Obamas forget recession and jet to NYC for date night, dinner and a show

What a brilliant thing to do! The restaurant and the play will enjoy a huge upsurge in business because peeps like to go where the rich and famous go...just think of all the jobs Obama just created.


Oh yeah.... Illegals were probably hired off the street that day....
What a brilliant thing to do! The restaurant and the play will enjoy a huge upsurge in business because peeps like to go where the rich and famous go...just think of all the jobs Obama just created.


He is focused on job creation. I applaud his decision to help NY in this way.
Sure wish you guys would have been as concerned about the $9 billion "misplaced" in Iraq in 2004.

Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds
Pentagon, Bremer dispute inspector general's report
Monday, January 31, 2005 Posted: 0412 GMT (1212 HKT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

Or the $1 trillion we've spent needlessly in Iraq.
What a brilliant thing to do! The restaurant and the play will enjoy a huge upsurge in business because peeps like to go where the rich and famous go...just think of all the jobs Obama just created.


He is focused on job creation. I applaud his decision to help NY in this way.

Believe me - we need it.
Catch up on the news, will you drones? The rich aren't spending money anymore. Every day their government threatens to, or does, tax more and more of what they own away.
Catch up on the news, will you drones? The rich aren't spending money anymore. Every day their government threatens to, or does, tax more and more of what they own away.

Hey, Fraud, the rich not spending money anymore HURTS us. Why don't you understand that? When the rich stop spending money, so does everyone else. We NEED people to spend money. That's what will get us out of the recession.

Do you have any idea how much money the Obama's just generated for NYC last night?

Not only did they eat at a great West Village restaurant, but they also went to see a play on Broadway. In addition, they also attracted thousands of screaming fans who were dying to get a glimpse and cheer President Obama. Those people need to eat, they need to drink. So they'll be spending money. The businesses filled up their staff tonight to prepare for this, so more people got paid last night.

Plus tickets to Joe Turner's Come and Gone are selling like hotcakes. That means more people seeing the show, which employs hundreds of people including local actors and actresses, the restaurants near them and cab drivers.

Annnd are you ready for this? The more money people make, the more money they spend in taxes. So that means President Obama is a walking stimulus package.
So Barack and Michelle Obama jetting to dinner and show is going to save the economy? Are they going fly to Elkhart, Indiana and set an example and but a six pack of RVs? Did the government buy all those cars GM and Chrysler could not sell, or grab the company and fire hundred of thousands of people? Tell me again about the Savior Economy.

Catch up on the news. Nobody is making more money, and the people who still have aren't spending it because everyday their government threatens to tax it.

And New York is going broke, dipshit. All of this economic activity you are fantasizing about ain't happening because your city and state can't tax it fast enough.
According to FNC it was on the taxpayers tab! I reject that, He should spend his own money,,on date night for crying out loud otherwise be honest and call it a taxpayer funded contingency plan.
According to FNC it was on the taxpayers tab! I reject that, He should spend his own money,,on date night for crying out loud otherwise be honest and call it a taxpayer funded contingency plan.

It does not matter, because the drones will have a justification for that too.

Wait, they already did. The Obamas were "stimulating the economy."
According to FNC it was on the taxpayers tab! I reject that, He should spend his own money,,on date night for crying out loud otherwise be honest and call it a taxpayer funded contingency plan.

It does not matter, because the drones will have a justification for that too.

Wait, they already did. The Obamas were "stimulating the economy."

well, personally I know of some down and out people who could use a paycheck.. he should have divvied up that million dollars and made lots of people happy.. no telling how many unhappy voters will come of this one.. these little tiny screw ups keep on piling up,,
Sure wish you guys would have been as concerned about the $9 billion "misplaced" in Iraq in 2004.

Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds
Pentagon, Bremer dispute inspector general's report
Monday, January 31, 2005 Posted: 0412 GMT (1212 HKT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

An inspector general's report said the U.S.-led administration that ran Iraq until June 2004 is unable to account for the funds.

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

Or the $1 trillion we've spent needlessly in Iraq.

Cost of Iraq War 2008

Your only about 300 billion dollars off....
Wow - traffic was a FRICKING NIGHTMARE tonight in the city - now I know why! Just got back from dinner and a play myself. Wait, should I feel guilty now because there are failing businesses in the economy? GM shot itself in the foot - why should I feel guilty?

If we all stop holding onto our money and start spending, it helps the economy. From the waiters at the restaurant to the people who staff a Broadway play - if I stay at home and eat, yes it saves me money but it also hurts the economy. If I spend money on our economy and others spend money with me - maybe, just maybe we'll find our way out of this recession.

If you're not directly impacted by this recession, i.e. out of work, foreclosed home... then go out and spend. I, for one, REFUSE to take part in this recession. I'm buying clothes, I'm going out to dinner, I'm seeing movies and little by little, the people who I leave tips for, the people who's companies I spend money on, survive this recession.

And truth to be told, if it wasn't for the Republicans and their laxy-dazy hands off economic policies, we wouldn't even be in this fucking recession right. So STFU you stupid Republicans and wise the fuck up.

Understandable ...
the point is his constant do as I say not as I do!!

He said somewhere .... its over so I kept my promise and took here out.
Hes finished?
According to FNC it was on the taxpayers tab! I reject that, He should spend his own money,,on date night for crying out loud otherwise be honest and call it a taxpayer funded contingency plan.

It does not matter, because the drones will have a justification for that too.

Wait, they already did. The Obamas were "stimulating the economy."

well, personally I know of some down and out people who could use a paycheck.. he should have divvied up that million dollars and made lots of people happy.. no telling how many unhappy voters will come of this one.. these little tiny screw ups keep on piling up,,

And you no doubt will do the patriotic thing and take your cue from the Obamas, fly up to New York for dinner and a show, and fly back that night.

Because you got a tax cut and you can afford it!
It does not matter, because the drones will have a justification for that too.

Wait, they already did. The Obamas were "stimulating the economy."

well, personally I know of some down and out people who could use a paycheck.. he should have divvied up that million dollars and made lots of people happy.. no telling how many unhappy voters will come of this one.. these little tiny screw ups keep on piling up,,

And you no doubt will do the patriotic thing and take your cue from the Obamas, fly up to New York for dinner and a show, and fly back that night.

Because you got a tax cut and you can afford it!

oh for sure,, they are rolling out my red carpet even as we speak!
People go bankrupt for lots of reasons. You want to save them from bankruptcy and make their mortgages more affordable, too? Oops! We already tried that.

Why do you want to fuck up good healthcare for hundreds of millions of Americans just so a few million can get someone else to pay for their healthcare?

What makes you think you can take away my health plan, which I like, so everyone in the country is "equal" and has the same shitty healthcare the government wants to give them.

Do you think if the POTUS has no qualms about blowing $1M on a night on the town in a private jet, when you and I can't do that, he will not do the same for his own health care? Kennedy, if he's not dead by then? Pelosi? Reid?

FH, that's it in a nutshell. This country now caters to the minority, whatever that minority may be. The majority must pay for the minority, whether they want to or not. Uncle says. God forbid that the minority fend for themselves.

Just like in school when one child does not celebrate Halloween therefore the rest of the class that does must cow tow to the one. And here I thought we lived in a country where majority rules.
First couple's date: dinner and a Broadway show - Yahoo! News

NEW YORK – President Barack Obama made good on a campaign promise to his most important supporter Saturday night — his wife, Michelle.

The president and first lady jetted for a date in New York late Saturday afternoon, aides and media in tow.

"I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished," the president said in a statement an aide read to the press.

Following dinner at Blue Hill, a West Village restaurant touted by New York magazine as a "seminal Greenmarket haven" that features food grown by chef and owner Dan Barber on his upstate farm, the president and first lady were headed to the Belasco Theater to see "Joe Turner's Come and Gone."

The play by August Wilson is about black America in the early 1900s, with residents of a boardinghouse recalling their migration from the sharecropping farms of the South to the industrialized North.

As the motorcade drove through the West Village, crowds of people gathered on the sidewalks of the blockaded streets to wave as he passed. The street in front of the Blue Hill was closed to passersby, with gates and security personnel keeping people away.

The White House declined to say how much the trip was costing taxpayers, and even before the smaller jet left Washington, the there-and-back trip drew criticism from the Republican National Committee. The RNC issued a news release that chastised Obama for saying he understands American's troubles, but then hopping up to New York for "a night on the town."

Noting that General Motors is expected to file for Chapter 11 protection on Monday, the news release said: "Putting on a show: Obamas wing into the city for an evening out while another iconic American company prepares for bankruptcy."

Wait ... so there's only a recession when the president decides to go somewhere?

What a yawner. But I knew it would be THE issue du jour.
Why, because the boy king who said the government has no more money suddendly finds $1M to blow on a date night in NYC? Because he has spent the last two years kicking rich people to the curb for doing the same thing?
well, personally I know of some down and out people who could use a paycheck.. he should have divvied up that million dollars and made lots of people happy.. no telling how many unhappy voters will come of this one.. these little tiny screw ups keep on piling up,,

And you no doubt will do the patriotic thing and take your cue from the Obamas, fly up to New York for dinner and a show, and fly back that night.

Because you got a tax cut and you can afford it!

oh for sure,, they are rolling out my red carpet even as we speak!

Don't be coy. I bet you "did it" at 35,000 feet before the Boy King did.

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