Obama Trying To Start A War With Russia


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama is swinging a golf club in Hawaii while he's creating a poisoned atmosphere overseas. This is not what a Nobel Peace Prize winner does. This is what a warmonger does. After stabbing Israel in the back, now he's trying to create a war with Russia.


Obama orders Russia expulsions, sanctions for interference in 2016 election

Obama orders Russia expulsions, sanctions for interference in 2016 election

By Jeff Mason and Lesley Wroughton | HONOLULU/WASHINGTON

President Barack Obama on Thursday ordered the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats and sanctioned Russian intelligence officials who Washington believes were involved in hacking U.S. political groups in the 2016 presidential election.

The measures, taken during the last days of Obama's presidency, mark a new low in U.S.-Russian relations which have deteriorated over serious differences on Ukraine and Syria.

"These actions follow repeated private and public warnings that we have issued to the Russian government, and are a necessary and appropriate response to efforts to harm U.S. interests in violation of established international norms of behavior," Obama said in a statement from vacation in Hawaii.

It was not immediately clear whether President-elect Donald Trump, who has repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and nominated people seen as friendly toward Moscow to senior administration posts, would seek to roll back the measures once he takes office on Jan. 20.

Obama is seeking to deter Russia and other foreign governments from leveraging cyber attacks in the future to meddle in U.S. politics, former officials and cyber security experts said.

Obama has been under growing pressure from within his own administration and lawmakers of both political parties to respond more forcefully to the cyber attacks, which included leaked emails of Democratic Party operatives that became part of the media coverage in the campaign for the Nov. 8 presidential election.

The Russian foreign ministry said on Thursday the sanctions were counter-productive and would harm the restoration of bilateral ties. Moscow denies the hacking allegation.

Obama sanctioned two Russian intelligence agencies, the GRU and the FSB, four GRU officers and three companies "that provided material support to the GRU’s cyber operations.

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Obama shall go to Kenya back.Donkeys and camels are waiting for him.
He shall stop to provoke wars between two white christian nations.
I know this is not what you want to hear at the moment but even Buchanan didn't screw the pooch this badly. The Ds have been screwing the pooch very badly since LBJ. Therefore I think the Ds are highly likely to go the way of the Whigs due to these last minute stunts.
If this is all true, just remember that his days are numbered still.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Another thing to remember is that just because a person tries doesn't mean that they are going to succeed. How many times has Hilary Clinton tried to be our leader so far only to fail when the dust finally settled?
FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies!
If they're hacking our election...Well, they're attempting to do the same to us...Turn around is fair.

America should never just shut up and deal with it.
The White House hacked Drudgreport last night.
At the same time he's using Russia as a distraction.....he's attacking conservative websites like Drudgereport, denying them service.
US Government Attacks Drudge Report? Conservative Website Down Because Of Distributed Denial Of Service Attack, Matt Drudge Tweets

US Government Attacks Drudge Report? Conservative Website Down Because Of Distributed Denial Of Service Attack, Matt Drudge Tweets

A tweet from conservative media icon Matt Drudge's verified Twitter account Thursday night appeared to accuse the government of interfering with his website, DrudgeReport.com, just hours after the Barack Obama administration announced new sanctions against Russia over election hacking.

"Is the US government attacking DRUDGE REPORT? Biggest DDoS since site's inception. VERY suspicious routing [and timing]," the tweet to Drudge's 457,000 followers read. There were no other tweets from the account at the time.

A large-scale distributed denial of service attack, or DDoS, can cause major Internet disruptions. In the past, such attacks have shut down major websites such as Twitter, Spotify, Netflix, Amazon, Tumblr, and Reddit. The attack sends a server many illegitimate requests to make it hard for real requests to get through, effectively shutting down the site.

Drudge Report was down briefly around 7 p.m. EST, but working hours later. The top headline read: "MOSCOW MOCKS OBAMA 'LAME DUCK'" Meanwhile, the conservative Washington Times wrote: "Matt Drudge suggests U.S. government cyberattack on Drudge Report website. DDoS attack comes same day Obama announced countermeasures against Russia for hacking of Democrats."

Conservatives on Twitter also accused the government of shutting down the Russian news website, RT. "Numerous reports of Russian state-run Network RT being unavailable. Drudge Report also under 'Biggest DDoS attack since site's inception,'" wrote one user.​

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