Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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Seems this might be part of what Obama was hiding.

Obama's father forced out at Harvard - Associated Press - POLITICO.com

My Nephew's father did the same thing. Africans would travel to the US to attend school, meet some woman and marry her.....but already have at least one, two, or several wives ether in the states or in their home country.

Seems Obama's father was a Bigamist like my Nephew's father was. It seems Obama's parents weren't legally married which makes Obama illegitimate.

So now you know why he's hiding his past.
It's been common knowledge since 2008 that Obama's father had a common law wife in Kenya.

And who the fuck cares?

You people are vomit inducing disgusting racists.

DIdn't you at one time say Hawaii no long issues the long form BC?
Seems this might be part of what Obama was hiding.

Obama's father forced out at Harvard - Associated Press - POLITICO.com

My Nephew's father did the same thing. Africans would travel to the US to attend school, meet some woman and marry her.....but already have at least one, two, or several wives ether in the states or in their home country.

Seems Obama's father was a Bigamist like my Nephew's father was. It seems Obama's parents weren't legally married which makes Obama illegitimate.

So now you know why he's hiding his past.
It's been common knowledge since 2008 that Obama's father had a common law wife in Kenya.

And who the fuck cares?

You people are vomit inducing disgusting racists.

B-b-b-but Ravi, don't you know unless you adhere to the Christian, uber right wing ideals, mores and morals you are Satan spawn? How dare somebody have their own culture that is different! And if they do, they must be damned to hell. Get with the program dammit!
As usual yota is half right.
I didn't like most of his politics either but he was never incompetent. Far from it.
Jimmy Carter was a high graduate of The United States Naval Academy, served 6 years in the Navy as an officer and was Governor of Georgia.
Jimmy Carter was a fighter in the civil rights movement long before it was fashionable. Imagine how hard that was in southern rural Georgia. After his Presidency he has devoted most of his time to charities such as Habitat for Humanity. You will not find a better Christian man in America than Jimmy Carter.
A hell of a lot more than your peanut farmer quote.

If obama is competent he's having a hard time showing it. As for Jimmy Carter he's breathing a sigh of relief because he will no longer be known as the worst President since Woodrow Wilson because obama has taken that title from him.

George Bush Jnr is the worst president you have ever had period. Obama wouldn't even be in the bottom 10 at the moment (although he might be - too early to talk about legacies)...

GW Bush has the distinction of making the US the laughing stock of the world. Obama has tried - and been successful to a degree -to put that right...

Not making you argument viable. obama is doing 3rd term bush. What has changed since obama has been president?
If obama is competent he's having a hard time showing it. As for Jimmy Carter he's breathing a sigh of relief because he will no longer be known as the worst President since Woodrow Wilson because obama has taken that title from him.

George Bush Jnr is the worst president you have ever had period. Obama wouldn't even be in the bottom 10 at the moment (although he might be - too early to talk about legacies)...

GW Bush has the distinction of making the US the laughing stock of the world. Obama has tried - and been successful to a degree -to put that right...

Not making you argument viable. obama is doing 3rd term bush. What has changed since obama has been president?

He's doing nothing like Bush.....why do you think so many righties voted against him last year?
Seems this might be part of what Obama was hiding.

Obama's father forced out at Harvard - Associated Press - POLITICO.com

My Nephew's father did the same thing. Africans would travel to the US to attend school, meet some woman and marry her.....but already have at least one, two, or several wives ether in the states or in their home country.

Seems Obama's father was a Bigamist like my Nephew's father was. It seems Obama's parents weren't legally married which makes Obama illegitimate.

So now you know why he's hiding his past.
It's been common knowledge since 2008 that Obama's father had a common law wife in Kenya.

And who the fuck cares?

You people are vomit inducing disgusting racists.

B-b-b-but Ravi, don't you know unless you adhere to the Christian, uber right wing ideals, mores and morals you are Satan spawn? How dare somebody have their own culture that is different! And if they do, they must be damned to hell. Get with the program dammit!
From the article posted, it looks like some are still freaked out that Obama's father married a white woman.
Seems this might be part of what Obama was hiding.

Obama's father forced out at Harvard - Associated Press - POLITICO.com

My Nephew's father did the same thing. Africans would travel to the US to attend school, meet some woman and marry her.....but already have at least one, two, or several wives ether in the states or in their home country.

Seems Obama's father was a Bigamist like my Nephew's father was. It seems Obama's parents weren't legally married which makes Obama illegitimate.

So now you know why he's hiding his past.
It's been common knowledge since 2008 that Obama's father had a common law wife in Kenya.

And who the fuck cares?

You people are vomit inducing disgusting racists.

Common-law wife. Is that the excuse they used??? That's news to me.

Problem is these guys marry several women in the states, which makes it illegal. And the left had the nerve to attack Mitt Romney for the same thing....even though he never followed ancient Mormon doctrine that has long been outlawed in the LDS church.

Oh, and calling me a racist for pointing this out is just a lame attempt at lashing out when you know full well you're wrong.
George Bush Jnr is the worst president you have ever had period. Obama wouldn't even be in the bottom 10 at the moment (although he might be - too early to talk about legacies)...

GW Bush has the distinction of making the US the laughing stock of the world. Obama has tried - and been successful to a degree -to put that right...

Not making you argument viable. obama is doing 3rd term bush. What has changed since obama has been president?

He's doing nothing like Bush.....why do you think so many righties voted against him last year?

what is obama doing that is differnat than what Bush did?
Is gitmo closed?
Has the patroit act been repealed?
Is America out of Iraq? Afghanstian? Wait what about Libya?
Bailing out the banks?
Imagration reform?
have any of you non birthers had a chance to look at the president's newest birth certificate at white house .gov ?? has this changed any one's mind ?? do you wonder about the timing? does this eliminate all doubt for birthers ? not for me. this may ome up this wek again.
have any of you non birthers had a chance to look at the president's newest birth certificate at white house .gov ?? has this changed any one's mind ?? do you wonder about the timing? does this eliminate all doubt for birthers ? not for me. this may ome up this wek again.

Yes it is changing my mind, for three years birthers have said "show us the long form to end the controversy". I took them at their word. I'm now in doubt as to the validity of their word.

1. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Governor.
2. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Director of Health.
3. The validity of the paper document was confirmed by a letter from current Director of Health.
4. Obama Sr. Immigration Files obtained by FIOA requests dated from 1963 (or maybe 1964) show that it was noted at the time that Obama Sr. had a child (BHO II) born in Honolulu in 1961.
4. Fox News and the National Review confirmed that modern scanning software produces layers as part of OCR protocols in scanned documents.​

The state issued certified paper copies of the long form, this was scanned to electronic format for wide public distribution, members of the press corps where given hard copies, and it's not enough. (Which of course is a separate question from the perspective that having an alien father is a disqualification under Natural Born Citizen.) The whole Manchurian Candidate quality of the conspiracy is mind-boggling.

I'm beginning to doubt the sincerity of the idea that birthers were good to their word when they said they would accept evidence issued by the sovereign State of Hawaii under it's official seal that Obama was born there in the form of a Long Form Birth Certificate. They are becoming a true embarrassment to our Republican party and distract us from important issues while giving the liberal media plenty of fodder. It's going to be hard enough for us to unseat a sitting President, this will not bode well politically as we are painted with a broad brush by the media based on a fringe element.

Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit - FoxNews.com
PDF Layers in Obama’s Birth Certificate - By Nathan Goulding - The Corner - National Review Online
Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Immigration File

Last edited:
have any of you non birthers had a chance to look at the president's newest birth certificate at white house .gov ?? has this changed any one's mind ?? do you wonder about the timing? does this eliminate all doubt for birthers ? not for me. this may ome up this wek again.

Yes it is changing my mind, for three years birthers have said "show us the long form" to end the controversy. I took them at their word. I'm now in doubt as to the validity of their word.

1. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Governor.
2. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Director of Health.
3. The validity of the paper document was confirmed by a letter from current Director of Health.
4. Obama Sr. Immigration Files obtained by FIOA requests dated from 1963 (or maybe 1964) show that it was noted at the time that Obama Sr. had a child (BHO II) born in Honolulu in 1961.
4. Fox News and the National Review confirmed that modern scanning software produces layers as part of OCR protocols in scanned documents.​

The state issued certified paper copies of the long form, this was scanned to electronic format for wide public distribution, members of the press corps where given hard copies, and it's not enough. (Which of course is a separate question from the perspective that having an alien father is a disqualification under Natural Born Citizen.) The whole Manchurian Candidate quality of the conspiracy is mind-boggling.

I'm beginning to doubt the sincerity of the idea that birthers were good to their word when they said they would accept evidence issued by the sovereign State of Hawaii under it's official seal that Obama was born there in the form of a Long Form Birth Certificate.

Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit - FoxNews.com
PDF Layers in Obama’s Birth Certificate - By Nathan Goulding - The Corner - National Review Online
Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Immigration File


1. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Governor.
2. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Director of Health.
3. The validity of the paper document was confirmed by a letter from current Director of Health.
4. Obama Sr. Immigration Files obtained by FIOA requests dated from 1963 (or maybe 1964) show that it was noted at the time that Obama Sr. had a child (BHO II) born in Honolulu in 1961.
4. Fox News and the National Review confirmed that modern scanning software produces layers as part of OCR protocols in scanned documents.[/INDENT][/INDENT]

What has anyone confirmed? They have taken the word from a state employee that is controled by democrats. Anyone coming from a state that is so democratic influeneced might as well be a rino. Nothing was proven by this document becaused how many times did you say hawaii does not issue the long form anymore? And if you did not say it, it has been said. So if obama never had the long form how did he get the long form if hawaii doe not issue them anymore?
have any of you non birthers had a chance to look at the president's newest birth certificate at white house .gov ?? has this changed any one's mind ?? do you wonder about the timing? does this eliminate all doubt for birthers ? not for me. this may ome up this wek again.

Yes it is changing my mind, for three years birthers have said "show us the long form" to end the controversy. I took them at their word. I'm now in doubt as to the validity of their word.

1. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Governor.
2. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Director of Health.
3. The validity of the paper document was confirmed by a letter from current Director of Health.
4. Obama Sr. Immigration Files obtained by FIOA requests dated from 1963 (or maybe 1964) show that it was noted at the time that Obama Sr. had a child (BHO II) born in Honolulu in 1961.
4. Fox News and the National Review confirmed that modern scanning software produces layers as part of OCR protocols in scanned documents.​

The state issued certified paper copies of the long form, this was scanned to electronic format for wide public distribution, members of the press corps where given hard copies, and it's not enough. (Which of course is a separate question from the perspective that having an alien father is a disqualification under Natural Born Citizen.) The whole Manchurian Candidate quality of the conspiracy is mind-boggling.

I'm beginning to doubt the sincerity of the idea that birthers were good to their word when they said they would accept evidence issued by the sovereign State of Hawaii under it's official seal that Obama was born there in the form of a Long Form Birth Certificate.

Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit - FoxNews.com
PDF Layers in Obama’s Birth Certificate - By Nathan Goulding - The Corner - National Review Online
Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Immigration File


1. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Governor.
2. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Director of Health.
3. The validity of the paper document was confirmed by a letter from current Director of Health.
4. Obama Sr. Immigration Files obtained by FIOA requests dated from 1963 (or maybe 1964) show that it was noted at the time that Obama Sr. had a child (BHO II) born in Honolulu in 1961.
4. Fox News and the National Review confirmed that modern scanning software produces layers as part of OCR protocols in scanned documents.[/INDENT][/INDENT]

What has anyone confirmed? They have taken the word from a state employee that is controled by democrats. Anyone coming from a state that is so democratic influeneced might as well be a rino. Nothing was proven by this document becaused how many times did you say hawaii does not issue the long form anymore? And if you did not say it, it has been said. So if obama never had the long form how did he get the long form if hawaii doe not issue them anymore?

@BR - right on time.

@Everyone else. See what I mean?

Yes it is changing my mind, for three years birthers have said "show us the long form" to end the controversy. I took them at their word. I'm now in doubt as to the validity of their word.

1. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Governor.
2. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Director of Health.
3. The validity of the paper document was confirmed by a letter from current Director of Health.
4. Obama Sr. Immigration Files obtained by FIOA requests dated from 1963 (or maybe 1964) show that it was noted at the time that Obama Sr. had a child (BHO II) born in Honolulu in 1961.
4. Fox News and the National Review confirmed that modern scanning software produces layers as part of OCR protocols in scanned documents.​

The state issued certified paper copies of the long form, this was scanned to electronic format for wide public distribution, members of the press corps where given hard copies, and it's not enough. (Which of course is a separate question from the perspective that having an alien father is a disqualification under Natural Born Citizen.) The whole Manchurian Candidate quality of the conspiracy is mind-boggling.

I'm beginning to doubt the sincerity of the idea that birthers were good to their word when they said they would accept evidence issued by the sovereign State of Hawaii under it's official seal that Obama was born there in the form of a Long Form Birth Certificate.

Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit - FoxNews.com
PDF Layers in Obama’s Birth Certificate - By Nathan Goulding - The Corner - National Review Online
Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Immigration File


1. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Governor.
2. Birth in Hawaii was confirmed by a Republican Director of Health.
3. The validity of the paper document was confirmed by a letter from current Director of Health.
4. Obama Sr. Immigration Files obtained by FIOA requests dated from 1963 (or maybe 1964) show that it was noted at the time that Obama Sr. had a child (BHO II) born in Honolulu in 1961.
4. Fox News and the National Review confirmed that modern scanning software produces layers as part of OCR protocols in scanned documents.[/INDENT][/INDENT]

What has anyone confirmed? They have taken the word from a state employee that is controled by democrats. Anyone coming from a state that is so democratic influeneced might as well be a rino. Nothing was proven by this document becaused how many times did you say hawaii does not issue the long form anymore? And if you did not say it, it has been said. So if obama never had the long form how did he get the long form if hawaii doe not issue them anymore?

@BR - right on time.

@Everyone else. See what I mean?


See what I mean is not the appropriate response
Nothing was proven by this document becaused how many times did you say hawaii does not issue the long form anymore? And if you did not say it, it has been said. So if obama never had the long form how did he get the long form if hawaii doe not issue them anymore?
Do try again.
What has anyone confirmed? They have taken the word from a state employee that is controled by democrats. Anyone coming from a state that is so democratic influeneced might as well be a rino. Nothing was proven by this document becaused how many times did you say hawaii does not issue the long form anymore? And if you did not say it, it has been said. So if obama never had the long form how did he get the long form if hawaii doe not issue them anymore?

@BR - right on time.

@Everyone else. See what I mean?


See what I mean is not the appropriate response
Nothing was proven by this document becaused how many times did you say hawaii does not issue the long form anymore? And if you did not say it, it has been said. So if obama never had the long form how did he get the long form if hawaii doe not issue them anymore?
Do try again.

Read the letter. You answer is there.

@BR - right on time.

@Everyone else. See what I mean?


See what I mean is not the appropriate response
Nothing was proven by this document becaused how many times did you say hawaii does not issue the long form anymore? And if you did not say it, it has been said. So if obama never had the long form how did he get the long form if hawaii doe not issue them anymore?
Do try again.

Read the letter. You answer is there.


"Read the letter. You answer is there." is not the appropriate response

how many times did you say hawaii does not issue the long form anymore? And if you did not say it, it has been said. So if obama never had the long form how did he get the long form if hawaii doe not issue them anymore

Cut and paste your words if you have to but you will answer me or crawl away.
President Obama and myself thanks you for your support in making him look smarter by making birthers look not only stupid but almost criminally devoid of intelligence of any kind.
President Obama and myself thanks you for your support in making him look smarter by making birthers look not only stupid but almost criminally devoid of intelligence of any kind.

How many times was it reapeated Hawaii does not issue the long form BC anymore? If obama never had the long form how did he get the long form, if hawaii does not issue them anymore

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