ObamaCare Lives

No more mandate bitch..

Enjoy your sky high premiums


The Unaffordable Health Care Act that neither the poor or middle class can afford.
Yet the Republicans are too stupid to come up with something better. And you rubes were too stupid to demand they do so.

How about that!
What was better was private healthcare pre Obama. Now it's all jacked up.

Obozo made a crisis when none existed and made it worse.
You must have still been in diapers back then to make this shit up. Health care costs have been skyrocketing for DECADES. Long before Obama.

In fact, idiot, the whole reason we have Obamacare is because health care costs have been outpacing inflation and GDP for so long.

And you know what the Republican plan to deal with that very real problem has been for all those decades?

You guessed it. NOTHING!

Wakey wakey, rube.
Just keep those hands clamped tight over your eyes, rubes. We wouldn't want you to finally wake up and realize you have been hoaxed all this time.

No way!

Enjoy Obamacare. You've EARNED it.
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.

So is it again mandatory to carry health insurance?
No more mandate bitch..

Enjoy your sky high premiums


The Unaffordable Health Care Act that neither the poor or middle class can afford.
Yet the Republicans are too stupid to come up with something better. And you rubes were too stupid to demand they do so.

How about that!
What was better was private healthcare pre Obama. Now it's all jacked up.

Obozo made a crisis when none existed and made it worse.
You must have still been in diapers back then to make this shit up. Health care costs have been skyrocketing for DECADES. Long before Obama.

In fact, idiot, the whole reason we have Obamacare is because health care costs have been outpacing inflation and GDP for so long.

And you know what the Republican plan to deal with that very real problem has been for all those decades?

You guessed it. NOTHING!

Wakey wakey, rube.

Bullshit you liar..

Betcha you wished you walked to work instead of eating those cheeseburgers huh?

So is it again mandatory to carry health insurance?

One could simply pay the tax fine Papa

But i digress, 'mandatory' was all a Heritage think tank idea

they just didn't realize gub'mit bureaucarcy comes with anything mandatory

Got to love it 44 basically took Rommney care and put a bit of a shine on it .
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.

So is it again mandatory to carry health insurance?

No, not for 2019 and beyond so far.
No more mandate bitch..

Enjoy your sky high premiums


The Unaffordable Health Care Act that neither the poor or middle class can afford.
Yet the Republicans are too stupid to come up with something better. And you rubes were too stupid to demand they do so.

How about that!
. . and THAT is why America booted them.

They just didn't get it. When Obama was president, they voted like, what over 60 times to repeal. He vetos. They knew it was meaningless.

Then, when they get the chance? They chickened out.


Of course they lost last night. Bunch of pussies. Americans want someone to do something, who cares what it is, just do it.
Meanwhile, health care costs in America continue to skyrocket to all new records.

Well done, rubes. Well done.

I wonder how that will play in 2020.

And one major reason is that Obama a lawyer and the nearly of the 535 members of the 88th Congress, no less than 315 are lawyers. 59%
Sixty‐six of the 100 Senators have had legal training, as have 57 per cent, or 249, of those in the House.
May 8, 2014
So do you think they would ever think of taxing these guys that cause nearly $1 trillion a year in wasted health expenses?

10% tax like Obamacare did against tanning salons because tanning causes cancer is NO different than a 10% tax on the $300 billion a year
lawyers gross much of from malpractice lawsuits. Consequently physicians practice "DEFENSIVE MEDICINE" wasting that $1 Trillion!
So until this nearly 33% of health care costs is reduced, premiums WILL increase!

I just don't understand why people defend these filthy wealthy lawyers who average $150,000 a year and a 10% tax would provide not only coverage
for 5 million BUT reduce the $1 trillion by easily 20 to 30% a year....savings of nearly $300 billion!
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.
/——/ It still can be repealed between now and January. Then the RATs won’t be able to pass it again.

Wow that's some very strong drugs you're on.

You do know that nothing can pass the senate without the approval of the democrats don't you?

There's only 51 republicans in the senate. They need 60 votes.

You do the math.

No more mandate bitch..

Enjoy your sky high premiums


The Unaffordable Health Care Act that neither the poor or middle class can afford.
Yet the Republicans are too stupid to come up with something better. And you rubes were too stupid to demand they do so.

How about that!
And you idiots were called the reason for the passage by the architect of Obamacare who said it took the stupidity of
"the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.
/——/ It still can be repealed between now and January. Then the RATs won’t be able to pass it again.

Wow that's some very strong drugs you're on.

You do know that nothing can pass the senate without the approval of the democrats don't you?

There's only 51 republicans in the senate. They need 60 votes.

You do the math.

/----/ Republicans fail to pass a 'skinny' Obamacare repeal bill
Obamacare Repeal Fails: Three GOP Senators Rebel in 49-51 Vote
So is it again mandatory to carry health insurance?

One could simply pay the tax fine Papa

But i digress, 'mandatory' was all a Heritage think tank idea

they just didn't realize gub'mit bureaucarcy comes with anything mandatory


I thought the mandate is gone?
You may be right, appologies Papa

With all the bickering and BS in DC it is tough to remember what is going on. Thanks for the info.
Meanwhile, health care costs in America continue to skyrocket to all new records.

Well done, rubes. Well done.

I wonder how that will play in 2020.
Gee, just goes to show you how really BAD obozocare is...we still have it, you know!
Eight and a half years have passed since ObamaCare became the law of the land.

Somehow, the Republicans just never got around to writing a replacement for ObamaCare in all that time. Probably because it never occurred to the rubes to ask to see one.

The Republicans did manage to pass more than 60 full or partial repeals of ObamaCare, though...

...until January 2017. Then I guess they lost the instruction sheet for how to do that. What a weird coincidence this sudden failure to repeal ObamaCare coincided with their total takeover of our government, amiright? Right when they could ACTUALLY repeal ObamaCare, and had more seats in both Houses, they suddenly...didn't. Huh!

I mean, they couldn't have been pulling some kind of hoax on the rube herd all those times they repealed Obamacare in the House all those years, right? Right? Right?

Trump couldn't have been lying when he said he had a beautiful replacement which would be enacted on Day One, right? Right? Right?
If you had any sense at all, you know it was John McLame that fucked up replacing obumnlecare. It was in the bag, too bad he didn't die way before the vote. Their are many replacement bills but This looks especially good!

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Nov 15, 2013 · Patients who pay their own way, either because they are uninsured or have a high-deductible health insurance plan, have been popping up in the

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