Obama Troubled Over Execution!!


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
State of Disgust!
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news
Quote from the link:

"What happened in Oklahoma is deeply troubling," Obama said ...".

If he referred to the fact that a black man buried a white girl alive, after raping and torturing her, then, yes, it is very troubling.

If he finds the "botched execution" troubling, but ignores the horrible suffering the girl must have gone thru, then this empty suit should never again preach about any so-called social justice, and racial bias.

It is a safe bet that if the criminal was a white guy, and the victim black, he would cry about the victim.
Why don't they just shoot them? Wouldn't that be easier and faster?

I actually agree. A firing squad or a rope are a lot cheaper with a greater success rate.

I'm not too sure that the Oklahoma execution was "botched" in the first place. Perhaps the executioner was related to the victim and accidentally "overlooked" something during the procedure.
Instead of worrying about America's death penalty and whether it's "racially biased" or not perhaps Obama needs to be more concerned about ways to protect innocent people from heinous attacks. He really ought to be chastising sadistic murderers instead of lamenting over how justice is meted out and whimpering as he pulls the "race card."
He actually said there might be a racist aspect to this.

This is the primary problem of having a Black president that is a Democrat.

He cannot resist inserting race or class into the discussion. It's a Democrat's bread & butter.

Similar to communist-hive thought processes. He was raised to actually believe this nonsense.

It's as if everything that goes wrong in the life of a communist is the fault of the rich or the powerful. Even when they have the power they cannot change.
this administration is working hard to start a race war...guess who benefits from it?

we need to prepare they've become a danger to us
I don't know that it's a race war he wants to start. It looks more like the creation of a master race. Legal recognition that based on skin color, a personal is above being criticized or punished. A right to commit any kind of crime without fear of repercussions simply because of skin color.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

I do like how you think the opoinion of the President of the United States of America's opinion isn't important but your opinion is. It gives us insight.
I don't know that it's a race war he wants to start. It looks more like the creation of a master race. Legal recognition that based on skin color, a personal is above being criticized or punished. A right to commit any kind of crime without fear of repercussions simply because of skin color.

Oh! You mean like the first 250 years of our nation....
I don't know that it's a race war he wants to start. It looks more like the creation of a master race. Legal recognition that based on skin color, a personal is above being criticized or punished. A right to commit any kind of crime without fear of repercussions simply because of skin color.

Oh! You mean like the first 250 years of our nation....

Our nation is only 238 years old.
stirring up the races is his only job as President

I agree that it does seem to be one of his priorities. He pulls the race card when blacks are the victims (or so-called victims as in the case of Trayvon Martin) and then turns around and pulls the race card with blacks are convicted of heinous crimes and get their just reward. I can't remember when he went to bat for any white victims.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.
Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

I do like how you think the opoinion of the President of the United States of America's opinion isn't important but your opinion is. It gives us insight.

Thank you. I try. But seriously ... his opinion isn't worth squat at this point. He's lost ALL credibility while I still have much credibility. So ... my opinion is worth more than his whether you like it or not.:D
Obama is troubled by the death penalty, but has no trouble using drones which kill innocent people while he executes someone he considers guilty.

Go figure.
I don't know that it's a race war he wants to start. It looks more like the creation of a master race. Legal recognition that based on skin color, a personal is above being criticized or punished. A right to commit any kind of crime without fear of repercussions simply because of skin color.

Oh! You mean like the first 250 years of our nation....


1) You're about 12 years off of the mark.
2) Not all blacks have had it bad for the past 238 years.
3) Not all whites were slave owners back in the day.
4) Not all blacks were slaves back in the day.
5) Some whites WERE slaves back in the day.
6) Thousands of whites fought and died to free the black slaves.
7) Past wrongs don't justify current wrongs (2 wrongs don't make something right).
8) Obama finds every opportunity to pull the race card and stir the pot.
Do I really care what Obama is "troubled" by? Nope! I don't give two hoots at this point what bothers that lackey so his opinion doesn't mean squat.

He's boo-hooin' over the "botched" execution of a son-like man who beat, repeatedly raped, tortured, and shot a young, innocent, helpless young lady then buried her while she was still alive. Do I really care that his execution took a little longer than usual? No-sir-ee-bob!

Obama turns around and says that America's death penalty is "racially biased." What? This dude committed a heinous crime like a wild animal lacking a conscience. Justice was served. PERIOD!

Obama said the death penalty is warranted in some cases, specifically mentioning mass murder and child murder, and said Lockett's crimes were "heinous." But he said the death penalty's application in the United States is problematic, with evidence of racial bias and eventual exoneration of some death row inmates.

Obama troubled by botched Oklahoma execution - Politics news

First, statistics show that the death penalty in this country is racially biased, so he isn't saying anything anyone doesn't know.

Second, how could anyone with half a brain not imagine that a black American president would address racial issues in the country. That is what he should be doing. If a woman is elected president, she will probably speak on occasion about sexist issues in this coutry. Are you going to condemn her for doing that?
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