resolve conflicts between them,
or agree not to do business at all.

Here if people can't agree on a bathroom policy, then just install
unisex, neutral or single stall facilities. That would have solved the problems
by AVOIDING areas of conflict.

If it wasn't an issue then why are the President and AG getting involved?

How is it a nonissue for the President to threaten "sanctions" on this
when there are much bigger issues affecting more people?

Of course, both sides have beliefs at stake and that's why this is a big deal.
The solution is to accommodate both sides, and not threaten to punish or
discriminate against anyone, regardless their beliefs, opinions, or preferences on policy.

Until people figure that out, yes, it's going to be a big deal.
When people's beliefs on both sides are at stake,
of course both sides are going to defend that from political intrusion.
Here if people can't agree on a bathroom policy, then just install
unisex, neutral or single stall facilities. That would have solved the problems
by AVOIDING areas of conflict.

From what I understand by listening to discussion of the subject on the radio (and no, I didn't research it myself) cross dressers claim that a third bathroom or shower for them exclusively is isolation, and they want no part of it.
Pass this around: the people better start SPEAKING up


Obama administration: Insurers must provide services regardless of gender identity
does this mean that Obama/Michelle will allow perverts to use their bathrooms too?

yeah sure. they don't want those twisted freaks around their daughters. only ours

Yeah....everyone feels really torn up about how your punk ass is being mistreated!

Dear Campbell
You should care. Do you realize that bullying is creating a WORSE backlash
against LGBT sympathy? This is making matters WORSE.

Please do NOT treat or respond to people in this way
that hurts the progress made toward sensitivity and inclusion.

You would be defeating the purpose,
and the Transgender and LGBT are feeling the backlash created by this.
Please do not add fuel to the fire, as BOTH sides are getting burned.

Oh I'll jump right up and change my ways.....NOT!
So what's the difference between a transgender and a transvestite?

My, my, how complicated everything is today. It wasn't that long ago when we only had men and women until liberals came along.

I used to watch Bugs Bunny as a child every day, and I can't remember the episode that you posted. Funny how you of all people would.

Are you kidding? That was a major schtick in Bugs Bunny Cartoons, that Bugs would dress up like a chick and get Elmer Fudd to act all stupid. Clearly you are not well versed in the classics.

Incidentally, Transgender and Transvestites have always been with us. You honestly sound like one of those people who remembers the good old days when we didn't have any queers and the coloreds knew their place.

But where would the 1% be if they didn't have stupid people like you being afraid of people who are different, voting against their own economic interests.
Maybe, but if it was ever discovered, at least they could have the guy arrested.

And how often was that happening before these laws?

Don't know. They are not national stories and more local where most don't hear about them.

But we do hear of all the perversion that goes on in this country. Last one I heard of was a kid that took his teachers phone and uploaded her nude pictures to the internet.
From what I understand by listening to discussion of the subject on the radio (and no, I didn't research it myself) cross dressers claim that a third bathroom or shower for them exclusively is isolation, and they want no part of it.

Yeah, kind of like those uppity colored people didn't like this.


Of course they didn't like it because they were segregated. It wasn't like these bathrooms were made for white people that wanted to believe they were black.

So what's the difference between a transgender and a transvestite?

My, my, how complicated everything is today. It wasn't that long ago when we only had men and women until liberals came along.

I used to watch Bugs Bunny as a child every day, and I can't remember the episode that you posted. Funny how you of all people would.

Are you kidding? That was a major schtick in Bugs Bunny Cartoons, that Bugs would dress up like a chick and get Elmer Fudd to act all stupid. Clearly you are not well versed in the classics.

Incidentally, Transgender and Transvestites have always been with us. You honestly sound like one of those people who remembers the good old days when we didn't have any queers and the coloreds knew their place.

But where would the 1% be if they didn't have stupid people like you being afraid of people who are different, voting against their own economic interests.

This has nothing to do with making cross-dressers illegal, it has to do with protecting the privacy and perhaps safety of our American women.

If a guy wants to walk around in a dress, go for it. But if you need to use the public restroom, they are divided by who you are and not what you would like to be. That's our problem.
Don't know. They are not national stories and more local where most don't hear about them.

But we do hear of all the perversion that goes on in this country. Last one I heard of was a kid that took his teachers phone and uploaded her nude pictures to the internet.

Okay, not seeing how that is a "perversion" exactly. she had nude selfies for her husband in her phone, and a kid stole them.

This has nothing to do with making cross-dressers illegal, it has to do with protecting the privacy and perhaps safety of our American women.

If a guy wants to walk around in a dress, go for it. But if you need to use the public restroom, they are divided by who you are and not what you would like to be. That's our problem.

Or that we are just a bunch of prudes...

Again, guy, I know, the bag of tricks the One Percent have to keep you distracted is running low, but this is kind of silly.

I'm 54 years old, and I think I've encountered all of two "transexuals" in my whole life. (one of them was my CO in the National Guard, and I take him just as seriously as a woman as I did a military leader.)

You guys are making this out to be a crisis because your answers to the real problems all suck.
Don't know. They are not national stories and more local where most don't hear about them.

But we do hear of all the perversion that goes on in this country. Last one I heard of was a kid that took his teachers phone and uploaded her nude pictures to the internet.

Okay, not seeing how that is a "perversion" exactly. she had nude selfies for her husband in her phone, and a kid stole them.

This has nothing to do with making cross-dressers illegal, it has to do with protecting the privacy and perhaps safety of our American women.

If a guy wants to walk around in a dress, go for it. But if you need to use the public restroom, they are divided by who you are and not what you would like to be. That's our problem.

Or that we are just a bunch of prudes...

Again, guy, I know, the bag of tricks the One Percent have to keep you distracted is running low, but this is kind of silly.

I'm 54 years old, and I think I've encountered all of two "transexuals" in my whole life. (one of them was my CO in the National Guard, and I take him just as seriously as a woman as I did a military leader.)

You guys are making this out to be a crisis because your answers to the real problems all suck.

This isn't our problem, this is their problem.

There is no reasonable explanation why a guy (in a dress or otherwise) can't use the mens room or locker room.

The bigger problem is that creating law that allows men in women's facilities is that normal guys will use it to their devious advantage. Most all cell phones have cameras and can upload pictures to wherever.

Now that DumBama has created new "guidelines" on all public schools, I wonder how many guys will be showering with one of his daughters? How much do you want to bet none?
This isn't our problem, this is their problem.

There is no reasonable explanation why a guy (in a dress or otherwise) can't use the mens room or locker room.

The bigger problem is that creating law that allows men in women's facilities is that normal guys will use it to their devious advantage. Most all cell phones have cameras and can upload pictures to wherever.

I can't imagine a guy who puts on a dress just so he can take pictures in a lady's bathroom to be 'normal'.

I also imagine that if ANYONE started taking pictures in a bathroom or locker room, that would be seen as kind of weird.
Pass this around: the people better start SPEAKING up


Obama administration: Insurers must provide services regardless of gender identity
does this mean that Obama/Michelle will allow perverts to use their bathrooms too?

yeah sure. they don't want those twisted freaks around their daughters. only ours

Yeah....everyone feels really torn up about how your punk ass is being mistreated!

Dear Campbell
You should care. Do you realize that bullying is creating a WORSE backlash
against LGBT sympathy? This is making matters WORSE.

Please do NOT treat or respond to people in this way
that hurts the progress made toward sensitivity and inclusion.

You would be defeating the purpose,
and the Transgender and LGBT are feeling the backlash created by this.
Please do not add fuel to the fire, as BOTH sides are getting burned.

Oh I'll jump right up and change my ways.....NOT!

Dear Campbell
What I find from experience
1. change is mutual, both people in a relationship mutually change to accommodate each other.
in groups, the way the group works collectively will change how individuals act with that group;
the way the individual operates changes the dynamic of the group. It's mutual and two ways.
change happens in tandem
2. people will not necessarily change their core beliefs. people tend to stick to their
native language or religion, and define their world using their experiences and perceptions including biases.
What "changes" is people's PERCEPTION of other people, other
groups, beliefs and relationships.
People change their perception of how change happens.
It doesn't have to mean losing control to an outside group.
Again, if change is seen as MUTUAL then both sides help each other to grow
and gain new insights that ADD to their knowledge.
So it is a positive thing, not negative
Sometimes the greatest change that most people go through is the
fear of change, overcoming fear itself
3. the other greatest source of change is forgiveness
when people forgive and let go something that is burdening their mind,
it frees them up to change their perception
all the things in the world may remain the same, the same
problems as before, the same work to do to fix them
but if we FORGIVE and let go the negative emotions and perceptions
that frees our minds and energy to get more done productively

None of these has to do with changing people's core
beliefs, but it changes how effectively we are able to pursue them.
Don't know. They are not national stories and more local where most don't hear about them.

But we do hear of all the perversion that goes on in this country. Last one I heard of was a kid that took his teachers phone and uploaded her nude pictures to the internet.

Okay, not seeing how that is a "perversion" exactly. she had nude selfies for her husband in her phone, and a kid stole them.

This has nothing to do with making cross-dressers illegal, it has to do with protecting the privacy and perhaps safety of our American women.

If a guy wants to walk around in a dress, go for it. But if you need to use the public restroom, they are divided by who you are and not what you would like to be. That's our problem.

Or that we are just a bunch of prudes...

Again, guy, I know, the bag of tricks the One Percent have to keep you distracted is running low, but this is kind of silly.

I'm 54 years old, and I think I've encountered all of two "transexuals" in my whole life. (one of them was my CO in the National Guard, and I take him just as seriously as a woman as I did a military leader.)

You guys are making this out to be a crisis because your answers to the real problems all suck.

This isn't our problem, this is their problem.

There is no reasonable explanation why a guy (in a dress or otherwise) can't use the mens room or locker room.

The bigger problem is that creating law that allows men in women's facilities is that normal guys will use it to their devious advantage. Most all cell phones have cameras and can upload pictures to wherever.

Now that DumBama has created new "guidelines" on all public schools, I wonder how many guys will be showering with one of his daughters? How much do you want to bet none?

Dear ray the problem the LGBT advocates were trying to address
was to stop harassment and bullying of Transgender people.
Adolescents are going to jump on anyone who is different.
Part of their goal was to address this and try to protect LGBT from bullying and discrimination "as a class"
This approach obviously backfired and is not the right way.

This issue like homosexuality and Christianity is SPIRITUAL.
It is up to personal choice of spiritual counseling to decide how to teach it.
It is NOT the job of Govt to do so.

But Obama's reaction brought up a LONGSTANDING issue.
Because public schools have thrown together people of mixed beliefs,
regarding Christianity homosexuality etc etc, there have constantly been
fights over public school funding and X Y Z policies being taught in the schools:
fights over textbooks, creation evolution, and how history is taught regarding race white native american etc.
fights over sex education and condom birth control abortion rape and now homosexuality and transgender
fights over crosses, prayers, handing out bible materials, quoting scriptures etc.

One problem has been trying to remove Christian references from public schools and institutions,
whlle arguing that trying to remove homosexual/LGBT references is discrimination and not tolerance.

This battle is finally coming to a head.

Either we are going to agree to treat all beliefs equally as individual choice and not for govt to dictate,
or there is going to be a divide, possibly by party where the Liberals pack up their Obama exchanges
and public school/universal health care and manage all that through their own Party.

People are NOT going to tolerate either the church or the state dictating beliefs or policies for them to follow they do not believe in. If the Christian church is expected to practice their pro-God and pro-Life agenda in private, funding it all themselves, then the same should hold for the liberal party agenda of pro-choice and LGBT, fund it and keep it to themselves, just like they expect churches to do for their OWN beliefs. And not inject these through govt to make anyone else pay for or follow.

Because liberals have complained forever that Christians take their church authority and impose it on people in public, instead of keeping their beliefs private,
it seems this trend with the LGBT is the liberals' turn to take their govt authority and impose it on people
in public, instead of keeping their beliefs private.

After both sides finish acting with the same hypocrisy they oppose and blame the other for,
maybe we can finally be equal. We can NO LONGER just blame the other side
if we have done the same thing we accuse them of doing. We are equally to blame.

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