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After the good news came back that ObamaCare had hit it's numbers, President Barack Obama, the popularly elected President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military did, what he should have been doing on many occasions.

[MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION] :lol:



You can keep it. I don't play with dolls.
What capitalism?
Yes, I know. It's the wrong solution in this case. iPhone? Great, mostly. Cancer? Not so good.

NO, there hasn't been capitalism in over 100 years. Bringing up capitalism is laughable.
You are mistaken, but I'm sure you say such a thing because Capitalism is Regulated here, as it is all over the world.

Did you ever wonder why that is, why everyone regulates it? Are we just "being mean"?
Yes, I know. It's the wrong solution in this case. iPhone? Great, mostly. Cancer? Not so good.

NO, there hasn't been capitalism in over 100 years. Bringing up capitalism is laughable.
You are mistaken, but I'm sure you say such a thing because Capitalism is Regulated here, as it is all over the world.

Did you ever wonder why that is, why everyone regulates it? Are we just "being mean"?

Funny thing is..

ObamaCare is STILL capitalism.

NO, there hasn't been capitalism in over 100 years. Bringing up capitalism is laughable.
You are mistaken, but I'm sure you say such a thing because Capitalism is Regulated here, as it is all over the world.

Did you ever wonder why that is, why everyone regulates it? Are we just "being mean"?

Funny thing is..

ObamaCare is STILL capitalism.

Barely. I would not describe it as that, not to a Capitalist that is. Laughing too hard for too long can be deadly.
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Yes, I know. It's the wrong solution in this case. iPhone? Great, mostly. Cancer? Not so good.

NO, there hasn't been capitalism in over 100 years. Bringing up capitalism is laughable.
You are mistaken, but I'm sure you say such a thing because Capitalism is Regulated here, as it is all over the world.

Did you ever wonder why that is, why everyone regulates it? Are we just "being mean"?

You mistake corporatism, which is the system we've had since Lincoln, for capitalism. Similar to mercantilism, or syndicalism, it's the very opposite of a capitalist system. Regulation, collusion, fraud, corruption, government enforced oligopolies, public/private social corporatism (private profit, public loss). This is all especially true in the healthcare industry. It's just silly to even bring capitalism up. There isn't any.
Amazing to see the president celebrating that millions of takers have lined up at the government's trough.

That is what it's all about. It was never about healthcare for the people, it's about the total transformation of the United States of America.

Obama's 'victory lap' was so full of lies it would be a joke if they weren't being lapped up by the people and the media.
The Left is celebrating the downfall of the United States Of America like it's a good thing.
Fewer people are covered today than 3 years ago.

Thanks to the ACA, the number of uninsured is going back down instead of the steady increase. Look...


Premiums across the board are higher today than previously.

And Premiums dropped when? Oh, that's right, never. They have slowed...again, thanks to the ACA.

Employer Health Premiums Slow for Second Straight Year

It's also slowed the growth of HC spending.

Growth In US Health Spending Remained Slow In 2010; Health Share Of Gross Domestic Product Was Unchanged From 2009

Can it be made better? Hell to the yes. A public option would make it pretty okay.

Gee you should try reading your links before posting them:
While the health law played a role, most of the slowdown in premiums probably is due to the economy, said Gary Claxton, lead investigator on the Kaiser study. Statistical models suggest a pickup in health-care spending typically lags about five years behind spending in the wider economy, he said.
SO the law, whose provisions have been endlessly delayed by fiat, has had little to no effect on premiums or people covered.
You are lying. Of course, you are a liar and that is what they do.
This is what the left now crows a GOOD for us, oh wait no it's good for the DEAR LEADER and government...lets all bow and feel blessed US TAXPAYERS get to pay for his, good day

a moment of silence to the dear leader to bless HIM having to PAY FOR THIS TOO

Funny how those people who make a fortune out of poor people and their health insurance suddenly feel that they care about poor people. Oh, wait, they don't. They claim things, but it is THEM who is probably going to lose money, so they'll just pay a load of politicians to repeal it.

Just watch and see how much health companies pay the Republicans in the coming years.

Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets

Number one lobbying group by dollars is....
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $225,715,937

Next highest is....
Insurance $153,116,559

Wait, two sets of companies that do VERY nicely out of private healthcare.

So, they spent $375 million a year of money YOU paid to them, to lobby the govt to not change something. Why?

Interest Groups | OpenSecrets

As interest groups they only added another $56 million to this to make them 6th in the list. The majority of this money is also going to Republicans, in the first years of Obama's presidency and the years before it went to Democrats.
4 out of the top 5 recipients are Republican. 6 out of the top 20 are democrat.

How much the healthcare industry spends on advertising to keep healthcare private I don't know, but I bet it's another chunk of your money.

So for them to come out and say that Obamacare costs money is a cheek, seeing how much the industry actually wastes.


This states that 31% of healthcare costs go into administration costs, for insurance companies and so on. This is cmpared to 16.5% for Canada. So the US wastes about 15% of healthcare funding, that was about $45 billion in 1999, on wasting people's money for no good reason other than making themselves RICH!!!!

If you actually want to save money, supporting the healthcare industry is NOT going to get you that. Simple as. You can believe their propaganda and you pay a ton of money to them, whatever, but don't claim that people trying to get in some kind of nationalised health care service are costing you lots of money, it's hypocrisy and stupidity.
a good day for Obama and Democrats with Oscaminsurancecare

Ah, the rich telling you that you're not paying the rich enough money.

Isn't it a bit 1950s to use the fear of communism? Come into the 21st century and attack Muslims instead.
It's a shame Obamacare has wasted all the money it has on implementing a law that is a bad law! It's a shame so many lives have been harmed due to Obamacare, and very few helped.

Tweaking of health care which the Republicans advocated would have been far more productive, and less costly overall. Obama is a lying POS!
well, you got the Democrats talking points down pat
In a FREE country health care is a right, but it's the right of the citizens to choose it...now they get to be forced by the Federal Government (and that means YOUR CHILDREN who are just starting in life) to purchase insurance to take care of those of you who thinks you have A RIGHT to LIVE OFF OF THEM

Now lets all HAIL our Guberment...you think they have a right to FORCE US to purchase something (expensive insurance) while holding a gun to our heads...(pay a fine if we don't)

Well, in most countries people do have the right to choose between the national health system or private healthcare. People have to pay if they pay taxes no matter what though.

Obama seems to be trying to change things a little, and I don't agree with how he's doing it, but I really don't see how he could do anything else considering how many Republicans are willing to accept the money from the healthcare industry to keep everything the same, ie, the rich making a lot of money off people.

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