Obama To Issue Decree Forcing All Public Schools To Allow Transgenders To Use Bathroom Of Choice

Well, of course an edict! Jeez, He/She/It might want to visit a school sometime and need to pee.

So much of this stems from the Ninth Circuit Court decision that allowed a turd to identify as a president.
What do you expect from a kenyan faggot?


Coming off eight years of Bush's failed fiasco it takes a real 21kt prick to badmouth Obama. Take a look.....so far the American people have elected him to our highest office twice...TWICE
Get this:
"A school’s Title IX obligation to ensure nondiscrimination on the basis of sex requires schools to provide transgender students equal access to educational programs and activities even in circumstances in which other students, parents, or community members raise objections or concerns."
What do you expect from a kenyan faggot?


Coming off eight years of Bush's failed fiasco it takes a real 21kt prick to badmouth Obama. Take a look.....so far the American people have elected him to our highest office twice...TWICE
Hey shitforbrains- America elected Bush to our highest office TWICE.
What do you expect from a kenyan faggot?

Coming off eight years of Bush's failed fiasco it takes a real 21kt prick to badmouth Obama. Take a look.....so far the American people have elected him to our highest office twice...TWICE
Hey shitforbrains- America elected Bush to our highest office TWICE.

It's a damned shame we did. Ask the families of the 4500 young Americans who got killed unnecessarily in Iraq. Iraq had done nothing to harm America. Saddam Hussein made the mistake of trying to assassinate George W. Bush's Daddy in Qatar circa 1993. George W. Bush is the stupidest asshole I've ever seen in my life...'course I'm just 82.

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How about issuing an edict forcing all politicians to adhere to the Constitution and the Rule of Law - every law - instead of being exempt from the laws they pass and that apply to citizens?!
It is perfectly appropriate and warranted for Justice to notify school districts that to discriminate against transgender students violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Great. I hope your daughter is the first to get out of the shower with some weirdo gawking at her as she tries to cover her naked body with a towel.
Civil resistance time....except we won't bomb our country and kill cops like Barry's buddy Bill Ayers.
I'm undecided whether it is good or bad that the major issue of the day is where one should pee and poop.

I think it's way more than that. It's another example of the control freaks on the left fighting cat and dog to make sure the minority has control over the majority.
"Obama To Issue Decree..."


What’s both sad and funny is there are ignorant rightwing twits who would believe such a thing.
Leftard steps in his own crap once again.

The Obama administration is planning to issue a sweeping decree telling every public school district in the country to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity, the New York Times reported on Thursday.

Obama administration to issue transgender restroom guidance to schools

This is a prime example of why we need to keep the federal government as far away from everything as possible. It's what I and others have warned about when DumBama started to insert the federal government in our healthcare.

Once they have a hold of something, they abuse their control.
The law is equal. It doesn't provide for transgendered students to use the bathroom of their choice. It provides for all persons, regardless of intent to use the bathroom of their choice without regard to the impact to others.

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