ObamaCare Lives

Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.

Really, last I heard there is a court case on the way to the supremes that the govt has no interest in defending. Hell maobamacare may very well wind up shut down in a court settlement. That would be the absolute highlight of my political life.

Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.

Really, last I heard there is a court case on the way to the supremes that the govt has no interest in defending. Hell maobamacare may very well wind up shut down in a court settlement. That would be the absolute highlight of my political life.

Yeah, you go with that.

Obamacare lives.
The Unaffordable Health Care Act that neither the poor or middle class can afford.
Yet the Republicans are too stupid to come up with something better. And you rubes were too stupid to demand they do so.

How about that!
What was better was private healthcare pre Obama. Now it's all jacked up.

Obozo made a crisis when none existed and made it worse.
You must have still been in diapers back then to make this shit up. Health care costs have been skyrocketing for DECADES. Long before Obama.

In fact, idiot, the whole reason we have Obamacare is because health care costs have been outpacing inflation and GDP for so long.

And you know what the Republican plan to deal with that very real problem has been for all those decades?

You guessed it. NOTHING!

Wakey wakey, rube.

Bullshit you liar..

Betcha you wished you walked to work instead of eating those cheeseburgers huh?

Ah yes. The standard response of every tard in the face of the facts and the truth: "NUH UH!" :lol:
Meanwhile, health care costs in America continue to skyrocket to all new records.

Well done, rubes. Well done.

I wonder how that will play in 2020.
Gee, just goes to show you how really BAD obozocare is...we still have it, you know!
Eight and a half years have passed since ObamaCare became the law of the land.

Somehow, the Republicans just never got around to writing a replacement for ObamaCare in all that time. Probably because it never occurred to the rubes to ask to see one.

The Republicans did manage to pass more than 60 full or partial repeals of ObamaCare, though...

...until January 2017. Then I guess they lost the instruction sheet for how to do that. What a weird coincidence this sudden failure to repeal ObamaCare coincided with their total takeover of our government, amiright? Right when they could ACTUALLY repeal ObamaCare, and had more seats in both Houses, they suddenly...didn't. Huh!

I mean, they couldn't have been pulling some kind of hoax on the rube herd all those times they repealed Obamacare in the House all those years, right? Right? Right?

Trump couldn't have been lying when he said he had a beautiful replacement which would be enacted on Day One, right? Right? Right?
If you had any sense at all, you know it was John McLame that fucked up replacing obumnlecare. It was in the bag, too bad he didn't die way before the vote. Their are many replacement bills but This looks especially good!

Dr. Josh Umbehr | - The Self-Pay Patient
selfpaypatient.com › tag › dr-josh-umbehr

Nov 15, 2013 · Patients who pay their own way, either because they are uninsured or have a high-deductible health insurance plan, have been popping up in the
Nope, it is the fault of all you tards for not demanding the Republicans and Trump puke up a replacement.

You see, they have NOTHING. You have been hoaxed for OVER EIGHT YEARS. And you STILL have not woken up to that fact.

If the GOP had a replacement, it would have gone through the Republican government like shit through a goose, and Trump would be dancing on Obamacare's grave right now.

But Obamacare lives. Because you were too stupid to demand a replacement.
Another prediction I made five years ago. Read every bit of it and weep:

In 2011, five years after being made law, 74 percent of the people in Massachusetts did not want RomneyCare repealed. It is very popular.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

The GOP better wake up to this fact, quickly. Since they don't have any alternatives on the table to fix a seriously broken healthcare system in America, they are going to get their asses handed to them if they continue to come up with...nothing.

Obamacare is now more popular. And since the GOP never puked up a replacement...OBAMACARE LIVES.

I warned you!
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.

So is it again mandatory to carry health insurance?
Unless you are very rich, it is incredibly stupid not to have health insurance. The mandate only means something to the very rich (who can afford the penalty) and idiots who voluntarily decide to roll the dice with fate.

You are incredibly stupid if you think Obamacare is only about an individual mandate. That is but a tiny fraction of the people affected.

The employer mandate lives.

The health insurance exchanges live.

The subsidies live.

The Medicaid expansion lives, and just expanded in more states as the people voted for it on the ballot.

Obamacare lives.

Enjoy it. You have EARNED it.
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.

The clock is ticking on Obeaner Care...all sane folks know it was never structured for sustainability. Like many of the Super Zulus policies this one was always set to implode on a timeline.
Did someone whine about lies involving Obamacare?

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.
Obamacare is in the shop with its hood up....his one big achievement is being reworked....Obama was a failed president in every way possible....so you can remove your chub from his rear....
Another prediction I made five years ago. Read every bit of it and weep:

In 2011, five years after being made law, 74 percent of the people in Massachusetts did not want RomneyCare repealed. It is very popular.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

The GOP better wake up to this fact, quickly. Since they don't have any alternatives on the table to fix a seriously broken healthcare system in America, they are going to get their asses handed to them if they continue to come up with...nothing.

Obamacare is now more popular. And since the GOP never puked up a replacement...OBAMACARE LIVES.

I warned you!

Other than a handful of dipshits on this forum obamacare is very popular with republican's especially those high subsidized individuals and there are more than one can imagine. Now they have the answer why the republican's did not repeal.
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.
Obamacare is in the shop with its hood up....his one big achievement is being reworked....Obama was a failed president in every way possible....so you can remove your chub from his rear....

Lives on and going and going.
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.

The clock is ticking on Obeaner Care...all sane folks know it was never structured for sustainability. Like many of the Super Zulus policies this one was always set to implode on a timeline.

I'm waiting like I'm waiting for the wall.
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.

So is it again mandatory to carry health insurance?
Unless you are very rich, it is incredibly stupid not to have health insurance. The mandate only means something to the very rich (who can afford the penalty) and idiots who voluntarily decide to roll the dice with fate.

You are incredibly stupid if you think Obamacare is only about an individual mandate. That is but a tiny fraction of the people affected.

The employer mandate lives.

The health insurance exchanges live.

The subsidies live.

The Medicaid expansion lives, and just expanded in more states as the people voted for it on the ballot.

Obamacare lives.

Enjoy it. You have EARNED it.

I didn't ask anything else except does the mandate exist. It doesn't which I thought was wrong, to force someone to buy something is wrong. The rest of your post doesn't apply to me and it is nonsense.
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.
Never, ever, EVER call yourself a "conservative" again.

You are a goddamn slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker. Goose-step your ass out of here.

Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.
Never, ever, EVER call yourself a "conservative" again.

You are a goddamn slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker. Goose-step your ass out of here.


Twinkle toed? lol
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.

The clock is ticking on Obeaner Care...all sane folks know it was never structured for sustainability. Like many of the Super Zulus policies this one was always set to implode on a timeline.
See post 20.

I said five years ago that Obamacare would bankrupt the states.

And yet...you dumbasses have not demanded the GOP puke up a replacement in EIGHT YEARS.

You were hoaxed. Face it.

All those 60 repeals while Obama was in office. You went dancing in the streets every time, like fucking idiots. I told you it was "theater for the rubes", but you didn't listen. The pseudocons got very angry with me when I pointed out it was a hoax. They got mad at me every time I asked what the Republican replacement was. They got very mad at me when I asked when Trump was going to reveal his "beautiful" plan.

And you idiots have STILL not woken up to the fact you were hoaxed. Massively hoaxed.

You DESERVE to be lied to. You DESERVE Obamacare's continued survival.
Lives on and going and going
Please...its already unrecognizable as "Obamacare"...mandate gone.....and now it has competition...even in California we are seeing new ins agencies opening up and beating Obamacares premiums by hundreds of dollars...its over honey...all over...Obama failed at everything....
A day at a typical Trump 2016 rally:


You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
Lives on and going and going
Please...its already unrecognizable as "Obamacare"...mandate gone.....and now it has competition...even in California we are seeing new ins agencies opening up and beating Obamacares premiums by hundreds of dollars...its over honey...all over...Obama failed at everything....

Lives on and on. Your agencies that are opening and selling those short term and indemnity plans are scams. Only the dems will change obamacare lol lol.

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