ObamaCare Lives

Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.
As long as it has no mandate I don’t give two shits about Obamacare...
Just like millions of other conservatives
Which is exactly why Obamacare lives. You deserve it.
I don’t have to deal with it, because it’s not mandated
I part ways with Libertarians on some common sense issues and on national defense. I think the LP is seriously lacking in common sense and in an understanding of human nature.
10 years ago, I would have agreed with you, but I think they have finally put a muzzle on the nonsense. I was highly disappointed in the Johnson nomination. Austin Peterson was way more compelling, but has now jumped ship the the GOP.

But, this is a solid platform:
2018 Platform | Libertarian Party
That's why he sounds like a liberal's parody of what they think conservatives believe.
But, look who he is putting on the Courts. I am not defending Trump. I think he did exactly what you suggest, but he is doing things way better than Hillary. We could have done much worse, but your complaint is justified and I agree. They duped us all.

Vote Libertarian until things change.

I just want one. ONE SINGLE seat in the House to go yellow. Is that too much to ask?
The only thing about Trump which makes me happy is all the conservative judges he will be explained by others to appoint.

I lean libertarian, with a small l. My political awakening began with my subscription to National Review when Buckley was still the editor. The very first two autographs I got when I was young was Bill Buckley's and Ronald Reagan's at the 1977 Young Americans for Freedom convention in NYC.

I part ways with Libertarians on some common sense issues and on national defense. I think the LP is seriously lacking in common sense and in an understanding of human nature.

I am also extremely disappointed with the spinelessness and waffling opportunistic pantomimes of Ron Paul's son. He is not half the man his father is.

[Trump is the blackhead on the giant pimple of pseudo-conservatism on the ass of the Republican party.
You couldn't see what was happening to the conservative movement back in the W. Bush years? It was the first verse of the same song.
I did see what was happening back then, which is why I have not voted on the federal level since 2006.

The GOP held everything and did nothing but pass the anal probe (patriot) act and pass yet another untouchable and non-repealable government entitlement program for prescription drugs (for no reason but to provide big pharma crony shits a government-funded reach-around).

If you look over my posts on this forum, you will find I am not a fan of the Patriot Act. Not at all.

And I have slammed Medicare Part D as a textbook example of the GOP's hypocrisy on expensive government entitlement plans to win votes without the means to pay for such programs.

Medicare Part D has added more to our federal debt than Obamacare has. Something the rubes have been deliberately kept in the dark about.
From the 2016 Libertarian Party Platform:

"2.5 Government Debt

Government should not incur debt, which burdens future generations without their consent. We support the passage of a “Balanced Budget Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution, provided that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, and not by raising taxes."


Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.
As long as it has no mandate I don’t give two shits about Obamacare...
Just like millions of other conservatives
Which is exactly why Obamacare lives. You deserve it.
My book keeper checked out Obamacare, bronze plan for her and her family $9000 deductible and $3200 premium...
Millions of other conservatives just like me say no thank you...:iyfyus.jpg:
You will notice not one pseuedocon has ever criticized the hucksters who promised they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

They have never once stopped and said to themselves, "Huh! I have NEVER seen a replacement!!! I have NEVER seen a legislative bill which actually repeals Obamacare since the Republicans took total control of our governement!!! I wonder why that is?"

This is just how submissive these rubes are.

Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
I part ways with Libertarians on some common sense issues and on national defense. I think the LP is seriously lacking in common sense and in an understanding of human nature.
10 years ago, I would have agreed with you, but I think they have finally put a muzzle on the nonsense. I was highly disappointed in the Johnson nomination. Austin Peterson was way more compelling, but has now jumped ship the the GOP.

But, this is a solid platform:
2018 Platform | Libertarian Party
I will bookmark that and read it at my leisure. Then I will get back to you. Perhaps I will start a topic about the platform.

Fair enough?
That's why he sounds like a liberal's parody of what they think conservatives believe.
But, look who he is putting on the Courts. I am not defending Trump. I think he did exactly what you suggest, but he is doing things way better than Hillary. We could have done much worse, but your complaint is justified and I agree. They duped us all.

Vote Libertarian until things change.

I just want one. ONE SINGLE seat in the House to go yellow. Is that too much to ask?
The only thing about Trump which makes me happy is all the conservative judges he will be explained by others to appoint.

I lean libertarian, with a small l. My political awakening began with my subscription to National Review when Buckley was still the editor. The very first two autographs I got when I was young was Bill Buckley's and Ronald Reagan's at the 1977 Young Americans for Freedom convention in NYC.

I part ways with Libertarians on some common sense issues and on national defense. I think the LP is seriously lacking in common sense and in an understanding of human nature.

I am also extremely disappointed with the spinelessness and waffling opportunistic pantomimes of Ron Paul's son. He is not half the man his father is.

[Trump is the blackhead on the giant pimple of pseudo-conservatism on the ass of the Republican party.
You couldn't see what was happening to the conservative movement back in the W. Bush years? It was the first verse of the same song.
I did see what was happening back then, which is why I have not voted on the federal level since 2006.

The GOP held everything and did nothing but pass the anal probe (patriot) act and pass yet another untouchable and non-repealable government entitlement program for prescription drugs (for no reason but to provide big pharma crony shits a government-funded reach-around).

If you look over my posts on this forum, you will find I am not a fan of the Patriot Act. Not at all.

And I have slammed Medicare Part D as a textbook example of the GOP's hypocrisy on expensive government entitlement plans to win votes without the means to pay for such programs.

Medicare Part D has added more to our federal debt than Obamacare has. Something the rubes have been deliberately kept in the dark about.
From the 2016 Libertarian Party Platform:

"2.5 Government Debt

Government should not incur debt, which burdens future generations without their consent. We support the passage of a “Balanced Budget Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution, provided that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, and not by raising taxes."


"...provided that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, and not by raising taxes."

Now there's something everyone knows I can get behind.

When they say "expenditures", they are including tax expenditures? Because if they include tax expenditures, then I am all in.

I have tried to explain to the pseuedocons a million fricking times that eliminating tax expenditures is a core conservative principle.
You will notice not one pseuedocon has ever criticized the hucksters who promised they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

They have never once stopped and said to themselves, "Huh! I have NEVER seen a replacement!!! I have NEVER seen a legislative bill which actually repeals Obamacare since the Republicans took total control of our governement!!! I wonder why that is?"

This is just how submissive these rubes are.

Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
Conservatives and Trump eliminated the mandate, Obamacare is still available for everyone else that wants that shit I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as no one is
forced into the shit so be it.
Anyway mitt Romney invented Obamacare how good could it be....:abgg2q.jpg:
You will notice not one pseuedocon has ever criticized the hucksters who promised they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

They have never once stopped and said to themselves, "Huh! I have NEVER seen a replacement!!! I have NEVER seen a legislative bill which actually repeals Obamacare since the Republicans took total control of our governement!!! I wonder why that is?"

This is just how submissive these rubes are.

Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
Conservatives and Trump eliminated the mandate, Obamacare is still available for everyone else that wants that shit I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as no one is
forced into the shit so be it.
Anyway mitt Romney invent Obamacare how good could it be....:abgg2q.jpg:
Um...hello? Employer mandate ring a bell?

The individual mandate is meaningless. You have been conned into bleeving this tiny victory means something.

All eliminating the individual mandate does is make Obamacare a bigger burden on taxpayers.

Well done!
You will notice not one pseuedocon has ever criticized the hucksters who promised they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

They have never once stopped and said to themselves, "Huh! I have NEVER seen a replacement!!! I have NEVER seen a legislative bill which actually repeals Obamacare since the Republicans took total control of our governement!!! I wonder why that is?"

This is just how submissive these rubes are.

Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
Conservatives and Trump eliminated the mandate, Obamacare is still available for everyone else that wants that shit I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as no one is
forced into the shit so be it.
Anyway mitt Romney invent Obamacare how good could it be....:abgg2q.jpg:

So Rump and the Rethugs have a replacement, as promised? And Mexico sent the check for the wall as promised?
You will notice not one pseuedocon has ever criticized the hucksters who promised they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

They have never once stopped and said to themselves, "Huh! I have NEVER seen a replacement!!! I have NEVER seen a legislative bill which actually repeals Obamacare since the Republicans took total control of our governement!!! I wonder why that is?"

This is just how submissive these rubes are.

Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
Conservatives and Trump eliminated the mandate, Obamacare is still available for everyone else that wants that shit I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as no one is
forced into the shit so be it.
Anyway mitt Romney invent Obamacare how good could it be....:abgg2q.jpg:
Um...hello? Employer mandate ring a bell?

The individual mandate is meaningless. You have been conned into bleeving this tiny victory means something.

All eliminating the individual mandate does is make Obamacare a bigger burden on taxpayers.

Well done!
No one has to pay for shit they don’t want, cannot afford and will not benefit from.
When will you realize any type of socialize medicine will never be a benefit to any conservatives it’s a a progressive socialist entitlement program... Made to benefit only progressives
You will notice not one pseuedocon has ever criticized the hucksters who promised they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

They have never once stopped and said to themselves, "Huh! I have NEVER seen a replacement!!! I have NEVER seen a legislative bill which actually repeals Obamacare since the Republicans took total control of our governement!!! I wonder why that is?"

This is just how submissive these rubes are.

Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
Conservatives and Trump eliminated the mandate, Obamacare is still available for everyone else that wants that shit I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as no one is
forced into the shit so be it.
Anyway mitt Romney invent Obamacare how good could it be....:abgg2q.jpg:
Um...hello? Employer mandate ring a bell?

The individual mandate is meaningless. You have been conned into bleeving this tiny victory means something.

All eliminating the individual mandate does is make Obamacare a bigger burden on taxpayers.

Well done!
No one has to pay for shit they don’t want, cannot afford and will not benefit from.
Um...hello? Employer mandate ring a bell?

Obamacare lives. Thanks to dense rubes like yourself.
You will notice not one pseuedocon has ever criticized the hucksters who promised they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

They have never once stopped and said to themselves, "Huh! I have NEVER seen a replacement!!! I have NEVER seen a legislative bill which actually repeals Obamacare since the Republicans took total control of our governement!!! I wonder why that is?"

This is just how submissive these rubes are.

Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
Conservatives and Trump eliminated the mandate, Obamacare is still available for everyone else that wants that shit I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as no one is
forced into the shit so be it.
Anyway mitt Romney invent Obamacare how good could it be....:abgg2q.jpg:
Um...hello? Employer mandate ring a bell?

The individual mandate is meaningless. You have been conned into bleeving this tiny victory means something.

All eliminating the individual mandate does is make Obamacare a bigger burden on taxpayers.

Well done!
No one has to pay for shit they don’t want, cannot afford and will not benefit from.
When will you realize any type of socialize medicine will never be a benefit to any conservatives it’s a a progressive socialist entitlement program... Made to benefit only progressives

Why is it so popular in the red states?
You will notice not one pseuedocon has ever criticized the hucksters who promised they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

They have never once stopped and said to themselves, "Huh! I have NEVER seen a replacement!!! I have NEVER seen a legislative bill which actually repeals Obamacare since the Republicans took total control of our governement!!! I wonder why that is?"

This is just how submissive these rubes are.

Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
Conservatives and Trump eliminated the mandate, Obamacare is still available for everyone else that wants that shit I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as no one is
forced into the shit so be it.
Anyway mitt Romney invent Obamacare how good could it be....:abgg2q.jpg:

So Rump and the Rethugs have a replacement, as promised? And Mexico sent the check for the wall as promised?
Conservatives want no part of any type of socialized medicine, Because they cannot afford it, and will never benefit from it.

there’s a reason why it’s called socialize medicine… It’s for progressives/socialists.
Conservatives participation is not required...
When will you realize any type of socialize medicine will never be a benefit to any conservatives it’s a a progressive socialist entitlement program... Made to benefit only progressives
Oh, I know very well how bad socialized medicine is. That's why I am so pissed at you dumb fucks for helping to keep Obamacare alive!

Your persistent stupidity and willful ignorance makes single payer inevitable.
You will notice not one pseuedocon has ever criticized the hucksters who promised they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

They have never once stopped and said to themselves, "Huh! I have NEVER seen a replacement!!! I have NEVER seen a legislative bill which actually repeals Obamacare since the Republicans took total control of our governement!!! I wonder why that is?"

This is just how submissive these rubes are.

Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
Conservatives and Trump eliminated the mandate, Obamacare is still available for everyone else that wants that shit I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as no one is
forced into the shit so be it.
Anyway mitt Romney invent Obamacare how good could it be....:abgg2q.jpg:

So Rump and the Rethugs have a replacement, as promised? And Mexico sent the check for the wall as promised?
Conservatives want no part of any type of socialized medicine, Because they cannot afford it, and will never benefit from it.

there’s a reason why it’s called socialize medicine… It’s for progressives/socialists.
Conservatives participation is not required...

But it is most popular in red, rube states, go figure.
You will notice not one pseuedocon has ever criticized the hucksters who promised they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

They have never once stopped and said to themselves, "Huh! I have NEVER seen a replacement!!! I have NEVER seen a legislative bill which actually repeals Obamacare since the Republicans took total control of our governement!!! I wonder why that is?"

This is just how submissive these rubes are.

Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
Conservatives and Trump eliminated the mandate, Obamacare is still available for everyone else that wants that shit I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as no one is
forced into the shit so be it.
Anyway mitt Romney invent Obamacare how good could it be....:abgg2q.jpg:
Um...hello? Employer mandate ring a bell?

The individual mandate is meaningless. You have been conned into bleeving this tiny victory means something.

All eliminating the individual mandate does is make Obamacare a bigger burden on taxpayers.

Well done!
No one has to pay for shit they don’t want, cannot afford and will not benefit from.
When will you realize any type of socialize medicine will never be a benefit to any conservatives it’s a a progressive socialist entitlement program... Made to benefit only progressives

Why is it so popular in the red states?
Conservatives want nothing to do with it, progressive want to force conservatives into something they cannot benefit from. Because they know socialism needs support from people that want nothing to do with it.
You will notice not one pseuedocon has ever criticized the hucksters who promised they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

They have never once stopped and said to themselves, "Huh! I have NEVER seen a replacement!!! I have NEVER seen a legislative bill which actually repeals Obamacare since the Republicans took total control of our governement!!! I wonder why that is?"

This is just how submissive these rubes are.

Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
Conservatives and Trump eliminated the mandate, Obamacare is still available for everyone else that wants that shit I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as no one is
forced into the shit so be it.
Anyway mitt Romney invent Obamacare how good could it be....:abgg2q.jpg:

So Rump and the Rethugs have a replacement, as promised? And Mexico sent the check for the wall as promised?
Conservatives want no part of any type of socialized medicine, Because they cannot afford it, and will never benefit from it.

there’s a reason why it’s called socialize medicine… It’s for progressives/socialists.
Conservatives participation is not required...
Three red states just voted this week to expand Medicaid under Obamacare.

You really are clueless.
Not just the ACA, his bright, beautiful, shiny wall that Mexico is going to pay for. Has the check cleared yet?
Conservatives and Trump eliminated the mandate, Obamacare is still available for everyone else that wants that shit I don’t see what the big deal is. As long as no one is
forced into the shit so be it.
Anyway mitt Romney invent Obamacare how good could it be....:abgg2q.jpg:
Um...hello? Employer mandate ring a bell?

The individual mandate is meaningless. You have been conned into bleeving this tiny victory means something.

All eliminating the individual mandate does is make Obamacare a bigger burden on taxpayers.

Well done!
No one has to pay for shit they don’t want, cannot afford and will not benefit from.
When will you realize any type of socialize medicine will never be a benefit to any conservatives it’s a a progressive socialist entitlement program... Made to benefit only progressives

Why is it so popular in the red states?
Conservatives want nothing to do with it, progressive want to force conservatives into something they cannot benefit from. Because they know socialism needs support from people that want nothing to do with it.

Why does your red state rubes love it so much?
When will you realize any type of socialize medicine will never be a benefit to any conservatives it’s a a progressive socialist entitlement program... Made to benefit only progressives
Oh, I know very well how bad socialized medicine is. That's why I am so pissed at you dumb fucks for helping to keep Obamacare alive!

Your persistent stupidity and willful ignorance makes single payer inevitable.
The federal government needs to stay out of peoples personal lives… Healthcare is none of the federal government business.
I have no right to healthcare… But I do have a right to earn my healthcare.
People need to pay for their own shit and I expect other people to pay for their shit

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