Whoever told you it is going to be repealed lied to you. Changed yes, made better surely, but repealed, not a chance.

If Prohibition could be repealed, so can Obamacare.

Ah, but people wanted Prohibition repealed...the same cannot be said for the Affordable Care Act.

Of course people wanted Prohibition repealed, because people like booze.

People also like decent health care.
Fewer people are covered today than 3 years ago.

Thanks to the ACA, the number of uninsured is going back down instead of the steady increase. Look...


Premiums across the board are higher today than previously.

And Premiums dropped when? Oh, that's right, never. They have slowed...again, thanks to the ACA.

Employer Health Premiums Slow for Second Straight Year

It's also slowed the growth of HC spending.

Growth In US Health Spending Remained Slow In 2010; Health Share Of Gross Domestic Product Was Unchanged From 2009

Can it be made better? Hell to the yes. A public option would make it pretty okay.

So the 2500 in savings that will never ever materialize was what,just smoke up our ass??

Does it not mean anything to you people that we were pumped full of shit,the fact that it was a law that not one vote from the other party was cast for it? does it not bother you that even the Dems had to buy this bill with back room deals an ass kissing,how could this be a good thing??

Claims of big numbers that ring hollow,just because people log on doesn't mean anything,and after all it is mandated.
If Prohibition could be repealed, so can Obamacare.

Ah, but people wanted Prohibition repealed...the same cannot be said for the Affordable Care Act.

Sure it can, and has been shown before based on public approval. No one wanted it in the first place.
A recent poll shows ACA opinions are more more approve than disapprove, so that is changing.

Just when do you think the soonest a repeal could happen, in your dream world?
Sure is funny watching all the cons have a face to face with reality as it turns on them the "death spiral" of the ACA they were banking on isn't happening and all hope of repeal goes buh-bye.
Obamacare numbers coming in huge: Here's a guide to GOP excuse-making

"How many have paid?" (Also known as "The statistics are full of deadbeats"):[...]

Figures from states that track this metric, including California and Vermont, show that 85% to 90% of enrollees have paid on time, which secures them the coverage they applied for.

"Most of them were already insured"

[...]The few states that do break out their own numbers, moreover, contradict McKinsey. Kentucky says that some 75% of its exchange enrollees were previously uninsured. New York says that about 60% of its exchange enrollees were previously uninsured. That number has been rising over time, raising the prospect that the March surge will include an even higher ratio of uninsured customers; Gaba, who has calculated a time series of New York enrollments based on the state's monthly news releases, calculates that of enrollees in mid-February, at least 92% had been uninsured.

"More people got cancellations than signed up"

The numbers never supported this claim, and the latest estimates make it even more of a fantasy. It's based on the wave of reports late last year of insurance companies canceling old policies that didn't meet ACA standards, which led to hysterical claims that as many as 17 million Americans were being left uninsured.

Rand's figures support earlier estimates that fewer than 1 million people who had health plans in 2013 are now uninsured because of cancellations. Insurance companies that issued the cancellation notices say they've retained "the vast majority" of their old customers, mostly by moving them into new, compliant, plans.

"The White House is 'cooking the books'"

[...]If the feds are cooking the books, they've cooked them to look worse, not better -- the 36 states that dumped their enrollment responsibilities on the federal government are clustered at the bottom of the list, most of them with enrollment rates of 20% or less of eligible citizens. Many of these are states that actively discouraged or interfered with enrollments of their citizens in health insurance plans -- behavior that should be grounds for impeachment or recall of their governors and legislators.

Of course, even the enrollment of 7 million Americans in ACA exchanges doesn't mean Obamacare is a certified success. There's a lot of work to be done to fix the inevitable flaws in any law as far-reaching as this one. As Noam Levey reported, it amounts to the largest expansion of health coverage for Americans since the enactment of Medicare half a century ago, but many more people need to be signed up in coming years.

The apparent success of the first annual open enrollment period, however, should show Republican naysayers that this law is here to stay, with all its customer-protection provisions intact. It's time they recognized that the rhetoric about Obamacare's failure has gotten them nowhere. It's gotten the country nowhere. It's time for them to get behind the law, to help get their fellow citizens the coverage they need, and to help fix what needs to be fixed.

So, about those young and healthy folks that need to balance this socialist scheme out?


Ah, but people wanted Prohibition repealed...the same cannot be said for the Affordable Care Act.

Sure it can, and has been shown before based on public approval. No one wanted it in the first place.
A recent poll shows ACA opinions are more more approve than disapprove, so that is changing.

Just when do you think the soonest a repeal could happen, in your dream world?

Wow, look it that back up of the claim! Nice work.
I don't believe it will be repealed. Neither party really wants to do that. it's all theater. But to claim success on this hunk of absolute shit.... :lmao:

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The ACA is no longer underwater, according to this poll:

Public support for the Affordable Care Act narrowly notched a new high in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, while criticism of Barack Obama’s handling of the law’s rollout – although still substantial – has eased from its peak last fall.

Views hardly are enthusiastic: With the year’s sign-up deadline upon us, Americans split on Obamacare, 49 percent in support, 48 percent opposed. But that compares with a 40-57 percent negative rating after the initial failure of the federal enrollment website last November.
Obamacare numbers coming in huge: Here's a guide to GOP excuse-making

"How many have paid?" (Also known as "The statistics are full of deadbeats"):[...]

Figures from states that track this metric, including California and Vermont, show that 85% to 90% of enrollees have paid on time, which secures them the coverage they applied for.


The LA Times has been an enormous cheerleader for this crap. Too bad they dont readf their own reporting.
The article references another article previously, which quotes a study. Among the findings:
A hardy perennial now enjoying a revival is the "How many have PAID???" freakout. Independent ACA statistics tracker Charles Gaba has put this one under his microscope. His conclusions are that, first of all, the issue is probably exaggerated and, second, it's way premature even to count nonpaying enrollees, because many of them won't even receive bills for weeks yet. (We're indebted to Gaba for the triple-question marks in our headline, as well as for resurrecting the useful term "freakout.")

Today's Obamacare freakout: 'But how many have paid???' - latimes.com
So you understand the numbers are hard to come by because in many cases the bill hasnt come due yet. And of course the feds dont track that.
But as for states that do:
Here's what Gaba found, however. First, the percentage of enrollees who have paid up (the "paid rate") looks to be hovering at 81%-85%. The figure is murky because only 10 states actually provide a figure. That includes California, which bases its figure on what it hears from the insurance companies getting the payment and which says its paid rate is "more than 85%" as of March 15.

Today's Obamacare freakout: 'But how many have paid???' - latimes.com
SO we've gone from 81-85% in the earlier article to 85-90% in the later article. And all of this on a metric that the federal government doesnt track and the insurers themselves won't know.
Any cooking of the books in these articles to make Obamacare look good? Nah. Can't be.
After the good news came back that ObamaCare had hit it's numbers, President Barack Obama, the popularly elected President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military did, what he should have been doing on many occasions.

He took a victory lap.

Obama to speak on health law enrollment - POLITICO.com

‘Armageddon has not arrived'

This is on the heels of a stock market which is up, corporate profits, which are up, the Unemployment Numbers, which are down and a MONTH of no military deaths due to combat.

Conservatives had a strange reaction to this..

Ryan released a budget which most everyone is calling ludicrous.


And the Heritage foundation started a conservative outreach to women that plainly states, "Just get married".

Dana Milbank: Conservatives to women: Lean back - The Washington Post

This is probably a huge turning point. I hope Democrats capitalize on it and kick the bums out of congress..

Tuesdays have historically been good days for carnival barkers, hucksters and charlatans.
If Prohibition could be repealed, so can Obamacare.

Ah, but people wanted Prohibition repealed...the same cannot be said for the Affordable Care Act.

Of course people wanted Prohibition repealed, because people like booze.

People also like decent health care.

People supported the repeal of Prohibition, they do not support the repeal of the ACA. Fixing, yes, repealing no.
This is what the left now crows a GOOD for us, oh wait no it's good for the DEAR LEADER and government...lets all bow and feel blessed US TAXPAYERS get to pay for his, good day

a moment of silence to the dear leader to bless HIM having to PAY FOR THIS TOO
Ah, but people wanted Prohibition repealed...the same cannot be said for the Affordable Care Act.

Of course people wanted Prohibition repealed, because people like booze.

People also like decent health care.

People supported the repeal of Prohibition, they do not support the repeal of the ACA. Fixing, yes, repealing no.

Unsubtantiated. People support some feel-good provisions of the law, like no pre existing conditions. Of course they support them thinking someone else is paying for that. Once they understand THEY are paying for those provisions support drops.
After the good news came back that ObamaCare had hit it's numbers, President Barack Obama, the popularly elected President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military did, what he should have been doing on many occasions.

[MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] :lol:

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Unsubtantiated. People support some feel-good provisions of the law, like no pre existing conditions.
Is the "feel-good" part the fact that we aren't required to explain to them, when very ill, that actual Capitalism would drop them like a hot rock if it were allowed to and tell them never to return? That once sick, if unregulated, no insurance company would ever cover them again and no employer would hire them given the chance? Yeah, that would make you feel-good I bet.
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Unsubtantiated. People support some feel-good provisions of the law, like no pre existing conditions.
Is the "feel-good" part the fact that we aren't required to explain to them, when very ill, that actual Capitalism would drop them like a hot rock if allowed to and tell them never to return? That once sick, if unregulated, no insurance company would ever cover them again and no employer would hire them given the chance? Yeah, that would make you feel-good I bet.

Is there a point you're trying to make here? I mean other than you are a bitter burned out hater with nothing of substance to contribute.
The ACA is no longer underwater, according to this poll:

Public support for the Affordable Care Act narrowly notched a new high in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, while criticism of Barack Obama’s handling of the law’s rollout – although still substantial – has eased from its peak last fall.

Views hardly are enthusiastic: With the year’s sign-up deadline upon us, Americans split on Obamacare, 49 percent in support, 48 percent opposed. But that compares with a 40-57 percent negative rating after the initial failure of the federal enrollment website last November.

WOW! Look at that overwhelming support!!! WOOhoo!

Unsubtantiated. People support some feel-good provisions of the law, like no pre existing conditions.
Is the "feel-good" part the fact that we aren't required to explain to them, when very ill, that actual Capitalism would drop them like a hot rock if allowed to and tell them never to return? That once sick, if unregulated, no insurance company would ever cover them again and no employer would hire them given the chance? Yeah, that would make you feel-good I bet.

Is there a point you're trying to make here? I mean other than you are a bitter burned out hater with nothing of substance to contribute.
The point is entirely clear, if you understand Capitalism that is. I'm betting you don't...
Barack Obama's biggest "accomplishment" to date is taxing the middle class into oblivion. Folks call it a success because people are paying the tax.

WTF is wrong with you people?

Is the "feel-good" part the fact that we aren't required to explain to them, when very ill, that actual Capitalism would drop them like a hot rock if allowed to and tell them never to return? That once sick, if unregulated, no insurance company would ever cover them again and no employer would hire them given the chance? Yeah, that would make you feel-good I bet.

Is there a point you're trying to make here? I mean other than you are a bitter burned out hater with nothing of substance to contribute.
The point is entirely clear, if you understand Capitalism that is. I'm betting you don't...

What capitalism?


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