Obama To Issue Decree Forcing All Public Schools To Allow Transgenders To Use Bathroom Of Choice

Here if people can't agree on a bathroom policy, then just install
unisex, neutral or single stall facilities. That would have solved the problems
by AVOIDING areas of conflict.

From what I understand by listening to discussion of the subject on the radio (and no, I didn't research it myself) cross dressers claim that a third bathroom or shower for them exclusively is isolation, and they want no part of it.

Ok Ray From Cleveland
so if they have this belief "they want no part of a policy"
don't the other 99% of the population have equal right
to their belief if they "want no part of a policy"

Why is one person's consent weighed more than another?
Doesn't each person have equal right to consent when it affects us all?
From what I understand by listening to discussion of the subject on the radio (and no, I didn't research it myself) cross dressers claim that a third bathroom or shower for them exclusively is isolation, and they want no part of it.

Yeah, kind of like those uppity colored people didn't like this.


Dear JoeB131
Race is genetically determined by the two parents, even before birth.
You cannot say that about gender identity which I argue is spiritually determined.

We already have segregation where church is separated from state.
Liberals insist on this.
So the same should be true of their spiritual beliefs about gender and orientation,
which aren't proven by science, and remain faith based.
Race is genetically determined by the two parents, even before birth.
You cannot say that about gender identity which I argue is spiritually determined.

We already have segregation where church is separated from state.
Liberals insist on this.
So the same should be true of their spiritual beliefs about gender and orientation,
which aren't proven by science, and remain faith based.

Actually, I htink men who think they are ladies have some issues, but whatver floats your boat.

This is a silly issue from a party that is just out of ideas.
Not hard to imagine a herd of irate parents setting out to forcibly change the gender of one who seems to so love...... But imagine their surprise when where they expected to find a penis there was already a very little pussy!
Here if people can't agree on a bathroom policy, then just install
unisex, neutral or single stall facilities. That would have solved the problems
by AVOIDING areas of conflict.

From what I understand by listening to discussion of the subject on the radio (and no, I didn't research it myself) cross dressers claim that a third bathroom or shower for them exclusively is isolation, and they want no part of it.

Ok Ray From Cleveland
so if they have this belief "they want no part of a policy"
don't the other 99% of the population have equal right
to their belief if they "want no part of a policy"

Why is one person's consent weighed more than another?
Doesn't each person have equal right to consent when it affects us all?

Everybody wants part of the policy pro or con.

Cross dressers want to go to bathrooms and lockers with women. Most of us don't want that, especially when it comes to our female children in school like DumBama is dictating.
This isn't our problem, this is their problem.

There is no reasonable explanation why a guy (in a dress or otherwise) can't use the mens room or locker room.

The bigger problem is that creating law that allows men in women's facilities is that normal guys will use it to their devious advantage. Most all cell phones have cameras and can upload pictures to wherever.

I can't imagine a guy who puts on a dress just so he can take pictures in a lady's bathroom to be 'normal'.

I also imagine that if ANYONE started taking pictures in a bathroom or locker room, that would be seen as kind of weird.

And a guy putting a dress and makeup on isn't?
A transgender teen actor praising Obama for letting boys use the girl's bathroom. He stated that he had to use the nurse's bathroom and it was a reminder that he was different. It was likely because there hadn't been a sex change operation yet. So, how is going into girl's bathrooms and showers not going to be a reminder that you're different? Will the new rule in schools be that you have to pretend that the person getting naked in front of you doesn't have the body of a boy? If you are uncomfortable with it, will you get into trouble? I bet any student who complains or refuses to shower with boys will be forced into some kind of re-education.

What This Transgender Teen TV Star Just Did Couldn't Be More DISTURBING...
suppose that rule has been implemented where the obamas school at

the Sidwell Friends School

are you kidding. they only want it for OUR CHILDREN. Parents better start speaking out. Obama has become unfit to be our President when he starts advocating this kind of garbage on our children. the people NEED to demand the DOE be DEFUNDED and dissolved they are in on this crap.
Here if people can't agree on a bathroom policy, then just install
unisex, neutral or single stall facilities. That would have solved the problems
by AVOIDING areas of conflict.

From what I understand by listening to discussion of the subject on the radio (and no, I didn't research it myself) cross dressers claim that a third bathroom or shower for them exclusively is isolation, and they want no part of it.

Ok Ray From Cleveland
so if they have this belief "they want no part of a policy"
don't the other 99% of the population have equal right
to their belief if they "want no part of a policy"

Why is one person's consent weighed more than another?
Doesn't each person have equal right to consent when it affects us all?

Everybody wants part of the policy pro or con.

Cross dressers want to go to bathrooms and lockers with women. Most of us don't want that, especially when it comes to our female children in school like DumBama is dictating.

What I'd recommend is people work with their own communities, sites and management.
Each case is different.
I just heard a university level spokesperson explaining that
when they work with these situations, it's one on one with each particular student.
That's how it should be.

I don't run around expecting every single religious and political group to work with me and all my beliefs,
I work with the people around me, and the groups I connect with.

So if we work one-on-one we can manage something that works.
Whereas trying to write up one blanket policy and impose it everywhere for everyone
in every situation is bound to fail.
That even contradicts what the whole point is on accepting LGBT and diversity
is that some people aren't going to fit the mold that we prefer or are used to.

So why not take this individually and trust people to work it out where
there is NO harassment, NO bullying, NO abuse of anyone in public facilities
and NO discrimination on beliefs people have about this matter.

Start with no discrimination against beliefs, and that covers each and every
person's viewpoint.

People who can't work with other people's beliefs should be taken off to the side,
work out what the problem is, and make sure those objections and concerns are resolved.
Whatever policy is enacted should address ALL the concerns and objections and
make sure everyone is satisfied and included.

That's how you get a fair policy that doesn't discriminate on the basis of creed.
People need to work out their issues and concerns locally, what works for them,
and not try to make a blanket policy for everyone else who might have their own solutions.

I really think single stalls and unisex are the best way.
It will take forever, lots of therapy, to work out all the issues people have I'm hearing come out of these discussions.
Better to let people work out their beliefs in private,
and in the meantime, set up neutral facilities that will work regardless of what people believe or don't about any of this!
A transgender teen actor praising Obama for letting boys use the girl's bathroom. He stated that he had to use the nurse's bathroom and it was a reminder that he was different. It was likely because there hadn't been a sex change operation yet. So, how is going into girl's bathrooms and showers not going to be a reminder that you're different? Will the new rule in schools be that you have to pretend that the person getting naked in front of you doesn't have the body of a boy? If you are uncomfortable with it, will you get into trouble? I bet any student who complains or refuses to shower with boys will be forced into some kind of re-education.

What This Transgender Teen TV Star Just Did Couldn't Be More DISTURBING...

What is WRONG with being reminded of being different?
Who is teaching people that is shameful?

Isn't the whole point of this about acceptance? of who we are as individuals?
If most of society does things righthanded and I'm lefthanded, there are going to be awkward times. When I go to churches in my neighborhood, I know I'm the only Asian person there,
and I know to introduce myself in relation to volunteer leader and nonprofits active there, so we have a common frame of reference.

I'm reminded every day that I'm different as a Constitutionalist who is a Democrat.
People tell me I can't be both. I can't be a real Democrat.
I get that all the time. Of course, because people aren't used to that.

That's natural to happen. People surprise me all the time when
I find out something different about them, and I value that even more, like a hidden treasure!

Whatever this is, it sounds like peer pressure and bullying/social acceptance issues.
So that should be handled through counseling and worked out among peers and schools
REGARDLESS what the reason is for a student feeling at odds and needing support.

That's not just a transgender issue. So whatever is going on there,
should be addressed in a way that helps and protects ALL students not just LGBT.
Last edited:
suppose that rule has been implemented where the obamas school at

the Sidwell Friends School

are you kidding. they only want it for OUR CHILDREN. Parents better start speaking out. Obama has become unfit to be our President when he starts advocating this kind of garbage on our children. the people NEED to demand the DOE be DEFUNDED and dissolved they are in on this crap.

Instead of just griping Stephanie may I suggest we take united action.
After the Constitutional overreaching with the ACA mandates, the
marriage equality beliefs, and now beliefs about gender and orientation,
there are plenty of grounds to argue we need to separate beliefs by party.
if it's wrongful for Christians to impose Christian beliefs through govt on the public,
the same separation policy should hold for liberals and LGBT beliefs imposed on the public.
If Christians are asked to keep beliefs in private, then so should LGBT beliefs remain private.

So either allow prayer, crosses, references to God and Jesus, and preaching in schools
and sure there can be the same for LGBT beliefs.

But not segregate one while forced integration of the other.

So let's draw the line. If liberals want to keep pushing onesided policies,
then let's separate funding. And shift all the exchanges, public schools, etc
to their party for them to manage themselves.

And likewise, let all those who want to be under other policies to set
up their programs under the parties that represent their beliefs.

The churches and religions organize by like beliefs, and separate
their own programs to manage themselves. Why not treat political
parties the same, manage and fund their own programs and policies
they believe in, and just use public institutions where all parties agree on as public policy.
suppose that rule has been implemented where the obamas school at

the Sidwell Friends School

are you kidding. they only want it for OUR CHILDREN. Parents better start speaking out. Obama has become unfit to be our President when he starts advocating this kind of garbage on our children. the people NEED to demand the DOE be DEFUNDED and dissolved they are in on this crap.

not just obama but the whole democrat party
suppose that rule has been implemented where the obamas school at

the Sidwell Friends School

are you kidding. they only want it for OUR CHILDREN. Parents better start speaking out. Obama has become unfit to be our President when he starts advocating this kind of garbage on our children. the people NEED to demand the DOE be DEFUNDED and dissolved they are in on this crap.

not just obama but the whole democrat party
suppose that rule has been implemented where the obamas school at

the Sidwell Friends School

are you kidding. they only want it for OUR CHILDREN. Parents better start speaking out. Obama has become unfit to be our President when he starts advocating this kind of garbage on our children. the people NEED to demand the DOE be DEFUNDED and dissolved they are in on this crap.

not just obama but the whole democrat party

right on, jon_berzerk it is because the democratic party platform even STATES principles as BELIEFS.
it IS like a political religion, and needs to be treated as one. http://www.txdemocrats.org/pdf/2014-Platform.pdf

That's fine if its says things we ALL AGREE we "believe in" as you can see in the preamble. "We believe in America" is not objected to because other people believe in that as well.

But what about beliefs we don't share: ie clearly stating "Texas Democrats BELIEVE health care is a right"

Not everyone shares that belief, so that's where we draw the line and ask for "separation of church and state" holding Democrats to their own principles when they bar others from imposing contested beliefs through govt.

jon_berzerk the saddest, most humbling realization of all
is understanding that this push by the constituents at the bottom is TRULY intended to help people.
Members of my own family even agree it's better to have govt provide health care for the poor,
and they don't mean anything controlling or political about it.

It's the political abusers at the top on the corporate level who hijack each and every one of these causes, from the Green environmental vote, the Black vote, the Latino and immigration/workers vote, the pink/women's/antiwar peace vote, and ABUSE it for political power with NO intent of really representing those interests.

That's the saddest part, and even CRUZ recognized the members of the Democratic party weren't the problem but their politicians who kept stealing the ship and steering for their own interests. He's one of the few people I've seen say that about both parties, and I wish he had more support to clean them both up. Instead of the media being abused to distort and backstab him for political points and profit as well.

With this LGBT push, again, it's a mix of BOTH elements -- both a SINCERE desire to defend minority interests. But then this abusive corruption of it, exploiting it as BAIT to incite or punish the other side in a turf war.

That part unfortunately causes a backlash and not only defeats and distracts from the purpose, but turns people against it who might have been sympathetic.

When you research the people behind Hitler's Holocaust camps, they also thought they were doing God's work. They would stop and take breaks, singing Bible hymnals in a choir similar to churches today, then go back to running their camps enslaving torturing and later exterminating Jews.
This also has turned people against whatever religious or political belief they blame this on.

So whatever corruption has been made in the name of the original principles of the Democratic Party that is supposed to stand for inclusion and defense of diverse minority interests,
everyone know the exact opposite is happening. Just like how Hitler and the Holocaust is the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches that they thought they were following.

Until people make the same mistakes they blame others for, nothing will change.
When we are equally to blame, maybe we can accept equal responsibility and quit
competing to say one side or another is more right or wrong. We've all imposed our
beliefs on others in defense of our own. This bullying has to stop. If we can recognize
our political beliefs just like religions, we can agree what principles we have in common,
and stick to those as govt policy where we all consent and are represented and included.

And STOP this nonsense of taking the beliefs that AREN'T shared and ramming that through govt.
We need to stop doing this to ourselves. I know it gets attention in the media to scare the heck
out of the opposition by threatening this stuff, but it backfires. And leads to the mess we see now.

We CAN'T keep rewarding bullying behavior, especially when we DON'T agree to be bullied back through govt.

We need a TRUCE between parties NOT to go there anymore. Retract the beliefs that are not shared,
and agree to stick to what is common. Or else separate beliefs and develop independent programs,
and agree how to distribute the funding so nobody is forced to give more funds to opposing beliefs.

At least make it fair. If you are going to force funding of Planned Parenthood, then match that dollar
for dollar with the Nurturing Network that is prolife by not antichoice so it is a nonpolitical nonprofit.
If you are going to fund research into marijuana then match it with research funds for spiritual healing
that is even more effective with no side effects, and cures the causes of addiction and disease instead of just placating symptoms as marijuana does.

If you are going to allow mandates that support the right to health care, then allow mandates for right to life.
If you are going to exclude one, then exclude the other; but don't discriminate and push one creed while penalizing the other. The prochoice side has successfully defended people against penalties for abortion,
why not afford the same defense for free market beliefs in free choice of paying for health care, etc.

jon_berzerk if we can address party beliefs in general,
then we can address each point IN CONTEXT:
* health care rights as a belief treated equally as prolife beliefs
* right to vote and right to bear arms treated equally as written amendments that people defend religiously
as symbolic and cultural and more than just the literal language of the law but the spirit and meaning
* beliefs about marriage equality and homosexuality, and beliefs about Christianity and group prayer
* beliefs about orientation and gender and about spiritual healing of abuse instead of denying therapy

If you are going to allow for one side, allow for the other.
If you are going to IMPOSE or integrate one, then allow the other side to impose or integrate their beliefs too
If you are going to ban, exclude or penalize, then allow the other side to do the same

If people CANNOT handle treating beliefs equally in public policy,
then remove that and just keep the parts that all people agree on and resolve the rest in private!
And a guy putting a dress and makeup on isn't?

Oh, I think it's kind of weird, but harmless.

Unlike you gun nuts who fantasize about shooting people you don't like all day, which isn't harmless because sometimes you do it.

Dear JoeB131 the DIFFERENCE is that Christians HAVE offered a cure for
* mental and criminal illness that otherwise causes disaster when mixed with guns
* people who don't want to be transgender or homosexual and have successfully changed through therapy

Liberals cannot REJECT the solutions to mental and criminal illness, and to suicides over bullying from gender
and orientation issues that COULD have been prevented through spiritual healing therapy the liberals reject,
out of disdain for anything Christian or Conservative, and then turn
around and want to OVERREGULATE for problems that occur after the fact!

If you want to legalize marijuana arguing it helps with cancer symptoms, and spend millions of dollars researching how marijuana helps the SYMPTOMS, why not spend as much money researching
Spiritual Healing that is free, natural effective with no side effects, and which cures the CAUSE of the illnesses, in order to cure the symptoms permanently, including the cause of addiction and abuse itself.

It does more, and costs nothing, so of course it has greater impact than marijuana that is limited in comparison. Why keep paying more for legislation and regulations after the fact, because of rejecting the solutions that would save more lives and resources by resolving problems in the first place? And then complain and blame the other side for that?

So if liberals are rejecting spiritual healing just because it is associated with Christians,
why should those very people who have been trying to cure and prevent problems at the root source,
be forced to pay for policies against their beliefs because of problems that could have been cured already?
If the more cost-effective solutions they've been advocating weren't rejected by the same people pushing more expensive agenda?

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