Obama's Arab Spring: Al Qaeda's Iraq Branch joins Syrian Rebels


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Well this is special. It's not unexpected. What a freaking dog's breakfast the middle east has become. Sheesh.

Iraqi al-Qaeda, Syrian group join forces

Al-Qaeda's branch in Iraq and the most powerful rebel extremist group in Syria have officially joined ranks against President Bashar Assad to forge a potentially formidable militant force in the Middle East.

The merger of the Islamic State in Iraq and Jabhat al-Nusra forms a new entity that could be an even stronger opponent in the fight to topple Assad and become a dominant player in what eventually replaces his regime.

Iraqi al-Qaeda, Syrian group join forces - World - NZ Herald News

Just unreal. Iraqi Prime Minister nails it. Imagine Al Qaeda running Syria. YIKES!

In a column published today in the Washington Post, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki warned that a Syria controlled by al-Qaeda and its affiliates "would be more dangerous to both our countries than anything we've seen up to now."

He added that such a scenario "grows more likely by the day."
Special thanks to George W. Bush for destabilizing the region.
Special thanks to George W. Bush for destabilizing the region.


Egypt was stable and a good friend to the US. Had been for decades. Syria was stable. Even Libya was stable.

This is Obama's.
The Pip Squeak In Chief can't condone a no-fly zone. NATO is NADA, and the UN?

The United States govt. runs Al Qaeda. They use them to divide countries they want to infiltrate.

They are now calling gun owners terrorist in the US. The division of the US has begun. Then we will be infiltrated by NATO troops.
Obama owns this, yet the left will still pretend he hasn't lied a bunch of times, or 32 to be exact, about al Qaeda. For those libs who still want to blame others, it's time to grow up and start letting Obama take responsibility for his own disasters.
Obama didn't destabilize Iraq - Bush did. In fact, both Bushes destabilized the entire Middle East.
What a mess. All the left cares about is their agenda of Marxism too the very end.

It just doesn't matter as American culture doesn't matter to them. All will be gone when they have their global communist state.
Obama didn't destabilize Iraq - Bush did. In fact, both Bushes destabilized the entire Middle East.

Bush want in looking to bring freedom
Obama does the opposite throughout the middle east.

He brings shame to this nation.
Egypt is 3-4 times worse then Iraq will be in the history books when someone reads it 50 years from now. Egypt can and probably will attack Israel soon...We can thank Obama.
Sorry about democracy, fascist swine lol.

Alqaeda in Iraq 2002-ZERO, 2006- 100,000. Great job, Pubbies. . Then you start a DEPRESSION that is the source of these continuing problems- Alqaeda has money to pay the jihadis.
Obama didn't destabilize Iraq - Bush did. In fact, both Bushes destabilized the entire Middle East.

Now that every thing is going for shit in all these countries now, I had no doubt that libs would try to pin even the Arab Spring on Bush.

Too bad though. :lol:

Egypt, Syria and Libya were chugging along just fine. Until the Arab Spring.

Libya was engaging in international trade deals to beat the band.
Egypt had a booming tourist trade. Syria was plugging along. Oil and agriculture.

Arab Spring. Obama's Arab Spring.

Since March 2011, Syria has been embroiled in civil war in the wake of uprisings (considered an extension of the Arab Spring, the mass movement of revolutions and protests in the Arab world) against Assad and the neo-Ba'athist government.

Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
obama intended this all along. He knew, or should have known, what was going to happen. If we give him any credit for having two brain cells to rub together he knew and intended that his allies, Al Quadea would act.

An an extra added bonus, they are teaching American liberals how to deal with Christians.
Iraq as of this time=piss ant push over.
Egypt=most powerful nation in the middle east with a blood thirsty thug.

Guess who released the nation far more likely to go to war? OBAMA!!!
Sorry about democracy, fascist swine. The main reason there are problems in these countries NOW is the GOP Great World Recession, dupes. GOP- ALWAYS a disaster for the nonrich - great for dictators lol...
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Sorry about democracy, fascist swine. The main reason there are problems in these countries NOW is the GOP Great World Recession, dupes. GOP- ALWAYS a disaster for the nonrichgreat for dictators lol...

You can also blame the socialist eu nations for causing a lot of that too.:eusa_hand:

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