Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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If he's not worried, why did he bother to show his birth certificate?

I meant he's not worried about the legitimacy of the document he's shown.

As I have noted though, this whole thing is a Catch-22.
I would like to know how this stupid thing got started in the first place.

To me, it shows that Obama has something to hide. Perhaps many things. Will the general public know what these things are in the next 2-6 years? Probably not. Should we care? IMO, no. Now let's find us a real leader for 2012.
Oh it isn't over yet. I guarantee it. Only the lame stream media and the obama worshipers think it is. Most who doubted obama before doubt him even more now. Nothing is over.

Yeah, no shit.

Except, you guys look even more retarded now (as if that were possible).

The retarded ones are you who fail to admit the truth, and can do nothing more than sit on a message board and call names, you pathetic piece of shit.

Get a life.

Oh the irony................
So, actually, it's not 'confirmed'.... but a bunch of fucking idiot birthers are still not happy. Color me shocked pink that you're one of 'em.

Not at all.

Birthers got stigmatized. Some of them rightfully so.

But, in general, DOUBTING President Obama is a sign of intelligence.

Taking almost anything the idiot-in-chief says at face value is the sign of mental weakness.

Thus, as is so frequently the case, Sallow and gotohades have things bass-ackwards.

Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.

I've disagreed with many on this issue always believing that Obama is a Citizen though I didn't support him in the election (primary or general). But once it was settled; many whom I disagreed with now agree with me. Those who still think that he is not a citizen are almost confirmed as making this a ethnicity issue.

Bull shit.

» New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Critics: Obama’s Latest Long-Form Birth Certificate Is a Fake …Update: More Expert Opinion | The Gateway Pundit


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSH0cJHHW1I]YouTube - Obama's Birth Certificate Is a FAKE - Proof it Has Been Altered !!![/ame]
I meant he's not worried about the legitimacy of the document he's shown.

As I have noted though, this whole thing is a Catch-22.
I would like to know how this stupid thing got started in the first place.

To me, it shows that Obama has something to hide. Perhaps many things. Will the general public know what these things are in the next 2-6 years? Probably not. Should we care? IMO, no. Now let's find us a real leader for 2012.

Like I said, it's a Catch 22.

People will view this act through the lens of their preconceived notions that existed long before this event. Obama had nothing to gain by releasing it, but he also had nothing to gain by sitting on it.

I suspect it will only help him with independents who (via the polls) thought it was a non-issue anyways.

You guys should certainly focus on finding someone for 2012. The Donald isn't doing you any favors.

Don't worry though, he'll never run. His ego won't stand up to the public scrutiny of his life. As soon as people start to really question him, he'll fold.
Not at all.

Birthers got stigmatized. Some of them rightfully so.

But, in general, DOUBTING President Obama is a sign of intelligence.

Taking almost anything the idiot-in-chief says at face value is the sign of mental weakness.

Thus, as is so frequently the case, Sallow and gotohades have things bass-ackwards.

Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.

I've disagreed with many on this issue always believing that Obama is a Citizen though I didn't support him in the election (primary or general). But once it was settled; many whom I disagreed with now agree with me. Those who still think that he is not a citizen are almost confirmed as making this a ethnicity issue.

Bull shit.

» New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Critics: Obama’s Latest Long-Form Birth Certificate Is a Fake …Update: More Expert Opinion | The Gateway Pundit


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSH0cJHHW1I]YouTube - Obama's Birth Certificate Is a FAKE - Proof it Has Been Altered !!![/ame]


Congrats, you guys have descended to the same circle of Hell as the idiot truthers.
The retarded ones are you who fail to admit the truth, and can do nothing more than sit on a message board and call names, you pathetic piece of shit.

Get a life.

Oh the irony................

What goes around comes around moron.

LMAO. This issue was legless to begin with. Now you guys are really screwed.

It's funny to watch you act like you have Obama on the ropes now (for doing what you guys have asked him to do for three years).
No matter

President Obama and myself thanks you for your support in making him look smarter by making birthers look not only stupid but almost criminally devoid of intelligence of any kind.

Just a little FYI candyporn, it's against the rules to alter another persons quotes. You might want to refrain from that in the future, lest you get yourself banned.

obama is a filthy, socialist, marxist, black theologist, racist, narcissist, radical piece of shit, and a fraud.
Last edited:
Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.

I've disagreed with many on this issue always believing that Obama is a Citizen though I didn't support him in the election (primary or general). But once it was settled; many whom I disagreed with now agree with me. Those who still think that he is not a citizen are almost confirmed as making this a ethnicity issue.

Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.
Why did we go to war in Iraq?

Executive level incompetence of the highest order.

That still doesn't equate to a conspiracy or unlawfulness.

Read my comment but yet you over look corn of no substance post

Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.
Exactly the reason why obama supports are brain dead drons.
And I know corn of no substance said she was not a obama supporter but where have I heard that before?
No matter

President Obama and myself thanks you for your support in making him look smarter by making birthers look not only stupid but almost criminally devoid of intelligence of any kind.

Just a little FYI candyporn, it's against the rules to alter another persons quotes. You might want to refrain from that in the future, lest you get yourself banned.

obama is a filthy, socialist, marxist, black theologist, racist narcissist, radical piece of shit, and a fraud.

I don't have to quote everything...I quoted your first two words, didn't alter any of it. But feel free to complain about such a trivial matter; after all you're used to being a trivial matter by now, I'm sure.


President Obama and myself thanks you for your support in making him look smarter by making birthers look not only stupid but almost criminally devoid of intelligence of any kind.
Taking anything said at face value is what you should do in every case; don't you think? Actions should always follow words; in Washington that doesn't happen often no matter who POTUS is.

I've disagreed with many on this issue always believing that Obama is a Citizen though I didn't support him in the election (primary or general). But once it was settled; many whom I disagreed with now agree with me. Those who still think that he is not a citizen are almost confirmed as making this a ethnicity issue.

Bull shit.

» New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Critics: Obama’s Latest Long-Form Birth Certificate Is a Fake …Update: More Expert Opinion | The Gateway Pundit


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSH0cJHHW1I]YouTube - Obama's Birth Certificate Is a FAKE - Proof it Has Been Altered !!![/ame]


Congrats, you guys have descended to the same circle of Hell as the idiot truthers.

refute the claim in the video.

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