Obama To Issue Decree Forcing All Public Schools To Allow Transgenders To Use Bathroom Of Choice

Who knew "hopey-changey" meant women could hope that those of changed genders would not be sitting on the adjacent stool!

You can't change your gender.

A guy in a dress is not a woman, a guy in a dress is a guy in a dress.

The only thing that did change is what we refer to them as: transgender.

Transgender is a politically correct term by the left from what we used to call them which was cross-dressers. Cross-dresser is more appropriate and honest.
See Obama Administration to Issue Decree on Transgender Access to School Restrooms

”WASHINGTON — In the middle of a legal fight with North Carolina over transgender rights, the Obama administration is planning to issue a sweeping decree telling every public school district in the country to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity.”

The constitutional arguments about sex-segregated bathrooms were exhaustively debated during the proposed Equal Rights Amendment and concluded that even with the ERA sex-segregated bathrooms were protected!


"But during the 1970s, the decade sex discrimination doctrine was born, the law of equal protection had begun to contract around segregation as the archetypal scene of racial harm, group classification as its technology, and blindness as its remedy. A particular -- and highly stylized -- memory of race discrimination thus supplied the legal template for constitutional debates about sex discrimination.

During the 1970s, constitutional debates over sex discrimination continually referred back to this historically particular conception of race discrimination. In debates over the ERA, a litmus test for commitment to the sex equality principle was willingness to treat sex like race, which in turn translated into the question, reiterated in debate after debate: but would you eliminate sex-segregated bathrooms?[26]"

Footnote 26 is as follows:

” JANE J. MANSBRIDGE, WHY WE LOST THE ERA 114 (1986) ("Unisex toilets became one of the four major themes that activists speaking to reporters and writing in the newspapers stressed as central to their opposition."). Proponents of the ERA denied that the amendment would necessarily lead to unisex bathrooms, and argued that privacy doctrine would protect bathrooms from sex desegregation. Barbara Brown, Thomas I. Emerson, Gail Falk & Ann E. Freedman, The Equal Rights Amendment: A Constitutional Basis for Equal Rights for Women, 80 YALE L. J. 871, 901 (1971) (arguing that "the right of privacy would permit the separation of the sexes in public rest rooms, segregation by sex in sleeping quarters of prisons or similar public institutions, and appropriate segregation of living conditions in the armed forces"); Ruth Bader Ginsburg, The Fear of the Equal Rights Amendment, WASH. POST, Apr. 7, 1975, at A21 ("Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy.").

So where does Obama get the authority to forbid sex segregated bathrooms in your local school?

Is it not time for patriotic America citizens to rise up in rebellion against a federal government which is acting in rebellion to our written Constitution and its legislative intent?


Loretta Lynch, our United States Attorney General, does not have authority to alter what the people have agreed to in their written Constitution. To assume she has such power is to assume” the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves.”___ quoting Hamilton in Federalist No 78.


Is everything his fault? One goddam thing....he was reelected and has served two terms. Put that in your right wing pipe and suck on it!!!
Barry can't help being a POS...

The only piece of shit I know of is YOU!
The Washington Examiner hits the nail on the head about Obama rooms. How could anyone, especially the POTUS, wish for their legacy to be that of desiring perverts to be near little girls when they are trying to use a toilet in private. His hatred for the office and our country is that deep.

Obama in the girls' bathroom
Obama in the girls' bathroom

In short, there will no longer be any single sex locker rooms or showers in America's public schools. You could not have found a conservative fever swamp in 2008 in which anyone would have predicted a slide so far and fast into such absurd relativism within the short (but seemingly endless) span of a single presidency.

But President Obama, now is in his final year, is pushing radical goals as far as possible. Norms that accord with the facts and have been the foundation of shared understandings since the beginning of our civliziation are being swept aside. Truth is set at nought, radical theory must reign, the will of the people be damned.


Either way, it is not the purview of the president to adjudicate bathroom use. Obama's letter not only treats his presidency unseriously, but it also attempts to usurp constitutional power in the absence of a law or legitimate rulemaking process that could confer seriousness to it.

This will be the legacy of the "hope and change" president. During his final days in office his foot will be pressed hard down on the gas pedal, powering the vehicle of the federal government toward the social disruption that the Left craves more than anything else.

Who knew "hopey-changey" meant women could hope that those of changed genders would not be sitting on the adjacent stool!

You can't change your gender.

A guy in a dress is not a woman, a guy in a dress is a guy in a dress.

The only thing that did change is what we refer to them as: transgender.

Transgender is a politically correct term by the left from what we used to call them which was cross-dressers. Cross-dresser is more appropriate and honest.

What we need is the 1st time the people actually BOYCOTT something, like keeping their kids/grandkids, home from school for a few days to show their displeasure.

By the way, why the edict now? Because school is almost out across the country. The left is not stupid, crazy, but not stupid. They want this all in stone before school resumes, because then it is to late!
Who knew "hopey-changey" meant women could hope that those of changed genders would not be sitting on the adjacent stool!

You can't change your gender.

A guy in a dress is not a woman, a guy in a dress is a guy in a dress.

The only thing that did change is what we refer to them as: transgender.

Transgender is a politically correct term by the left from what we used to call them which was cross-dressers. Cross-dresser is more appropriate and honest.

What we need is the 1st time the people actually BOYCOTT something, like keeping their kids/grandkids, home from school for a few days to show their displeasure.

By the way, why the edict now? Because school is almost out across the country. The left is not stupid, crazy, but not stupid. They want this all in stone before school resumes, because then it is to late!

Makes you wonder how many guys will be in the shower with Obama's girls in school. Anybody want to bet none???
You can't change your gender.

A guy in a dress is not a woman, a guy in a dress is a guy in a dress.

The only thing that did change is what we refer to them as: transgender.

Transgender is a politically correct term by the left from what we used to call them which was cross-dressers. Cross-dresser is more appropriate and honest.

uh, guy, there's actually a difference between transgender (someone who thinks they are the opposite sex) and transvestite (someone who just like to wear the clothes of the opposite gender.

I do think that it must be sad for you guys, you can't discriminate against minorities or gays anymore, but dammit, don't take hating the trannies away from us!!!!

You were traumatized by the site of Bugs Bunny in a dress as a child, weren't you?

next month it will be ok for these boys to crawl into a stall and watch the girls do number 1 and 2. equal rights according to all liberals!

Why would anyone want to do that?

Okay, let's get real here. Ladies, you've probably been sharing your bathrooms with Trannies for years and never knew it. I don't want to break this to you, but it's true.
You can't change your gender.

A guy in a dress is not a woman, a guy in a dress is a guy in a dress.

The only thing that did change is what we refer to them as: transgender.

Transgender is a politically correct term by the left from what we used to call them which was cross-dressers. Cross-dresser is more appropriate and honest.

uh, guy, there's actually a difference between transgender (someone who thinks they are the opposite sex) and transvestite (someone who just like to wear the clothes of the opposite gender.

I do think that it must be sad for you guys, you can't discriminate against minorities or gays anymore, but dammit, don't take hating the trannies away from us!!!!

You were traumatized by the site of Bugs Bunny in a dress as a child, weren't you?


So what's the difference between a transgender and a transvestite?

My, my, how complicated everything is today. It wasn't that long ago when we only had men and women until liberals came along.

I used to watch Bugs Bunny as a child every day, and I can't remember the episode that you posted. Funny how you of all people would. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
next month it will be ok for these boys to crawl into a stall and watch the girls do number 1 and 2. equal rights according to all liberals!

Why would anyone want to do that?

Okay, let's get real here. Ladies, you've probably been sharing your bathrooms with Trannies for years and never knew it. I don't want to break this to you, but it's true.

Maybe, but if it was ever discovered, at least they could have the guy arrested.
What do you expect from a kenyan faggot?

Coming off eight years of Bush's failed fiasco it takes a real 21kt prick to badmouth Obama. Take a look.....so far the American people have elected him to our highest office twice...TWICE
Hey shitforbrains- America elected Bush to our highest office TWICE.

It's a damned shame we did. Ask the families of the 4500 young Americans who got killed unnecessarily in Iraq. Iraq had done nothing to harm America. Saddam Hussein made the mistake of trying to assassinate George W. Bush's Daddy in Qatar circa 1993. George W. Bush is the stupidest asshole I've ever seen in my life...'course I'm just 82.

Too bad those 4500 soldiers died in vain because the Iraq war which Obama ended successfully. Has turn to shit.
next month it will be ok for these boys to crawl into a stall and watch the girls do number 1 and 2. equal rights according to all liberals!

Why would anyone want to do that?

Okay, let's get real here. Ladies, you've probably been sharing your bathrooms with Trannies for years and never knew it. I don't want to break this to you, but it's true.
Then it is obvious. This law doesnt concern trannies. They were already allowed to go where they want. Who is this law protecting if not the trannie
More & more Americans are gettin it. They're doing everything possible to avoid Government-run schooling. The American Public School System is a nightmare. Education alternatives are the future.

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