Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed

The current US attorney general is a hand picked yes man for trump. His first action when he took the job was to lie about what the Mueller report said to protect Trump

Meh, Obama's previous attorney generals exemplified cronyism and thuggery. One who called himself "Obama's wing man" sat on his hands to protect his Mafia boss while weapons were sold to the Mexican Cartel ended up killing US border agents then stayed completely silent while his boss committed election fraud weaponizing the IRS by refusing tax free exemptions or flat out attacking groups that wanted to support Trump by auditing them, another had a private 45 minute bribe meeting in an airplane with the spouse of a suspect under FBI investigation.

The right wing exemplifies their motto "No Conspiracy Theory Left Behind"

Inconvenient truths are labeled as conspiracies by the left, and their lapdogs in the media assist in the cover up. Remember how everybody on the Left and media was freaking out and calling it a "right wing conspiracy" when Trump declared that Obama and his minions had spied on Trump and others in his campaign and administration? Well, look at what we have now. Once again, without a doubt, he was right.

Obama didn't spy on Trump dumb ass. If he did, why didn't he release any of that information before the election? Your dumb claim is just more conspiracy theory crap.

Oh sure he did, he was the director of a conpiracy to spy on American citizens using our "trusted" institutions and agencies in order to frame and diminish candidate and then president Trump. In essence he and his foot soldiers shredded our constititution, rights and democracy and turned this country into a third world fascist dictatorship.

Haha...so damn stupid. Damn i hope you guys stay on this until november. You clearly have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourselves.
Really? Politicizing the DOJ and FBI to wiretap opposing campaigns is ok with you?
Except that the DoJ and FBI weren’t being political. They were doing their job and investigating crimes.

They were doing their job and investigating

The job of investigating a phone call, with the transcript in front of them?
If you’re referring to Flynn, they never wiretapped him.

I never said they did.
Well that was the obvious implication of your series of statements.

I know they had the transcript of Flynn's call......first you're hearing about that?
Nope. Just trying to figure out how that correlates to your assertion that the DoJ and FBI was wiretapping opposing campaigns.

Just trying to figure out how that correlates to your assertion that the DoJ and FBI was wiretapping opposing campaigns.

You didn't know they wiretapped Carter Page? And Manafort?
Yes, I’m well aware. The question is why you’re trying to tie this into Flynn.

Yes, I’m well aware. The question is why you’re trying to tie this into Flynn.

We're talking about the Obama administration spying on Trump's campaign.
Did you forget already?
Are you Joe Biden?
The FBI didn't spy on Flynn. They spied on Kislyak and Flynn just walked through that door AFTER the campaign was over.

So I'll ask again, why are you trying to tie this to Flynn? They're unrelated.

The FBI didn't spy on Flynn.

Because he wasn't suspected of involvement in Russian election interference?
Because there wasn't grounds for a surveillance warrant, so basically, yeah.
The Steele Dossier was a fictional document that was created, financed and weaponized by Democrats colluding with Russians in order to interfere in the 2016 elections.
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Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed

The current US attorney general is a hand picked yes man for trump. His first action when he took the job was to lie about what the Mueller report said to protect Trump

Meh, Obama's previous attorney generals exemplified cronyism and thuggery. One who called himself "Obama's wing man" sat on his hands to protect his Mafia boss while weapons were sold to the Mexican Cartel ended up killing US border agents then stayed completely silent while his boss committed election fraud weaponizing the IRS by refusing tax free exemptions or flat out attacking groups that wanted to support Trump by auditing them, another had a private 45 minute bribe meeting in an airplane with the spouse of a suspect under FBI investigation.

The right wing exemplifies their motto "No Conspiracy Theory Left Behind"

Inconvenient truths are labeled as conspiracies by the left, and their lapdogs in the media assist in the cover up. Remember how everybody on the Left and media was freaking out and calling it a "right wing conspiracy" when Trump declared that Obama and his minions had spied on Trump and others in his campaign and administration? Well, look at what we have now. Once again, without a doubt, he was right.

Obama didn't spy on Trump dumb ass. If he did, why didn't he release any of that information before the election? Your dumb claim is just more conspiracy theory crap.

Oh sure he did, he was the director of a conpiracy to spy on American citizens using our "trusted" institutions and agencies in order to frame and diminish candidate and then president Trump. In essence he and his foot soldiers shredded our constititution, rights and democracy and turned this country into a third world fascist dictatorship.

How did he use gathered information to frame and diminish a candidate?
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed

The current US attorney general is a hand picked yes man for trump. His first action when he took the job was to lie about what the Mueller report said to protect Trump

Meh, Obama's previous attorney generals exemplified cronyism and thuggery. One who called himself "Obama's wing man" sat on his hands to protect his Mafia boss while weapons were sold to the Mexican Cartel ended up killing US border agents then stayed completely silent while his boss committed election fraud weaponizing the IRS by refusing tax free exemptions or flat out attacking groups that wanted to support Trump by auditing them, another had a private 45 minute bribe meeting in an airplane with the spouse of a suspect under FBI investigation.

The right wing exemplifies their motto "No Conspiracy Theory Left Behind"

Inconvenient truths are labeled as conspiracies by the left, and their lapdogs in the media assist in the cover up. Remember how everybody on the Left and media was freaking out and calling it a "right wing conspiracy" when Trump declared that Obama and his minions had spied on Trump and others in his campaign and administration? Well, look at what we have now. Once again, without a doubt, he was right.

Obama didn't spy on Trump dumb ass. If he did, why didn't he release any of that information before the election? Your dumb claim is just more conspiracy theory crap.

Oh sure he did, he was the director of a conpiracy to spy on American citizens using our "trusted" institutions and agencies in order to frame and diminish candidate and then president Trump. In essence he and his foot soldiers shredded our constititution, rights and democracy and turned this country into a third world fascist dictatorship.

Haha...so damn stupid. Damn i hope you guys stay on this until november. You clearly have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourselves.

The Left has been harping about "RUSSIA" 24/7 for the last four years, now suddenly when they're implicated a criminal conspiracy to commit treason, they don't want to hear about it and want move on, or and as Biden the sexual assaulting rapist says " This is all a diversion!" Ha ha.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed

The current US attorney general is a hand picked yes man for trump. His first action when he took the job was to lie about what the Mueller report said to protect Trump

Meh, Obama's previous attorney generals exemplified cronyism and thuggery. One who called himself "Obama's wing man" sat on his hands to protect his Mafia boss while weapons were sold to the Mexican Cartel ended up killing US border agents then stayed completely silent while his boss committed election fraud weaponizing the IRS by refusing tax free exemptions or flat out attacking groups that wanted to support Trump by auditing them, another had a private 45 minute bribe meeting in an airplane with the spouse of a suspect under FBI investigation.

The right wing exemplifies their motto "No Conspiracy Theory Left Behind"

Inconvenient truths are labeled as conspiracies by the left, and their lapdogs in the media assist in the cover up. Remember how everybody on the Left and media was freaking out and calling it a "right wing conspiracy" when Trump declared that Obama and his minions had spied on Trump and others in his campaign and administration? Well, look at what we have now. Once again, without a doubt, he was right.

Obama didn't spy on Trump dumb ass. If he did, why didn't he release any of that information before the election? Your dumb claim is just more conspiracy theory crap.

Oh sure he did, he was the director of a conpiracy to spy on American citizens using our "trusted" institutions and agencies in order to frame and diminish candidate and then president Trump. In essence he and his foot soldiers shredded our constititution, rights and democracy and turned this country into a third world fascist dictatorship.

How did he use gathered information to frame and diminish a candidate?

Still can't see what's wrong with the leader of one party using our law enforcement and spy agencies to attack and destroy innocent citizens just because they happen to be members of the opposing party, eh?
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

That's easy! TREASON, ELECTION FRAUD of the highest order against our nation...directing conspiracy and fraud on the courts, in order to illegally spy on an American citizens and then plotting to use our law enforcement and spy agencies to damage the candidate of an opposing party, and then plotting the removal of a duly elected president. I can't think of a higher crime against our nation and the constitution. in other words they acted like a bunch of third world fascist dictator thugs.

Ok, Now show your credible proof.

A US Attorney found that the reasons for spying on Flynn were not legal and sufficient, and recommended dropping the case. That in itself is treason and a crime against the state and that is just the tip of the iceberg ehen it comes e hideous crimes Obama and co. Committed

The current US attorney general is a hand picked yes man for trump. His first action when he took the job was to lie about what the Mueller report said to protect Trump

Meh, Obama's previous attorney generals exemplified cronyism and thuggery. One who called himself "Obama's wing man" sat on his hands to protect his Mafia boss while weapons were sold to the Mexican Cartel ended up killing US border agents then stayed completely silent while his boss committed election fraud weaponizing the IRS by refusing tax free exemptions or flat out attacking groups that wanted to support Trump by auditing them, another had a private 45 minute bribe meeting in an airplane with the spouse of a suspect under FBI investigation.

The right wing exemplifies their motto "No Conspiracy Theory Left Behind"

Inconvenient truths are labeled as conspiracies by the left, and their lapdogs in the media assist in the cover up. Remember how everybody on the Left and media was freaking out and calling it a "right wing conspiracy" when Trump declared that Obama and his minions had spied on Trump and others in his campaign and administration? Well, look at what we have now. Once again, without a doubt, he was right.

Obama didn't spy on Trump dumb ass. If he did, why didn't he release any of that information before the election? Your dumb claim is just more conspiracy theory crap.

Oh sure he did, he was the director of a conpiracy to spy on American citizens using our "trusted" institutions and agencies in order to frame and diminish candidate and then president Trump. In essence he and his foot soldiers shredded our constititution, rights and democracy and turned this country into a third world fascist dictatorship.

How did he use gathered information to frame and diminish a candidate?

Still can't see what's wrong with the leader of one party using our law enforcement and spy agencies to attack and destroy innocent citizens just because they happen to be members of the opposing party, eh?

I just asked you to identify how you think Obama used any information gathered to discredit a candidate. Why can't you answer the question? What gathered information was released while trump was a candidate?
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

It's a huge talk radio thing, so Trump and the Trumpsters can tell you all about it. Much like Russiagate and Maddow and her fans.

It's the winger national pastime.

View attachment 335066

Ah, your response is a talk radio meme. Cool.

You constantly bash conservative media. I'm guessing you think all right leaning media is false and everyone who listens to it is a winger, right? But you are not a winger. You've stated that it is possible to be a republican and not a winger. Do you have any examples of who would be in that category?

Those who believe right wing media are nut bags.

Do you think Ben Shapiro is a nut?

You mean this childish little idiot who is pitching a tantrum?

Ya know, I actually thought Shapiro was doing pretty good until he lost it and backed out of the interview

Obviously, he didn't think he was doing as well as you did when he ran from the hard questions. I guess he was used to softball questions from inside the right wing bubble. He even admitted he was destroyed. I was pleasantly surprised that he made such an admission. His one admission isn't enough to resuscitate the dormant integrity the right once had, but it is at least a step in the right direction. I wonder if or when there might be another act of honesty from the right.

I’ve never understood the big resistance against Shapiro. He, unlike most the other conservative blowhards, doesn’t hide behind his microphone. He seems to encourage substantive debate over living in an echo chamber. There are tons of videos of him on campuses taking all the hard questions the students can dish and he has always come off as straight forward and honest. I don’t agree with all his stuff but I respect how he carries himself Most of the time. I think the gotchya questions got to him during this interview when he clearly just wanted to discuss his book and not defend tweets from his past.

Of course he wanted to ignore the dumb things he said in the past. He should have thought about that before he said them. Those tweets define his credibility, and it's childish for him to think a real interviewer would just ignore them. He should limit his interviews to Fox if that is what he wants. Whether Shapiro is a straight down the middle honest pundit or not, his output alone has little effect on the lying dishonorable mouthpiece with disdain for integrity, the right wing media has become.

I get that but at some Point years later being asked about stupid comments from the past gets old. Agreed that he should be asked and expected to answer a few but they shouldn’t be the focus of every interview.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

It's a huge talk radio thing, so Trump and the Trumpsters can tell you all about it. Much like Russiagate and Maddow and her fans.

It's the winger national pastime.

View attachment 335066

Ah, your response is a talk radio meme. Cool.

You constantly bash conservative media. I'm guessing you think all right leaning media is false and everyone who listens to it is a winger, right? But you are not a winger. You've stated that it is possible to be a republican and not a winger. Do you have any examples of who would be in that category?

Those who believe right wing media are nut bags.

Do you think Ben Shapiro is a nut?

You mean this childish little idiot who is pitching a tantrum?

Ya know, I actually thought Shapiro was doing pretty good until he lost it and backed out of the interview

Obviously, he didn't think he was doing as well as you did when he ran from the hard questions. I guess he was used to softball questions from inside the right wing bubble. He even admitted he was destroyed. I was pleasantly surprised that he made such an admission. His one admission isn't enough to resuscitate the dormant integrity the right once had, but it is at least a step in the right direction. I wonder if or when there might be another act of honesty from the right.

I’ve never understood the big resistance against Shapiro. He, unlike most the other conservative blowhards, doesn’t hide behind his microphone. He seems to encourage substantive debate over living in an echo chamber. There are tons of videos of him on campuses taking all the hard questions the students can dish and he has always come off as straight forward and honest. I don’t agree with all his stuff but I respect how he carries himself Most of the time. I think the gotchya questions got to him during this interview when he clearly just wanted to discuss his book and not defend tweets from his past.

Of course he wanted to ignore the dumb things he said in the past. He should have thought about that before he said them. Those tweets define his credibility, and it's childish for him to think a real interviewer would just ignore them. He should limit his interviews to Fox if that is what he wants. Whether Shapiro is a straight down the middle honest pundit or not, his output alone has little effect on the lying dishonorable mouthpiece with disdain for integrity, the right wing media has become.

I get that but at some Point years later being asked about stupid comments from the past gets old. Agreed that he should be asked and expected to answer a few but they shouldn’t be the focus of every interview.

You think there is a statute of limitations on stupid?
Still can't see what's wrong with the leader of one party using our law enforcement and spy agencies to attack and destroy innocent citizens just because they happen to be members of the opposing party, eh?

Of course we see that's wrong. That's why we keep telling you and the Republicans to quit it.

Don't project your fascist traits on to loyal Americans. That sort of gaslighting only works on the self-lobotomized apparatchiks of the Trump cult.

Here's a thought. You're doing this because you know you can't win elections honestly. Instead of trying to win by going full metal fascist, why not switch to policies that most Americans don't hate?
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

It's a huge talk radio thing, so Trump and the Trumpsters can tell you all about it. Much like Russiagate and Maddow and her fans.

It's the winger national pastime.

View attachment 335066

Ah, your response is a talk radio meme. Cool.

You constantly bash conservative media. I'm guessing you think all right leaning media is false and everyone who listens to it is a winger, right? But you are not a winger. You've stated that it is possible to be a republican and not a winger. Do you have any examples of who would be in that category?

Those who believe right wing media are nut bags.

Do you think Ben Shapiro is a nut?

You mean this childish little idiot who is pitching a tantrum?

Ya know, I actually thought Shapiro was doing pretty good until he lost it and backed out of the interview

Obviously, he didn't think he was doing as well as you did when he ran from the hard questions. I guess he was used to softball questions from inside the right wing bubble. He even admitted he was destroyed. I was pleasantly surprised that he made such an admission. His one admission isn't enough to resuscitate the dormant integrity the right once had, but it is at least a step in the right direction. I wonder if or when there might be another act of honesty from the right.

I’ve never understood the big resistance against Shapiro. He, unlike most the other conservative blowhards, doesn’t hide behind his microphone. He seems to encourage substantive debate over living in an echo chamber. There are tons of videos of him on campuses taking all the hard questions the students can dish and he has always come off as straight forward and honest. I don’t agree with all his stuff but I respect how he carries himself Most of the time. I think the gotchya questions got to him during this interview when he clearly just wanted to discuss his book and not defend tweets from his past.

Of course he wanted to ignore the dumb things he said in the past. He should have thought about that before he said them. Those tweets define his credibility, and it's childish for him to think a real interviewer would just ignore them. He should limit his interviews to Fox if that is what he wants. Whether Shapiro is a straight down the middle honest pundit or not, his output alone has little effect on the lying dishonorable mouthpiece with disdain for integrity, the right wing media has become.

I get that but at some Point years later being asked about stupid comments from the past gets old. Agreed that he should be asked and expected to answer a few but they shouldn’t be the focus of every interview.

You think there is a statute of limitations on stupid?

There is Absolutely a statute of limitations on Stupid... we have all done and said stupid things many times in our lives
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

It's a huge talk radio thing, so Trump and the Trumpsters can tell you all about it. Much like Russiagate and Maddow and her fans.

It's the winger national pastime.

View attachment 335066

Ah, your response is a talk radio meme. Cool.

You constantly bash conservative media. I'm guessing you think all right leaning media is false and everyone who listens to it is a winger, right? But you are not a winger. You've stated that it is possible to be a republican and not a winger. Do you have any examples of who would be in that category?

Those who believe right wing media are nut bags.

Do you think Ben Shapiro is a nut?

You mean this childish little idiot who is pitching a tantrum?

Ya know, I actually thought Shapiro was doing pretty good until he lost it and backed out of the interview

Obviously, he didn't think he was doing as well as you did when he ran from the hard questions. I guess he was used to softball questions from inside the right wing bubble. He even admitted he was destroyed. I was pleasantly surprised that he made such an admission. His one admission isn't enough to resuscitate the dormant integrity the right once had, but it is at least a step in the right direction. I wonder if or when there might be another act of honesty from the right.

I’ve never understood the big resistance against Shapiro. He, unlike most the other conservative blowhards, doesn’t hide behind his microphone. He seems to encourage substantive debate over living in an echo chamber. There are tons of videos of him on campuses taking all the hard questions the students can dish and he has always come off as straight forward and honest. I don’t agree with all his stuff but I respect how he carries himself Most of the time. I think the gotchya questions got to him during this interview when he clearly just wanted to discuss his book and not defend tweets from his past.

Of course he wanted to ignore the dumb things he said in the past. He should have thought about that before he said them. Those tweets define his credibility, and it's childish for him to think a real interviewer would just ignore them. He should limit his interviews to Fox if that is what he wants. Whether Shapiro is a straight down the middle honest pundit or not, his output alone has little effect on the lying dishonorable mouthpiece with disdain for integrity, the right wing media has become.

I get that but at some Point years later being asked about stupid comments from the past gets old. Agreed that he should be asked and expected to answer a few but they shouldn’t be the focus of every interview.

You think there is a statute of limitations on stupid?

There is Absolutely a statute of limitations on Stupid... we have all done and said stupid things many times in our lives

I disagree, but what do you think the statute of limitations of stupid should be? How many years?
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

It's a huge talk radio thing, so Trump and the Trumpsters can tell you all about it. Much like Russiagate and Maddow and her fans.

It's the winger national pastime.

View attachment 335066

Ah, your response is a talk radio meme. Cool.

You constantly bash conservative media. I'm guessing you think all right leaning media is false and everyone who listens to it is a winger, right? But you are not a winger. You've stated that it is possible to be a republican and not a winger. Do you have any examples of who would be in that category?

Those who believe right wing media are nut bags.

Do you think Ben Shapiro is a nut?

You mean this childish little idiot who is pitching a tantrum?

Ya know, I actually thought Shapiro was doing pretty good until he lost it and backed out of the interview

Obviously, he didn't think he was doing as well as you did when he ran from the hard questions. I guess he was used to softball questions from inside the right wing bubble. He even admitted he was destroyed. I was pleasantly surprised that he made such an admission. His one admission isn't enough to resuscitate the dormant integrity the right once had, but it is at least a step in the right direction. I wonder if or when there might be another act of honesty from the right.

I’ve never understood the big resistance against Shapiro. He, unlike most the other conservative blowhards, doesn’t hide behind his microphone. He seems to encourage substantive debate over living in an echo chamber. There are tons of videos of him on campuses taking all the hard questions the students can dish and he has always come off as straight forward and honest. I don’t agree with all his stuff but I respect how he carries himself Most of the time. I think the gotchya questions got to him during this interview when he clearly just wanted to discuss his book and not defend tweets from his past.

Of course he wanted to ignore the dumb things he said in the past. He should have thought about that before he said them. Those tweets define his credibility, and it's childish for him to think a real interviewer would just ignore them. He should limit his interviews to Fox if that is what he wants. Whether Shapiro is a straight down the middle honest pundit or not, his output alone has little effect on the lying dishonorable mouthpiece with disdain for integrity, the right wing media has become.

I get that but at some Point years later being asked about stupid comments from the past gets old. Agreed that he should be asked and expected to answer a few but they shouldn’t be the focus of every interview.

You think there is a statute of limitations on stupid?

There is Absolutely a statute of limitations on Stupid... we have all done and said stupid things many times in our lives

I disagree, but what do you think the statute of limitations of stupid should be? How many years?

I don’t think it should take years. I think people deserve forgiveness if they show genuine remorse. Like I said... we’ve all done and said stupid things... do you disagree?
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Obama won the '08 by making a deal with wall street bankers , who were rewarded for crashing the economy

he then in fact chaired the very same banksters that had a hand in the entire fiscal construct to whitewash the entire scenario for the public

how else do you think a one term senator virtual unknown potus candidate could have risen so quickly to power?

So you’re probably gonna feel the same way when AOC runs in 2024 lol. Sometimes people just grab the hearts of the people. The same way trump did you! At least president Obama Was a senator, trumps first political job was president
He did nothing. They have no proof. People keep making up wild impossible theories but I haven’t seen one credible accusation. Not even from people on this post lol
BULLDOG, Barry Hussaine Obama orchestrated or at least signed off on several plots to overthrow our President by weaponizing the Department of Justice among other things. Stop watching fake news and you would know!
This is fake news. You literally made this up
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

It's a huge talk radio thing, so Trump and the Trumpsters can tell you all about it. Much like Russiagate and Maddow and her fans.

It's the winger national pastime.

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Ah, your response is a talk radio meme. Cool.

You constantly bash conservative media. I'm guessing you think all right leaning media is false and everyone who listens to it is a winger, right? But you are not a winger. You've stated that it is possible to be a republican and not a winger. Do you have any examples of who would be in that category?

Those who believe right wing media are nut bags.

Do you think Ben Shapiro is a nut?

You mean this childish little idiot who is pitching a tantrum?

Ya know, I actually thought Shapiro was doing pretty good until he lost it and backed out of the interview

Obviously, he didn't think he was doing as well as you did when he ran from the hard questions. I guess he was used to softball questions from inside the right wing bubble. He even admitted he was destroyed. I was pleasantly surprised that he made such an admission. His one admission isn't enough to resuscitate the dormant integrity the right once had, but it is at least a step in the right direction. I wonder if or when there might be another act of honesty from the right.

I’ve never understood the big resistance against Shapiro. He, unlike most the other conservative blowhards, doesn’t hide behind his microphone. He seems to encourage substantive debate over living in an echo chamber. There are tons of videos of him on campuses taking all the hard questions the students can dish and he has always come off as straight forward and honest. I don’t agree with all his stuff but I respect how he carries himself Most of the time. I think the gotchya questions got to him during this interview when he clearly just wanted to discuss his book and not defend tweets from his past.

Of course he wanted to ignore the dumb things he said in the past. He should have thought about that before he said them. Those tweets define his credibility, and it's childish for him to think a real interviewer would just ignore them. He should limit his interviews to Fox if that is what he wants. Whether Shapiro is a straight down the middle honest pundit or not, his output alone has little effect on the lying dishonorable mouthpiece with disdain for integrity, the right wing media has become.

I get that but at some Point years later being asked about stupid comments from the past gets old. Agreed that he should be asked and expected to answer a few but they shouldn’t be the focus of every interview.

You think there is a statute of limitations on stupid?

There is Absolutely a statute of limitations on Stupid... we have all done and said stupid things many times in our lives

I disagree, but what do you think the statute of limitations of stupid should be? How many years?

I don’t think it should take years. I think people deserve forgiveness if they show genuine remorse. Like I said... we’ve all done and said stupid things... do you disagree?

I haven't seen where Shapiro has listed his stupid remarks, or expressed remorse for them. You got a link to all that?
Let's see here. So Flynn was coordinating with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. to get all the sanctions lifted before he was even National Security Advisor. Obama warned Trump not to hire him, Trump did anyway, Flynn lied under oath, and then left in disgrace. How does this have anything to do with Obama doing something wrong? He was trying to save Trump from a potentially embarrassing decision.

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