Obamacare lead story on CNN

Breaking Update

PASS IT ON=> Average 2017 Obamacare Premium Increases in Battleground States

This week we learned premiums would increase an average of 22% this year.

Here are the average increase in premiums in battleground states.

Ohio: 13.12% increase
Florida: 17.40% increase
Pennsylvania: 32.5% increase
Nevada: 11.74% increase
Maine: 21.24% increase
New Hampshire: 12.44% increase
Virginia: 21.68% increase
North Carolina: 24.30% increase
Iowa: 20.46% increase
Michigan: 16.06% increase
Wisconsin: 20.39% increase
A Broke society is an easy society to control…
Here's the thing. The more you centralize power, the easier you make it to capture. And yet the Left continues to make it easier and easier for others to capture control over every aspect of our lives. To hold us hostage. They have been doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
Sounds like insanity ;-)
It is.

That's why I'm a conservative. I just can't be that stupid or crazy. It goes against my nature.

You think we should treat health insurance like car insurance. That is stupid and crazy. It must be in your nature.

You have an unreasonable fear of government for someone who lives in a successful representative democracy. Until you overcome that, your judgment will be clouded.

Medicare is one of the greatest programs ever conceived and has made life better for millions upon millions of Americans. Making it the law of the land for all citizens would end employer responsibility for health insurance and reduce costs...lowering your tax bill.

On this issue..as well as your crazy idea about raising the retirement age...you are off base. No need for you to get all pissy about it.
Medicare is a socialist entitlement program if fucks people's lives up… Fact
The operative words in your post are "health care related tax burden".
You are so entitlement minded, you have no concept of what fiscal conservatism is. Not a clue.

There should be NO "health care related tax burden" to pay for the healthcare of healthy Americans!

I'm all for supporting those with catastrophic illnesses or injuries, and I'm all for supporting our elders.

Everyone else should be paying their own freight. Period. They should be picking up the phone and calling any insurance company they wish, and buying whatever health insurance coverage they wish.

Just like they do with auto, life, and home insurance.

They need to be freed from the hostage-taking entitlement heads like yourself.
Isn't that how it was before Obamacare?

Nope. It was NOT that way before ObamaCare. The American people have been held hostage by their employers in a take-it-or-leave-it condition for decades. They are forced into that condition by the US government meddling in the private markets.

Were you happy with that system?

I was not happy with the status quo. Hell no. That's exactly why I am equally angry at the Republicans for doing NOTHING about it.
I agree with you about the employer programs, and i'm not happy with the current ACA, It needs serious reform. I don't think healthcare should be completely private as they have proven to be reckless in the tremendous power they hold over the health and care for our citizens. It is on of the richest industries in the world. They are able to do this because of the great capitalistic society we have created. I do not think it unreasonable for there to be regulations and standards for these companies to follow that will benefit our citizens... esp for the less fortunate.
I'm all for SMART regulation, not MORE regulation.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.

Here's the thing. The more you centralize power, the easier you make it to capture. And yet the Left continues to make it easier and easier for others to capture control over every aspect of our lives. To hold us hostage. They have been doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
You had your wish before the ACA, private insurers set the rules. Do you remember lifetime caps, or pre existing conditions, or 40% of every dollar written off to overhead. To the private insurers its profits over people and will always be so long as the profit motive is there.
The government does a fine job with insurance, far better than private companies- just look to Medicare as an example
Medicare is a fucked up concept, and you're fucked up in the head for thinking that anything the government does is worth a shit. Get your fucking head out of your ass… LOL
The operative words in your post are "health care related tax burden".
You are so entitlement minded, you have no concept of what fiscal conservatism is. Not a clue.

There should be NO "health care related tax burden" to pay for the healthcare of healthy Americans!

I'm all for supporting those with catastrophic illnesses or injuries, and I'm all for supporting our elders.

Everyone else should be paying their own freight. Period. They should be picking up the phone and calling any insurance company they wish, and buying whatever health insurance coverage they wish.

Just like they do with auto, life, and home insurance.

They need to be freed from the hostage-taking entitlement heads like yourself.
Isn't that how it was before Obamacare?

Nope. It was NOT that way before ObamaCare. The American people have been held hostage by their employers in a take-it-or-leave-it condition for decades. They are forced into that condition by the US government meddling in the private markets.

Were you happy with that system?

I was not happy with the status quo. Hell no. That's exactly why I am equally angry at the Republicans for doing NOTHING about it.
I agree with you about the employer programs, and i'm not happy with the current ACA, It needs serious reform. I don't think healthcare should be completely private as they have proven to be reckless in the tremendous power they hold over the health and care for our citizens. It is on of the richest industries in the world. They are able to do this because of the great capitalistic society we have created. I do not think it unreasonable for there to be regulations and standards for these companies to follow that will benefit our citizens... esp for the less fortunate.
I'm all for SMART regulation, not MORE regulation.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.

Here's the thing. The more you centralize power, the easier you make it to capture. And yet the Left continues to make it easier and easier for others to capture control over every aspect of our lives. To hold us hostage. They have been doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

Car insurance is not comparative, because car related risk is fundamentally DIFFERENT from healthcare risk. The costs simply do not growth the same between these two sectors.

Cars have gotten safer, so there is a decline in injury payouts. Real car prices and repairs have not gotten more expensive.

Healthcare costs on the other hand are consistently way ahead of income growth. People live longer today thanks to advancing medicine that keeps them alive longer, but this advancement has a COST that gets reflected in the premiums. You can throw into that our aging population.

Speaking of car insurance - it is MANDATORY.
All mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact
Isn't that how it was before Obamacare?

Nope. It was NOT that way before ObamaCare. The American people have been held hostage by their employers in a take-it-or-leave-it condition for decades. They are forced into that condition by the US government meddling in the private markets.

Were you happy with that system?

I was not happy with the status quo. Hell no. That's exactly why I am equally angry at the Republicans for doing NOTHING about it.
I agree with you about the employer programs, and i'm not happy with the current ACA, It needs serious reform. I don't think healthcare should be completely private as they have proven to be reckless in the tremendous power they hold over the health and care for our citizens. It is on of the richest industries in the world. They are able to do this because of the great capitalistic society we have created. I do not think it unreasonable for there to be regulations and standards for these companies to follow that will benefit our citizens... esp for the less fortunate.
I'm all for SMART regulation, not MORE regulation.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.

Here's the thing. The more you centralize power, the easier you make it to capture. And yet the Left continues to make it easier and easier for others to capture control over every aspect of our lives. To hold us hostage. They have been doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
You had your wish before the ACA, private insurers set the rules. Do you remember lifetime caps, or pre existing conditions, or 40% of every dollar written off to overhead. To the private insurers its profits over people and will always be so long as the profit motive is there.
The government does a fine job with insurance, far better than private companies- just look to Medicare as an example
Medicare is a fucked up concept, and you're fucked up in the head for thinking that anything the government does is worth a shit. Get your fucking head out of your ass… LOL

Why do you hate our troops?
The biggest problem with healthcare is cost. A simple screw, to repair a fracture, cab cost a $1000, and thats simply the cost billed for the screw, let alone the surgeon, anesthia and anesthethia specialists (often in the room for 15 minutes, billed at a grand for said time), nurses, etc. Many hospitals use various kits (suture kits, endo kits, cardio kits, on and on it goes) of which certain surgeons prefer buts and pieces of each. The unused portions go in the garbage, and guess who gets billed? All these kits are obscenely marked up, and there hasnt been downward pressure for years, because Insurance Cos dont care, theyll get theirs. Health care providers dont care because theyll get theirs, Govt doesnt care because theyre getting theirs from lobbies, and most people are too stupid to care or simply dont realise the costs they are being billed for.

That is the biggest, and most obscene problem with health care today. Ill be generous and say that previously mentioned screw costs $20 to manufacture (id lean towards 5 being generous). That would be a 5000% mark up.

Then we have prescriptions, and the kickbacks prescribers recieve. Anyone living in a state with an "opiate epidemic," has nobody but the govt and Doctors/Physicians to blame. The pills that lead to all this are controlled substances, requiring a prescription to obtain. Why a doctor is not able to check and see what scripts a patient has been prescribed in the last year, hell, 2 months, is absurd. Big pharma has deep pockets, and that gravy train wont be stopped any time soon.

My wife is an RN, and has to bill these charges to each patient/coverage provider.
Frivolous lawsuits, union and insurance companies are the reason why healthcare is so expensive. Progressives are to thank for that… Fact
The biggest problem with healthcare is cost. A simple screw, to repair a fracture, cab cost a $1000, and thats simply the cost billed for the screw, let alone the surgeon, anesthia and anesthethia specialists (often in the room for 15 minutes, billed at a grand for said time), nurses, etc. Many hospitals use various kits (suture kits, endo kits, cardio kits, on and on it goes) of which certain surgeons prefer buts and pieces of each. The unused portions go in the garbage, and guess who gets billed? All these kits are obscenely marked up, and there hasnt been downward pressure for years, because Insurance Cos dont care, theyll get theirs. Health care providers dont care because theyll get theirs, Govt doesnt care because theyre getting theirs from lobbies, and most people are too stupid to care or simply dont realise the costs they are being billed for.

That is the biggest, and most obscene problem with health care today. Ill be generous and say that previously mentioned screw costs $20 to manufacture (id lean towards 5 being generous). That would be a 5000% mark up.

Then we have prescriptions, and the kickbacks prescribers recieve. Anyone living in a state with an "opiate epidemic," has nobody but the govt and Doctors/Physicians to blame. The pills that lead to all this are controlled substances, requiring a prescription to obtain. Why a doctor is not able to check and see what scripts a patient has been prescribed in the last year, hell, 2 months, is absurd. Big pharma has deep pockets, and that gravy train wont be stopped any time soon.

Yes, and this is the primary shortcoming of ACA reform. Shortcoming that CAN be addressed, but requires Republicans to drop the politico repeal-repeal-repeal shtick that will do nothing to alleviate this problem and commit to constructive co-operation to make a real difference in the state of our healthcare system.
Healthcare reform does not require everyone to Be involved in it... if it was just a simple opt in that would go a long ways and make an acceptable if you don't want to shit don't sign up for it if you want to shit sign up for it. Fuck this making everyone join the fucking village of retards… LOL
Why is the Clinton News Network CNN leading each program with the Obamacare rate hikes as the lead story? I thought the MSM was rigged and in the tank for Clinton. How does this make sense?

they are in the tank for Hillary, not Obama that was so 2012.

I watch a bit of CNN last night as they displayed a sign of who supports who and how 62 percent of trump supporters never attended college. More or less calling his supporters stupid. They are certainly in the bag to put nasty Hillary in office.
Nope. It was NOT that way before ObamaCare. The American people have been held hostage by their employers in a take-it-or-leave-it condition for decades. They are forced into that condition by the US government meddling in the private markets.

I was not happy with the status quo. Hell no. That's exactly why I am equally angry at the Republicans for doing NOTHING about it.
I agree with you about the employer programs, and i'm not happy with the current ACA, It needs serious reform. I don't think healthcare should be completely private as they have proven to be reckless in the tremendous power they hold over the health and care for our citizens. It is on of the richest industries in the world. They are able to do this because of the great capitalistic society we have created. I do not think it unreasonable for there to be regulations and standards for these companies to follow that will benefit our citizens... esp for the less fortunate.
I'm all for SMART regulation, not MORE regulation.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.

Here's the thing. The more you centralize power, the easier you make it to capture. And yet the Left continues to make it easier and easier for others to capture control over every aspect of our lives. To hold us hostage. They have been doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
You had your wish before the ACA, private insurers set the rules. Do you remember lifetime caps, or pre existing conditions, or 40% of every dollar written off to overhead. To the private insurers its profits over people and will always be so long as the profit motive is there.
The government does a fine job with insurance, far better than private companies- just look to Medicare as an example
Medicare is a fucked up concept, and you're fucked up in the head for thinking that anything the government does is worth a shit. Get your fucking head out of your ass… LOL

Why do you hate our troops?
Our troops or not one in the same as the career politicians federal government, soldiers look at it as a duty unlike career politicians were they look at it as a means to an end.
There's nothing normal about a career politician… Fact
I agree with you about the employer programs, and i'm not happy with the current ACA, It needs serious reform. I don't think healthcare should be completely private as they have proven to be reckless in the tremendous power they hold over the health and care for our citizens. It is on of the richest industries in the world. They are able to do this because of the great capitalistic society we have created. I do not think it unreasonable for there to be regulations and standards for these companies to follow that will benefit our citizens... esp for the less fortunate.
I'm all for SMART regulation, not MORE regulation.

Auto, life, and home insurance have not been skyrocketing. In fact, while cars have been getting more and more expensive, auto insurance has been going down.

So the problem isn't insurance companies. It's the vast meddling in health markets by the government which is the cause. We know this because that is the only insurance market where the government is a big player.

Not just a big player. The biggest player.

And it gets to write all the rules for its competitors. How's that working out?

It would be as if GEICO was allowed to write the rules Allstate and Progressive and State Farm and all the rest had to follow.

We need LESS government in healthcare. Not more.

Here's the thing. The more you centralize power, the easier you make it to capture. And yet the Left continues to make it easier and easier for others to capture control over every aspect of our lives. To hold us hostage. They have been doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
You had your wish before the ACA, private insurers set the rules. Do you remember lifetime caps, or pre existing conditions, or 40% of every dollar written off to overhead. To the private insurers its profits over people and will always be so long as the profit motive is there.
The government does a fine job with insurance, far better than private companies- just look to Medicare as an example
Medicare is a fucked up concept, and you're fucked up in the head for thinking that anything the government does is worth a shit. Get your fucking head out of your ass… LOL

Why do you hate our troops?
Our troops or not one in the same as the career politicians federal government, soldiers look at it as a duty unlike career politicians were they look at it as a means to an end.
There's nothing normal about a career politician… Fact

No you're just admitting you love government as much as anyone.
Of course to you, socialism means communist, ignorant dupe. Socialism in the modern sense means well regulated, fair capitalism. See scandinavia, original EU, Canada, NZ and Oz. And the US after 8 years of Hillary. See sig, PP1. We're becoming a GOP oligarchy banana republic under Reaganism- defended to the death by the New BS GOP and its dupes like you...
You have no idea why the banana republic is, this federal government pays debt with more debt and that debt with printed paper.
Anyone with any common sense knows that Obama care/single player cannot be paid for, it's far too expensive. It just adds to the debt that is dominated by socialist entitlement programs.
All those other modern countries manage health care at half the price, with better outcomes and life span. Watch out, Big Heath and Pharma. lol. You're a total dupe of Big Money. Helloooo?!?
No, I just don't expect other people to pay for my shit…

Guess what. You are going to be miserable in America until the day you die because what you want will never happen.

Ever. That, in a very very small way, adds to my happiness.
I do just fine, I pay for my own shit I've been debt-free for almost 20 years i sleep good at night because I don't ask for shit.
If you don't have health care, you're an irresponsible freeloader.
How could ACA be reasonably changed to accomplish this? Why would either side of the aisle be interested with all the pharma/insurance corp $ floating around?

Why does each coverage provide hammer out a predetermined cost for a procedure with every health care provider in their network? If you do not state you are insured, you can haggle the price of treatment, often anazingly cheaper than the "insured" rate. I havent asked in a while, but last year, simply sitting in a ER bed cost 800 dollars, before anyone sees you, whether they are busy or a ghost town.

Lets note that some of this is baked into the reform. You said "amazingly cheaper than "insured rate"" - why is that? Because insurance company failed to negotiate well, which in theory should undermine it's competitiveness in exchanges....

Well for starters how about capping charges to something more sane? So instead of $1000 screw, it will be surely no less amazing $150 screw.
The biggest problem with healthcare is cost. A simple screw, to repair a fracture, cab cost a $1000, and thats simply the cost billed for the screw, let alone the surgeon, anesthia and anesthethia specialists (often in the room for 15 minutes, billed at a grand for said time), nurses, etc. Many hospitals use various kits (suture kits, endo kits, cardio kits, on and on it goes) of which certain surgeons prefer buts and pieces of each. The unused portions go in the garbage, and guess who gets billed? All these kits are obscenely marked up, and there hasnt been downward pressure for years, because Insurance Cos dont care, theyll get theirs. Health care providers dont care because theyll get theirs, Govt doesnt care because theyre getting theirs from lobbies, and most people are too stupid to care or simply dont realise the costs they are being billed for.

That is the biggest, and most obscene problem with health care today. Ill be generous and say that previously mentioned screw costs $20 to manufacture (id lean towards 5 being generous). That would be a 5000% mark up.

Then we have prescriptions, and the kickbacks prescribers recieve. Anyone living in a state with an "opiate epidemic," has nobody but the govt and Doctors/Physicians to blame. The pills that lead to all this are controlled substances, requiring a prescription to obtain. Why a doctor is not able to check and see what scripts a patient has been prescribed in the last year, hell, 2 months, is absurd. Big pharma has deep pockets, and that gravy train wont be stopped any time soon.

My wife is an RN, and has to bill these charges to each patient/coverage provider.
Frivolous lawsuits, union and insurance companies are the reason why healthcare is so expensive. Progressives are to thank for that… Fact

So people recieving the wrong procedure, or who have items left in them by surgeons, should not be able to pursue compensation?

Unions typically protect nurses, who put their livelyhood on the line (it is their license on the line, NOT the surgeons) every time they are in a room. While they do not reward young, very talented nurses, the old contracts of the past decades have hamstrung numerous facilities of late. For instance, my wife is many times the onky person scheduled, sometimes called in, because the old guard is incompetent, and they refuse to take the offered buyouts, and the hospital "hires from within," consolidating the would be layoffs into the ER.

Insurance companies play a secondary role. The wild wild west attitude rampant among healthcare providers and their suppliers, with no economic downward pressure, is a result of nobody paying attention to what is really going on, this includes the public at large and the govt. The whole thing is eerily similar to the pre bubble burst in the real estate/mortgage market.

This isnt a progressive/GOP discussion, simply a major economic system run amok.

I lean to the right, if you care.
How could ACA be reasonably changed to accomplish this? Why would either side of the aisle be interested with all the pharma/insurance corp $ floating around?

Why does each coverage provide hammer out a predetermined cost for a procedure with every health care provider in their network? If you do not state you are insured, you can haggle the price of treatment, often anazingly cheaper than the "insured" rate. I havent asked in a while, but last year, simply sitting in a ER bed cost 800 dollars, before anyone sees you, whether they are busy or a ghost town.

Lets note that some of this is baked into the reform. You said "amazingly cheaper than "insured rate"" - why is that? Because insurance company failed to negotiate well, which in theory should undermine it's competitiveness in exchanges....

Well for starters how about capping charges to something more sane? So instead of $1000 screw, it will be surely no less amazing $150 screw.

Exchanges=Insurance Providers, who also negotiate their costs.

I tend to believe less govt interference is better, so capping costs doesnt sit well with me. More transparency for costs, and the ability to easily shoo around and gather "reviews" (per se, patient success after procedure, complications, patient satisfaction, # of settlements/lawsuits, etc) of institutions shoukd be made available. Insurance should also not be limited to their specific networks, or state. If im on vacation out of state, and need to see a doctor for strep, there is no reason i should have to call my Physician for an out of network referral to whatever quack he knows, or have to head to the ER, where Ins pays much more, as do i.
Exchanges=Insurance Providers, who also negotiate their costs.

I tend to believe less govt interference is better, so capping costs doesnt sit well with me. More transparency for costs, and the ability to easily shoo around and gather "reviews" (per se, patient success after procedure, complications, patient satisfaction, # of settlements/lawsuits, etc) of institutions shoukd be made available. Insurance should also not be limited to their specific networks, or state. If im on vacation out of state, and need to see a doctor for strep, there is no reason i should have to call my Physician for an out of network referral to whatever quack he knows, or have to head to the ER, where Ins pays much more, as do i.

Hey listen I'm all for "free market solutions" before hamfisted regulation...but sometimes that is the best option left on the table.

There is a disconnect between prices and competition in healthcare and I just don't think people will ever be "shopping around" in this industry like they do in others.
The biggest problem with healthcare is cost. A simple screw, to repair a fracture, cab cost a $1000, and thats simply the cost billed for the screw, let alone the surgeon, anesthia and anesthethia specialists (often in the room for 15 minutes, billed at a grand for said time), nurses, etc. Many hospitals use various kits (suture kits, endo kits, cardio kits, on and on it goes) of which certain surgeons prefer buts and pieces of each. The unused portions go in the garbage, and guess who gets billed? All these kits are obscenely marked up, and there hasnt been downward pressure for years, because Insurance Cos dont care, theyll get theirs. Health care providers dont care because theyll get theirs, Govt doesnt care because theyre getting theirs from lobbies, and most people are too stupid to care or simply dont realise the costs they are being billed for.

That is the biggest, and most obscene problem with health care today. Ill be generous and say that previously mentioned screw costs $20 to manufacture (id lean towards 5 being generous). That would be a 5000% mark up.

Then we have prescriptions, and the kickbacks prescribers recieve. Anyone living in a state with an "opiate epidemic," has nobody but the govt and Doctors/Physicians to blame. The pills that lead to all this are controlled substances, requiring a prescription to obtain. Why a doctor is not able to check and see what scripts a patient has been prescribed in the last year, hell, 2 months, is absurd. Big pharma has deep pockets, and that gravy train wont be stopped any time soon.

My wife is an RN, and has to bill these charges to each patient/coverage provider.
Frivolous lawsuits, union and insurance companies are the reason why healthcare is so expensive. Progressives are to thank for that… Fact

So people recieving the wrong procedure, or who have items left in them by surgeons, should not be able to pursue compensation?

Unions typically protect nurses, who put their livelyhood on the line (it is their license on the line, NOT the surgeons) every time they are in a room. While they do not reward young, very talented nurses, the old contracts of the past decades have hamstrung numerous facilities of late. For instance, my wife is many times the onky person scheduled, sometimes called in, because the old guard is incompetent, and they refuse to take the offered buyouts, and the hospital "hires from within," consolidating the would be layoffs into the ER.

Insurance companies play a secondary role. The wild wild west attitude rampant among healthcare providers and their suppliers, with no economic downward pressure, is a result of nobody paying attention to what is really going on, this includes the public at large and the govt. The whole thing is eerily similar to the pre bubble burst in the real estate/mortgage market.

This isnt a progressive/GOP discussion, simply a major economic system run amok.

I lean to the right, if you care.
As my mother the Royal Nurse used to say, "Where are the orderlies?". Nurses are all disabled after 20 years. More shortsighted disgrace....O-Care is the only hope, needs to be tinkered with forever...
...slowdown in healthcare spending increases...

Just look at that. That's the confirmation of the bait-and-switch I warned about right there.

Look at those words. "...slowdown in healthcare SPENDING INCREASES..."

In other words, costs are still climbing. The liberals couch the increases in a lot of smoke. And like it or not, ObamaCare was front loaded with tax increases for four years before it launched the subsidies.

What we are seeing now are the real time costs. And they are catastrophic. And for the states, they will get even more catastrophic in 2019.

During the ObamaCare debates before its passage, one of the chief arguments made by the pro-Obamacare rubes was that we have the highest per capita spending on healthcare in the developed world.

It was heavily implied that health care costs would GO DOWN. It was NEVER said there would be a "slowdown in spending increases".

This has been one of the biggest boondoggle bait-and-switch cons ever pulled on the American people. If you read the ACA, it is screamingly obvious this was all a con.

For instance, employer-sponsored health insurance is one of the biggest drivers of increased costs. So what does ObamaCare do? It MORE DEEPLY EMBEDS IT. It was a huge gift to labor unions, a key component of Obama's base.

That right there tells you this had NOTHING to do with reducing healthcare spending.

The Dems are literally blaming the Republicans for Obamacare failing. Not one Republican in Congress voted for Obamacare. You just can't make this crap up.

The Pubs unanimously voted against the bill, but its failure is their fault?


If it worked, would they get credit?
I've lived in a country with a REAL government insurance program. I'm sure you've been asked to research them before. The fact is that a FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE person who wants to reduce his own health care related tax burden would be insane to oppose single payer universal health care. The only reasons one opposes that is an UNWARRANTED fear of government and a fear that someone who earns less $$ might get the same health care that they get.

Car insurance? Please.
The operative words in your post are "health care related tax burden".
You are so entitlement minded, you have no concept of what fiscal conservatism is. Not a clue.

There should be NO "health care related tax burden" to pay for the healthcare of healthy Americans!

I'm all for supporting those with catastrophic illnesses or injuries, and I'm all for supporting our elders.

Everyone else should be paying their own freight. Period. They should be picking up the phone and calling any insurance company they wish, and buying whatever health insurance coverage they wish.

Just like they do with auto, life, and home insurance.

They need to be freed from the hostage-taking entitlement heads like yourself.
Isn't that how it was before Obamacare? Were you happy with that system?
Of course I was happy with the system before Obamacare, there was no fucking mandate... lol
Good for you... many many Americans where not happy with it and the corruption and abuse in the healthcare industry was running out of control. Something had to be done. Obamacare was it. I think it achieved success on a coverage level but needs a lot of work with the financials.
Why drag everyone else until the bullshit? Millions of Americans want nothing to do with that fucking corrupt piece of legislation. They should've just made it out as an "opt in" we would not be having these fucked up government control issues on the subject then.
It's all based on majority votes dude. Speak out against it till your tongue bleeds but it's how our system works
Why is the Clinton News Network CNN leading each program with the Obamacare rate hikes as the lead story? I thought the MSM was rigged and in the tank for Clinton. How does this make sense?

Because useful idiots always figure out what is happening after it's too late to do anything about it.

Then the commies execute them.
Why is the Clinton News Network CNN leading each program with the Obamacare rate hikes as the lead story? I thought the MSM was rigged and in the tank for Clinton. How does this make sense?

Because useful idiots always figure out what is happening after it's too late to do anything about it.

Then the commies execute them.
Are you drunk?

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