Obama to Romney: Let's make a deal on your tax returns.

The prize being Romney exposed as a typical, fat-cat Republican tax-cheater.

I must point out again that you are low lifing it again.

You are worried about possible tax cheating while remaining silent on the oBama turds that have cheated and still havent paid.

We can start with your treasury sec.

I will never let low life employ a double standard.

Quit while you have some dignity remaining.

Mr Romney.... release your tax-returns now!


Careful, you'll soil yourself.
The prize being Romney exposed as a typical, fat-cat Republican tax-cheater.

I don't claim to know as much as any of you, but if he had been hiding something, shouldn't he be behind bars by now? How do we benefit from knowing what's in those returns? What exactly do you expect to find? If there was illegal activity, I doubt the IRS would have kept their mouths shut about something like this, yes?

The only thing I can think of is that people of the left would gain the notion of solidarity by looking at it. Sort of a, "lets stick it to the man" type of attitude.
Since we're talking taxes.. Can you tell me why Obama says that guys like him should be paying a little more, and yet shelters thousands of dollars from his tax bill by putting the money in his children's names? Why not just pay the taxes on that money if you think that you're not paying enough? Could it be that Obama is a hypocrite? Why yes, I think he is.
Just to show how important Romney's tax returns are, even the press has abandoned the issue in favor of asking just how it is that obama finds time to give interviews to People magazine, but not answer questions of the Washington Press Corp.

Where is your outrage with the 'liberal media' now? Idiot.

LOL... and I love it! :lol:
The prize being Romney exposed as a typical, fat-cat Republican tax-cheater.

I must point out again that you are low lifing it again.

You are worried about possible tax cheating while remaining silent on the oBama turds that have cheated and still havent paid.

We can start with your treasury sec.

I will never let low life employ a double standard.

Quit while you have some dignity remaining.

Mr Romney.... release your tax-returns now!

Cause Obama is dying in the polls without something to distract from his record... Please Mr. Romney... save him...:badgrin:
I must point out again that you are low lifing it again.

You are worried about possible tax cheating while remaining silent on the oBama turds that have cheated and still havent paid.

We can start with your treasury sec.

I will never let low life employ a double standard.

Quit while you have some dignity remaining.

Mr Romney.... release your tax-returns now!


Careful, you'll soil yourself.

Just like President Reagan. :lol:
Just to show how important Romney's tax returns are, even the press has abandoned the issue in favor of asking just how it is that obama finds time to give interviews to People magazine, but not answer questions of the Washington Press Corp.

Where is your outrage with the 'liberal media' now? Idiot.

LOL... and I love it! :lol:

Come on now.. You want to show us that college financial aid application? How much did Obama defraud the government of? It's not like those private Ivy League schools were cheap or something. How much did he get as a poor Inodnesian?
We need the American public to put heavy pressure on Romney to release his tax returns other than what Romney has already released. Mr Romney, what are you hiding?

TRENDING: Obama camp: Let’s make a deal on tax returns. Romney camp: No. – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's campaign sought to turn up the pressure Friday on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns, offering to back off on their calls for the release of additional years of returns if he agrees to disclose five years of tax information.

Obama campaign manager Jim Messina offered the deal in a letter sent to Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades. The Obama campaign posted the letter on its web site and emailed it to journalists.

"If the Governor will release five years of returns, I commit in turn that we will not criticize him for not releasing more–neither in ads nor in other public communications or commentary for the rest of the campaign," Messina wrote. His offer did not include a promise to avoid attacking Romney on the contents of any new returns, or make any commitments for independent third party groups.

That's all he going to get. Romney is still on the ropes over this, he needs to release the returns.
I must point out again that you are low lifing it again.

You are worried about possible tax cheating while remaining silent on the oBama turds that have cheated and still havent paid.

We can start with your treasury sec.

I will never let low life employ a double standard.

Quit while you have some dignity remaining.

Mr Romney.... release your tax-returns now!

Cause Obama is dying in the polls without something to distract from his record... Please Mr. Romney... save him...:badgrin:

LOL... How fickle the 'liberal-polls' are. For the time being, they like Romney.
I suspect this slow drip regarding Romney's tax return is going to cost him the election.
And really.. You expect us all to believe that a publisher is going to advance millions of dollars to an untried author in his 30's for an autobiography? Especially when he hadn't done a damned thing of merit?
Are Swiss bank accounts illegal? No.

If you have evidence that he has not paid the amount he is legally obligated to pay, let's see it. However, like a true leftwing herder, you're just following your media's instructions on what you should think. How embarrassing for you. Hack.

That makes sense only if you ignore the over 20 repubs who also said he should release them too.

Can you list the over 20 repubs?

He's under no obligation to pay them any mind... Lots of libs told 0bama he should close GITMO and he ignored them...

Even tho I know this is a request just to muddy the waters. I will post it and then you can ignore it and continue to claim only the liberals or liberal media is asking for it. Maybe you will even go personal and denounce them all as being democratic plants, RINOS or one of them many other excuses you use to remain in the bubble. Here:

1. George Will. On ABC’s “This Week,” Will, a long-time conservative commentator and Washington Post columnist, said, “The costs of not releasing the returns are clear, therefore he must have calculated that there are higher costs in releasing them.” At one point, he even played devil’s advocate to Republican consultant Mary Matalin, who was defending Romney.

2. Bill Kristol. “Here’s what he should do,” said Kristol, another conservative commentator, on Fox News. “He should release the tax returns tomorrow. This is crazy… you’ve got to release 6, 8, 10 years of back tax returns. Take the hit for a day or two. Then give a serious speech on Thursday.”

3. Ron Paul. Unitl just days ago, Paul was the other Republican presidential candidate. He is also one of those calling for Romney to release the returns. Paul told Politico today, “Politically, I think that would help him. …In the scheme of things politically, you know, it looks like releasing tax returns is what the people want.”

4. Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley. The Alabama Governor actually went further than others in suggesting that perhaps Romney is hiding something by not releasing his tax returns. “If you have things to hide, then maybe you’re doing things wrong,” he told the AP. “I think you ought to be willing to release everything to the American people.“

5. Michael Steele. The former chair of the Republican National Committee is pushing for release. He claims it will help voters trust Romney, especially since he claims there is nothing to see in the returns: “If there’s nothing there, there’s no ‘there’ there, don’t create a ‘there.’ Put out as much information as you can. Even if you don’t release 12 years worth of tax returns, at least three, four, five.”

6. Rep. Walter Jones. In an interview with CNN, the Republican Congressman from North Carolina said, “I think he should release his financial records and I think if he does it in July it would be a lot better than in October. …whenever you are asking for the vote of the American people you need to fully disclose what your holdings are, if you have any.”

7. Ana Navarro. “He should just release the stupid taxes and eliminate the Obama campaign tactic of insinuating he’s got something to hide,” the former adviser to John McCain said. “The Obama people are going to keep the issue alive and it has the potential of mushrooming into a bigger issue. …It’s time to just pull off the band-aid.”

8. Rep. Pete Sessions. Sessions (R-TX) leads the National Republican Congressional Committee, and even he called Romney’s tax returns “fair game” and a “legitimate question.” In an interview with CNN, Sessions said that “[Romney's] personal finances, the way he does things, his record, are fair game.”

9. Gov. Haley Barbour. The Mississippi Governor has been outspoken about the need for Romney to hand over the documents. “The advice I would give Romney is: Who cares about your tax returns? Release ’em!” Barbour said in a phone interview. “We need for this campaign to be about Obama’s record.” Earlier this week, Barbour also called for Romney to release the returns on CNN.

10. Matthew Dowd. This conservative commentator called it “arrogance” that Romney was not releasing his returns. Joining forced with Bill Kristol, Dowd spoke candidly about his doubts around Romney’s tax returns: “There is obviously something because if there was nothing there he would say have it…But I think the bigger thing is, it’s arrogance. Many of these politicians think I can do this, I can get away with this.”

11. Rick Tyler. Republican strategist and former adviser to Newt Gingrich’s campaign had this to say about Romney’s returns: “Mitt Romney had an opportunity to answer these questions during the primary. …He did not answer these questions and now they’re coming up again. …Only [Romney] can provide that information. …Or we’ll just have drip, drip, drip to November.”

12. John Weaver. This Republican strategist had a straightforward message that got picked up as a quote-of-the day. In regard to Romney releasing his returns, he said, “There is no whining in politics. …Stop demanding an apology, release your tax returns.”

13. Brit Hume. The conservative Fox News commentator told fellow Fox man Bill O’Reilly, “Any time it’s disclosure versus non-disclosure, you always wonder whether it isn’t better to put it out there. And if it turns out that if people get to hear once again that Mitt Romney is a very very rich man. …I guess the Obama team would have some sport with that for a couple days.”

14. David Frum. The conservative journalist David Frum Tweeted his opinion on the tax release controversy. “Tax returns the next problem. Releasing returns under pressure: more weakness, more pain,” he wrote in one tweet. “Do promptly and cheerfully what you will eventually have to do anyway,” he added.

15. John Feehery. This Republican strategist joined the growing list of Republicans asking Romney to release the returns when speaking with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. “Might as well get it over with,” he told her, “Couple of years, get it over with.”

16. Gov. Rick Perry Texas Governor and former Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry (R) has come out and urged Romney to release his returns. According to the AP, “Perry said that anyone running for office should give people what he called ‘backgrounds,’ including tax returns, if asked and if the requests are within reason.” When Perry was running for President, he released 10 years of returns.

17. Sen. Chuck Grassley The Iowa Republican joins the fray, The Hill reports: “”I don’t think he should be called on to do anything extraordinary other than what other presidential candidates have done.’ When asked if he thought Romney should do as much as prior presidential nominees have, meaning release more returns, Grassley said, ‘based upon my comment, I’d have to say yes.’”

18. Sen. Dick Lugar In an interview with CBS, Lugar, who himself ran for president in 1998, said it would be smart for Romney to release more returns. “‘It was quite a number which we released.’ …He added it would be “prudent” for Romney to release more years of his tax returns. ‘I have no idea on why he has restricted the number to this point,’ Lugar said.”

19. Wayne MacDonald The chair of the New Hampshire GOP came out and told the Washington Post in a phone interview that Romney should probably just release the returns. “Certainly, I don’t think Mitt Romney has anything to hide, and probably the best thing to do is to eliminate any chance for (the Democrats) to make this an issue,” he said. New Hampshire will be an important state in the election.

20. Mike Murphy The Daily Beast adds another person, long-time GOP consultant and former Romney employee, to the ever-growing list: “‘Why they didn’t release more of this material a year ago is confusing to me,’ says Mike Murphy, a veteran GOP consultant who has worked for Romney in the past.”

Now what you got? Hurry....make it personal!
We need the American public to put heavy pressure on Romney to release his tax returns other than what Romney has already released. Mr Romney, what are you hiding?

TRENDING: Obama camp: Let’s make a deal on tax returns. Romney camp: No. – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

(CNN) – President Barack Obama's campaign sought to turn up the pressure Friday on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns, offering to back off on their calls for the release of additional years of returns if he agrees to disclose five years of tax information.

Obama campaign manager Jim Messina offered the deal in a letter sent to Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades. The Obama campaign posted the letter on its web site and emailed it to journalists.

"If the Governor will release five years of returns, I commit in turn that we will not criticize him for not releasing more–neither in ads nor in other public communications or commentary for the rest of the campaign," Messina wrote. His offer did not include a promise to avoid attacking Romney on the contents of any new returns, or make any commitments for independent third party groups.

That's all he going to get. Romney is still on the ropes over this, he needs to release the returns.

No, not really... it's just a ploy to keep moonbats like you from thinking about the abysmal Obama record that is reality. Nobody else gives a shit.
Just to show how important Romney's tax returns are, even the press has abandoned the issue in favor of asking just how it is that obama finds time to give interviews to People magazine, but not answer questions of the Washington Press Corp.

Where is your outrage with the 'liberal media' now? Idiot.

LOL... and I love it! :lol:

Come on now.. You want to show us that college financial aid application? How much did Obama defraud the government of? It's not like those private Ivy League schools were cheap or something. How much did he get as a poor Inodnesian?

Something about Cayman islands and Swiss bank accounts. Must be why Romney refuses to reveal his past tax returns to the American people.
Where is your outrage with the 'liberal media' now? Idiot.

LOL... and I love it! :lol:

Come on now.. You want to show us that college financial aid application? How much did Obama defraud the government of? It's not like those private Ivy League schools were cheap or something. How much did he get as a poor Inodnesian?

Something about Cayman islands and Swiss bank accounts. Must be why Romney refuses to reveal his past tax returns to the American people.

psssssttttttt.......... << nobody cares >>

obama to Romney, "Give me something, please just to make it look like I'm still in charge."

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