ObamaCare Lives

I'll tell you what Trump's real plan for health care is.

Single payer.

He's waiting for the rube herd to be in so much pain from the disaster that is Obamacare, they will cry out for single payer.

That's why he is sabotaging Obamacare and not killing it. He's making it an even bigger disaster so you will cry out for single payer.
Back in 2013, there was a reason I chose 2020 as the year the Obama rubes would realize what a giant turd Obamacare is.

Unlike the pseudocon rube herd, I actually read the law.

When Obamacare was first enacted, the federal government matching fund rate for the Medicaid expansion was 100 percent. But that matching rate declines over time.

By 2020, the matching fund rate will decline to 90 percent.

This means the burden on the states increases over time, and reaches maximum pain in 2020.

And three red states just voted for that Medicaid expansion...

State and federal spending under the ACA : MACPAC

Historically, the federal share of Medicaid has averaged about 57 percent; however, under the ACA, the matching rate is higher for adults newly covered under the program. The federal government paid 100 percent of state Medicaid costs for certain newly eligible individuals through the end of 2016. Starting in 2017, the matching rate declines slightly each year until it reaches 90 percent in 2020 and remains there (see table below).

Thank you.

If I have said it once on this forum, I have said it at least 50 times that we should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our home, life, and auto insurance. I have said countless times we need LESS government in our health care. And I am pretty sure you have participated in topics in which I have said those things.

The Republican Party blows smoke up the asses of the rube herd with meaningless throwaway phrases for them to parrot. "A free market solution", and yet they have NEVER put a single piece of comprehensive reform legislation on the table. Not once.

And the rube herd continues to be willfully blind that that fact.

I get it. No one likes to admit they have been a fucking rube moron idiot sucker. But sooner or later you have to face facts that you have been conned, and it is far past time to punish the fucking hucksters.

Instead, the rubes elected the biggest huckster to come down the pike since FDR. GEEZUS!
Because McConnell and the other useless GOP hacks never intended to fix the problem. They used it to get "gullible" people to vote for them, then complained that they didn't have enough power to do it. THEN, when the had control of the entire government, they still complained about not having enough power. Mitch "Mushmouth" McConnell was the main cohort.

It's not really fair to call those who voted for the GOP "gullible" when they ran on "repeal and replace" for 7 years. Are voters not entitled to relay on the promises made by candidates? I know...fool me 20 times.
No, the rubes deserve to be repeatedly kicked in the balls, and I will explain why.

They have never asked to see a replacement. That's why.

If Trump actually had a plan which would result in health care that cost "a tiny fraction" of what it costs now, who the hell would oppose that legislation?

No one. The country would rise up and demand it.

Which is basically what they rubes did. They bleeved Trump's bullshit and voted him in. But they were so fucking stupid, they never asked to see the actual plan before they voted for the huckster. Even though I was on this forum repeatedly asking the dumb fucks to point me to his plan. That just pissed them off. Deep down inside, they knew he was lying, and THAT is also why they need to be repeatedly kicked in the nuts.

Trump was lying. And they aren't holding him accountable to that. Trump never had such a plan, and it is time for the rubes to admit they were conned by him. Bigly.

And the Republican party has been lying for eight years. And it is time for the rubes to admit they were conned by the GOP. Bigly.

It's time for pitchforks and torches. Health care costs are rising to all new record levels.

What a moron.
They have never asked to see a replacement. That's why.
You're right. It reeks of partisan "yay our team" bullshit. Many seem more loyal to their side than making their on condition better.

If Trump actually had a plan which would result in health care that cost "a tiny fraction" of what it costs now, who the hell would oppose that legislation?
To be fair to President Twitter, I do remember him asking GOP lawmakers to get him something to sign. Maybe I am mistaken, but see this:
Trump tells Republicans to stick with trying to pass a health-care bill
They have never asked to see a replacement. That's why.
You're right. It reeks of partisan "yay our team" bullshit. Many seem more loyal to their side than making their on condition better.

If Trump actually had a plan which would result in health care that cost "a tiny fraction" of what it costs now, who the hell would oppose that legislation?
To be fair to President Twitter, I do remember him asking GOP lawmakers to get him something to sign. Maybe I am mistaken, but see this:
Trump tells Republicans to stick with trying to pass a health-care bill
Trump said HE had a plan. And he said it was "beautiful".

You know, I made a topic about this hoax a long time ago.

Check out the OP: The Emperor Has No Clothes
Did someone whine about lies involving Obamacare?

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Let's see... I remember this which I don't think you do...
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Updated - The Obameter: Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year
Trump never had such a plan, and it is time for the rubes to admit they were conned by him. Bigly.
But, see this:
And the Republican party has been lying for eight years. And it is time for the rubes to admit they were conned by the GOP. Bigly.
If the GOP had been trying to change it for 8 years, why wouldn't they have something ready for Trump to sign from day 1. And, wouldn't he be justified in expecting them to have a plan ready, rather than re-inventing the wheel and drafting his own?

I mean, fuck Trump and all, but McConnell and the gang never intended to hold the POTUS. They wanted to coast and get re-elected without actually being responsible for making changes. That's the real fraud. They wanted Hillary so they wouldn't have to work.

That's where a lot of the NeverTrump shit came from.

Am I wrong?

Did someone whine about lies involving Obamacare?

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Let's see... I remember this which I don't think you do...
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Updated - The Obameter: Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year

Your tu quoque fallacies only serve to keep rubes like you from admitting you were hoaxed by the GOP and Trump, dude.
Trump never had such a plan, and it is time for the rubes to admit they were conned by him. Bigly.
But, see this:
And the Republican party has been lying for eight years. And it is time for the rubes to admit they were conned by the GOP. Bigly.
If the GOP had been trying to change it for 8 years, why wouldn't they have something ready for Trump to sign from day 1. And, wouldn't he be justified in expecting them to have a plan ready, rather than re-inventing the wheel and drafting his own?

I mean, fuck Trump and all, but McConnell and the gang never intended to hold the POTUS. They wanted to coast and get re-elected without actually being responsible for making changes. That's the real fraud. They wanted Hillary so they wouldn't have to work.

That's where a lot of the NeverTrump shit came from.

Am I wrong?

Yes, most of the responsibility for the hoax rests on the Republican party leadership. Boehner, McConnell and Ryan in particular.

Trump is a huckster. A world class huckster. He saw the huge gaping weaknesses and hypocrisies and lies in the GOP and he exploited them to the maximum. That's why he switched from being a Democrat to being a Republican. He took the path of least resistance to achieve his ambitions.

That's why he sounds like a liberal's parody of what they think conservatives believe.

As for Never Trump, that was about preserving conservatism from the retards, liars, bigots, racists, hypocrites and psychopaths who have infected and taken over the movement.

Trump is the blackhead on the giant pimple of pseudo-conservatism on the ass of the Republican party.
Trump said HE had a plan. And he said it was "beautiful".

You know, I made a topic about this hoax a long time ago.

Check out the OP: The Emperor Has No Clothes
You are probably right, but if the GOP had been trying to "repeal and replace" for 8 FUCKING YEARS shouldn't they have had something ready for Trump to sign on January 20, 2017?

Who is to blame here?

Who is to blame.

1) The Republican party leadership for knowingly hoaxing the rube herd. They passed 60+ partial and full repeals of Obamacare, knowing they would never actually be enacted. In eight years, they never once offered up a comprehensive health care reform alternative to Obamacare. This is what gave the whole game away as a blazingly obvious hoax. Or what I kept calling "theater for the rubes".

2) The rubes. They STILL have not caught on they were hoaxed. They vehemently DEFEND the hoax. They come to this gun fight with a basket of tu quoques, red herrings, lies, and stupidity.

3) Trump. A late arrival to the game, he did not waste any time catapulting himself into position as the chief perpetrator of the hoax. He knew there was no replacement. You can't claim "you will have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost" if you have never seen a plan which would achieve that. Trump lied out of his ass, and he knew he was lying. He has neither the intention nor the ability to replace Obamacare. So the rope from which he should be hung should be just as thick and just as tight as the above.
Thank you.

If I have said it once on this forum, I have said it at least 50 times that we should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our home, life, and auto insurance. I have said countless times we need LESS government in our health care. And I am pretty sure you have participated in topics in which I have said those things.

The Republican Party blows smoke up the asses of the rube herd with meaningless throwaway phrases for them to parrot. "A free market solution", and yet they have NEVER put a single piece of comprehensive reform legislation on the table. Not once.

And the rube herd continues to be willfully blind that that fact.

I get it. No one likes to admit they have been a fucking rube moron idiot sucker. But sooner or later you have to face facts that you have been conned, and it is far past time to punish the fucking hucksters.

Instead, the rubes elected the biggest huckster to come down the pike since FDR. GEEZUS!
Because McConnell and the other useless GOP hacks never intended to fix the problem. They used it to get "gullible" people to vote for them, then complained that they didn't have enough power to do it. THEN, when the had control of the entire government, they still complained about not having enough power. Mitch "Mushmouth" McConnell was the main cohort.

It's not really fair to call those who voted for the GOP "gullible" when they ran on "repeal and replace" for 7 years. Are voters not entitled to relay on the promises made by candidates? I know...fool me 20 times.
No, the rubes deserve to be repeatedly kicked in the balls, and I will explain why.

They have never asked to see a replacement. That's why.

If Trump actually had a plan which would result in health care that cost "a tiny fraction" of what it costs now, who the hell would oppose that legislation?

No one. The country would rise up and demand it.

Which is basically what they rubes did. They bleeved Trump's bullshit and voted him in. But they were so fucking stupid, they never asked to see the actual plan before they voted for the huckster. Even though I was on this forum repeatedly asking the dumb fucks to point me to his plan. That just pissed them off. Deep down inside, they knew he was lying, and THAT is also why they need to be repeatedly kicked in the nuts.

Trump was lying. And they aren't holding him accountable to that. Trump never had such a plan, and it is time for the rubes to admit they were conned by him. Bigly.

And the Republican party has been lying for eight years. And it is time for the rubes to admit they were conned by the GOP. Bigly.

It's time for pitchforks and torches. Health care costs are rising to all new record levels.

What a moron.

Yes you are,

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Trump is a huckster. A world class huckster. He saw the huge gaping weaknesses and hypocrisies and lies in the GOP and he exploited them to the maximum. That's why he switched from being a Democrat to being a Republican. He took the path of least resistance to achieve his ambitions.
But, people want to call him an idiot. He looks like a genius.

That's why he sounds like a liberal's parody of what they think conservatives believe.
But, look who he is putting on the Courts. I am not defending Trump. I think he did exactly what you suggest, but he is doing things way better than Hillary. We could have done much worse, but your complaint is justified and I agree. They duped us all.

Vote Libertarian until things change.

I just want one. ONE SINGLE seat in the House to go yellow. Is that too much to ask?

Trump is the blackhead on the giant pimple of pseudo-conservatism on the ass of the Republican party.
You couldn't see what was happening to the conservative movement back in the W. Bush years? It was the first verse of the same song.

The GOP held everything and did nothing but pass the anal probe (patriot) act and pass yet another untouchable and non-repealable government entitlement program for prescription drugs (for no reason but to provide big pharma crony shits a government-funded reach-around).

The GOP is the blackhead on the giant pimple of the fake-ass neoconservative movement on the ass of classic liberalism (true conservatism, a la Thomas Jefferson).

By all means, bash on Trump, but did anyone have a choice after the GOP put up a bunch of nobodies and idiots in the primaries?

I know you love Kasich and all, but he was not likable to the general public. It sucks, but it's true. You can't take it out on others who didn't see Kasich as a viable option. I don't expect people to vote for my party when doing so only acts to give communists power. I wish it didn't have to be that way, but I get that sometimes the principle of avoiding hell outweighs the principle of liberty, unfortunately.

That's why he sounds like a liberal's parody of what they think conservatives believe.
But, look who he is putting on the Courts. I am not defending Trump. I think he did exactly what you suggest, but he is doing things way better than Hillary. We could have done much worse, but your complaint is justified and I agree. They duped us all.

Vote Libertarian until things change.

I just want one. ONE SINGLE seat in the House to go yellow. Is that too much to ask?
The only thing about Trump which makes me happy is all the conservative judges he will be explained by others to appoint.

I lean libertarian, with a small l. My political awakening began with my subscription to National Review when Buckley was still the editor. The very first two autographs I got when I was young was Bill Buckley's and Ronald Reagan's at the 1977 Young Americans for Freedom convention in NYC.

I part ways with Libertarians on some common sense issues and on national defense. I think the LP is seriously lacking in common sense and in an understanding of human nature.

I am also extremely disappointed with the spinelessness and waffling opportunistic pantomimes of Ron Paul's son. He is not half the man his father is.

[Trump is the blackhead on the giant pimple of pseudo-conservatism on the ass of the Republican party.
You couldn't see what was happening to the conservative movement back in the W. Bush years? It was the first verse of the same song.
I did see what was happening back then, which is why I have not voted on the federal level since 2006.

The GOP held everything and did nothing but pass the anal probe (patriot) act and pass yet another untouchable and non-repealable government entitlement program for prescription drugs (for no reason but to provide big pharma crony shits a government-funded reach-around).

If you look over my posts on this forum, you will find I am not a fan of the Patriot Act. Not at all.

And I have slammed Medicare Part D as a textbook example of the GOP's hypocrisy on expensive government entitlement plans to win votes without the means to pay for such programs.

Medicare Part D has added more to our federal debt than Obamacare has. Something the rubes have been deliberately kept in the dark about.
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.
As long as it has no mandate I don’t give two shits about Obamacare...
Just like millions of other conservatives
Meanwhile, health care costs in America continue to skyrocket to all new records.

Well done, rubes. Well done.

I wonder how that will play in 2020.
No one should be paying for anyone else’s shit
Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.
As long as it has no mandate I don’t give two shits about Obamacare...
Just like millions of other conservatives
Which is exactly why Obamacare lives. You deserve it.
Meanwhile, health care costs in America continue to skyrocket to all new records.

Well done, rubes. Well done.

I wonder how that will play in 2020.
No one should be paying for anyone else’s shit
Well, too bad. Obamacare lives. You've earned it.
I could care less, there is no mandate there for I’m not forced into buying any shit eating insurance.
I’ll do what I’ve done all along just pay out-of-pocket, I prefer it that way...
I don’t expect anyone else to pay for my shit

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