Obamacare: Deal with it


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
ObamaCare will not be repealed or defunded. Deal with it. - The Week

On March 21, 2010, my former boss and mentor, David Frum, wrote a story that ran on FrumForum.com under the headline "Waterloo." It harshly criticized conservatives for their uncompromising opposition to the bill officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, However, surveying the legislative landscape, David observed that the GOP never had enough votes to defeat the health-care bill. While conservatives could not prevent the bill from becoming law entirely, David argued that they could have engaged with Democrats and possibly watered down many of the bill's most unconservative provisions. Instead, though, the GOP refused to participate at all because the worse the bill the unchecked Democratic Congress passed, the better Republicans would do in the 2010 midterm elections.

Realistically, what that means is that repeal is not an option, since even if the GOP did somehow manage to secure a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate in 2014 (which even the most optimistic prognosticators will tell you is not going to happen), the GOP still could not affect repeal (since the president would veto). And yet, despite this harsh reality, serious members of the GOP are still promising voters that they will repeal the law. Indeed, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are threatening to shut down the government if the president does not defund the law.

Late last week, Charles Krauthammer finally put his foot down in the face of Cruz and Lee's continued efforts to shape GOP policy proposals as if they lived in a perfect conservative world that simply does not exist. Krauthammer did not mince words, describing the Cruz/Lee ultimatum as "nuts." While he acknowledged that he would support defunding ObamaCare if he thought it would work, he also said it's obvious that it won't work, and that he does not fancy "suicide." Indeed, while Lee and Cruz will undoubtedly claim those who don't support their cause are less than full conservatives, Krauthammer correctly observed that one's position on their proposal has little to do with principle and everything to do with "sanity."

Over the past three years, the GOP base has become so enamored with the idea of ideological purity that they have been willing to throw the realities of real world politics overboard to chase it. But real defenders of conservatism must learn to embrace the painful compromises of day-to-day governance. Otherwise, we will become a party that stands by and debates itself while living under completely unchecked legislation shaped wholly by our ideological opponents.
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Did you know that Obamacare today isn't the same bill that Obama signed back in 09' and still hasn't been fully implemented?

The original bill was roughly 2200 pages. Currently there are 20,000 pages of regulations that have been added to it. The bill is 8 feet thick. Nobody knows exactly what's in it. Nobody really understands it ether.

What gives them the right to change a law after it has been signed to such an extent? And what makes you think that Obama will enforce it equally?
The fact that Congress, staff, Unions and loads of business's are trying to get themselves exempted should tell everyone everything they need to know about Obamacare. Another huge peice of legislative bullshit that our elected officials, Dems, have foisted on the American people.

The only winners will be those that we taxpayers will be forced to "subsidize."

Oh yeah. Its the law of the land only because the Dems ignored the wishs of they're constiuents. Hence the clogged phone lines to DC when they were passing this POS bill.

Of course they knew better than all those constituents. They are elected and hey, they sure don't need to listen to us.

Loads of em got kicked to the curb in 2010 because they voted for that POS bill. They just had to be part of that "historic Moment. What a load of crap that we are now stuck with.
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I dont get it. Obama can decide unilaterally whether to implement this or that part of Obamacare, even though he has absolutely no power to do so and violates his oath of office by doing that.
But if the House wants to defund Obamacare, which is in their purview as power of the purse, then somehow that's stupid and unrealistic.
Why isn't Nutwinger raging about how Obama is stupid and violating his oath of office?
And all Obama's friends will not have to apply to the Obamacare...they are exempt. He is only going to force it on the citizens. you, me and everyone else. Well, I will resist it. I will not comply with it. if it is implemented. Obamacare is going to be the end of our livelyhoods and our country as well.
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it
ObamaCare will not be repealed or defunded. Deal with it. - The Week

On March 21, 2010, my former boss and mentor, David Frum, wrote a story that ran on FrumForum.com under the headline "Waterloo." It harshly criticized conservatives for their uncompromising opposition to the bill officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, However, surveying the legislative landscape, David observed that the GOP never had enough votes to defeat the health-care bill. While conservatives could not prevent the bill from becoming law entirely, David argued that they could have engaged with Democrats and possibly watered down many of the bill's most unconservative provisions. Instead, though, the GOP refused to participate at all because the worse the bill the unchecked Democratic Congress passed, the better Republicans would do in the 2010 midterm elections.

Realistically, what that means is that repeal is not an option, since even if the GOP did somehow manage to secure a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate in 2014 (which even the most optimistic prognosticators will tell you is not going to happen), the GOP still could not affect repeal (since the president would veto). And yet, despite this harsh reality, serious members of the GOP are still promising voters that they will repeal the law. Indeed, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are threatening to shut down the government if the president does not defund the law.

Late last week, Charles Krauthammer finally put his foot down in the face of Cruz and Lee's continued efforts to shape GOP policy proposals as if they lived in a perfect conservative world that simply does not exist. Krauthammer did not mince words, describing the Cruz/Lee ultimatum as "nuts." While he acknowledged that he would support defunding ObamaCare if he thought it would work, he also said it's obvious that it won't work, and that he does not fancy "suicide." Indeed, while Lee and Cruz will undoubtedly claim those who don't support their cause are less than full conservatives, Krauthammer correctly observed that one's position on their proposal has little to do with principle and everything to do with "sanity."

Over the past three years, the GOP base has become so enamored with the idea of ideological purity that they have been willing to throw the realities of real world politics overboard to chase it. But real defenders of conservatism must learn to embrace the painful compromises of day-to-day governance. Otherwise, we will become a party that stands by and debates itself while living under completely unchecked legislation shaped wholly by our ideological opponents.

"purity"??? What conservatives like me want is using principles rather the politics!

Principles like: Do small things first and do them well!

Why does the govt. have to do gigantic huge disruptive actions i.e. Obamacare?
NO ONE wants to tax lawyers for 10% to pay the REALLY 4 million truly uninsured with the $20 billion from the tax on their $200 billion!

I mean the principle of simple math seems lost on everyone that says there were 46 million which was used to pass Obamacare!
For the umpteenth time please you started this thread explain to me where 46 million that want, that are covered and are legal comes from
the massive disruption over less then 4 million!
18 million under 34 make over $50k and pay their health costs out of their pocket so why are they counted when they don't want it?
14 million are ALREADY Covered by Medicaid.. just don't know it!
10 million are NOT citizens so why are they counted?
That leaves 4 million.
So WHY are people like you and FRUM so totally ignorant of that simple fact and as a result waste so much verbiage when all you
and others have to do is ask WHY was Obamacare passed to tax tanning salons and not lawyers when lawyers cause $850 billion a year in waste,duplicate tests,etc. and taxing lawyers would pay the premiums for those 4 million truly uninsured that need insurance!
Please answer that OK???

Please answer that simple question because when people like YOU recognize this gigantic FRAUD using bogus number THEN maybe you will see why we HAVE to repeal Obamacare!
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

Note that any effort to change Obamacare would require the advise and consent of the Senate, ruled over by the dictator Harry Reid, and signed by Obama, who has already said he wouldn't make any changes. At least not any that wouldn't benefit his friends.
The bigger question is why don't Democrats fix it? One of the sponsors already called it a trainwreck. Why dont the Dems engage in that famous bipartisanship they're always trumpeting and work out legislation to fix the thing?
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

Note that any effort to change Obamacare would require the advise and consent of the Senate, ruled over by the dictator Harry Reid, and signed by Obama, who has already said he wouldn't make any changes. At least not any that wouldn't benefit his friends.
The bigger question is why don't Democrats fix it? One of the sponsors already called it a trainwreck. Why dont the Dems engage in that famous bipartisanship they're always trumpeting and work out legislation to fix the thing?

Why? Because the Clowns in Congress will be taken care of by we the taxpayer for the rest of they're stinking lives, thats why.

They don't give shit one how big a trainwreck Obamacars is gonna be because they are taken care of at our expense.

Believe me if they were trying to run a business they would care.
Please answer that simple question because when people like YOU recognize this gigantic FRAUD using bogus number THEN maybe you will see why we HAVE to repeal Obamacare!

It's hard to recognize fraud when one has his nose inserted into Obama's ass.
No one seems to dispute the FACT there are ONLY 4 million that are truly want and need health insurance!

YET that big LIE there were 46 million was the Major reason that ACA passed by just 6 yes votes!
I think if 7 of the people that voted "YES" to pass the bill would have truly comprehended there were less then
4 million that should be covered it would have been SIMPLE!
ACA taxes tanning salons. So why not tax the biggest contributors to the BIGGEST cost driver, $850 billion a year in defensive medicine .. lawyers!
Taxing lawyers 10% generates $20 billion which would provide a $5,000 policy for each of the means tested truly uninsured!
Then force hospitals that are forced by EMTALA to allow audits to prove hospitals are directly billing for the uninsured and not
"padding and passing " sometimes 6,000% markups by some hospitals to Medicare/claim payers!

This would DRIVE health care costs down dramatically if both actions were implemented!
Easily $200 billion a year cost reductions in "Defensive Medicine" and massive overcharging by hospitals!
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

Cant fix whats fucked up beyond repair. Trash it and start all over
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

Note that any effort to change Obamacare would require the advise and consent of the Senate, ruled over by the dictator Harry Reid, and signed by Obama, who has already said he wouldn't make any changes. At least not any that wouldn't benefit his friends.
The bigger question is why don't Democrats fix it? One of the sponsors already called it a trainwreck. Why dont the Dems engage in that famous bipartisanship they're always trumpeting and work out legislation to fix the thing?

Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

Cant fix whats fucked up beyond repair. Trash it and start all over

More Republican stubbornness...

You can't repeal it. It is not a political reality

Fix it or STFU
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

Note that any effort to change Obamacare would require the advise and consent of the Senate, ruled over by the dictator Harry Reid, and signed by Obama, who has already said he wouldn't make any changes. At least not any that wouldn't benefit his friends.
The bigger question is why don't Democrats fix it? One of the sponsors already called it a trainwreck. Why dont the Dems engage in that famous bipartisanship they're always trumpeting and work out legislation to fix the thing?

Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

What compromises have the Democrats put on the table?
Note that any effort to change Obamacare would require the advise and consent of the Senate, ruled over by the dictator Harry Reid, and signed by Obama, who has already said he wouldn't make any changes. At least not any that wouldn't benefit his friends.
The bigger question is why don't Democrats fix it? One of the sponsors already called it a trainwreck. Why dont the Dems engage in that famous bipartisanship they're always trumpeting and work out legislation to fix the thing?

Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

What compromises have the Democrats put on the table?

So far?

They compromised on Single Payer
They compromised on a federal option
They compromised on the implementation date

What compromises have Republicans offered? Repeal without replacement?
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

The problems with PPACA are fundamental; it's not a matter of 'fixing' a few particulars. You're asking opponents of Obamacare to give up, so don't pretend otherwise.
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

Taking out the employer mandate is a first step.....even the authors and implementers alike know this. They have delayed implementation until well after 2014 (Mid Term Elections). The employer mandate has proven to be a job killer/ job preventer.

Further, even Democrats themselves (lawmakers), corporate cronys, and the unions are busy lining up for exemption. Republicans ought to be focusing on getting the rest of US the same exemption in the name of fairness, equality, and sharing of wealth.
If Obamacare is as bad as you all say.....why don't Republicans try to fix what is wrong?

Repeal is not an option. What's the matter Republicans? You got nothing.....fix it

Note that any effort to change Obamacare would require the advise and consent of the Senate, ruled over by the dictator Harry Reid, and signed by Obama, who has already said he wouldn't make any changes. At least not any that wouldn't benefit his friends.
The bigger question is why don't Democrats fix it? One of the sponsors already called it a trainwreck. Why dont the Dems engage in that famous bipartisanship they're always trumpeting and work out legislation to fix the thing?

Repeal of Obamacare is not an option.....Compromise is

Don't like aspects of Obamacare....fix it

Spoken like a true LOLberal. You dont like the mess i made? Well, fucking clean it up and stop complaining.

ONly a true authoritarian asshole would suggest such things. But, this is the democraps we're talking about here. The ones that whined and complained about Bush for 8 years only to turn around and make the man look like a fucking political genius in only 5 years of power.

Nice work on that, BTW.

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