Obama's FAKE Russian-Connection Story Unraveling...

Obama Bin Lying needs to come out and make a Public Statement & explain himself about The Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower.
I just watched Mark Levin lay out the evidence on FOX and Friends this morning. Mark used stories from the NY Times which were embraced by the Obama admin as true to show that Obama had full knowledge of the taps and that lynch ordered it for him.

Levin also showed how Obama scattered this information all over the bureaucracy in his final days with information dissemination.

The Mark Rossen witch hunt on steroids. And it wasn't legal then either. Obama and democrats are using Stalin stateist tactics.
President Trump Accuses Obama Of 'Wire Tapping,' Provides No Evidence
Lewis, Obama's spokesman, rejected the allegation that the former president was involved in surveillance:

"A cardinal rule of the Obama Administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false."
Trump did not produce evidence to support his assertions, nor did he cite the source of his information — though on Weekend Edition Saturday, NPR's Ron Elving notes the fact that Trump says he "just found out":

"It appears perhaps to be a response to a narrative in Breitbart.com, the right-wing website that was previously published by Steve Bannon, the president's senior adviser.

"There, you will find a narrative about how the Obama administration was so intent on thwarting Donald Trump last fall that they had much of the intelligence community doing everything it could to gather skullduggery and information about Donald Trump.

"And that would have included, according to Donald Trump, wiretapping his phones. But there does not seem to be any direct evidence of that."

"That is an extraordinary thing to hear from a sitting president about his predecessor," NPR's Mary Louise Kelly notes on Weekend Edition Saturday. For our Newscast unit, Mary Louise adds: "Tapping his phones would require a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance court."

She also says the director of national intelligence is declining comment.

The FBI has opened an investigation into allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election to boost Trump's campaign. Congressional intelligence committees are currently reviewing documents related to possible links between Russian officials and the campaign, as well as recent leaks of classified information.

Shortly after his final tweet about Obama, which says "this is Nixon/Watergate," Trump turned his attention to other matters, berating Arnold Schwarzenegger, his successor on Celebrity Apprentice. Schwarzenegger announced Friday he was leaving the show, blaming the show's recent poor ratings on Trump.​
So evidence is a thing now? The dems have been blowing smoke up our asses since Nov 9th with no evidence of anything and that was fine for the left. Now though you have to have concrete evidence to even claim anything happens with a dem.

There's been plenty of evidence offered for the Russian hacking. There is zero evidence offered for this.
Whoever was handed the FISA warrant was/is an Obama operative. Who was the AG at the time?
Who does the FBI report to?
Who did Comey report to to guidance?
President Trump is the sort of man to go 100% public with EVERYTHING. The DEMs and their MSM have no clue about the fucking shit-storm that President Trump is going to drop on them.
It will be one one the most historic moments in US history.
Every sentient person on the planet knows the US and Russia have been spying on each other for decades.
Thus far, the only indication that we have of this is Trump stating it. Trump says a lot of things.

A charge this large needs proof and it should have been furnished before anything was stated nationally.
The FACT that someone in the Obama administration kept trying to get a FISA warrant until they succeeded proves the warrant exists.
President Trump has many years ahead of him. Anyone who believes he is going to put up with people in his administration to continue to commit acts of sedition and treason and also the LIB MSM who are involved is fucking delusional.
He's going to go 100% public and shock the world with his candor and he's going to name names and the AG is going to charge every fucking LIB rat with treason.
In two years the LIB MSM will be reporting 100% facts and attaching actual names to their sources. What a concept!
MSNBC will no longer exist. The DEM party will have yet again changed their name. All six of their former leaders will be sitting in 'sun-rooms' in Nevada nursing homes.
You're expecting her to read something? Do you have the illustrated comic book proof?

So, you're saying President Obama ordered Republican FBI Director Comey to order a federal FISA Court to issue a Trump wiretapping warrant? That is just too fucking hilarious!
Actually the DOJ (Loretta Lynch) requested the warrant as it was a foreign government involvement case.
This is all going to very very badly for Obama and Lynch a the sedious treasonis traitors who are Obama's asslicker in the FBI. VERY BADLY!
Anyone who thinks President Trump isn't going to drop some legal MOABS on these American traitors is delusional.
Trump will NEVER stop until the whole nest of rats is cleaned up.
This has now become President Trump's new hobby: How many of these American traitors can I put in Gitmo this month.
WAPO/NYT/MSNBC/CNN radical LIBs better start looking for another line of work in non-extradition countries.
if the FBI got a FISA warrant, for the Russians who ended up communicating with the Trump campaign members, then you can bet your bottom dollar, there was Probable Cause....a judge can not issue one without this probable cause, and during an election, the judge authorizing it would be super careful before approving one.

So if the liar n chief is not lying, and the FBI did get this warrant, then I'd like to know what the probable cause is....wouldn't you?

So Pres Trump, should declassify the warrant, and let us citizens know what it was all about!

Obama does not have to know or be updated about the alleged FBI Warrant...in fact, presidents are suppose to stay out of it, and do stay out of any investigations of the DOJ....

so, Trump can clear this all up, by declassifying these supposed warrants for his campaign team members...and we can see the probable cause part and eventually, maybe the conversations, or the senate intelligence committee can see them for their investigation?

They tried for a FISA warrant for ties to Russia....no deal. Then they succeeded in getting a FISA warrant for "banking ties to Russia" and got it. What they were really after was the first assertion hoping to pick up anything they could get on Trump...clearly illegal.

FISA and the Trump Team

But the opinion piece says nothing about there ever being a criminal investigation, yet the link op in the last sentence implies this FISA warrant was issued for criminal purpose, right after it explained that FISA warrants are not used for Criminal investigations? Quite confusing?

the article says that FISA's are used for investigating foreign espionage type things....

Regardless, what in the world does this have to do with Trump CLAIMING he and his staff were wire tapped, his phones were wire tapped in Trump Tower and obama ordered it?

Was THAT just another one of his lies? OF COURSE it was.... :rolleyes:
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I wonder what undocumented "evidence" they used? The other courts denied them a warrant as their "evidence" did not meet the probable cause demand and as I am told, they shopped three different courts who told them they did not meet the PC standard.

After being told no three times, they proceeded to use the hearsay level of warrant shopping under FISA. Or was it a demand from lynch, that they thought Trump was a foreign agent? That one would have only come from the white-house and Obama.

I would love to see that hearing and its transcripts released.
The reason given for the first denial, was that the FBI's warrant request was TOO BROAD, their second request was narrowed, and then accepted.

There were ONLY two requests from what I have read.

And YES, MEEEE TOO, I would love to see the wording on both requests to compare, and also get an idea of what these surveillance requests were actually all about!?!?
Don't worry. By the time this bullshit LIB is over everyone on the planet who can read english will read for themselves EVERY word on EVERY 'formerly classified document' involving this matter.
The DEMS and the LIB MSM have zero clue what's about to happen to them.
No one but President Trump would call the DEMs/LIB MSM's bluff and win!
It's going to be so sweet to see the fucking traitors sitting in a courtroom waiting to hear their sentences handed down.
Do you know what is funny about the wiretapping? Obama didn't find anything because if he did he would have made sure that it would be on MSNBC somewhere. This just means that there is no Russian connection.

Wasn't all that long ago Super, where 60 minutes and others had exposes on the FISA courts. Here is what they found, and while mostly good for society, it is blatantly anti constitutional.

1. Less than 2% of FISA requests are refused by judges; that is correct, I didn't mistype, two percent.

2. While absolutely illegal, even though the FISA warrants were always narrow in scope, if criminality was discovered, the Feds would clandestinely whisper into law enforcements ear to open an investigation on certain individuals that were caught being very naughty by their probe, although the discovery was outside the parameters of their initial investigation.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how this shady policy of "bait and switch" was used to gain access to the Trump campaigns inner workings.

You see, the MSM has done multiple pieces on these courts, and I am sure they are hoping that the citizens have forgotten what they reported, before they have tried to unreport it!

This story is either going to shut Trump up, or the Democrats. Why? Because Sessions has access to what happened being the AG, and if he does, so does Trump.

Therefore, either the far left is correct and Trump exaggerated and fabricated, or the far left is cooked.

Since Session and Pence are no fools, if they go along with the Trump scenario, then you can almost bet the farm that the Democrats are going to be the political equivalent of the Titanic.

So in essence, listen to statements made by Sessions and Pence, the two most politically astute in the administration. If they do not backtrack , they got the goods on the Democrats. If that is the case, the Demos are done, if they do backtrack, Houston, we have a problem!

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Obama didn't want anyone to know he and Lynch had secret electronic surveillance on Trump.
Had there been ANY evidence of ANY Trump wrongdoing you all can be 100% positive it would have been leaked BEFORE the election.
This is only basic common sense.
Once again Obama is shown to be a fucking dummy.
Do you know what is funny about the wiretapping? Obama didn't find anything because if he did he would have made sure that it would be on MSNBC somewhere. This just means that there is no Russian connection.

Wasn't all that long ago Super, where 60 minutes and others had exposes on the FISA courts. Here is what they found, and while mostly good for society, it is blatantly anti constitutional.

1. Less than 2% of FISA requests are refused by judges; that is correct, I didn't mistype, two percent.

2. While absolutely illegal, even though the FISA warrants were always narrow in scope, if criminality was discovered, the Feds would clandestinely whisper into law enforcements ear to open an investigation on certain individuals that were caught being very naughty by their probe, although the discovery was outside the parameters of their initial investigation.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how this shady policy of "bait and switch" was used to gain access to the Trump campaigns inner workings.

You see, the MSM has done multiple pieces on these courts, and I am sure they are hoping that the citizens have forgotten what they reported, before they have tried to unreport it!

This story is either going to shut Trump up, or the Democrats. Why? Because Sessions has access to what happened being the AG, and if he does, so does Trump.

Therefore, either the far left is correct and Trump exaggerated and fabricated, or the far left is cooked.

Since Session and Pence are no fools, if they go along with the Trump scenario, then you can almost bet the farm that the Democrats are going to be the political equivalent of the Titanic.

So in essence, listen to statements made by Sessions and Pence, the two most politically astute in the administration. If they do not backtrack , they got the goods on the Democrats. If that is the case, the Demos are done, if they do backtrack, Houston, we have a problem!

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Obama didn't want anyone to know he and Lynch had secret electronic surveillance on Trump.
Had there been ANY evidence of ANY Trump wrongdoing you all can be 100% positive it would have been leaked BEFORE the election.
This is only basic common sense.
Once again Obama is shown to be a fucking dummy.

Jeff Sessions has recused himself allowing an entrenched bureaucrat to further cover up the criminal aspect of the wire tap. One can only hope Trump can get an under Secretary into the DOJ so this doesn't get swept under the rug.
Lynch was behind the FISA applications. That means Obama KNEW what was going on.
Obama began waging war on Trump before the election had happened.
!00% guaranteed if Lynch had turned up a scrap of any wrong doing the Obama army would have by now leaked it.
The FACT is the Obama army couldn't find anything to pin on Trump.
President Trump is SERIOUSLY PISSED OFF at Obama now. This means WAR against the DEMS and the LIB MSM! There' going to be only one winner. And it isn't going to be the past 'Lead From Behind' Putter In Chief'.
Or the LIB Beta-male Metro-men at the LIB MSM.
Watch President Trump blow up the entire system to root out the seditious traitors in his Government and in the LIB MSM.
It's going to be one wild ride!
When did Putin change from Obama's pal in 2012 to the end of the earth in 2016? Specifically, what caused Obama to turn on his good buddy VLad Putin?

Because now that hiLIARy lost, Obabble and the Dems can no longer profit by selling influence to Putin.

Yea, the MSM will be all over that, huh?

How did the ENTIRE DEMOCRATIC PARTY flip flop on Putin, and the MSM ignores it?

That was 4 years ago.

What is the statute of limitations on people caring what was said?

We know now...it's 4 years.

Trump's "PUSSY" statement no longer matters, because that's more than 4 years ago.

To the Dems, saying pussy is far worse than giving Putin 20% of the U.S. uranium supply.

Just sayin'.

Correct, because everyone knows what a pussy is, but most people would not be able to explain what uranium is.
Jeff Sessions recuses himself.

Loretta Lynch meets with her old boss, Bill Clinton, on the tarmac of an airport for an impromptu discussion while HILLARY CLINTON was under an active FBI investigation.

Eric Holder was held in contempt on Congress and Obama invoked executive privilege in the FAST AND FURIOUS scandal.
The thing that saddens me the most is the sheer number of American's who are simply asleep at the wheel. The problem is not that they don't know what they don't know, it's that they choose to remain willfully ignorant.

Well, they did vote for Trump. You couldn't get more asleep at the wheel than that.
Indeed they are. They just can't handle that their candidate lost an election. It's Armageddon & Ragnarok!

They are more annoyed at the Fake News and The Orange Buffoon's outright lies.

Flynn is gone and Sessions is up shit creek without a paddle. Pence used his unsecured email server for govt business, somethign you loons crucified Hillary for. And we are only 7 weeks into the Buffoon's presidency. It's already a clusterfuck....
and I'm loving every minute of it. I haven't the time or the wherewithall to say "I told you so" every five minutes. But, I told you so. The guy is a disaster.
When did Putin change from Obama's pal in 2012 to the end of the earth in 2016? Specifically, what caused Obama to turn on his good buddy VLad Putin?

Because now that hiLIARy lost, Obabble and the Dems can no longer profit by selling influence to Putin.

Yea, the MSM will be all over that, huh?

How did the ENTIRE DEMOCRATIC PARTY flip flop on Putin, and the MSM ignores it?

That was 4 years ago.

What is the statute of limitations on people caring what was said?

We know now...it's 4 years.

Trump's "PUSSY" statement no longer matters, because that's more than 4 years ago.

To the Dems, saying pussy is far worse than giving Putin 20% of the U.S. uranium supply.

Just sayin'.

Correct, because everyone knows what a pussy is, but most people would not be able to explain what uranium is.

Bwahahaha. That is true. The probably think uranium is the stuff on the planet in Avatar.
When did Putin change from Obama's pal in 2012 to the end of the earth in 2016? Specifically, what caused Obama to turn on his good buddy VLad Putin?

Because now that hiLIARy lost, Obabble and the Dems can no longer profit by selling influence to Putin.

Yea, the MSM will be all over that, huh?

How did the ENTIRE DEMOCRATIC PARTY flip flop on Putin, and the MSM ignores it?

That was 4 years ago.

What is the statute of limitations on people caring what was said?

We know now...it's 4 years.

Trump's "PUSSY" statement no longer matters, because that's more than 4 years ago.

To the Dems, saying pussy is far worse than giving Putin 20% of the U.S. uranium supply.

Just sayin'.
How much of that uranium does Russia get its hands on Boe?


So what is the big deal to you?
When did Putin change from Obama's pal in 2012 to the end of the earth in 2016? Specifically, what caused Obama to turn on his good buddy VLad Putin?

Because now that hiLIARy lost, Obabble and the Dems can no longer profit by selling influence to Putin.

Yea, the MSM will be all over that, huh?

How did the ENTIRE DEMOCRATIC PARTY flip flop on Putin, and the MSM ignores it?

That was 4 years ago.

What is the statute of limitations on people caring what was said?

We know now...it's 4 years.

Trump's "PUSSY" statement no longer matters, because that's more than 4 years ago.

To the Dems, saying pussy is far worse than giving Putin 20% of the U.S. uranium supply.

Just sayin'.
How much of that uranium does Russia get its hands on Boe?


So what is the big deal to you?

Wrong. They now own 20% of the uranium in the U.S. via the Uranium One deal brokered by John Podesta.

If you knew what uranium is used for, you'd be concerned. Here's a hint: It's a lot worse than saying "pussy".
Thus far, the only indication that we have of this is Trump stating it. Trump says a lot of things.

A charge this large needs proof and it should have been furnished before anything was stated nationally.
The FACT that someone in the Obama administration kept trying to get a FISA warrant until they succeeded proves the warrant exists.
President Trump has many years ahead of him. Anyone who believes he is going to put up with people in his administration to continue to commit acts of sedition and treason and also the LIB MSM who are involved is fucking delusional.
He's going to go 100% public and shock the world with his candor and he's going to name names and the AG is going to charge every fucking LIB rat with treason.
In two years the LIB MSM will be reporting 100% facts and attaching actual names to their sources. What a concept!
MSNBC will no longer exist. The DEM party will have yet again changed their name. All six of their former leaders will be sitting in 'sun-rooms' in Nevada nursing homes.
Is that a fact? Do you have a link, I have not seen a credible claim that establishes the warrants were sought. All I have seen is articles that have pointed to Trumps claim.

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