Obama To Issue Decree Forcing All Public Schools To Allow Transgenders To Use Bathroom Of Choice

So, in a school with 1000 students, about 3 would be 'transgender'. This is a big problem.
So, in a school with 1000 students, about 3 would be 'transgender'. This is a big problem.

It couldn't have come at a better time for Republicans. It may be an issue Trump can take advantage of.

Anytime you use the words "Government" and "Force" in the same sentence, look out, because you are about to lose some freedoms.
This is one that Obama got right........means this summer, if the sentiment hit me, I can mosey on into the pavilion at the local ocean beach and take a shower with the ladies!!:rock::rock: Proclaim myself a bit confused on the gender thing.........I think this is awesome!!
This is sad if you think about it where OUR children has to worry about something because of their OWN President . WAKE UP vote out this nasty party of immoral people from that Progressive/democrat party . and NEVER put them in charge again.

Middle School Students In Oregon Protest Obama’s Transgender Bathroom Decree


Good for the students.

MEDFORD– Students from Hedrick Middle School took a stand Monday against the directive from the Obama administration saying public schools must allow transgender students to use bathrooms according to their chosen gender identity.

The students tell News10 they are protesting the fact that some male students are using this as a chance to go into the female bathrooms. The students’ parents were also present.

The students are receiving make-up work from the middle school.

all of it here:
Middle School Students In Oregon Protest Obama’s Transgender Bathroom Decree
This is sad if you think about it where OUR children has to worry about something because of their OWN President . WAKE UP vote out this nasty party of immoral people from that Progressive/democrat party . and NEVER put them in charge again.

Middle School Students In Oregon Protest Obama’s Transgender Bathroom Decree


Good for the students.

MEDFORD– Students from Hedrick Middle School took a stand Monday against the directive from the Obama administration saying public schools must allow transgender students to use bathrooms according to their chosen gender identity.

The students tell News10 they are protesting the fact that some male students are using this as a chance to go into the female bathrooms. The students’ parents were also present.

The students are receiving make-up work from the middle school.

all of it here:
Middle School Students In Oregon Protest Obama’s Transgender Bathroom Decree
aW gAwD look what these DEMOCRAT pArty do to US; THEY DO. These commie/homOsexual/facist/COMMIE/socialist/MUSLIM party do to US/ THEY DO to US!
It couldn't have come at a better time for Republicans. It may be an issue Trump can take advantage of.

Anytime you use the words "Government" and "Force" in the same sentence, look out, because you are about to lose some freedoms.

Except Trump has already walked away from this silly issue.

Not really. All he said he could care less who uses what facilities in his buildings, and that's his call, just like it was Target's call.

But private industry is different from government mandate. Unless you are in a position to home school (which will probably see an increase now) or sending your kid to a private school, you have little choice but being subject to this kind of perversion.
Not really. All he said he could care less who uses what facilities in his buildings, and that's his call, just like it was Target's call.

But private industry is different from government mandate. Unless you are in a position to home school (which will probably see an increase now) or sending your kid to a private school, you have little choice but being subject to this kind of perversion.

Right. Because clearly, the chances of running into a member of a group that comprises less than 0.3% of the population is pretty high. But every girl's locker room is going to be a sausage fest now.

Frankly, you kid has a greater chance of being shot at at school than seeing a penis in the locker room... but somehow, I don't think you'd be for banning the guns..
Not really. All he said he could care less who uses what facilities in his buildings, and that's his call, just like it was Target's call.

But private industry is different from government mandate. Unless you are in a position to home school (which will probably see an increase now) or sending your kid to a private school, you have little choice but being subject to this kind of perversion.

Right. Because clearly, the chances of running into a member of a group that comprises less than 0.3% of the population is pretty high. But every girl's locker room is going to be a sausage fest now.

Frankly, you kid has a greater chance of being shot at at school than seeing a penis in the locker room... but somehow, I don't think you'd be for banning the guns..

If you wish to make the comparison, guns are banned in all schools except those with armed security.

And as pointed out multiple times, it's less the real cross dressers that we worry about than those that make the claim just to practice their perversion. And since you brought up facts and figures, why all this hysteria of this .3% and make everybody else uncomfortable just for them?

As the old saying goes, if it's not broke, don't fix it. We currently have a very good bathroom and locker room system now. Men go to the mens room and women go to the women's room. But of course, liberals see that it's working well so they wish to ruin it for everybody else to make themselves feel good.
If you wish to make the comparison, guns are banned in all schools except those with armed security.

No, man, we need to totally ban guns. If we have to do it FOR THE CHILDREN, those guns need to be banned totally. Just like you guys want to ban cross dressers from using their bathroom of choice across the country, not just in the schools.

And as pointed out multiple times, it's less the real cross dressers that we worry about than those that make the claim just to practice their perversion. And since you brought up facts and figures, why all this hysteria of this .3% and make everybody else uncomfortable just for them?

Do you really think there is a 12 year old who is going to endure the ridicule of dressing up like a girl just so he can get a sneak peak at the other girls in a locker room?

As the old saying goes, if it's not broke, don't fix it. We currently have a very good bathroom and locker room system now. Men go to the mens room and women go to the women's room. But of course, liberals see that it's working well so they wish to ruin it for everybody else to make themselves feel good.

Well, it's obviously not working for the Trans people. I guess it works in that 'It panders to my bigotries, and after having lost the argument on race, women's equality and gay rights, dammit, I still want to be able to oppress somebody!!!"
We would get arrested if we went in to make sure this guy was in the stall waiting for one of our daughters, right?


Obama Administration to Issue Decree on Transgender Access to School Restrooms
You are waiting for a fictional character to walk into a fictional bathroom?

We are waiting for real life perverts to rape and abuse and murder innocent children.

We are waiting for real life perverts to traumatize innocent little children with the images of things that their vulnerable young minds should not have to cope with...

It's not even so much about actual Trannies...

It's about the run-of-the-mill street-corner non-Tranny perverts who will now be empowered to 'identify' as the opposite sex at-will...

That's the part of this that the worst of the LibTards (the subset of LIberals who actually and enthusiastically support this filthy proposition) just don't get...

It's the precedent-setting and the opening of a door that should not be opened; ostensibly on behalf of Trannies, but ulimately broadening the threat vector, unacceptably...

The first time one of these run-of-the-mill street-corner perverts unhitches his wang in front of a little girl, with the child's father around...

We're likely to see pervert brains spilled onto the sidewalk, with that scene repeated, often, all across the country...

Doesn't matter that there is no data supporting the idea that this might happen...

A blind man could see such things coming, a mile away...

And even the ghost-of-a-chance that such things can happen with our precious children is enough to put the brakes on such stupid forcible social engineering...

But, the freak-fans subset of the Liberal side of the aisle will keep pushing this filth in the faces of America, and its children...

Until the American People, in their righteous fury, push back, hard, at the ballot box, and, afterwards, in Congress...
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It's about the run-of-the-mill street-corner non-Tranny perverts who will now be empowered to 'identify' as the opposite sex at-will...

But you guys haven't cited a single case where someone has actually done this.
I've already alluded to this...

There is no single case where this has happened, because the law is just now changing...

Give it time...

Meanwhile, and as also alluded to...

It's not just the increased threat vector regarding rape, abuse and murder of innocent children...

It's also - even mostly - about innocent children being exposed to filth that their vulnerable young minds should never have to cope with...

The phukktards on the Extreme Left have finally lost their frigging minds...

These are our precious and beloved children you're threatening now...

To anyone who cannot see or who will not respect the legitimate grievances of America's parents in this regard...

"Back off, mother phukkers"

America will NOT allow itself... and its precious children... to be dragged into the sewers along with you and that filth you so glibly support...

A line has now been crossed, in case you haven't noticed...

Enough is enough...

Want to lose the election on November 8?

Keep pushing this filth in the interim...

You're only cutting your own political throats...
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I've already alluded to this...

There is no single case where this has happened, because the law is just now changing...

Give it time...

Meanwhile, and as also alluded to...

It's not just the increased threat vector regarding rape, abuse and murder of innocent children...

It's about innocent children being exposed to filth that their vulnerable young minds should never have to cope with...

Guy, when I was 10, i knew what a dick was, i knew what a pussy was, and I knew where babies came from...

And I grew up in the 1960's. I suspect kids today are a lot more saavy.

Yeah, They might see something in the bathroom that they can already see on cable TV! OMG!!!!
America will NOT allow itself... and its precious children... to be dragged into the sewers along with you and that filth you so glibly support...

A line has now been crossed, in case you haven't noticed...

Enough is enough...

Want to lose the election on November 8?

Keep pushing this filth in the interim...

You're only cutting your own political throats...

Guy, it honestly sounds like the 1% are running out of ideas on how to distract you from the ass-phukking they are already giving you.

"Um, okay, Gay Marriage! That one's played out and most people are okay with it now. I know. TRANNIES IN THE BATHROOM- THreat or Menace!!"

Except Trannies have been peeing in the ladies room for decades now, and no one has ever noticed.

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