Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

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Oh it isn't over yet. I guarantee it. Only the lame stream media and the obama worshipers think it is. Most who doubted obama before doubt him even more now. Nothing is over.

Yeah, no shit.

Except, you guys look even more retarded now (as if that were possible).


Not at all.

Birthers got stigmatized. Some of them rightfully so.

But, in general, DOUBTING President Obama is a sign of intelligence.

Taking almost anything the idiot-in-chief says at face value is the sign of mental weakness.

Thus, as is so frequently the case, Sallow and gotohades have things bass-ackwards.
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
Yeah, no shit.

Except, you guys look even more retarded now (as if that were possible).


Not at all.

Birthers got stigmatized. Some of them rightfully so.

But, in general, DOUBTING President Obama is a sign of intelligence.

Taking almost anything the idiot-in-chief says at face value is the sign of mental weakness.

Thus, as is so frequently the case, Sallow and gotohades have things bass-ackwards.

Doubting Obama and being a birther are two very different things.

However, if you want to jump on the birther Crazy-Train (as you were a somewhat reluctant rider before he released the long form COLB), then by all means.......
Yeah, no shit.

Except, you guys look even more retarded now (as if that were possible).


Not at all.

Birthers got stigmatized. Some of them rightfully so.

But, in general, DOUBTING President Obama is a sign of intelligence.

Taking almost anything the idiot-in-chief says at face value is the sign of mental weakness.

Thus, as is so frequently the case, Sallow and gotohades have things bass-ackwards.

Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.

I've disagreed with many on this issue always believing that Obama is a Citizen though I didn't support him in the election (primary or general). But once it was settled; many whom I disagreed with now agree with me. Those who still think that he is not a citizen are almost confirmed as making this a ethnicity issue.

Not at all.

Birthers got stigmatized. Some of them rightfully so.

But, in general, DOUBTING President Obama is a sign of intelligence.

Taking almost anything the idiot-in-chief says at face value is the sign of mental weakness.

Thus, as is so frequently the case, Sallow and gotohades have things bass-ackwards.

Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.

I've disagreed with many on this issue always believing that Obama is a Citizen though I didn't support him in the election (primary or general). But once it was settled; many whom I disagreed with now agree with me. Those who still think that he is not a citizen are almost confirmed as making this a ethnicity issue.

If it were just a matter of (as the Birther's deceitfully claim) Obama's word, Liability might have a point.

However, it is not. To accept the birther position, you also have to deny that the State of Hawaii via a Republican appointed Director of Health and Human Services twice confirmed his citizenship and that all the proper laws were observed prior to him being put on the ballot.

Not at all.

Birthers got stigmatized. Some of them rightfully so.

But, in general, DOUBTING President Obama is a sign of intelligence.

Taking almost anything the idiot-in-chief says at face value is the sign of mental weakness.

Thus, as is so frequently the case, Sallow and gotohades have things bass-ackwards.

Doubting Obama and being a birther are two very different things.

However, if you want to jump on the birther Crazy-Train (as you were a somewhat reluctant rider before he released the long form COLB), then by all means.......

oh really? who would have thought you were going to say that?:eusa_whistle:

Not at all.

Birthers got stigmatized. Some of them rightfully so.

But, in general, DOUBTING President Obama is a sign of intelligence.

Taking almost anything the idiot-in-chief says at face value is the sign of mental weakness.

Thus, as is so frequently the case, Sallow and gotohades have things bass-ackwards.

Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.

I've disagreed with many on this issue always believing that Obama is a Citizen though I didn't support him in the election (primary or general). But once it was settled; many whom I disagreed with now agree with me. Those who still think that he is not a citizen are almost confirmed as making this a ethnicity issue.

Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.
Why did we go to war in Iraq?
Not at all.

Birthers got stigmatized. Some of them rightfully so.

But, in general, DOUBTING President Obama is a sign of intelligence.

Taking almost anything the idiot-in-chief says at face value is the sign of mental weakness.

Thus, as is so frequently the case, Sallow and gotohades have things bass-ackwards.

Doubting Obama and being a birther are two very different things.

However, if you want to jump on the birther Crazy-Train (as you were a somewhat reluctant rider before he released the long form COLB), then by all means.......

oh really? who would have thought you were going to say that?:eusa_whistle:

As I know you are painfully slow on the uptake:

See above post for further clarification.
Obama thumbs his nose at everyone like the classless individual that he is.

American Thinker: Trump and the Hunt for Red Obama

Obama mocks Trump's presidential ambitions - Yahoo! News

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama exacted his revenge Saturday after weeks of attacks from his would-be Republican challenger Donald Trump, joking that the billionaire businessman could bring change to the White House, transforming it from a stately mansion into a tacky casino with a whirlpool in the garden.

With Trump in attendance, Obama used the White House Correspondents' Association annual dinner to mock the reality TV star's presidential ambitions. The president said Trump has shown the acumen of a future president, from firing Gary Busey on a recent episode of "Celebrity Apprentice" to focusing so much time on conspiracy theories about Obama's birthplace.

After a week when Obama released his long-form Hawaii birth certificate, he said Trump could now focus on the serious issues, from whether the moon landing actually happened to "where are Biggie and Tupac?"

"No one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than 'the Donald,'" Obama said, referring to Trump's claims the same day that he was responsible for solving the issue.

And then, as a coup de grace, Obama showed a screen with his vision of how Trump could bring change to the White House. "Trump" was prominently displayed in glittery letters and girls could be seen with cocktails on a Jacuzzi-augmented front lawn.

Trump chuckled at some of the earlier jokes, but was clearly less amused as comedian Seth Meyers picked up where Obama left off.

"Donald Trump often talks about running as a Republican, which is surprising," said the Saturday Night Live actor, entrusted with providing some of the comedy for the evening. "I just assumed he was running as a joke."

Trump stared icily at Meyers as he continued to criticize the real estate tycoon.

Yes, this is our President in a nut-shell. A tasteless little man with no sense of humor unless it's at someone else expense.
Not at all.

Birthers got stigmatized. Some of them rightfully so.

But, in general, DOUBTING President Obama is a sign of intelligence.

Taking almost anything the idiot-in-chief says at face value is the sign of mental weakness.

Thus, as is so frequently the case, Sallow and gotohades have things bass-ackwards.

Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.

I've disagreed with many on this issue always believing that Obama is a Citizen though I didn't support him in the election (primary or general). But once it was settled; many whom I disagreed with now agree with me. Those who still think that he is not a citizen are almost confirmed as making this a ethnicity issue.

Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.
Why did we go to war in Iraq?

Executive level incompetence of the highest order.

That still doesn't equate to a conspiracy or unlawfulness.
Doubting Obama and being a birther are two very different things.

However, if you want to jump on the birther Crazy-Train (as you were a somewhat reluctant rider before he released the long form COLB), then by all means.......

oh really? who would have thought you were going to say that?:eusa_whistle:

As I know you are painfully slow on the uptake:

See above post for further clarification.

No hell boy it's because I am three steps a head of you thats why I question the birth record.
Obama thumbs his nose at everyone like the classless individual that he is.

The event is supposed to be a roast. Obama took plenty of shots at himself (as did George Bush) if you bothered to watch the video (which I doubt).

That beings said: the dumb-fucking birthers deserve to be mocked and derided. It was pretty funny that Obama made the birth issue his opening zing.

Obviously, he's not worried about this.
Obama thumbs his nose at everyone like the classless individual that he is.

The event is supposed to be a roast. Obama took plenty of shots at himself (as did George Bush) if you bothered to watch the video (which I doubt).

That beings said: the dumb-fucking birthers deserve to be mocked and derided. It was pretty funny that Obama made the birth issue his opening zing.

Obviously, he's not worried about this.
If he's not worried, why did he bother to show his birth certificate?
No matter who declares the issue "over," no matter how many names the obama ass kissing club can throw at those getting at the truth, no matter how much longer it takes to settle this issue, the facts of the matter are this... to date, both birth documents obama has produced have been proven to be forgeries, and pathetic, amateurish forgeries at that. It's as though obama himself is pissing in the face of half of America saying, "ha fuckin' ha, I wasn't born in America and I'll be damned if I have to prove it. Bite me America, and fuck your stinking constitution. I don't believe in it anyway."

» New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Critics: Obama’s Latest Long-Form Birth Certificate Is a Fake …Update: More Expert Opinion | The Gateway Pundit


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSH0cJHHW1I]YouTube - Obama's Birth Certificate Is a FAKE - Proof it Has Been Altered !!![/ame]
Obama thumbs his nose at everyone like the classless individual that he is.

The event is supposed to be a roast. Obama took plenty of shots at himself (as did George Bush) if you bothered to watch the video (which I doubt).

That beings said: the dumb-fucking birthers deserve to be mocked and derided. It was pretty funny that Obama made the birth issue his opening zing.

Obviously, he's not worried about this.
If he's not worried, why did he bother to show his birth certificate?

I meant he's not worried about the legitimacy of the document he's shown, which (shockingly) is the summation of the new birther movement.

As I have noted though, this whole thing is a Catch-22.
The event is supposed to be a roast. Obama took plenty of shots at himself (as did George Bush) if you bothered to watch the video (which I doubt).

That beings said: the dumb-fucking birthers deserve to be mocked and derided. It was pretty funny that Obama made the birth issue his opening zing.

Obviously, he's not worried about this.
If he's not worried, why did he bother to show his birth certificate?

I meant he's not worried about the legitimacy of the document he's shown.

As I have noted though, this whole thing is a Catch-22.
I would like to know how this stupid thing got started in the first place.
If he's not worried, why did he bother to show his birth certificate?

I meant he's not worried about the legitimacy of the document he's shown.

As I have noted though, this whole thing is a Catch-22.
I would like to know how this stupid thing got started in the first place.

Phil Berg and then Orly Taitz appealing to people who suffer from Paranoid Personality Disorders and frank bigots who can't accept that a black guy is in the White House legitimally.
Yeah, no shit.

Except, you guys look even more retarded now (as if that were possible).


Not at all.

Birthers got stigmatized. Some of them rightfully so.

But, in general, DOUBTING President Obama is a sign of intelligence.

Taking almost anything the idiot-in-chief says at face value is the sign of mental weakness.

Thus, as is so frequently the case, Sallow and gotohades have things bass-ackwards.

Come on.

There are some legimate criticisms one can make of the President.

Gitmo is still open.
Extending the Bush Tax cuts.
The surge in Afghanistan.
Health Care.

But the birth certificate thing? Sheesh..silly.
Oh it isn't over yet. I guarantee it. Only the lame stream media and the obama worshipers think it is. Most who doubted obama before doubt him even more now. Nothing is over.

Yeah, no shit.

Except, you guys look even more retarded now (as if that were possible).

The retarded ones are you who fail to admit the truth, and can do nothing more than sit on a message board and call names, you pathetic piece of shit.

Get a life.

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