Obamas forget recession and jet to NYC for date night, dinner and a show

While the infant mortality rate in the USA has carried on to falling, compared to other industrialized nations around the globe, the country is ranked very near the bottom. In 1960 US infant mortality rate stood at 26 deaths per 1,000 births, while in 2006 it improved to 7 deaths per 1,000 births (Save the Children).

Even though child mortality rates have improved in the USA, over the last half-century other industrialized countries have progressed faster and moved ahead. Japan has the best rates in the world with 1.8 deaths per thousand live births.
Infant Mortality In USA Improves, But Still Compares Badly With Other Industrialized Nations

CNN) -- An estimated 2 million babies die within their first 24 hours each year worldwide and the United States has the second worst newborn mortality rate in the developed world, according to a new report.

American babies are three times more likely to die in their first month as children born in Japan, and newborn mortality is 2.5 times higher in the United States than in Finland, Iceland or Norway, Save the Children researchers found.

Only Latvia, with six deaths per 1,000 live births, has a higher death rate for newborns than the United States, which is tied near the bottom of industrialized nations with Hungary, Malta, Poland and Slovakia with five deaths per 1,000 births.

"The United States has more neonatologists and neonatal intensive care beds per person than Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, but its newborn rate is higher than any of those countries," said the annual State of the World's Mothers report.

Care to comment on the link she provided...instead of going to your CNN link? Or, would that be too much to ask? Who knows you might even become informed
While the infant mortality rate in the USA has carried on to falling, compared to other industrialized nations around the globe, the country is ranked very near the bottom. In 1960 US infant mortality rate stood at 26 deaths per 1,000 births, while in 2006 it improved to 7 deaths per 1,000 births (Save the Children).

Even though child mortality rates have improved in the USA, over the last half-century other industrialized countries have progressed faster and moved ahead. Japan has the best rates in the world with 1.8 deaths per thousand live births.
Infant Mortality In USA Improves, But Still Compares Badly With Other Industrialized Nations

Has nothing to do with nothing. Other countries don't count live births the same way.

While it is good that you have finally started to show where you information is coming from, perhaps you should read your articles before posting them. This is the same article as you previously posted, just a differant publication.

As you can ascertain if you bother reading some of the posted articles, it is medical people that are saying that our infant mortality rate is high, compared to the rest of the industrial nations.
I gave you a Google search with dozens of links.

Read them and shut the fuck up.

Other nations toss babies away like trash.
Why do you have to live with the lie that countries with government run healthcare toss their babies out and thus don't count them as live births?
The US infant mortality rate is higher because we try and save babies, not throw them away and declare they were never alive to begin with.

See, once government controls your healthcare, they can lie about anything.

Oh, sorry, Mrs. Rocks, your baby was stillborn.
Rocks, spare us the links and tell us whether you want government running your healthcare or not.

Have you stopped beating your husband?

Why the hell don't you look at the various ways that the health care systems are actually ran in places like Britian, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, Switzerland, and all the other industrial nations. Right now all you are doing is repeating idiocy with no knowledge whatsoever to back it up.

You have sitting right in front of you the most wonderful research tool ever invented. Why don't you use it, instead of being so damned willfully ignorant on every subject that I have seen you address.

As for the use of links, that shows you where my information is coming from. You use no links, so your credibility is based solely on the content of your posts. Right now it rests at about zero.

Try reading her posts ....

Silly ass. Have you ever tried reading, period?:lol:
Factors Contributing to the Infant Mortality Ranking of the United States


In the United States--as in other industrialized countries--the infant mortality rate has declined dramatically during this century. Yet, despite the high quality and widespread availability of neonatal intensive care technology in this country, the infant mortality rate remains higher than that of many developed nations.

Because those countries call live babies dead babies. They don't count toward their infant mortality? Why do you deny this?

It's like saying people who pay no income taxes are getting a tax cut.

Get the picture?
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First couple's date: dinner and a Broadway show - Yahoo! News

NEW YORK – President Barack Obama made good on a campaign promise to his most important supporter Saturday night — his wife, Michelle.

The president and first lady jetted for a date in New York late Saturday afternoon, aides and media in tow.

"I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished," the president said in a statement an aide read to the press.

Following dinner at Blue Hill, a West Village restaurant touted by New York magazine as a "seminal Greenmarket haven" that features food grown by chef and owner Dan Barber on his upstate farm, the president and first lady were headed to the Belasco Theater to see "Joe Turner's Come and Gone."

The play by August Wilson is about black America in the early 1900s, with residents of a boardinghouse recalling their migration from the sharecropping farms of the South to the industrialized North.

As the motorcade drove through the West Village, crowds of people gathered on the sidewalks of the blockaded streets to wave as he passed. The street in front of the Blue Hill was closed to passersby, with gates and security personnel keeping people away.

The White House declined to say how much the trip was costing taxpayers, and even before the smaller jet left Washington, the there-and-back trip drew criticism from the Republican National Committee. The RNC issued a news release that chastised Obama for saying he understands American's troubles, but then hopping up to New York for "a night on the town."

Noting that General Motors is expected to file for Chapter 11 protection on Monday, the news release said: "Putting on a show: Obamas wing into the city for an evening out while another iconic American company prepares for bankruptcy."

Every couple should get out enjoy each others company as much as possible. Be it him taking her out or she taking him out, it matters not, so long as "THEY" do it on their own dime.

He wanted to be president and she wanted to be first lady, they have chosen their financial liabilities so let them cash up and see to it that the tax payer paid for nothing.

If not and some of my money paid for it, then please send Michelle over so I can get my goodnight kiss!

Let's see this champion of the people fork up the cash to make sure that not one penny of tax payer money was spent on his personal social affairs!

If not, then maybe Michelle is nothing more than the tax payers call girl to keep our CEO entertained!
First couple's date: dinner and a Broadway show - Yahoo! News

NEW YORK – President Barack Obama made good on a campaign promise to his most important supporter Saturday night — his wife, Michelle.

The president and first lady jetted for a date in New York late Saturday afternoon, aides and media in tow.

"I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished," the president said in a statement an aide read to the press.

Following dinner at Blue Hill, a West Village restaurant touted by New York magazine as a "seminal Greenmarket haven" that features food grown by chef and owner Dan Barber on his upstate farm, the president and first lady were headed to the Belasco Theater to see "Joe Turner's Come and Gone."

The play by August Wilson is about black America in the early 1900s, with residents of a boardinghouse recalling their migration from the sharecropping farms of the South to the industrialized North.

As the motorcade drove through the West Village, crowds of people gathered on the sidewalks of the blockaded streets to wave as he passed. The street in front of the Blue Hill was closed to passersby, with gates and security personnel keeping people away.

The White House declined to say how much the trip was costing taxpayers, and even before the smaller jet left Washington, the there-and-back trip drew criticism from the Republican National Committee. The RNC issued a news release that chastised Obama for saying he understands American's troubles, but then hopping up to New York for "a night on the town."

Noting that General Motors is expected to file for Chapter 11 protection on Monday, the news release said: "Putting on a show: Obamas wing into the city for an evening out while another iconic American company prepares for bankruptcy."

Every couple should get out enjoy each others company as much as possible. Be it him taking her out or she taking him out, it matters not, so long as "THEY" do it on their own dime.

He wanted to be president and she wanted to be first lady, they have chosen their financial liabilities so let them cash up and see to it that the tax payer paid for nothing.

If not and some of my money paid for it, then please send Michelle over so I can get my goodnight kiss!

Let's see this champion of the people fork up the cash to make sure that not one penny of tax payer money was spent on his personal social affairs!

If not, then maybe Michelle is nothing more than the tax payers call girl to keep our CEO entertained!

Where are your requests for receipts from when Bush went down to Crawford, TX?
At least every estimate of the number of uninsured Americans.

AMA Reiterates Call for Action and Asks Patients to Share Their Voices

WASHINGTON, Aug. 26 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Statement attributable to Nancy Nielsen, M.D., American Medical Association President:

"As our nation continues to face a crisis of about 46 million uninsured, many americans need to look no further than their own families and friends, or neighbors to find someone without health insurance. The uninsured problem does not discriminate, it affects each and every one of us, and everyone deserves better than the status quo. As members of Congress and presidential candidates gather at the conventions, it is vital that they address this important issue.

"Many patients don't have access to needed health care as the economy's health declines. Employer-based health insurance is no longer an option for many workers and their families, as employment-based coverage continued to decline in 2007, dropping to 59.3 percent. americans need more affordable, portable health insurance options. High Number of Uninsured Hits Home For Many... ( AMA Reiterates Call for Action an...)

What better source for the numbers than the American Medical Association. And with the continueing increase in unemployment, this number continues to get larger weekly. Anmd the number of Americans that support a single payer system grows with that number.

yeah, lobbyists are sooooooo impartial and motivated by truth.

What a brilliant thing to do! The restaurant and the play will enjoy a huge upsurge in business because peeps like to go where the rich and famous go...just think of all the jobs Obama just created.

It's relevant because they refuse to say how much the trip cost. If it were not relevant, they would not care.

Let's see, $328,000 for an empty jet to fly to NYC and back.

I'd guess $1M with warm bodies and security in it, and security on the ground.

dayyyuuuum that's some night out innit?
Sure wish you guys would have been as concerned about the $9 billion "misplaced" in Iraq in 2004.

Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds
Pentagon, Bremer dispute inspector general's report
Monday, January 31, 2005 Posted: 0412 GMT (1212 HKT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

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