Obama Urges Protestors to 'Make people In Power Feel Uncomfortable'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama urges George Floyd protesters to 'make people in power uncomfortable'
'Obama urges George Floyd protesters to 'make people in power uncomfortable'

FINALLY something out of Obama's race-baiting, dividing 'pie hole' I can agree with - Protesters / Americans across the country should make failed, betraying, criminal-facilitating, incompetent, murderous, oppressive leaders feel extremely 'umcomfortable', leaders like...

He made a conscious choice to sacrificed the lives of elderly, who he acknowledge were the most likely to di from COVID-19, by packing infected elderly people into Nursing Homes so he could keep hospital beds freed up for the predicted massive number of infected people coming that never materialized....

He refused to call upon the Guard to protect citizens and businesses, let the city be taken over by thugs, thieves, and terrorists, and then blamed NY's police and mayor for not doing more / all they could...

This POS stood with thugs, thieves, and terrorists instead of the citizens he swore to protect while his daughter joined them and was arrested with them.

Authored the bill that allows the cops to use force to crackdown on protestors while paying to get thugs, thieves, arsonists, looters, and terrorists released from jail. I wounder if Joe thinks 'If you ain't looting;, you ain't black;?!

Proving he still has a soft spot for terrorists, Barry bailed out of jail a prominent, rich, elitist, Molotov cocktail-throwing Liberal lawyer, promotes more division, and tells the thieves, thugs, arsonists, and terrorists to put pressure on politicians to end this by giving in to them

This jackass, caught on a hot mic, spoke for Barry, Biden, and all the Liberal Progressive Democrats when he declared TWICE, 'If t were not for my primary, I would care about this at all'.

The Michigan Queen has ruled with an iron fascist, oppressive hand while flaunting her hypocrisy///

...and she is not the only one.

Up until recently cities / states under Democrat leadership were either still under lock-down or under seige, being looted, and / or burned to the ground...

And apparently, according to these same Democrats who were either jailing or fining store owners for opening up their businesses or chancing people down with drones to tell them they were too close to each other, the COVID-19 infection rate is reduced to almost zero fir those herding n massive numbers to violently protest, damage property, loot, and burn stores to the ground.

So, HELL YEAH, Barry, I can fully support you on this one!

What a joke the kenyan klown is. He had the keys to the country for 8 years and didn't do jackshit except destroy it. He owns this blm fatigue we're going thru. Fuck him.... and his tranny.
You have to give the crazies their due. 44 and the demented fool had eight years to do something but the best they came up with was to keep African American jobs low and create more unrest. Before that the demented fool had almost forty years in congress and the a few of his greatest help for minorities was to vote to keep school segregation going and his crime bill doubled the amount of minorities in prison.
So far all dementia Biden has done is make a nice speech someone wrote for him and managed to read it without getting lost from his basement. No plans no real action. But some do care about speeches.

And these clowns want some to think they have real thoughts?
So does this mean we go back to the threats at restaraunts and the same at homes of people again? Threats in the streets against anyone they want?
The Magic Mulatto showing his true colors again. At least he is openly promoting fear.
Obama could not have done more damage to this country if he was literally a foreign insurgent trying to bring down the USA.

What a piece of shit. He weaponized the intelligence apparatus to spy on a political opponent.

Shut the fuck up and fuck you OBAMA.
Obama urges George Floyd protesters to 'make people in power uncomfortable''make people in power uncomfortable'
'Obama urges George Floyd protesters to 'make people in power uncomfortable'

FINALLY something out of Obama's race-baiting, dividing 'pie hole' I can agree with - Protesters / Americans across the country should make failed, betraying, criminal-facilitating, incompetent, murderous, oppressive leaders feel extremely 'umcomfortable', leaders like...

He made a conscious choice to sacrificed the lives of elderly, who he acknowledge were the most likely to di from COVID-19, by packing infected elderly people into Nursing Homes so he could keep hospital beds freed up for the predicted massive number of infected people coming that never materialized....

He refused to call upon the Guard to protect citizens and businesses, let the city be taken over by thugs, thieves, and terrorists, and then blamed NY's police and mayor for not doing more / all they could...

This POS stood with thugs, thieves, and terrorists instead of the citizens he swore to protect while his daughter joined them and was arrested with them.

Authored the bill that allows the cops to use force to crackdown on protestors while paying to get thugs, thieves, arsonists, looters, and terrorists released from jail. I wounder if Joe thinks 'If you ain't looting;, you ain't black;?!

Proving he still has a soft spot for terrorists, Barry bailed out of jail a prominent, rich, elitist, Molotov cocktail-throwing Liberal lawyer, promotes more division, and tells the thieves, thugs, arsonists, and terrorists to put pressure on politicians to end this by giving in to them

This jackass, caught on a hot mic, spoke for Barry, Biden, and all the Liberal Progressive Democrats when he declared TWICE, 'If t were not for my primary, I would care about this at all'.

The Michigan Queen has ruled with an iron fascist, oppressive hand while flaunting her hypocrisy///

...and she is not the only one.

Up until recently cities / states under Democrat leadership were either still under lock-down or under seige, being looted, and / or burned to the ground...

And apparently, according to these same Democrats who were either jailing or fining store owners for opening up their businesses or chancing people down with drones to tell them they were too close to each other, the COVID-19 infection rate is reduced to almost zero fir those herding n massive numbers to violently protest, damage property, loot, and burn stores to the ground.

So, HELL YEAH, Barry, I can fully support you on this one!

What is it about these former Democrat Presidents that they just don't go away after leaving the White House? They simply can't give up the spotlight. I predicted this before the election. I stated that if a Republican gets the White House next election, DumBama will be hogging the cameras every chance they give him just like Bill Clinton did.

Republican Presidents just mind their own business for the most part. Their term is done, and they go home. Outside of perhaps a brief comment every two or three years, you never hear from them again.

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