Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

Housing and employment run in cycles, so does inflation. Often these things are more a matter of what happened years ago to set things in motion for the cycle phases.
If obama's "jobs bill" is all about jobs why is tax and fees mention so much in it?
Shouldn't their priority be rebuilding the US economy?
Yes. Obama has been systematically destroying the private sector.
The economy would fix itself if Obama and his people would stop meddling and controlling.
Growing government has never created economic expansion. Roosevelt's temporary solutions not withstanding. Notice the term "temporary".
Obama is not trying to stop deficit spending. He is not interested in creating jobs, he is not interested in increasing revenue. He is CAMPAIGNING for a second term. He is trying desperately to recover his base. He has lost independents. He has infuriated the far Left. Two groups which propelled him into the White House.
By stating he wants to increase taxes on those making over $200k he gets some of the far Left. By offering up this jobs plan he gets the attention of independents.
Now, the tax increase goes nowhere. That's a given.
Two years ago, Obama stated he thought it was bad policy to raise taxes in a recession. He opined it would stifle the economy. We're not in a recession per se but the economy sucks and even more people are not working. Now Obama wants to tax job creators.
The Obama job bill, which no one has seen, has no plan as to how government would accomplish creating jobs. The non-starter part is the half trillion dollars Obama wants Congress to give him...
Here's the part about Obama that makes us want him to return to the private sector in Jan 2013..If Obama had the legal right, he would raise taxes and spend that half trillion by signing an executive order. He also would increase the federal motor fuels tax as well. That would fall into line with his statement "I would be comfortable with four dollar a gallon gas"....
And we should just be quiet and let this guy have another 4 years to do shit to us?
Yer kidding, right?
Please don't give me this shit about "at least he's doing something" . That pooch won't hunt.

"Job Creators"?
The very fact that you use that term pegs you as a right wing stooge!

Where are all the jobs that they have been busy creating?
Aren't they still enjoying the fruits of the tax cuts signed of by Dubya?
Why aren't you angry at them?

Contrary to the talking points, there are still 140 million jobs. Businesses are still under the existing tax structure but they have heard the Obama message loud and clear for 3 years, and that is largely why there hasn't been any net job creation in the private sector.
Yes. Obama has been systematically destroying the private sector.
The economy would fix itself if Obama and his people would stop meddling and controlling.
Growing government has never created economic expansion. Roosevelt's temporary solutions not withstanding. Notice the term "temporary".
Obama is not trying to stop deficit spending. He is not interested in creating jobs, he is not interested in increasing revenue. He is CAMPAIGNING for a second term. He is trying desperately to recover his base. He has lost independents. He has infuriated the far Left. Two groups which propelled him into the White House.
By stating he wants to increase taxes on those making over $200k he gets some of the far Left. By offering up this jobs plan he gets the attention of independents.
Now, the tax increase goes nowhere. That's a given.
Two years ago, Obama stated he thought it was bad policy to raise taxes in a recession. He opined it would stifle the economy. We're not in a recession per se but the economy sucks and even more people are not working. Now Obama wants to tax job creators.
The Obama job bill, which no one has seen, has no plan as to how government would accomplish creating jobs. The non-starter part is the half trillion dollars Obama wants Congress to give him...
Here's the part about Obama that makes us want him to return to the private sector in Jan 2013..If Obama had the legal right, he would raise taxes and spend that half trillion by signing an executive order. He also would increase the federal motor fuels tax as well. That would fall into line with his statement "I would be comfortable with four dollar a gallon gas"....
And we should just be quiet and let this guy have another 4 years to do shit to us?
Yer kidding, right?
Please don't give me this shit about "at least he's doing something" . That pooch won't hunt.

"Job Creators"?
The very fact that you use that term pegs you as a right wing stooge!

Where are all the jobs that they have been busy creating?
Aren't they still enjoying the fruits of the tax cuts signed of by Dubya?
Why aren't you angry at them?

Contrary to the talking points, there are still 140 million jobs. Businesses are still under the existing tax structure but they have heard the Obama message loud and clear for 3 years, and that is largely why there hasn't been any net job creation in the private sector.

I am getting sick of you faux news parrots chirping the same lies, over and over and over again.

NO businessman is going to hire or fire based on his personal annual income tax or any of the other phony excuses. He will hire/fire/expand/contract based on supply and demand.

You right wing turds make businessmen out to be sniveling children.
"Job Creators"?
The very fact that you use that term pegs you as a right wing stooge!

Where are all the jobs that they have been busy creating?
Aren't they still enjoying the fruits of the tax cuts signed of by Dubya?
Why aren't you angry at them?

Contrary to the talking points, there are still 140 million jobs. Businesses are still under the existing tax structure but they have heard the Obama message loud and clear for 3 years, and that is largely why there hasn't been any net job creation in the private sector.

I am getting sick of you faux news parrots chirping the same lies, over and over and over again.

NO businessman is going to hire or fire based on his personal annual income tax or any of the other phony excuses. He will hire/fire/expand/contract based on supply and demand.

You right wing turds make businessmen out to be sniveling children.

Until this administration makes the business environment better, they will continue to ship jobs over seas.

GE has lost thousands of jobs in the US but they have created thousands of jobs in China. Funny how that works, right??
"Job Creators"?
The very fact that you use that term pegs you as a right wing stooge!

Where are all the jobs that they have been busy creating?
Aren't they still enjoying the fruits of the tax cuts signed of by Dubya?
Why aren't you angry at them?

Contrary to the talking points, there are still 140 million jobs. Businesses are still under the existing tax structure but they have heard the Obama message loud and clear for 3 years, and that is largely why there hasn't been any net job creation in the private sector.

I am getting sick of you faux news parrots chirping the same lies, over and over and over again.

You show the weakness of your counterpoint when you incorrectly brand me.

NO businessman is going to hire or fire based on his personal annual income tax or any of the other phony excuses.

100% bullshit. Why do you think businesspeople are in business? Here's a hint: to make money.

He will hire/fire/expand/contract based on supply and demand.

Supply and demand are absolutely factors, but the bottom line is still the bottom line. "Will I make more money from this?"

You right wing turds make businessmen out to be sniveling children.

I'm a businessman and I'm certainly not sniveling. But then again I'm actually doing something about this clusterfuck instead of whining to the nanny state about how someone else has money and I want them to pay up for my stuff.
Contrary to the talking points, there are still 140 million jobs. Businesses are still under the existing tax structure but they have heard the Obama message loud and clear for 3 years, and that is largely why there hasn't been any net job creation in the private sector.

I am getting sick of you faux news parrots chirping the same lies, over and over and over again.

NO businessman is going to hire or fire based on his personal annual income tax or any of the other phony excuses. He will hire/fire/expand/contract based on supply and demand.

You right wing turds make businessmen out to be sniveling children.

Until this administration makes the business environment better, they will continue to ship jobs over seas.

GE has lost thousands of jobs in the US but they have created thousands of jobs in China. Funny how that works, right??

GE is an interesting example.
Despite a $5.1 billion profit in the USA alone in 2010, the company paid no taxes that year, but claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.
In the last five years the company has made profits in the US of $26 billion and picked up net tax benefits of $4.1 billion.

"Wow", you might be saying, "Imagine what a superheavyweight Job Creator that company must be!"
Well, that might be a reasonable assumption to make based on the rhetoric coming from the GOP but the truth is that they have got rid of a fifth of their US work force since 2002.
Knowing that you might change your comment to "Hmmmm..."
Contrary to the talking points, there are still 140 million jobs. Businesses are still under the existing tax structure but they have heard the Obama message loud and clear for 3 years, and that is largely why there hasn't been any net job creation in the private sector.

I am getting sick of you faux news parrots chirping the same lies, over and over and over again.

You show the weakness of your counterpoint when you incorrectly brand me.

100% bullshit. Why do you think businesspeople are in business? Here's a hint: to make money.

He will hire/fire/expand/contract based on supply and demand.

Supply and demand are absolutely factors, but the bottom line is still the bottom line. "Will I make more money from this?"

You right wing turds make businessmen out to be sniveling children.

I'm a businessman and I'm certainly not sniveling. But then again I'm actually doing something about this clusterfuck instead of whining to the nanny state about how someone else has money and I want them to pay up for my stuff.

Obama has not RAISED anyone's taxes. In TWO years, income over $250,000 will be taxed at 4.6%.

SO Mr businessman :)lol:)...why don't you do THIS...LIMIT your business! Don't try to make more MONEY! You can show the sob Obama that you are not going to be bullied around! My GOD, do you know that if you make $250,001 in 2013, you will pay a NICKEL more in taxes...

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I am getting sick of you faux news parrots chirping the same lies, over and over and over again.

You show the weakness of your counterpoint when you incorrectly brand me.

100% bullshit. Why do you think businesspeople are in business? Here's a hint: to make money.

Supply and demand are absolutely factors, but the bottom line is still the bottom line. "Will I make more money from this?"

You right wing turds make businessmen out to be sniveling children.

I'm a businessman and I'm certainly not sniveling. But then again I'm actually doing something about this clusterfuck instead of whining to the nanny state about how someone else has money and I want them to pay up for my stuff.

Obama has not RAISED anyone's taxes. In TWO years, income over $250,000 will be taxed at 4.6%.

Correct on the first sentence. Absolutely incorrect on the second. Income over $250,000 will be taxed at 4.6%? Show me a source for that one. It's my understanding that the tax rate will increase to over 39% on income, increased tax rates will be imposed on capital gains plus a new tax for Medicare.

Back up your claim with some facts.

SO Mr businessman :)lol:)...why don't you do THIS...LIMIT your business! Don't try to make more MONEY!

I don't limit my business because I am an entrepreneur. Doctors cure patients, infantrymen win battles, entrepreneurs engage in commerce.

You can show the sob Obama that you are not going to be bullied around!

Why would I want to do that? Why are you suggesting I do something that is counter to my nature? Business activity hasn't declined due to some grudge against Obama, it has declined because the environment is less favorable to taking risks. I have taken substantial risk in this environment because I see an opportunity despite the current situation. However, I'm much more optimistic than most and I'm not in an industry that is being crushed by a micromanaging government. However, if the current Administration's policies had not resulted in this horrible small business capital market I would have been able to take an even bigger risk, hire more people, and do even better for myself.

My GOD, do you know that if you make $250,001 in 2013, you will pay a NICKEL more in taxes...


I'd like to see where you get that figure.
You show the weakness of your counterpoint when you incorrectly brand me.

100% bullshit. Why do you think businesspeople are in business? Here's a hint: to make money.

Supply and demand are absolutely factors, but the bottom line is still the bottom line. "Will I make more money from this?"

I'm a businessman and I'm certainly not sniveling. But then again I'm actually doing something about this clusterfuck instead of whining to the nanny state about how someone else has money and I want them to pay up for my stuff.

Obama has not RAISED anyone's taxes. In TWO years, income over $250,000 will be taxed at 4.6%.

Correct on the first sentence. Absolutely incorrect on the second. Income over $250,000 will be taxed at 4.6%? Show me a source for that one. It's my understanding that the tax rate will increase to over 39% on income, increased tax rates will be imposed on capital gains plus a new tax for Medicare.

Back up your claim with some facts.

I don't limit my business because I am an entrepreneur. Doctors cure patients, infantrymen win battles, entrepreneurs engage in commerce.

You can show the sob Obama that you are not going to be bullied around!

Why would I want to do that? Why are you suggesting I do something that is counter to my nature? Business activity hasn't declined due to some grudge against Obama, it has declined because the environment is less favorable to taking risks. I have taken substantial risk in this environment because I see an opportunity despite the current situation. However, I'm much more optimistic than most and I'm not in an industry that is being crushed by a micromanaging government. However, if the current Administration's policies had not resulted in this horrible small business capital market I would have been able to take an even bigger risk, hire more people, and do even better for myself.

My GOD, do you know that if you make $250,001 in 2013, you will pay a NICKEL more in taxes...


I'd like to see where you get that figure.

Please tell me in detail what changes Obama has made that is micromanaging your industry. BE SPECIFIC.

Small business gets loans from private entities (banks). The banks have been tight on money lending since the crash (BUSH).

Maybe you need to invest more time exploring opportunities available to you, Mr entrepreneur :)lol:) instead of flapping your gums on a politics board?

Small Business Loves Obama's Plan
Melanie Lindner, 03.18.09, 06:00 AM EDT
Obama's $15 billion plan to loosen credit gets high marks from entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs and small-business owners who groaned about corporate government bailouts bit their tongues Monday when President Obama announced a plan to inject $15 billion into the small-business loan market.

The $15 billion, coming from the U.S. Treasury Department, will be used to purchase securities backed by the SBA-guaranteed loans in an attempt to jump-start the secondary credit market for small businesses. Banks that offer SBA-guaranteed loans have hit a lending wall in recent months, as the secondary market is frozen, so banks can't get the old loans off their balance sheets to free up capital for new loans.

For small-business owners, the biggest change is the amount of credit available to them. Loans unavailable last week are likely to be attainable and with better conditions than have existed since the start of this recession.

Link for Mr entrepreneur :)lol:)

How Tax Brackets Work -- $250,001 Income Pays Five Cents More Tax

Here is how it really works. What happens is that the first $250K is taxed just like it has been, but anything that is made over $250K -- and only the amount over $250K -- is then taxed at the higher rate. The tax on the amount below $250K is not changed.

Example: Suppose the tax increase is 5% on income over $250K. This means that a person who reports income of $250K plus one dollar will be taxed an additional 5 cents. FIVE CENTS!

Yes, that's right, if it is 5% they are talking about then it means a 5 cent tax increase on people who make $250,001.

BTW, you must have absolutely HATED Ronald Reagan...the whole 'small businessman is the engine of growth' was cruel rhetoric. The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent under Reagan.
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Obama has not RAISED anyone's taxes. In TWO years, income over $250,000 will be taxed at 4.6%.

Correct on the first sentence. Absolutely incorrect on the second. Income over $250,000 will be taxed at 4.6%? Show me a source for that one. It's my understanding that the tax rate will increase to over 39% on income, increased tax rates will be imposed on capital gains plus a new tax for Medicare.

Back up your claim with some facts.

I don't limit my business because I am an entrepreneur. Doctors cure patients, infantrymen win battles, entrepreneurs engage in commerce.

Why would I want to do that? Why are you suggesting I do something that is counter to my nature? Business activity hasn't declined due to some grudge against Obama, it has declined because the environment is less favorable to taking risks. I have taken substantial risk in this environment because I see an opportunity despite the current situation. However, I'm much more optimistic than most and I'm not in an industry that is being crushed by a micromanaging government. However, if the current Administration's policies had not resulted in this horrible small business capital market I would have been able to take an even bigger risk, hire more people, and do even better for myself.

My GOD, do you know that if you make $250,001 in 2013, you will pay a NICKEL more in taxes...


I'd like to see where you get that figure.

Please tell me in detail what changes Obama has made that is micromanaging your industry. BE SPECIFIC.

I never claimed Obama has made changes that is micromanaging my industry. In fact, I said the exact opposite.

Small business gets loans from private entities (banks). The banks have been tight on money lending since the crash (BUSH).

FDIC stress tests that are biased against small local banks have cut off my access to capital, and that's a new development under Obama.

Maybe you need to invest more time exploring opportunities available to you, Mr entrepreneur :)lol:) instead of flapping your gums on a politics board?

I'll consider your advice. However, at this point unless I can get more capital all I can do is wait for my current efforts to either work or fail.

Small Business Loves Obama's Plan
Melanie Lindner, 03.18.09, 06:00 AM EDT
Obama's $15 billion plan to loosen credit gets high marks from entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs and small-business owners who groaned about corporate government bailouts bit their tongues Monday when President Obama announced a plan to inject $15 billion into the small-business loan market.

The $15 billion, coming from the U.S. Treasury Department, will be used to purchase securities backed by the SBA-guaranteed loans in an attempt to jump-start the secondary credit market for small businesses. Banks that offer SBA-guaranteed loans have hit a lending wall in recent months, as the secondary market is frozen, so banks can't get the old loans off their balance sheets to free up capital for new loans.

For small-business owners, the biggest change is the amount of credit available to them. Loans unavailable last week are likely to be attainable and with better conditions than have existed since the start of this recession.

Link for Mr entrepreneur :)lol:)

The SBA is another government program that fails to deliver. It is rigid and does not lend to new innovative ideas. It's a decent means to finance a restaurant, a boutique, or a retail store in an enterprise zone but that's about it.

I have been civil, why can't you be? Your laughing emoticon as you address me tells me you don't think I am a businessman. Am I incorrect?

How Tax Brackets Work -- $250,001 Income Pays Five Cents More Tax

Here is how it really works. What happens is that the first $250K is taxed just like it has been, but anything that is made over $250K -- and only the amount over $250K -- is then taxed at the higher rate. The tax on the amount below $250K is not changed.

Example: Suppose the tax increase is 5% on income over $250K. This means that a person who reports income of $250K plus one dollar will be taxed an additional 5 cents. FIVE CENTS!

Yes, that's right, if it is 5% they are talking about then it means a 5 cent tax increase on people who make $250,001.

Ok, thank you for your source. In theory they are correct but only if you exclude the other tax increases, AMT, and capital gains tax increases being proposed.

BTW, you must have absolutely HATED Ronald Reagan...the whole 'small businessman is the engine of growth' was cruel rhetoric. The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent under Reagan.

I certainly was not a fan of Reagan's implementation (although it's not like he wrote the law alone) and I did absolutely HATE both Bush Presidents' tax increases (AMT was ignored and it is why I never got a tax cut in 2001 or 2003).

So when are you going to back up this fiction?

In TWO years, income over $250,000 will be taxed at 4.6%
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If obama's "jobs bill" is all about jobs why is tax and fees mention so much in it?

If rich people are "job creators", where are all the jobs?
To try to answer such an oversimplified question is close to a waste of time.
There are two ways to go at this...
Since the one that involves the threat of higher taxes and more regulation plus federal deficit spending which is squashing business activity doesn't register with you people....Let's try this one.....
What if anything can or will government do with the extra money?
Is it your assertion that Washington will suddenly start engaging in fiscal responsibility?
Confiscating more money from those who own it is not going to increase revenue.
The additional taxation is a political statement. Obama said so in not so many words...He stated that he would veto any GOP spending reduction plan unless HE can have tax increases.
Correct on the first sentence. Absolutely incorrect on the second. Income over $250,000 will be taxed at 4.6%? Show me a source for that one. It's my understanding that the tax rate will increase to over 39% on income, increased tax rates will be imposed on capital gains plus a new tax for Medicare.

Back up your claim with some facts.

I don't limit my business because I am an entrepreneur. Doctors cure patients, infantrymen win battles, entrepreneurs engage in commerce.

Why would I want to do that? Why are you suggesting I do something that is counter to my nature? Business activity hasn't declined due to some grudge against Obama, it has declined because the environment is less favorable to taking risks. I have taken substantial risk in this environment because I see an opportunity despite the current situation. However, I'm much more optimistic than most and I'm not in an industry that is being crushed by a micromanaging government. However, if the current Administration's policies had not resulted in this horrible small business capital market I would have been able to take an even bigger risk, hire more people, and do even better for myself.

I'd like to see where you get that figure.

I never claimed Obama has made changes that is micromanaging my industry. In fact, I said the exact opposite.

FDIC stress tests that are biased against small local banks have cut off my access to capital, and that's a new development under Obama.

I'll consider your advice. However, at this point unless I can get more capital all I can do is wait for my current efforts to either work or fail.

The SBA is another government program that fails to deliver. It is rigid and does not lend to new innovative ideas. It's a decent means to finance a restaurant, a boutique, or a retail store in an enterprise zone but that's about it.

I have been civil, why can't you be? Your laughing emoticon as you address me tells me you don't think I am a businessman. Am I incorrect?

Ok, thank you for your source. In theory they are correct but only if you exclude the other tax increases, AMT, and capital gains tax increases being proposed.

BTW, you must have absolutely HATED Ronald Reagan...the whole 'small businessman is the engine of growth' was cruel rhetoric. The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent under Reagan.

I certainly was not a fan of Reagan's implementation (although it's not like he wrote the law alone) and I did absolutely HATE both Bush Presidents' tax increases (AMT was ignored and it is why I never got a tax cut in 2001 or 2003).

So when are you going to back up this fiction?

In TWO years, income over $250,000 will be taxed at 4.6%

First, I am going to re-post the genesis of our conversation which you rudely hacked up.

You said:
Contrary to the talking points, there are still 140 million jobs. Businesses are still under the existing tax structure but they have heard the Obama message loud and clear for 3 years, and that is largely why there hasn't been any net job creation in the private sector.

I said:
I am getting sick of you faux news parrots chirping the same lies, over and over and over again.

NO businessman is going to hire or fire based on his personal annual income tax or any of the other phony excuses. He will hire/fire/expand/contract based on supply and demand.

You right wing turds make businessmen out to be sniveling children.
NO sane businessman is going to hire someone based of their own personal income taxes, or any 'messages' they receive from the president or any other retarded right wing baseless propaganda. They will hire someone for one reason only: their bottom line. If their taxes are less, they will put that money in their pocket, they will NOT use that money to hire someone. They may invest it into their business, but they STILL won't use it to hire someone.

I never claimed Obama has made changes that is micromanaging my industry. In fact, I said the exact opposite.

FDIC stress tests that are biased against small local banks have cut off my access to capital, and that's a new development under Obama.

I'll consider your advice. However, at this point unless I can get more capital all I can do is wait for my current efforts to either work or fail.

The SBA is another government program that fails to deliver. It is rigid and does not lend to new innovative ideas. It's a decent means to finance a restaurant, a boutique, or a retail store in an enterprise zone but that's about it.

I have been civil, why can't you be? Your laughing emoticon as you address me tells me you don't think I am a businessman. Am I incorrect?

Ok, thank you for your source. In theory they are correct but only if you exclude the other tax increases, AMT, and capital gains tax increases being proposed.

I certainly was not a fan of Reagan's implementation (although it's not like he wrote the law alone) and I did absolutely HATE both Bush Presidents' tax increases (AMT was ignored and it is why I never got a tax cut in 2001 or 2003).

So when are you going to back up this fiction?

In TWO years, income over $250,000 will be taxed at 4.6%

First, I am going to re-post the genesis of our conversation which you rudely hacked up.

You said:
Contrary to the talking points, there are still 140 million jobs. Businesses are still under the existing tax structure but they have heard the Obama message loud and clear for 3 years, and that is largely why there hasn't been any net job creation in the private sector.

I said:
I am getting sick of you faux news parrots chirping the same lies, over and over and over again.

NO businessman is going to hire or fire based on his personal annual income tax or any of the other phony excuses. He will hire/fire/expand/contract based on supply and demand.

You right wing turds make businessmen out to be sniveling children.
NO sane businessman is going to hire someone based of their own personal income taxes, or any 'messages' they receive from the president or any other retarded right wing baseless propaganda. They will hire someone for one reason only: their bottom line. If their taxes are less, they will put that money in their pocket, they will NOT use that money to hire someone. They may invest it into their business, but they STILL won't use it to hire someone.

You're honestly saying that a businessman's tax savings will be invested into his business but won't be used to hire someone?
If obama's "jobs bill" is all about jobs why is tax and fees mention so much in it?

If rich people are "job creators", where are all the jobs?
To try to answer such an oversimplified question is close to a waste of time.
There are two ways to go at this...
Since the one that involves the threat of higher taxes and more regulation plus federal deficit spending which is squashing business activity doesn't register with you people....Let's try this one.....
What if anything can or will government do with the extra money?
Is it your assertion that Washington will suddenly start engaging in fiscal responsibility?
Confiscating more money from those who own it is not going to increase revenue.
The additional taxation is a political statement. Obama said so in not so many words...He stated that he would veto any GOP spending reduction plan unless HE can have tax increases.

But you only deal in oversimplification - I bet you even use the term 'Job Creators'.
How did you twist my oversimplification to suggesting that I think the government will be responsible with it's money?

But, I am intrigued;
The combined wealth of all 400 members on the Forbes list totalled $1.5 trillion and despite the continuing US financial crisis their fortunes have increased 12pc this year.
Microsoft's Bill Gates named richest person in the US - Telegraph
Have these people created 12% more jobs?
I never claimed Obama has made changes that is micromanaging my industry. In fact, I said the exact opposite.

FDIC stress tests that are biased against small local banks have cut off my access to capital, and that's a new development under Obama.

I'll consider your advice. However, at this point unless I can get more capital all I can do is wait for my current efforts to either work or fail.

The SBA is another government program that fails to deliver. It is rigid and does not lend to new innovative ideas. It's a decent means to finance a restaurant, a boutique, or a retail store in an enterprise zone but that's about it.

I have been civil, why can't you be? Your laughing emoticon as you address me tells me you don't think I am a businessman. Am I incorrect?

Ok, thank you for your source. In theory they are correct but only if you exclude the other tax increases, AMT, and capital gains tax increases being proposed.

I certainly was not a fan of Reagan's implementation (although it's not like he wrote the law alone) and I did absolutely HATE both Bush Presidents' tax increases (AMT was ignored and it is why I never got a tax cut in 2001 or 2003).

So when are you going to back up this fiction?

First, I am going to re-post the genesis of our conversation which you rudely hacked up.

You said:
Contrary to the talking points, there are still 140 million jobs. Businesses are still under the existing tax structure but they have heard the Obama message loud and clear for 3 years, and that is largely why there hasn't been any net job creation in the private sector.

I said:
I am getting sick of you faux news parrots chirping the same lies, over and over and over again.

NO businessman is going to hire or fire based on his personal annual income tax or any of the other phony excuses. He will hire/fire/expand/contract based on supply and demand.

You right wing turds make businessmen out to be sniveling children.
NO sane businessman is going to hire someone based of their own personal income taxes, or any 'messages' they receive from the president or any other retarded right wing baseless propaganda. They will hire someone for one reason only: their bottom line. If their taxes are less, they will put that money in their pocket, they will NOT use that money to hire someone. They may invest it into their business, but they STILL won't use it to hire someone.

You're honestly saying that a businessman's tax savings will be invested into his business but won't be used to hire someone?

That is EXACTLY what I am saying. WHY would any sane businessman hire someone UNLESS there was a need for that hire that will improve the BOTTOM LINE? You're making hiring someone into a form of charity! Hires and fires in the real world are based on sound business practices.
Speaking of flapping gums BFGRN, you probably own about 1/4 of the posts in this thread. For gods sake get a real purpose son. Let this thread die, you are single handidly keeping it going. You just gotta have the last word and prove everyone else wrong. Grow up.

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