Obama's brilliant first move

First, this isnt his first move.

Second, I dont see what's brilliant about doing an interview. Nor how you think people who cant afford internet, television, and who might not even know how to read or write are going to be touched by a man leading a nation half way around the world. Especially when the nations they live in don't allow free speech.

But keep telling yourself it's brilliant. As though this matters.

And not to mention the interview will probably be censored to hell and will wind up saying something like "Kill all muslims"
Oh I know, I know.. They probably agree with the terrorists.. i think they even took a poll that said so..

Exactly the point.

Obama is changing world opinion. This is called leadership.

Giving an interview is a hell of a lot cheaper than wasting 4,000 American dead, 30,000 wounded, and $700 billion dollars.

He gets his face on TV and in the spotlight and wastes a trillion!!
another record
Yeah, I've read America Alone and I know about the demographic "issue." But what you are doing is taking the assumption that Muslims are bad and projecting the possible results of demographic trend that could change at any moment. You are using a highly imaginary scenario.

It's more than reading America Alone, and it's more than demographics. It's already begun. Just read what so many local Imams throughout Europe are saying. They're telling us it's just a matter of time before it's theirs and what they will do with it once it is. Hey, I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see it. This is where we are headed.

I know a lot of people in Europe, and I know what they've told me about the things that are already happening. They never saw this coming, but now they are fearful of what is going to happen down the road.

In the Netherlands, it is somewhat most visible: 1 million muslims (all immigrated there in the last 50 years) out of a 16 million population are muslims. So 1/16 people you meet there is a muslim, while back in 1950 the netherlands was a almost 100% Christian country. It is just unhealthy to have such a big immigrant population of only one religion that is different from the majority of people who lived in that country for ages, it is almost like a colonization.
Someday all of Europe will be Islamic

Then IsraHell will be cut off from the world community just like South Africia was during apartheid.
Yeah, I've read America Alone and I know about the demographic "issue." But what you are doing is taking the assumption that Muslims are bad and projecting the possible results of demographic trend that could change at any moment. You are using a highly imaginary scenario.

It's more than reading America Alone, and it's more than demographics. It's already begun. Just read what so many local Imams throughout Europe are saying. They're telling us it's just a matter of time before it's theirs and what they will do with it once it is. Hey, I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see it. This is where we are headed.

I know a lot of people in Europe, and I know what they've told me about the things that are already happening. They never saw this coming, but now they are fearful of what is going to happen down the road.

In the Netherlands, it is somewhat most visible: 1 million muslims (all immigrated there in the last 50 years) out of a 16 million population are muslims. So 1/16 people you meet there is a muslim, while back in 1950 the netherlands was a almost 100% Christian country. It is just unhealthy to have such a big immigrant population of only one religion that is different from the majority of people who lived in that country for ages, it is almost like a colonization.
Someday all of Europe will be Islamic

Sometimes you post something reasonable and I think for a moment I may have misjudged you.

Then you post something like that and I remember you're a bigot.
Yeah, I've read America Alone and I know about the demographic "issue." But what you are doing is taking the assumption that Muslims are bad and projecting the possible results of demographic trend that could change at any moment. You are using a highly imaginary scenario.

It's more than reading America Alone, and it's more than demographics. It's already begun. Just read what so many local Imams throughout Europe are saying. They're telling us it's just a matter of time before it's theirs and what they will do with it once it is. Hey, I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see it. This is where we are headed.

I know a lot of people in Europe, and I know what they've told me about the things that are already happening. They never saw this coming, but now they are fearful of what is going to happen down the road.

In the Netherlands, it is somewhat most visible: 1 million muslims (all immigrated there in the last 50 years) out of a 16 million population are muslims. So 1/16 people you meet there is a muslim, while back in 1950 the netherlands was a almost 100% Christian country. It is just unhealthy to have such a big immigrant population of only one religion that is different from the majority of people who lived in that country for ages, it is almost like a colonization.
Someday all of Europe will be Islamic

Then IsraHell will be cut off from the world community just like South Africia was during apartheid.


Someday, muslims will be thrown out of Europe if they all think like you.
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In the Netherlands, it is somewhat most visible: 1 million muslims (all immigrated there in the last 50 years) out of a 16 million population are muslims. So 1/16 people you meet there is a muslim, while back in 1950 the netherlands was a almost 100% Christian country. It is just unhealthy to have such a big immigrant population of only one religion that is different from the majority of people who lived in that country for ages, it is almost like a colonization.
Someday all of Europe will be Islamic

Then IsraHell will be cut off from the world community just like South Africia was during apartheid.


Someday, muslims will be thrown out of Europe if they all think like you.
the problem is, a lot of them DO
Good move Obama! Change is happening. Hopefully the muslim world will buy into our new found dimplomacy.
First move? Didn't he kill some civilians and children in Pakistan last week?
Yeah I gotta question about that:

Why was it criminal for Bush to hold terrorists in Gitmo for an indefinite period of time without a trial, but its OK for Obama to murder them in their homes along with their families in Pakistan with Predator Drone missiles without a trial?

Any liberals care to explain this? Or will you all run...
First move? Didn't he kill some civilians and children in Pakistan last week?
Yeah I gotta question about that:

Why was it criminal for Bush to hold terrorists in Gitmo for an indefinite period of time without a trial, but its OK for Obama to murder them in their homes along with their families in Pakistan with Predator Drone missiles without a trial?

Any liberals care to explain this? Or will you all run...

That is a great question.

Holding people for an indefinite period of time without trial is not criminal.

Torturing them is.

We shouldn't be killing people in their homes in Pakistan.

All it does is radicalize Pakistan.
First move? Didn't he kill some civilians and children in Pakistan last week?
Yeah I gotta question about that:

Why was it criminal for Bush to hold terrorists in Gitmo for an indefinite period of time without a trial, but its OK for Obama to murder them in their homes along with their families in Pakistan with Predator Drone missiles without a trial?

Any liberals care to explain this? Or will you all run...

That is a great question.

Holding people for an indefinite period of time without trial is not criminal.

Torturing them is.

We shouldn't be killing people in their homes in Pakistan.

All it does is radicalize Pakistan.
Then why are we hearing that the Gitmo terrorists have had their rights taken from them?

And if torture is criminal for Bush, why isn't murder criminal for Obama?
Yeah I gotta question about that:

Why was it criminal for Bush to hold terrorists in Gitmo for an indefinite period of time without a trial, but its OK for Obama to murder them in their homes along with their families in Pakistan with Predator Drone missiles without a trial?

Any liberals care to explain this? Or will you all run...

That is a great question.

Holding people for an indefinite period of time without trial is not criminal.

Torturing them is.

We shouldn't be killing people in their homes in Pakistan.

All it does is radicalize Pakistan.
Then why are we hearing that the Gitmo terrorists have had their rights taken from them?

And if torture is criminal for Bush, why isn't murder criminal for Obama?

It isn't, and that is the whole problem with the "Bush doctrine."
That is a great question.

Holding people for an indefinite period of time without trial is not criminal.

Torturing them is.

We shouldn't be killing people in their homes in Pakistan.

All it does is radicalize Pakistan.
Then why are we hearing that the Gitmo terrorists have had their rights taken from them?

And if torture is criminal for Bush, why isn't murder criminal for Obama?

It isn't, and that is the whole problem with the "Bush doctrine."
What isn't? Will you answer my questions?
It isn't, and that is the whole problem with the "Bush doctrine."
What isn't? Will you answer my questions?

I just agreed with you.

You didn't get it?
Sorry I missed it.

Do you get the point of my original question? Liberals (not including you I guess) denounce Bush for holding terrorists indefinitely at Gitmo without a trial, but don't mind Obama executing them along with their families without a trial.

One word - hypocrisy.

Do you still agree?
What isn't? Will you answer my questions?

I just agreed with you.

You didn't get it?
Sorry I missed it.

Do you get the point of my original question? Liberals (not including you I guess) denounce Bush for holding terrorists indefinitely at Gitmo without a trial, but don't mind Obama executing them along with their families without a trial.

One word - hypocrisy.

Do you still agree?

I don't think that it is just a question of "liberals."

When something is done by our military, we think it is ok.

But the people are just as dead no matter who kills them.

But this is how far Bush has taken us down this strange road. Now we can kill people by remote control and because they are Pakistanis, we don't care.

No wonder people hate us.
So which is it? Is the solution more government?

Only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe. Only government can break the cycle that are [sic] crippling our economy. - Barack Obama Jan. 8

Or is it getting government out of the way?

In the end, the answer to our economic troubles rests less in my hands or in the hands of our legislators than it does with America's workers and the businesses that employ them. They are the ones whose efforts and ideas will determine our economic destiny just as they always have - Barack Obama Jan. 28
I just agreed with you.

You didn't get it?
Sorry I missed it.

Do you get the point of my original question? Liberals (not including you I guess) denounce Bush for holding terrorists indefinitely at Gitmo without a trial, but don't mind Obama executing them along with their families without a trial.

One word - hypocrisy.

Do you still agree?

I don't think that it is just a question of "liberals."

When something is done by our military, we think it is ok.

But the people are just as dead no matter who kills them.

But this is how far Bush has taken us down this strange road. Now we can kill people by remote control and because they are Pakistanis, we don't care.

No wonder people hate us.
You seem to be talking out of both sides of your mouth. On the one hand you distance yourself from those I have illustrated are hypocrites. But on the other side you denounce Bush for setting the precedent.

And Bush didn't start this missile executions policy. Bill Clinton did.
Then why are we hearing that the Gitmo terrorists have had their rights taken from them?

And if torture is criminal for Bush, why isn't murder criminal for Obama?

Stop making crappy arguments. Obama has only been in office two seconds. I doubt he even knew it was taking place. Two or three months down the track? Fair point. A couple of days? Talk about the Dance of the Desperate...
Sorry I missed it.

Do you get the point of my original question? Liberals (not including you I guess) denounce Bush for holding terrorists indefinitely at Gitmo without a trial, but don't mind Obama executing them along with their families without a trial.

One word - hypocrisy.

Do you still agree?

I don't think that it is just a question of "liberals."

When something is done by our military, we think it is ok.

But the people are just as dead no matter who kills them.

But this is how far Bush has taken us down this strange road. Now we can kill people by remote control and because they are Pakistanis, we don't care.

No wonder people hate us.
You seem to be talking out of both sides of your mouth. On the one hand you distance yourself from those I have illustrated are hypocrites. But on the other side you denounce Bush for setting the precedent.

And Bush didn't start this missile executions policy. Bill Clinton did.

Clinton attacked a known terrorist training camp and almost got Bin Laden. Bush used the Predators with much less hard intelligence. Bush took us much farther down that road.

Still it is an important moral and practical question. I personally think the use of Perdators in Pakistan should be suspended. Why piss off a country with millions of people and nuclear weapons, just to kill a couple of AQ?

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