Obama To Issue Decree Forcing All Public Schools To Allow Transgenders To Use Bathroom Of Choice

Like I said.. you don't even understand the core of the objection, never mind how to fix the problem.

And, again, keep pushing this filth... you're going to regret it, the morning of November 9.
Like I said.. you don't even understand the core of the objection, never mind how to fix the problem.

And, again, keep pushing this filth... you're going to regret it, the morning of November 9.

I understand the core of the objection perfectly well. You are terrified of people who are different.

i don't see your boy Donald Trump rushing up to embrace this issue.
Like I said.. you don't even understand the core of the objection, never mind how to fix the problem.

And, again, keep pushing this filth... you're going to regret it, the morning of November 9.

I understand the core of the objection perfectly well. You are terrified of people who are different.

i don't see your boy Donald Trump rushing up to embrace this issue.
It's not MY objection.

It's AMERICA's objection.

Go on social media sometime.

Your Liberal friends are mostly silent on the Children's Bathroom issue.


Because they, too, know it's one step too far, and it makes them highly uncomfortable.

Your Conservative friends are up in arms.

Your Moderate friends view the prospect with disdain and concern.

Your position is now associated with the Democratic Party in this country, courtesy of your Failed Messiah.

It doesn't matter that Attila the Hun hasn't spoken-out against this, sharply, yet.

In all likelihood, he will, if-and-when he gains office, and the electorate sense that.

If you keep pushing this, and keep it at the forefront over the next six months, you will understand, better, on the morning of November 9.

You have been warned.
Let those who can't decide what they want to be day to day take to the streets like in India

Or make them do their deeds in outhouses set aside 'special' for the freaks

If you keep pushing this, and keep it at the forefront over the next six months, you will understand, better, on the morning of November 9.

You have been warned.

No, guy, here's how this is going to play out.

Most people aren't going to care because it doesn't effect them.

The first major poll on ‘bathroom bills’ is good news for transgender advocates

A CNN/ORC poll released Monday found a majority of Americans (57 percent) don't agree with bathroom bills like the one North Carolina is defending that restrict where transgender people can use the bathroom, while 38 percent do.

Socially conservative North Carolina may be in a slightly different political situation than the rest of the nation. Arecent Elon University poll showed 49 percent of all North Carolina voters agreed with the law's aim to stop cities from passing ordinances that open up bathrooms to transgender people; but that same poll showed Gov. Pat McCrory's (R) Democratic opponent with his biggest lead yet in the tight race

sorry, dude, this is not the winner issue for you that you think it is.
If you keep pushing this, and keep it at the forefront over the next six months, you will understand, better, on the morning of November 9.

You have been warned.

No, guy, here's how this is going to play out.

Most people aren't going to care because it doesn't effect them.

The first major poll on ‘bathroom bills’ is good news for transgender advocates

A CNN/ORC poll released Monday found a majority of Americans (57 percent) don't agree with bathroom bills like the one North Carolina is defending that restrict where transgender people can use the bathroom, while 38 percent do.

Socially conservative North Carolina may be in a slightly different political situation than the rest of the nation. Arecent Elon University poll showed 49 percent of all North Carolina voters agreed with the law's aim to stop cities from passing ordinances that open up bathrooms to transgender people; but that same poll showed Gov. Pat McCrory's (R) Democratic opponent with his biggest lead yet in the tight race

sorry, dude, this is not the winner issue for you that you think it is.
The only poll that truly matters is the one that we all participate in, on November 8... like I said... you've been warned...
The only poll that truly matters is the one that we all participate in, on November 8... like I said... you've been warned...

yes, a whole bunch of people are goign to vote for more war and recession because they might see a wang in the locker room.

America will NOT allow itself... and its precious children... to be dragged into the sewers along with you and that filth you so glibly support...

A line has now been crossed, in case you haven't noticed...

Enough is enough...

Want to lose the election on November 8?

Keep pushing this filth in the interim...

You're only cutting your own political throats...

Guy, it honestly sounds like the 1% are running out of ideas on how to distract you from the ass-phukking they are already giving you.

"Um, okay, Gay Marriage! That one's played out and most people are okay with it now. I know. TRANNIES IN THE BATHROOM- THreat or Menace!!"

Except Trannies have been peeing in the ladies room for decades now, and no one has ever noticed.

:bsflag: :link::link::link:
If you wish to make the comparison, guns are banned in all schools except those with armed security.

No, man, we need to totally ban guns. If we have to do it FOR THE CHILDREN, those guns need to be banned totally. Just like you guys want to ban cross dressers from using their bathroom of choice across the country, not just in the schools.

And as pointed out multiple times, it's less the real cross dressers that we worry about than those that make the claim just to practice their perversion. And since you brought up facts and figures, why all this hysteria of this .3% and make everybody else uncomfortable just for them?

Do you really think there is a 12 year old who is going to endure the ridicule of dressing up like a girl just so he can get a sneak peak at the other girls in a locker room?

As the old saying goes, if it's not broke, don't fix it. We currently have a very good bathroom and locker room system now. Men go to the mens room and women go to the women's room. But of course, liberals see that it's working well so they wish to ruin it for everybody else to make themselves feel good.

Well, it's obviously not working for the Trans people. I guess it works in that 'It panders to my bigotries, and after having lost the argument on race, women's equality and gay rights, dammit, I still want to be able to oppress somebody!!!"
No, man, we need to totally ban guns. If we have to do it FOR THE CHILDREN, those guns need to be banned totally. Just like you guys want to ban cross dressers from using their bathroom of choice across the country, not just in the schools.

Men going to the women's room or dressing room is not a constitutional right. You don't see the difference here????

Do you really think there is a 12 year old who is going to endure the ridicule of dressing up like a girl just so he can get a sneak peak at the other girls in a locker room?

Some will, yes I do believe that.

Well, it's obviously not working for the Trans people. I guess it works in that 'It panders to my bigotries, and after having lost the argument on race, women's equality and gay rights, dammit, I still want to be able to oppress somebody!!!"

Telling a guy he has to use the mens room is oppression? No wonder we call you people uninformed voters.

So please explain, how is pissing in a toilet in the mens room not working out for the flakes? What's not working out about it?

if you really wanted to do something to help these people, don't worry about bathrooms, get them some psychological help.
Men going to the women's room or dressing room is not a constitutional right. You don't see the difference here????

Insane Clowns having Machine Guns is not a right, either. Unless he joins a well-regulated militia.

Telling a guy he has to use the mens room is oppression? No wonder we call you people uninformed voters.

So please explain, how is pissing in a toilet in the mens room not working out for the flakes? What's not working out about it?

if you really wanted to do something to help these people, don't worry about bathrooms, get them some psychological help.

Guy, I worry less about the guy who wants to wear a dress and more about the guy who owned 26 guns and chased his wife down teh street shooting at her. Because I actually know that latter guy. That guy has been in my office trying to sell me stuff.
Men going to the women's room or dressing room is not a constitutional right. You don't see the difference here????

Insane Clowns having Machine Guns is not a right, either. Unless he joins a well-regulated militia.

Telling a guy he has to use the mens room is oppression? No wonder we call you people uninformed voters.

So please explain, how is pissing in a toilet in the mens room not working out for the flakes? What's not working out about it?

if you really wanted to do something to help these people, don't worry about bathrooms, get them some psychological help.

Guy, I worry less about the guy who wants to wear a dress and more about the guy who owned 26 guns and chased his wife down teh street shooting at her. Because I actually know that latter guy. That guy has been in my office trying to sell me stuff.
Insane Clowns having Machine Guns is not a right, either. Unless he joins a well-regulated militia.

Well the Supreme Court justices disagree with you as most constitutional experts do.

Guy, I worry less about the guy who wants to wear a dress and more about the guy who owned 26 guns and chased his wife down teh street shooting at her. Because I actually know that latter guy. That guy has been in my office trying to sell me stuff.

I don't worry about a guy in a dress either. Or are you confused about the bathroom/ locker room issue here?

So if some guy chased his wife down the street shooting at her, you're blaming the gun and not the authorities for not locking him up?
Well the Supreme Court justices disagree with you as most constitutional experts do.

Uh, SCOTUS agreed with me up until 2008. And now that Scalia is taking that well-deserved DIRT NAP, it will go back to being about Militias.

I don't worry about a guy in a dress either. Or are you confused about the bathroom/ locker room issue here?

So if some guy chased his wife down the street shooting at her, you're blaming the gun and not the authorities for not locking him up?

No, I blame the fact that he had access to guns which turned a simple domestic battery into a possible multiple homicide.
Well the Supreme Court justices disagree with you as most constitutional experts do.

Uh, SCOTUS agreed with me up until 2008. And now that Scalia is taking that well-deserved DIRT NAP, it will go back to being about Militias.

I don't worry about a guy in a dress either. Or are you confused about the bathroom/ locker room issue here?

So if some guy chased his wife down the street shooting at her, you're blaming the gun and not the authorities for not locking him up?

No, I blame the fact that he had access to guns which turned a simple domestic battery into a possible multiple homicide.
Uh, SCOTUS agreed with me up until 2008. And now that Scalia is taking that well-deserved DIRT NAP, it will go back to being about Militias.

Really? Because I can't remember a time when only militias had firearms. Firearms have been around with people my entire life.

But you are correct, Hillary can put a bunch of anti-American commies on the Supreme Court and we may lose our right to defend ourselves. Criminals across the country will celebrate because they and the police would be the only people to have guns.

No, I blame the fact that he had access to guns which turned a simple domestic battery into a possible multiple homicide.

So again, you blame the gun and not the authorities. If he chased her down the street with his car attempting to run her over, would you be any happier with that?
Really? Because I can't remember a time when only militias had firearms. Firearms have been around with people my entire life.

But you are correct, Hillary can put a bunch of anti-American commies on the Supreme Court and we may lose our right to defend ourselves. Criminals across the country will celebrate because they and the police would be the only people to have guns.

well, we could try addressing the root causes of crime like those Commie Europeans have done. Oh, wait, that's too "liberal" for you.

So again, you blame the gun and not the authorities. If he chased her down the street with his car attempting to run her over, would you be any happier with that?

I think that would have been a lot more unlikely... but okay. Thing is, he needed a car to do his job. He didn't need 26 guns.

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