Obama’s “Career Killer” Overtime Rules Blasted by Businesses

Possibly so, but I suspect there are enough gop senators who'd support it that it could easily have passed there, but the more reactionary House wouldn't even take it up for a vote. A law would have been better, but there is no compromise anymore.

With respect my friend .. Good politicians fight for a better society. They don't just make excuses.

Obama is not a progressive, never has been, never claimed to be. He's a corporatist and he governs like one.
Obama is a progressive and governs like one. You might want to ask people in coal mining, banking, auto lending, and internet whether Obama is a corporatist or not.

:0) Obama made himself known as a corporatist from the moment he walked into the White House door.

Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages
Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages | naked capitalism

Obama is so far up Big Pharma's ass that he betrayed progressives and reached for a healthcare plan drafted by the uber-conservative Heritage Foundation instead of reaching for a better healthcare solution.

Obama has quite possibly smoked more marijuana than any president in White House history. Don't believe that .. SEE: Choom Gang

Roof hits ..

In spite of his history, he turned his back on youth and marijuana supporters that he courted when he ran for president.

I could go on .. and on .. and on ..
You must be black because even white people aren't this stupid.
Obama did not reach for any health care reform, much less one put out by Heritage. In truth Congressional Democrats drafted the plan, advised by Gruber, while Obama pretty much looked on. The final form of ACA was nothing at all like anything that appeared in an article in Heritage, which was not their proposal but that of one person, who has since pointed out how different they are.
Smoking dope doesn't make someone a corporatist. And given his administration's pounding of various industries and over regulating he is definitely a progressive.

:0) Right-wingers are easy. I beat them up all the time.

Both Romneycare and Obamacare take from the Heritage Foundation plan .. which was actually a plan to divert from what was known as 'Hillarycare.'

If you don't know that, obviously white people are that stupid.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate
How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

The irony of Republican disapproval of Obamacare
The Democrat's version of health insurance would have been cheaper, simpler and more popular. But we enacted the Republican version. So why are they so upset? Because it an achievement for the Obama administration.
The irony of Republican disapproval of Obamacare

And unless reading comprehension a serious problem for you, I'd suggest that it should be pretty easy to see that I never suggested that smoking weed makes one a corporatist. Betrayal for corporate interests does.

They'll just tell you that NOW its different which means anything Obama does they are against it even if they supported it before.
With respect my friend .. Good politicians fight for a better society. They don't just make excuses.

Obama is not a progressive, never has been, never claimed to be. He's a corporatist and he governs like one.
Obama is a progressive and governs like one. You might want to ask people in coal mining, banking, auto lending, and internet whether Obama is a corporatist or not.

:0) Obama made himself known as a corporatist from the moment he walked into the White House door.

Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages
Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages | naked capitalism

Obama is so far up Big Pharma's ass that he betrayed progressives and reached for a healthcare plan drafted by the uber-conservative Heritage Foundation instead of reaching for a better healthcare solution.

Obama has quite possibly smoked more marijuana than any president in White House history. Don't believe that .. SEE: Choom Gang

Roof hits ..

In spite of his history, he turned his back on youth and marijuana supporters that he courted when he ran for president.

I could go on .. and on .. and on ..
You must be black because even white people aren't this stupid.
Obama did not reach for any health care reform, much less one put out by Heritage. In truth Congressional Democrats drafted the plan, advised by Gruber, while Obama pretty much looked on. The final form of ACA was nothing at all like anything that appeared in an article in Heritage, which was not their proposal but that of one person, who has since pointed out how different they are.
Smoking dope doesn't make someone a corporatist. And given his administration's pounding of various industries and over regulating he is definitely a progressive.

:0) Right-wingers are easy. I beat them up all the time.

Both Romneycare and Obamacare take from the Heritage Foundation plan .. which was actually a plan to divert from what was known as 'Hillarycare.'

If you don't know that, obviously white people are that stupid.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate
How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

The irony of Republican disapproval of Obamacare
The Democrat's version of health insurance would have been cheaper, simpler and more popular. But we enacted the Republican version. So why are they so upset? Because it an achievement for the Obama administration.
The irony of Republican disapproval of Obamacare

And unless reading comprehension a serious problem for you, I'd suggest that it should be pretty easy to see that I never suggested that smoking weed makes one a corporatist. Betrayal for corporate interests does.

They'll just tell you that NOW its different which means anything Obama does they are against it even if they supported it before.

I absolutely agree with that brother.

It's the lunacy of American politics.
The Great and powerful Obama knows better...because he was a Community Organizer, 1/2-term Senator, never ran a business, has no business experience...but he has spoken!
He's not a doctor, he has medical advisors. He's not an army general, he has army generals. He's not a business owner, he has business advisors.

You don't need to be a painter to support the arts, or know good artwork.
You need some foundation for deciding whether your advisors are giving you sound advice or not. Do you automatically do whatever your doctor or lawyer tells you?
He is more than smart enough to figure that out. And my doctors and lawyers usually do what I recommend, that's what they pay me for.
Clearly not, as he contradicts his own advisors sometimes, like on the Iraq withdrawal, or allows them to push disasterous policies. Like this one.
He is the President. In the end that's his call. You elect a man, not a god.
I am sure you said that about BUsh.
I actually agree with that.

Obama may be just trying to shore up his legacy, but this should have been proposed and accomplished long ago.
Possibly so, but I suspect there are enough gop senators who'd support it that it could easily have passed there, but the more reactionary House wouldn't even take it up for a vote. A law would have been better, but there is no compromise anymore.

With respect my friend .. Good politicians fight for a better society. They don't just make excuses.

Obama is not a progressive, never has been, never claimed to be. He's a corporatist and he governs like one.
Of course he's a corporatist. Actually, he's more an elitist. But he's never really been a progressive who hangs around actual workers. But, I don't think he's a Johnny Come Lately to this issue. Frankly, it's not really an elitist, corporatist or progressive issue. Everyone agrees wages are too low, we lack sufficient consumer demand, and income inequality is not good. The question is what to do about it.

I think it's more that at this point he has no legislative agenda. There were hopes compromise could be found on corp taxes and various biz issues, including immigration, after the 2012 election, but the gop backed away from earlier positions. So, one by one, he's ticking off items that he can move on without any compromise.

I agree with that statement. Obama is doing what is painless .. while trying to shore up his legacy as some kind of progressive .. that doesn't exist.

Obama has made a career out of hiding behind what republicans supposedly won't let him do .. and often blames republicans for his own corporatist ideas .. like Sequestration.

Obama has been the greatest trickle down economics President this country has ever seen. No one else even comes close. No progressive would continue to provide the richest corporations and the central banks $70 Billion a month despite the fact they have enjoyed record profits.
Another asshole without a clue what "trickle down" means.
Possibly so, but I suspect there are enough gop senators who'd support it that it could easily have passed there, but the more reactionary House wouldn't even take it up for a vote. A law would have been better, but there is no compromise anymore.

With respect my friend .. Good politicians fight for a better society. They don't just make excuses.

Obama is not a progressive, never has been, never claimed to be. He's a corporatist and he governs like one.
Of course he's a corporatist. Actually, he's more an elitist. But he's never really been a progressive who hangs around actual workers. But, I don't think he's a Johnny Come Lately to this issue. Frankly, it's not really an elitist, corporatist or progressive issue. Everyone agrees wages are too low, we lack sufficient consumer demand, and income inequality is not good. The question is what to do about it.

I think it's more that at this point he has no legislative agenda. There were hopes compromise could be found on corp taxes and various biz issues, including immigration, after the 2012 election, but the gop backed away from earlier positions. So, one by one, he's ticking off items that he can move on without any compromise.

I agree with that statement. Obama is doing what is painless .. while trying to shore up his legacy as some kind of progressive .. that doesn't exist.

Obama has made a career out of hiding behind what republicans supposedly won't let him do .. and often blames republicans for his own corporatist ideas .. like Sequestration.

Obama has been the greatest trickle down economics President this country has ever seen. No one else even comes close. No progressive would continue to provide the richest corporations and the central banks $70 Billion a month despite the fact they have enjoyed record profits.
Another asshole without a clue what "trickle down" means.

That's real odd coming from someone who didn't even know that the ACA came from your own side of the fence. :0)

I guess it wasn't on Fox, huh? How would you know? :0)
Possibly so, but I suspect there are enough gop senators who'd support it that it could easily have passed there, but the more reactionary House wouldn't even take it up for a vote. A law would have been better, but there is no compromise anymore.

With respect my friend .. Good politicians fight for a better society. They don't just make excuses.

Obama is not a progressive, never has been, never claimed to be. He's a corporatist and he governs like one.
Obama is a progressive and governs like one. You might want to ask people in coal mining, banking, auto lending, and internet whether Obama is a corporatist or not.

:0) Obama made himself known as a corporatist from the moment he walked into the White House door.

Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages
Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages | naked capitalism

Obama is so far up Big Pharma's ass that he betrayed progressives and reached for a healthcare plan drafted by the uber-conservative Heritage Foundation instead of reaching for a better healthcare solution.

Obama has quite possibly smoked more marijuana than any president in White House history. Don't believe that .. SEE: Choom Gang

Roof hits ..

In spite of his history, he turned his back on youth and marijuana supporters that he courted when he ran for president.

I could go on .. and on .. and on ..
You must be black because even white people aren't this stupid.
Obama did not reach for any health care reform, much less one put out by Heritage. In truth Congressional Democrats drafted the plan, advised by Gruber, while Obama pretty much looked on. The final form of ACA was nothing at all like anything that appeared in an article in Heritage, which was not their proposal but that of one person, who has since pointed out how different they are.
Smoking dope doesn't make someone a corporatist. And given his administration's pounding of various industries and over regulating he is definitely a progressive.

:0) Right-wingers are easy. I beat them up all the time.

Both Romneycare and Obamacare take from the Heritage Foundation plan .. which was actually a plan to divert from what was known as 'Hillarycare.'

OK we're gonna stop right there because that's enough bullshit for one post.
You dont beat up right wingers. You embarass yourself before them.
You yourself admit Obama did not adopt the Heritage plan, but merely "took from it." But there is no Heritage plan. There was one lecture from an economist maybe published there. Many people had similar ideas as well.
Where Did The Idea Of Obamacare Come From? A Defense Of The Heritage Foundation

You have been refuted and revealed as an ignoramus.
With respect my friend .. Good politicians fight for a better society. They don't just make excuses.

Obama is not a progressive, never has been, never claimed to be. He's a corporatist and he governs like one.
Of course he's a corporatist. Actually, he's more an elitist. But he's never really been a progressive who hangs around actual workers. But, I don't think he's a Johnny Come Lately to this issue. Frankly, it's not really an elitist, corporatist or progressive issue. Everyone agrees wages are too low, we lack sufficient consumer demand, and income inequality is not good. The question is what to do about it.

I think it's more that at this point he has no legislative agenda. There were hopes compromise could be found on corp taxes and various biz issues, including immigration, after the 2012 election, but the gop backed away from earlier positions. So, one by one, he's ticking off items that he can move on without any compromise.

I agree with that statement. Obama is doing what is painless .. while trying to shore up his legacy as some kind of progressive .. that doesn't exist.

Obama has made a career out of hiding behind what republicans supposedly won't let him do .. and often blames republicans for his own corporatist ideas .. like Sequestration.

Obama has been the greatest trickle down economics President this country has ever seen. No one else even comes close. No progressive would continue to provide the richest corporations and the central banks $70 Billion a month despite the fact they have enjoyed record profits.
Another asshole without a clue what "trickle down" means.

That's real odd coming from someone who didn't even know that the ACA came from your own side of the fence. :0)

I guess it wasn't on Fox, huh? How would you know? :0)
See my previous post where I destroy that stupid idea. For the 50th time.
Only in Conservatopia do the happy workers gladly give up their time for the good of boss.
With respect my friend .. Good politicians fight for a better society. They don't just make excuses.

Obama is not a progressive, never has been, never claimed to be. He's a corporatist and he governs like one.
Obama is a progressive and governs like one. You might want to ask people in coal mining, banking, auto lending, and internet whether Obama is a corporatist or not.

:0) Obama made himself known as a corporatist from the moment he walked into the White House door.

Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages
Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages | naked capitalism

Obama is so far up Big Pharma's ass that he betrayed progressives and reached for a healthcare plan drafted by the uber-conservative Heritage Foundation instead of reaching for a better healthcare solution.

Obama has quite possibly smoked more marijuana than any president in White House history. Don't believe that .. SEE: Choom Gang

Roof hits ..

In spite of his history, he turned his back on youth and marijuana supporters that he courted when he ran for president.

I could go on .. and on .. and on ..
You must be black because even white people aren't this stupid.
Obama did not reach for any health care reform, much less one put out by Heritage. In truth Congressional Democrats drafted the plan, advised by Gruber, while Obama pretty much looked on. The final form of ACA was nothing at all like anything that appeared in an article in Heritage, which was not their proposal but that of one person, who has since pointed out how different they are.
Smoking dope doesn't make someone a corporatist. And given his administration's pounding of various industries and over regulating he is definitely a progressive.

:0) Right-wingers are easy. I beat them up all the time.

Both Romneycare and Obamacare take from the Heritage Foundation plan .. which was actually a plan to divert from what was known as 'Hillarycare.'

OK we're gonna stop right there because that's enough bullshit for one post.
You dont beat up right wingers. You embarass yourself before them.
You yourself admit Obama did not adopt the Heritage plan, but merely "took from it." But there is no Heritage plan. There was one lecture from an economist maybe published there. Many people had similar ideas as well.
Where Did The Idea Of Obamacare Come From? A Defense Of The Heritage Foundation

You have been refuted and revealed as an ignoramus.

Wrong .. you're just too stupid to know the difference.

You claim the ACA was nothing like what was proposed by the Heritage Foundation. :0) You claim there was no Heritage plan.


And in a section called “The Heritage Plan,” Butler sets the premise for a form of guaranteed universal health care that would be anathema to the far-right Tea Party that controls the Republican party today:



You 're stupid.

Pelosi: Heritage Foundation Designed Health Care Bill - Shadowproof

You're stupid

I snack on morons like you.:0)
Obama is a progressive and governs like one. You might want to ask people in coal mining, banking, auto lending, and internet whether Obama is a corporatist or not.

:0) Obama made himself known as a corporatist from the moment he walked into the White House door.

Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages
Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages | naked capitalism

Obama is so far up Big Pharma's ass that he betrayed progressives and reached for a healthcare plan drafted by the uber-conservative Heritage Foundation instead of reaching for a better healthcare solution.

Obama has quite possibly smoked more marijuana than any president in White House history. Don't believe that .. SEE: Choom Gang

Roof hits ..

In spite of his history, he turned his back on youth and marijuana supporters that he courted when he ran for president.

I could go on .. and on .. and on ..
You must be black because even white people aren't this stupid.
Obama did not reach for any health care reform, much less one put out by Heritage. In truth Congressional Democrats drafted the plan, advised by Gruber, while Obama pretty much looked on. The final form of ACA was nothing at all like anything that appeared in an article in Heritage, which was not their proposal but that of one person, who has since pointed out how different they are.
Smoking dope doesn't make someone a corporatist. And given his administration's pounding of various industries and over regulating he is definitely a progressive.

:0) Right-wingers are easy. I beat them up all the time.

Both Romneycare and Obamacare take from the Heritage Foundation plan .. which was actually a plan to divert from what was known as 'Hillarycare.'

OK we're gonna stop right there because that's enough bullshit for one post.
You dont beat up right wingers. You embarass yourself before them.
You yourself admit Obama did not adopt the Heritage plan, but merely "took from it." But there is no Heritage plan. There was one lecture from an economist maybe published there. Many people had similar ideas as well.
Where Did The Idea Of Obamacare Come From? A Defense Of The Heritage Foundation

You have been refuted and revealed as an ignoramus.

Wrong .. you're just too stupid to know the difference.

You claim the ACA was nothing like what was proposed by the Heritage Foundation. :0) You claim there was no Heritage plan.


And in a section called “The Heritage Plan,” Butler sets the premise for a form of guaranteed universal health care that would be anathema to the far-right Tea Party that controls the Republican party today:



You 're stupid.

Pelosi: Heritage Foundation Designed Health Care Bill - Shadowproof

You're stupid

I snack on morons like you.:0)
You didnt bother reading hte article I posted.
You are too fucking stupid to deal with. Jonathan Gruber mean anything to you, nit wit?
:0) Obama made himself known as a corporatist from the moment he walked into the White House door.

Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages
Barney Frank: Obama Rejected Bush Administration Concession to Write Down Mortgages | naked capitalism

Obama is so far up Big Pharma's ass that he betrayed progressives and reached for a healthcare plan drafted by the uber-conservative Heritage Foundation instead of reaching for a better healthcare solution.

Obama has quite possibly smoked more marijuana than any president in White House history. Don't believe that .. SEE: Choom Gang

Roof hits ..

In spite of his history, he turned his back on youth and marijuana supporters that he courted when he ran for president.

I could go on .. and on .. and on ..
You must be black because even white people aren't this stupid.
Obama did not reach for any health care reform, much less one put out by Heritage. In truth Congressional Democrats drafted the plan, advised by Gruber, while Obama pretty much looked on. The final form of ACA was nothing at all like anything that appeared in an article in Heritage, which was not their proposal but that of one person, who has since pointed out how different they are.
Smoking dope doesn't make someone a corporatist. And given his administration's pounding of various industries and over regulating he is definitely a progressive.

:0) Right-wingers are easy. I beat them up all the time.

Both Romneycare and Obamacare take from the Heritage Foundation plan .. which was actually a plan to divert from what was known as 'Hillarycare.'

OK we're gonna stop right there because that's enough bullshit for one post.
You dont beat up right wingers. You embarass yourself before them.
You yourself admit Obama did not adopt the Heritage plan, but merely "took from it." But there is no Heritage plan. There was one lecture from an economist maybe published there. Many people had similar ideas as well.
Where Did The Idea Of Obamacare Come From? A Defense Of The Heritage Foundation

You have been refuted and revealed as an ignoramus.

Wrong .. you're just too stupid to know the difference.

You claim the ACA was nothing like what was proposed by the Heritage Foundation. :0) You claim there was no Heritage plan.


And in a section called “The Heritage Plan,” Butler sets the premise for a form of guaranteed universal health care that would be anathema to the far-right Tea Party that controls the Republican party today:



You 're stupid.

Pelosi: Heritage Foundation Designed Health Care Bill - Shadowproof

You're stupid

I snack on morons like you.:0)
You didnt bother reading hte article I posted.
You are too fucking stupid to deal with. Jonathan Gruber mean anything to you, nit wit?

No further communication required Barbie. :0) You've already been slapped silly.

You claimed there was no plan .. but it's right there in your face.

You're stupid.

By the way .. both Obama and Romney borrowed from Richard Nixon's plan .. which was more progressive then both.
I also have no problem with this initiative....keeping in mind I am conservative to the core concerning finance/economics.
It is absolutely wrong for low level service businesses and restaurants to abuse store managers like they do. Some of these folks work 70 hours a week.


Obama, the broken clock that is right once every 8 years.
But there is no Heritage plan.

And in a section called “The Heritage Plan,” Butler sets the premise for a form of guaranteed universal health care that would be anathema to the far-right Tea Party that controls the Republican party today:

Rabbit, you gonna let yourself be made to look stupid like you are?

Or are you gonna prove that there was no heritage plan?
In the fast food and retail industries in particular, many workers have missed out on this because they’re deemed “managers” – they work long hours but are paid little more than the people they supervise.

Under the new rules, first released in draft form last summer, the annual salary threshold at which companies can deny overtime pay will be doubled from $23,660 to nearly $47,500.

That means a fast-food manager making $14 an hour – or roughly $30,000 a year – would now be eligible for overtime for those extra hours.

So, what does this REALLY mean? Businesses are there to make $$$$ for their owners and investors. Increase personnel costs and the bottom line goes into the potty. What do you think those in charge will do?

They have 2 choices:

Increase costs – and lose customers

salaried workers will be converted to hourly ones

Read the story @ 'Career killer': Obama's new overtime expansion under fire | Fox News

Experts say Obama’s overtime rule will hit taxpayers, economy hard @ Experts say Obama's overtime rule will hit taxpayers, economy hard - Watchdog.org

Paul Ryan Commits To Fighting Rule That Extends Overtime Protection To Millions Of Workers @ Paul Ryan Commits To Fighting Rule That Extends Overtime Protection To Millions Of Workers

Yeah, there's just no excuse for workers to expect to be paid and its got to stop.

Elect Trumpery and you'll have your way - just shut up and work for the 1%.
In the fast food and retail industries in particular, many workers have missed out on this because they’re deemed “managers” – they work long hours but are paid little more than the people they supervise.

Under the new rules, first released in draft form last summer, the annual salary threshold at which companies can deny overtime pay will be doubled from $23,660 to nearly $47,500.

That means a fast-food manager making $14 an hour – or roughly $30,000 a year – would now be eligible for overtime for those extra hours.

So, what does this REALLY mean? Businesses are there to make $$$$ for their owners and investors. Increase personnel costs and the bottom line goes into the potty. What do you think those in charge will do?

They have 2 choices:

Increase costs – and lose customers

salaried workers will be converted to hourly ones

Read the story @ 'Career killer': Obama's new overtime expansion under fire | Fox News

Experts say Obama’s overtime rule will hit taxpayers, economy hard @ Experts say Obama's overtime rule will hit taxpayers, economy hard - Watchdog.org

Paul Ryan Commits To Fighting Rule That Extends Overtime Protection To Millions Of Workers @ Paul Ryan Commits To Fighting Rule That Extends Overtime Protection To Millions Of Workers
So business no longer can demand free labor....too bad for them

If your business can't exist without exploiting your workers, you do not deserve to stay in business
In the fast food and retail industries in particular, many workers have missed out on this because they’re deemed “managers” – they work long hours but are paid little more than the people they supervise.

Under the new rules, first released in draft form last summer, the annual salary threshold at which companies can deny overtime pay will be doubled from $23,660 to nearly $47,500.

That means a fast-food manager making $14 an hour – or roughly $30,000 a year – would now be eligible for overtime for those extra hours.

So, what does this REALLY mean? Businesses are there to make $$$$ for their owners and investors. Increase personnel costs and the bottom line goes into the potty. What do you think those in charge will do?

They have 2 choices:

Increase costs – and lose customers

salaried workers will be converted to hourly ones

Read the story @ 'Career killer': Obama's new overtime expansion under fire | Fox News

Experts say Obama’s overtime rule will hit taxpayers, economy hard @ Experts say Obama's overtime rule will hit taxpayers, economy hard - Watchdog.org

Paul Ryan Commits To Fighting Rule That Extends Overtime Protection To Millions Of Workers @ Paul Ryan Commits To Fighting Rule That Extends Overtime Protection To Millions Of Workers
So business no longer can demand free labor....too bad for them

If your business can't exist without exploiting your workers, you do not deserve to stay in business

You would change your tune if they couldn't get entitlements for not working putz.
It's fascism pure and simple. Government control over the production and distribution of goods and services. Barry Hussein must be competing with Bernie Sanders.
In the fast food and retail industries in particular, many workers have missed out on this because they’re deemed “managers” – they work long hours but are paid little more than the people they supervise.

Under the new rules, first released in draft form last summer, the annual salary threshold at which companies can deny overtime pay will be doubled from $23,660 to nearly $47,500.

That means a fast-food manager making $14 an hour – or roughly $30,000 a year – would now be eligible for overtime for those extra hours.

So, what does this REALLY mean? Businesses are there to make $$$$ for their owners and investors. Increase personnel costs and the bottom line goes into the potty. What do you think those in charge will do?

They have 2 choices:

Increase costs – and lose customers

salaried workers will be converted to hourly ones

Read the story @ 'Career killer': Obama's new overtime expansion under fire | Fox News

Experts say Obama’s overtime rule will hit taxpayers, economy hard @ Experts say Obama's overtime rule will hit taxpayers, economy hard - Watchdog.org

Paul Ryan Commits To Fighting Rule That Extends Overtime Protection To Millions Of Workers @ Paul Ryan Commits To Fighting Rule That Extends Overtime Protection To Millions Of Workers
So business no longer can demand free labor....too bad for them

If your business can't exist without exploiting your workers, you do not deserve to stay in business

You would change your tune if they couldn't get entitlements for not working putz.
The sad part is they are working and need entitlements because their employer refuses to pay what they worked
Those businesses have a third choice: Just be willing to make slightly less profit in order to pay your managers decent overtime pay.

I'm with Obama on this one. I guess that's because I've seen how my own son was worked like a dog by a restaurant chain because he was a manager and earned over the maximum salary for overtime pay. So he was working about 75 hours a week.

It's not going to kill businesses to pay their managers overtime. I applaud Obama's move.

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