Obama Trades Israel for Iran..

I didn't know we owned Israel, but that should save us trillions of dollars.
Sure it will. When you have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, possibility of a world war using nuclear weapons, the Saudis and Gulf states in turmoil raising the price oil to $15 or $20 a barrel, of we'll save a lot of money. :cuckoo:

Which Middle East country has nuclear weapons? I don't understand this arms race you are talking about. Doesn't a country develop nuclear weapons in order to deter a country that already has nuclear weapons from using them?

I also have a question about human anatomy. I don't understand the term "He speaks out of both sides of his mouth."
The Saudis and the Gulf states and the Sunnis in general see Iran as a major threat. The Saudis and Egyptians are already in negotiations with Pakistan to make their own bomb. If you can't stop Iran from making a bomb you sure as hell won't be able to tell our allies they aren't allowed to have something their enemies are going to get.

What Obama is doing is a national security threat of the highest order, and very dangerous for the world. At a time when the US had the upper hand and needed to show more resolve and strength, it did the exact opposite, it capitulated and showed weakness. This will come back to bite us.
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Is there anyone alive who did not expect him to throw Israel under the bus for an islamic country?
He threw his reverend, his grandmother, and a whole host of friends and associates under the bus, why not Israel?
Iran hasn't attacked anyone?
That's right! They haven't attacked anyone in over 200 years, dumbass!

What, you don't count the marine barracks, all the dead US soldiers in IRAQ at the hands of Iranian agents, and various Hezbollah and other Iranian proxy terrorist operations as attacks?
Unless you can post the evidence, that's nothing but Roudy propaganda.

You're the fucking lunatic who thinks a terrorist Islamic regime who has been caught lying and deceiving many times over the nuclear issue can suddenly now be trusted.
And just what lies were those?

The analogy is perfect. Obama has no clue about foreign policy especially when it comes to the Middle East, and this deal is an appeasement of Iranian IslamoNazi savages.
No, the analogy sucks! You only use it, because you're a kid trying to comment on big boy stuff.
Obama trades Israel for Iran.

And that's new, why? We knew it'll happen, no surprise there.

Whatever the blind west signed with Iran, Israel is not obligated, our signature is not on the paper.

We're committed to our people and our people alone.

So, it's no biggie.
Sure it will. When you have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, possibility of a world war using nuclear weapons, the Saudis and Gulf states in turmoil raising the price oil to $15 or $20 a barrel, of we'll save a lot of money. :cuckoo:

Which Middle East country has nuclear weapons? I don't understand this arms race you are talking about. Doesn't a country develop nuclear weapons in order to deter a country that already has nuclear weapons from using them?

I also have a question about human anatomy. I don't understand the term "He speaks out of both sides of his mouth."
The Saudis and the Gulf states and the Sunnis in general see Iran as a major threat. The Saudis and Egyptians are already in negotiations to with Pakistan to make their own bomb. If you can't stop Iran from making a bomb you sure as hell won't be able to tell our allies they aren't allowed to. What Obama doing is a national security threat of the highest order, and very dangerous for the world. At a time when the US had the upper hand and needed to show more resolve and strength, it did the exact opposite, it capitulated and showed weakness. This will come back to bite us.

We didn't stop Israel from making a bomb.

Because of Israel, we are no longer seen as an honest broker and we have lost our moral imperative.

Don't get me wrong. I am against Iran having nuclear weapons but it seems hypocritical to me to endorse Israel's possession of nukes and expect Iran to discontinue their ALLEGED nuclear weapons program.

Jews deserve the same considerations as any other religious organization. They do not deserve special treatment because they are Jews.
Treaties are good because their solid.
Break a treaty and pay the price.
I give Iran about 26 minutes to break any given treaty.
Obama trades Israel for Iran.

And that's new, why? We knew it'll happen, no surprise there.

Whatever the blind west signed with Iran, Israel is not obligated, our signature is not on the paper.

We're committed to our people and our people alone.

So, it's no biggie.
Hail to the Israeli Reich!
Obama trades Israel for Iran.

And that's new, why? We knew it'll happen, no surprise there.

Whatever the blind west signed with Iran, Israel is not obligated, our signature is not on the paper.

We're committed to our people and our people alone.

So, it's no biggie.
Hail to the Israeli Reich!

Wow, is that the best you can come up with?

Obama trades Israel for Iran.

And that's new, why? We knew it'll happen, no surprise there.

Whatever the blind west signed with Iran, Israel is not obligated, our signature is not on the paper.

We're committed to our people and our people alone.

So, it's no biggie.
Hail to the Israeli Reich!

Wow, is that the best you can come up with?


The word "desperate" keeps coming to mind with Obama and his followers..
Wow, is that the best you can come up with?

It fits. You people act like your shit don't stink and you think you can do whatever you fuckin' please. That's just how the Nazis acted after the fall of France. Walking around thinking their so bitchin'. Then the world got sick of their bullshit and kicked their fuckin' ass!

That will be Israel's fate as well.
Wow, is that the best you can come up with?

It fits. You people act like your shit don't stink and you think you can do whatever you fuckin' please. That's just how the Nazis acted after the fall of France. Walking around thinking their so bitchin'. Then the world got sick of their bullshit and kicked their fuckin' ass!

That will be Israel's fate as well.

Obama is this century's Chamberlain, and that is how history will remember him one day.

Something which doesn't, by the way, effects us, but the world in general.
Just show how friken stupid you are Iran supports terrorist around the world including killing American troops you're an idiot:cuckoo:
Where's your proof of that?

Iran supplying weapons to groups in Iraq, Afghanistan: Report


Iran Arming Iraqi Groups Attacking U.S. Troops, Gates Says
Iran Arming Iraqi Groups Attacking U.S. Troops, Gates Says - Bloomberg
Wow, is that the best you can come up with?

It fits. You people act like your shit don't stink and you think you can do whatever you fuckin' please. That's just how the Nazis acted after the fall of France. Walking around thinking their so bitchin'. Then the world got sick of their bullshit and kicked their fuckin' ass!

That will be Israel's fate as well.

Obama is this century's Chamberlain, and that is how history will remember him one day.

Something which doesn't, by the way, effects us, but the world in general.

Add the problems of the Obamacare website to selling out Israel, and it is easy to see why Obama's popularity has hit the lowest ever since they started keeping records, 37%.

It sounds like justice to me. Republicans have been trying to bring down this President for five years. Now we learn that by just leaving Obama alone, he implodes himself!

Sorry Barry, does the term "Lame Duck" mean anything to you?

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