Obama Trades Israel for Iran..

Ironically, the leftist trash on this site will condone this while the hypocrisy of their past statements slaps them in their insolent faces. Assad stays.
Now, now! We're all supposed to be afraid. Why aren't some of you cooperating?

1. Iran stormed the US Embassy, and took Americans hostage-in 1979-for no reason.
2. We were doing what was best for Iran, when the US helped overthrow the man whom the Iranians had popularly elected, in 1953. It was in OUR best interest; so why would they be angry?
3. Our Navy accidentally blew an Iranian passenger jet out of the sky, in 1988, killing all 290 souls on board. If I remember correctly, we never apologized to them.
4. They should be thankful for all the years that we forced the Shah upon them. They needed to be Westernized, so that we could have free reign to capitalize on the resources of their country.
5. SAVAK was a necessary evil. Iranians should have just given up their culture, morals, and values, so they could be just like us.

And 22 years after the overthrow of the Shah, those who didn't and still don't know history, believe that Muslims "hate us for our freedoms". And some of you know better, but continue to exploit that fear. I fail to see why anyone would be surprised that they have icy feelings for the US. The US is damned if we do, and damned if we don't.
I'm sick of Netanyahu's doomsday predictions. Either way we go, one side is going to be pissed, and we're going to be in danger. One becomes desensitized to fear, after years of having it rammed down your throat. It has not one damned thing to do with Judaism. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that the US is financially and politically spent.
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Now, now! We're all supposed to be afraid. Why aren't some of you cooperating?

1. Iran stormed the US Embassy, and took Americans hostage-in 1979-for no reason.
2. We were doing what was best for Iran, when the US helped overthrow the man whom the Iranians had popularly elected, in 1953. It was in OUR best interest; so why would they be angry?
3. Our Navy accidentally shot an Iranian passenger jet out of the sky, in 1988, killing all 290 souls on board. If I remember correctly, we never apologized to them.
4. They should be thankful for all the years that we forced the Shah upon them. They needed to be Westernized, so that we could have free reign to capitalize on the resources of their country.
5. SAVAK was a necessary evil. Iranians should have just given up their culture, morals, and values, so they could be just like us.

And 22 years after the overthrow of the Shah, those who didn't and still don't know history, believe that Muslims "hate us for our freedoms". And some of you know better, but continue to exploit that fear. I fail to see why anyone would be surprised that they have icy feelings for the US. The US is damned if we do, and damned if we don't.
I'm sick of Netanyahu's doomsday predictions. Either way we go, one side is going to be pissed, and we're going to be in danger. One becomes desensitized to fear, after years of having it rammed down your throat. It has not one damned thing to do with Judaism. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that the US is financially and politically spent.
Rush is Right and Bibi is Righter than Rush.

(did I get that right?)
Iran-North Korea Missile Cooperation Undermines Recent Geneva Nuclear Deal

Iran and North Korea working on 80-ton rocket booster


Iranian collaboration with North Korea on a new rocket booster for long-range missiles undermines the deal with Tehran on its nuclear program, key Senate and House Republicans said on Tuesday.

“While the president was undertaking his secret negotiations—which Congress wasn’t informed of—he had to know Iran and North Korea were testing new engines for ballistic missiles to target the United States,” said Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Ala.) chairman of the House Armed Services subcommittee on strategic forces.

Rogers said in a statement that despite sharp budget cuts, U.S. space monitoring systems would not miss the development of the new booster engine.

“Every day the president’s deal looks worse and worse,” Rogers said when asked about the Tehran-Pyongyang missile collaboration.

The chairman, whose subcommittee is in charge of overseeing U.S. strategic weapons, ballistic missile defenses, and space programs, made the comments in response to a report Tuesday revealing that Iran is covertly working with North Korea on a new 80-ton rocket booster that can be used in both nations’ long-range missile programs.

In the Senate, Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) also criticized the Iran nuclear deal for not addressing the threat of Iran’s ICBM program.

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IRGC Commander: Iran Among Rare World States with Ballistic Missile Technology


TEHRAN (FNA)- Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami said Iran is among the only three world country enjoying an indigenous ballistic missile technology.

“Many countries may have access to cruise missiles technology, but when it comes to ballistic missiles, I am confident that only the US and the (former) Soviet Union could master this technology, and now we can announce that we own this technology as well,” General Salami told FNA on Tuesday.

He pointed to Iran’s capabilities in the field of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and said, “While we did not have any knowledge about drones, we have developed and acquire drones that travel 2,000 kilometers, conduct their operations and then land in our desirable regions.”

Earlier this month, General Salami said the precision targeting of IRGC's ballistic missiles has been improved to have a margin of error near zero.

“Our situation has improved now because our ballistic missiles margin of error (in precision targeting) is near zero now,” General Salami said in a ceremony held in Tehran to commemorate the martyrs who were killed in a blast at the IRGC base on November 12, 2011, including General Hassan Tehrani Moqaddam who was in charge of the IRGC's Arms and Military Equipment Self-Sufficiency Program.

He pointed to the role played by the late commander and head of the IRGC Missile Research Center, Martyr Major General Tehrani Moqaddam, in the designing and production of high-precision ballistic missiles, and said, “Due to such attempts the precision of Iran’s ballistic missiles has approached (a) zero (margin of error) and our ballistic missiles target moving vessels on the sea and they operate against (enemies') command and control centers.”

“Martyr Tehrani Moqaddam led us to self-sufficiency in area of ground-to-ground missiles and his ideas resulted in the development of an innovative missile power for Iran,” he added.

Iran-North Korea Missile Cooperation Undermines Recent Geneva Nuclear Deal

Iran and North Korea working on 80-ton rocket booster


Iranian collaboration with North Korea on a new rocket booster for long-range missiles undermines the deal with Tehran on its nuclear program, key Senate and House Republicans said on Tuesday.

“While the president was undertaking his secret negotiations—which Congress wasn’t informed of—he had to know Iran and North Korea were testing new engines for ballistic missiles to target the United States,” said Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Ala.) chairman of the House Armed Services subcommittee on strategic forces.

Rogers said in a statement that despite sharp budget cuts, U.S. space monitoring systems would not miss the development of the new booster engine.

“Every day the president’s deal looks worse and worse,” Rogers said when asked about the Tehran-Pyongyang missile collaboration.

The chairman, whose subcommittee is in charge of overseeing U.S. strategic weapons, ballistic missile defenses, and space programs, made the comments in response to a report Tuesday revealing that Iran is covertly working with North Korea on a new 80-ton rocket booster that can be used in both nations’ long-range missile programs.

In the Senate, Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) also criticized the Iran nuclear deal for not addressing the threat of Iran’s ICBM program.

Iran-North Korea Missile Cooperation Undermines Recent Geneva Nuclear Deal | Washington Free Beacon


They have a right to defend themselves.

They have started no war with any other nation in 200 years.
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IRGC Commander: Iran Among Rare World States with Ballistic Missile Technology


TEHRAN (FNA)- Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami said Iran is among the only three world country enjoying an indigenous ballistic missile technology.

“Many countries may have access to cruise missiles technology, but when it comes to ballistic missiles, I am confident that only the US and the (former) Soviet Union could master this technology, and now we can announce that we own this technology as well,” General Salami told FNA on Tuesday.

He pointed to Iran’s capabilities in the field of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and said, “While we did not have any knowledge about drones, we have developed and acquire drones that travel 2,000 kilometers, conduct their operations and then land in our desirable regions.”

Earlier this month, General Salami said the precision targeting of IRGC's ballistic missiles has been improved to have a margin of error near zero.

“Our situation has improved now because our ballistic missiles margin of error (in precision targeting) is near zero now,” General Salami said in a ceremony held in Tehran to commemorate the martyrs who were killed in a blast at the IRGC base on November 12, 2011, including General Hassan Tehrani Moqaddam who was in charge of the IRGC's Arms and Military Equipment Self-Sufficiency Program.

He pointed to the role played by the late commander and head of the IRGC Missile Research Center, Martyr Major General Tehrani Moqaddam, in the designing and production of high-precision ballistic missiles, and said, “Due to such attempts the precision of Iran’s ballistic missiles has approached (a) zero (margin of error) and our ballistic missiles target moving vessels on the sea and they operate against (enemies') command and control centers.”

“Martyr Tehrani Moqaddam led us to self-sufficiency in area of ground-to-ground missiles and his ideas resulted in the development of an innovative missile power for Iran,” he added.


Good for them!
We've been ruffling the feathers of both countries since at LEAST the late 1940's. These photos do not evoke a Pavlovian response of fear in me. Rather, I am surprised that it took this long. We have to ask ourselves how we would feel, if we'd been exploited. Oh wait...we have. It took me about 27 years, but I eventually put it together. And I finally decided to try empathy, and ask that question that it seems no one wants to face: WHY do these people hate us? No one has enemies for irrational reasons-like jealousy. Sadly, many of my fellow citizens remain delusional, or in a state of denial called-American Exceptionalism.

I love my country. But I grieve at how willfully ignorant most of my brethren remain to facts. Or maybe they came to this conclusion long before I did, and chose not to concern themselves with it. But this isn't true in every case, or we wouldn't see people panicking, when the government changes that terrorism scale from yellow to orange.
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Now, now! We're all supposed to be afraid. Why aren't some of you cooperating?

1. Iran stormed the US Embassy, and took Americans hostage-in 1979-for no reason.
2. We were doing what was best for Iran, when the US helped overthrow the man whom the Iranians had popularly elected, in 1953. It was in OUR best interest; so why would they be angry?
3. Our Navy accidentally shot an Iranian passenger jet out of the sky, in 1988, killing all 290 souls on board. If I remember correctly, we never apologized to them.
4. They should be thankful for all the years that we forced the Shah upon them. They needed to be Westernized, so that we could have free reign to capitalize on the resources of their country.
5. SAVAK was a necessary evil. Iranians should have just given up their culture, morals, and values, so they could be just like us.

And 22 years after the overthrow of the Shah, those who didn't and still don't know history, believe that Muslims "hate us for our freedoms". And some of you know better, but continue to exploit that fear. I fail to see why anyone would be surprised that they have icy feelings for the US. The US is damned if we do, and damned if we don't.
I'm sick of Netanyahu's doomsday predictions. Either way we go, one side is going to be pissed, and we're going to be in danger. One becomes desensitized to fear, after years of having it rammed down your throat. It has not one damned thing to do with Judaism. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that the US is financially and politically spent.
Rush is Right and Bibi is Righter than Rush.

(did I get that right?)

Hoss, I guess I've been out of the loop too long; because I have no idea what you're talking about. Chopper pilot? You have my utmost respect.
The Dead's Envy for the Living

Many commentators, most eloquently Bret Stephens at the Wall Street Journal, draw a parallel between the appeasement of Hitler at Munich in 1938 and the appeasement of Iran at Geneva. There is another, more chilling parallel: Iran's motive for proposing to annihilate the Jewish State is the same as Hitler's, and the world's indifference to the prospect of another Holocaust is no different today than it was in 1938. It is the dead's envy for the living.

Dying civilizations are the most dangerous, and Iran is dying. Its total fertility rate probably stands at just 1.6 children per female, the same level as Western Europe, a catastrophic decline from 7 children per female in the early 1980s. Iran's present youth bulge will turn into an elderly dependent problem worse than Europe's in the next generation and the country will collapse. That is why war is likely, if not entirely inevitable.
It probably underestimates Iran's predicament: the UN's "low variant" puts the country's total fertility rate at 1.9 children as of 2015, but it already has fallen to just 1.6. This means in simple arithmetic that a generation hence, there will be two elderly dependents for every three workers, compared to 7 elderly dependents for every 93 workers today. That is a death sentence for a poor country, and at this point it is virtually irreversible.

As the United States Institute for Peace wrote in its April 2013 "Iran Primer":

Iran's low fertility rate has produced a rapidly aging population, according to a new U.N. report. The rate has declined from 2.2 births per woman in 2000 to 1.6 in 2012. This has pushed the median age of Iranians to 27.1 years in 2010, up from 20.8 years in 2000. The median age could reach 40 years by 2030, according to the U.N. Population Division. An elderly and dependent population may heavily tax Iran's public health infrastructure and social security network.

In 2005 and 2006, I was the first Western analyst to draw strategic conclusions from this trend, the steepest decline in fertility in the history of the world. Iran must break out and establish a Shiite zone of power, or it will break down.

Iran's theocracy displays the same apocalyptic panic about its demographic future that Hitler expressed about the supposed decline of the so-called Aryan race. Unlike Hitler, whose racial paranoia ran wild, Iran's presentiment of national death is well founded on the facts. That is not to understate Iran's paranoia. In 2013 Iran's Vice President alleged that Jews ran the international drug trade. In a June 2013 Facebook post earlier this year Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khameini wrote, "U.S. President is being elected [sic] only from two parties while Zionist regime is controlling everything from behind the scenes." That captions a cartoon showing fat men with moneybags for heads under a Star of David. Iranian officials routinely threaten to "annihilate the Zionist regime."

The difference, to be sure, is that Germany's decline was by no means inevitable in 1938, while Iran's decline cannot be reversed. Iran's leaders know this quite well. Its universities have competent demographers who helped frame the first studies of Iran's fertility decline, and its leaders have inveighed for years against the failure of Iranian women to bear children. Persian-language website warn of the tidal wave of elderly dependents who will swamp Iran's economy. For all the public anguish the situation gets worse by the year. Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute is doing the definitive work on this.

Why should Iran's fertility decline so drastically? In my 2011 book How Civilizations Die (and How Islam is Dying, Too) I observed that Muslim countries jump from infancy to senescence without passing through adulthood. Wherever Muslim countries have wrenched their people out of traditional society into the modern world, a demographic transition has ensued, compressing the slow decline of fertility of the West during the past two centuries into a couple of decades. Literacy (and female literacy in particular) is the best predictor of fertility in Muslim countries: the best educated among them, namely Tunisia, Algeria, and Turkey also have fallen below replacement fertility. Iran's fertility fell the fastest in part because the deposed Shah set in motion a crash literacy program.

Hitler only hallucinated the exhaustion of a mythical Aryan race: Iran's leaders live with the certainty that their civilization has barely a generation left before it collapses

The Dead's Envy for the Living :: Middle East Forum
The Dead's Envy for the Living

Many commentators, most eloquently Bret Stephens at the Wall Street Journal, draw a parallel between the appeasement of Hitler at Munich in 1938 and the appeasement of Iran at Geneva. There is another, more chilling parallel: Iran's motive for proposing to annihilate the Jewish State is the same as Hitler's, and the world's indifference to the prospect of another Holocaust is no different today than it was in 1938. It is the dead's envy for the living.

Dying civilizations are the most dangerous, and Iran is dying. Its total fertility rate probably stands at just 1.6 children per female, the same level as Western Europe, a catastrophic decline from 7 children per female in the early 1980s. Iran's present youth bulge will turn into an elderly dependent problem worse than Europe's in the next generation and the country will collapse. That is why war is likely, if not entirely inevitable.
It probably underestimates Iran's predicament: the UN's "low variant" puts the country's total fertility rate at 1.9 children as of 2015, but it already has fallen to just 1.6. This means in simple arithmetic that a generation hence, there will be two elderly dependents for every three workers, compared to 7 elderly dependents for every 93 workers today. That is a death sentence for a poor country, and at this point it is virtually irreversible.

As the United States Institute for Peace wrote in its April 2013 "Iran Primer":

Iran's low fertility rate has produced a rapidly aging population, according to a new U.N. report. The rate has declined from 2.2 births per woman in 2000 to 1.6 in 2012. This has pushed the median age of Iranians to 27.1 years in 2010, up from 20.8 years in 2000. The median age could reach 40 years by 2030, according to the U.N. Population Division. An elderly and dependent population may heavily tax Iran's public health infrastructure and social security network.

In 2005 and 2006, I was the first Western analyst to draw strategic conclusions from this trend, the steepest decline in fertility in the history of the world. Iran must break out and establish a Shiite zone of power, or it will break down.

Iran's theocracy displays the same apocalyptic panic about its demographic future that Hitler expressed about the supposed decline of the so-called Aryan race. Unlike Hitler, whose racial paranoia ran wild, Iran's presentiment of national death is well founded on the facts. That is not to understate Iran's paranoia. In 2013 Iran's Vice President alleged that Jews ran the international drug trade. In a June 2013 Facebook post earlier this year Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khameini wrote, "U.S. President is being elected [sic] only from two parties while Zionist regime is controlling everything from behind the scenes." That captions a cartoon showing fat men with moneybags for heads under a Star of David. Iranian officials routinely threaten to "annihilate the Zionist regime."

The difference, to be sure, is that Germany's decline was by no means inevitable in 1938, while Iran's decline cannot be reversed. Iran's leaders know this quite well. Its universities have competent demographers who helped frame the first studies of Iran's fertility decline, and its leaders have inveighed for years against the failure of Iranian women to bear children. Persian-language website warn of the tidal wave of elderly dependents who will swamp Iran's economy. For all the public anguish the situation gets worse by the year. Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute is doing the definitive work on this.

Why should Iran's fertility decline so drastically? In my 2011 book How Civilizations Die (and How Islam is Dying, Too) I observed that Muslim countries jump from infancy to senescence without passing through adulthood. Wherever Muslim countries have wrenched their people out of traditional society into the modern world, a demographic transition has ensued, compressing the slow decline of fertility of the West during the past two centuries into a couple of decades. Literacy (and female literacy in particular) is the best predictor of fertility in Muslim countries: the best educated among them, namely Tunisia, Algeria, and Turkey also have fallen below replacement fertility. Iran's fertility fell the fastest in part because the deposed Shah set in motion a crash literacy program.

Hitler only hallucinated the exhaustion of a mythical Aryan race: Iran's leaders live with the certainty that their civilization has barely a generation left before it collapses

The Dead's Envy for the Living :: Middle East Forum

Great find, Jroc.

What really caught my attention was the part: "Iran's theocracy displays the same apocalyptic panic about its demographic future that Hitler expressed about the supposed decline of the so-called Aryan race."

I think it’s important to understand motivations. As such, I tend to be suspicious of Iran’s mullocrats who are inclined to do anything to speed up the return their “Mahdi”. These loons may well be seeing their Shia Crescent slipping away while they also believe that their ancient “hidden Imam” is guiding them and that they have an entitlement to kill and maim in furtherance of the gods will. I tend to get defensive when those same people are openly hostile to anyone who does not believe as they do. When a belligerent group has the ability to cause death and destruction on a massive scale (and in fact has announced that goal), I’d just feel a lot safer if I knew they were not in control of nukes. Once people with IDCS, (Islamic Death Cult Syndrome) begin to think they are being inspired to do gods work through mayhem, then we are at risk from mad men dictating policy. This is particularly onerous when you consider the virulent hatreds espoused by the Iranian islamist jihad all-stars.

The Middle East is filled with nations that went from warring bedouin tribes to insanely wealthy ruling regimes in what-- 20 years (mid 1940's to OPEC in 1968 I believe)? The rest of the world gradually grew up out of its saber rattling over the course of centuries, and even we in the west aren't fully in control of our emotions versus our technological might. That there hasn't been a nuclear war since WW2 is astonishing, almost miraculous. But islamists are only now going through their theocratic crusade period, and the problem is, it's not just with horses and swords. Add a jihadic mindset, a martyrdom desire and nuclear weapons, and all humanity is at risk!

The crusades of Islam's past maybe could have killed a few million people over the course of a few centuries, but the crusade of Iran’s mullocrats could take out millions overnight and leave nothing but a tattered shoe flapping in the wind as the Middle East’s epitaph.
US freed top Iranian nuke scientist as part of secret talks ahead of Geneva deal


The secret back channel of negotiations between Iran and the United States, which led to this month’s interim deal in Geneva on Iran’s rogue nuclear program, has also seen a series of prisoner releases by both sides, which have played a central role in bridging the distance between the two nations, the Times of Israel has been told.
In the most dramatic of those releases, the US in April released a top Iranian scientist, Mojtaba Atarodi, who had been arrested in 2011 for attempting to acquire equipment that could be used for Iran’s military-nuclear programs.

American and Iranian officials have been meeting secretly in Oman on and off for years, according to a respected Israeli intelligence analyst, Ronen Solomon. And in the past three years as a consequence of those talks, Iran released three American prisoners, all via Oman, and the US responded in kind. Then, most critically, in April, when the back channel was reactivated in advance of the Geneva P5+1 meetings, the US released a fourth Iranian prisoner, high-ranking Iranian scientist Atarodi, who was arrested in California on charges that remain sealed but relate to his attempt to acquire what are known as dual-use technologies, or equipment that could be used for Iran’s military-nuclear programs. Iran has not reciprocated for that latest release

US freed top Iranian nuke scientist as part of secret talks ahead of Geneva deal - Jihad Watch
Now, now! We're all supposed to be afraid. Why aren't some of you cooperating?

1. Iran stormed the US Embassy, and took Americans hostage-in 1979-for no reason.
2. We were doing what was best for Iran, when the US helped overthrow the man whom the Iranians had popularly elected, in 1953. It was in OUR best interest; so why would they be angry?
3. Our Navy accidentally shot an Iranian passenger jet out of the sky, in 1988, killing all 290 souls on board. If I remember correctly, we never apologized to them.
4. They should be thankful for all the years that we forced the Shah upon them. They needed to be Westernized, so that we could have free reign to capitalize on the resources of their country.
5. SAVAK was a necessary evil. Iranians should have just given up their culture, morals, and values, so they could be just like us.

And 22 years after the overthrow of the Shah, those who didn't and still don't know history, believe that Muslims "hate us for our freedoms". And some of you know better, but continue to exploit that fear. I fail to see why anyone would be surprised that they have icy feelings for the US. The US is damned if we do, and damned if we don't.
I'm sick of Netanyahu's doomsday predictions. Either way we go, one side is going to be pissed, and we're going to be in danger. One becomes desensitized to fear, after years of having it rammed down your throat. It has not one damned thing to do with Judaism. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that the US is financially and politically spent.
Rush is Right and Bibi is Righter than Rush.

(did I get that right?)

Hoss, I guess I've been out of the loop too long; because I have no idea what you're talking about. Chopper pilot? You have my utmost respect.
Not a chopper pilot, but I rode in them on the way to work. As an Infantryman. I was basically talking about Rush being right. And Bibi is even more right than Rush.
Iranian Oil Exports Soar as Sanctions Collapse
Iran to get ‘well more than $20 billion’ in sanctions relief

Iranian oil exports soared in January, hitting new highs just months after the United States consented to billions of dollars in economic sanctions relief under the interim nuclear deal.

Exports of Iranian crude oil jumped to 1.32 million barrels, up from December’s high of 1.06 million barrels, according to data from the International Energy Agency.

The spike in exports—mainly to Japan, China, and India—has helped Iran’s once-ailing economy stabilize and decrease inflation.

Iranian oil exports have steadily risen since negotiations with the West restored confidence in Tehran’s economy. The increase runs counter to a promise by the Obama administration that “Iran’s oil exports will remain steady at their current level of around 1 million barrels per day.”

The significant rise in oil exports has led some experts to accuse the Obama administration of misleading the public about the amount of sanctions relief provided under the interim nuclear deal.

While the White House said Iran would receive no more than $7 billion in relief, these experts say that the rise in oil exports and other economic spikes will give Iran “well more than $20 billion.”

“These numbers … cast doubt on the accuracy of the administration’s estimates for sanctions relief,” former Ambassador Mark Wallace, CEO of the advocacy group United Against Nuclear Iran, said in a statement. “The $6 or $7 billion estimate does not take into account the tens of billions of dollars Iran will reap from increased oil sales.”

Iranian Oil Exports Soar as Sanctions Collapse | Washington Free Beacon
John Kerry is Working to Scuttle Israel-India Arms Deal

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is pressuring the Indian government to pull out of a pending deal to purchase Spike missiles from Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Ltd., one of the Jewish state’s top arms manufacturers, Israeli daily Ma’ariv reported on Thursday.

Until recently, it appeared that the major arms contract between Israel and India was all but finalized, according to the report. The Spike missiles were tested extensively by the Indian army, which had reportedly agreed to spend millions of dollars on the rockets.

At the last moment however, John Kerry along with other senior U.S. government officials began to exert political pressure on the Indians to renege on their agreement with Israel.

Report: John Kerry is Working to Scuttle Israel-India Arms Deal | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com
John Kerry is Working to Scuttle Israel-India Arms Deal

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is pressuring the Indian government to pull out of a pending deal to purchase Spike missiles from Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Ltd., one of the Jewish state’s top arms manufacturers, Israeli daily Ma’ariv reported on Thursday.

Until recently, it appeared that the major arms contract between Israel and India was all but finalized, according to the report. The Spike missiles were tested extensively by the Indian army, which had reportedly agreed to spend millions of dollars on the rockets.

At the last moment however, John Kerry along with other senior U.S. government officials began to exert political pressure on the Indians to renege on their agreement with Israel.

Report: John Kerry is Working to Scuttle Israel-India Arms Deal | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com
Howdy Doody Kerry seems to have his nose in a lot of Israels business lately. This week he's meeting Abbas in Paris and will throw some kind of wrench in the works if he can.

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