It's a shame Obamacare has wasted all the money it has on implementing a law that is a bad law! It's a shame so many lives have been harmed due to Obamacare, and very few helped.

Tweaking of health care which the Republicans advocated would have been far more productive, and less costly overall. Obama is a lying POS!

Do you really think a sensible healthcare system that would save loads of money would be allowed to happen in the US?

Quite frankly the healthcare industry would spend so much money, on buying politicians, on advertising etc, that it would fail.

Such is the stay of play in the "democracy" that is the USA, where everything can be bought.
It's a shame Obamacare has wasted all the money it has on implementing a law that is a bad law! It's a shame so many lives have been harmed due to Obamacare, and very few helped.

Tweaking of health care which the Republicans advocated would have been far more productive, and less costly overall. Obama is a lying POS!

Do you really think a sensible healthcare system that would save loads of money would be allowed to happen in the US?

Quite frankly the healthcare industry would spend so much money, on buying politicians, on advertising etc, that it would fail.

Such is the stay of play in the "democracy" that is the USA, where everything can be bought.

Do you think a system that produced and sold computers would be allowed in this country? The computer makers would spend so much buying politiciians it would fail.
Oh wait. We have such a system. Both consumers and producers benefit. What's the difference? No government interference. We've found the problem!
Fraud investigation was always part of Medicare. They are lying about reaching their goal of 7 million. Obamacare is and will always be a failure and we are going to repeal it. Fuck any notion of replacing a turd with more shit.

Once again another post with absolutely no substance ^^^ or proof. It has become the chosen genre of the New Right.
Fraud investigation was always part of Medicare. They are lying about reaching their goal of 7 million. Obamacare is and will always be a failure and we are going to repeal it. Fuck any notion of replacing a turd with more shit.

Once again another post with absolutely no substance ^^^ or proof. It has become the chosen genre of the New Right.

It amazes me that people think ObamaCare is a good thing.

At least 5 maybe 6 million people lose their coverage.
Then 7 million sign up...
But there were 48 million that needed it and have not signed up.

So the bottom line is we have a law that's over 2 thousand pages and all the craziness we went through....all that to insure a few million people....

And Obama and the Democrats are doing a victory dance?

This is beyond crazy...

Crazy? Why shouldn't the President enjoy seeing the efforts of McConnell and Boehner to kill the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act fail? The Republicans celebrated their 2010 Victory In the midterm election, and then proceeded to waste tax dollars by attempting to repeal the PPACA, foregoing any efforts to work with The President before and even after the American people reelected him in 2012.

They and their fellow travelers have done nothing but whine and emote hate and fear since President Obama first receive the nomination of the Democratic Party in the Summer of 2008. Under the 'leadership' of Boehner and McConnell the Congress has the lowest ratings and has been the least productive (and spent the most time on vacation) in our nations history.

Anyone who votes for a GOP candidate is a fool, for as GWB almost figured out,
"fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, three times and more, shame shame on me".
Fraud investigation was always part of Medicare. They are lying about reaching their goal of 7 million. Obamacare is and will always be a failure and we are going to repeal it. Fuck any notion of replacing a turd with more shit.

Once again another post with absolutely no substance ^^^ or proof. It has become the chosen genre of the New Right.


Irony: The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.

There is nothing ironic about my post, and your use of the word is both an example of your ignorance and lack of ability to think for yourself.

See more here:

Irony | What is the Definition of Irony? | Dictionary.com
The ACA is no longer underwater, according to this poll:

Public support for the Affordable Care Act narrowly notched a new high in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, while criticism of Barack Obama’s handling of the law’s rollout – although still substantial – has eased from its peak last fall.

Views hardly are enthusiastic: With the year’s sign-up deadline upon us, Americans split on Obamacare, 49 percent in support, 48 percent opposed. But that compares with a 40-57 percent negative rating after the initial failure of the federal enrollment website last November.

Best part about this poll is where that additional support is coming from!

CHANGE – Views on the law, as noted, have shifted disproportionately in an unexpected area – among conservatives. While most remain opposed, that’s declined from 81 percent in November to 61 percent now. Similarly, while conservatives are particularly critical of Obama’s handling of the law, this has eased from 84 percent disapproval last fall to 69 percent today.
These shifts have occurred disproportionately among conservatives who are not also Republicans, as well as among those who identify themselves as “somewhat” as opposed to “very” conservative. There’s been a 25-point increase in support for the law among non-Republican conservatives, vs. 8 points among conservative Republicans; and a 27-point increase among somewhat conservatives, vs. 10 points among strong conservatives.
It's a shame Obamacare has wasted all the money it has on implementing a law that is a bad law! It's a shame so many lives have been harmed due to Obamacare, and very few helped.

Tweaking of health care which the Republicans advocated would have been far more productive, and less costly overall. Obama is a lying POS!

Wasted what money? What lives?

Not really sure what you are talking about.

When I think of wasted lives and money? I think of the illegal Iraq crusade. Where 4000 Americans died and close to half a million innocent Iraqis were slaughtered.

That was a dismal waste of resources.
After the good news came back that ObamaCare had hit it's numbers, President Barack Obama, the popularly elected President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military did, what he should have been doing on many occasions.

He took a victory lap.

Obama to speak on health law enrollment - POLITICO.com

‘Armageddon has not arrived'

This is on the heels of a stock market which is up, corporate profits, which are up, the Unemployment Numbers, which are down and a MONTH of no military deaths due to combat.

Conservatives had a strange reaction to this..

Ryan released a budget which most everyone is calling ludicrous.


And the Heritage foundation started a conservative outreach to women that plainly states, "Just get married".

Dana Milbank: Conservatives to women: Lean back - The Washington Post

This is probably a huge turning point. I hope Democrats capitalize on it and kick the bums out of congress..

So, moving people from private plans to Fascist care was the goal?

{ Now, of course, it's hard to believe that the President would ever mislead the country about his signature initiative, but a report in the UK's Daily Telegraph (once again, doing the job the American press has apparently declined to do) suggests that the truth is quite different.

An undisclosed study by the well-respected RAND Corp (which has reportedly been seen only at The Los Angeles Times) reveals that only 23% of new ObamaCare "clients" had no insurance before enrolling. What's more, only 53% of that cohort has reportedly paid their first month's premium (i.e., formally entered the program) -- that's like putting an online store item in your "basket" but not paying for it.

If those figures are accurate, the President and his party have succeeded in disrupting the health care system -- with which 80% of Americans were satisfied -- for a grand total of 858,298 people. }

You fucking lying bastards........

Is 858,000 the Real ObamaCare Number? - Carol Platt Liebau
Once again another post with absolutely no substance ^^^ or proof. It has become the chosen genre of the New Right.


Irony: The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.

There is nothing ironic about my post, and your use of the word is both an example of your ignorance and lack of ability to think for yourself.

See more here:

Irony | What is the Definition of Irony? | Dictionary.com

A little knowledge is an absurd thing. You prove it.
In this case you condemning people for posting things without substance, a practice you engage in all the time, is ironic. Perhaps hypocritical is a better word. Perhaps cock sucker best describes you.
After the good news came back that ObamaCare had hit it's numbers, President Barack Obama, the popularly elected President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military did, what he should have been doing on many occasions.

He took a victory lap.

Obama to speak on health law enrollment - POLITICO.com

‘Armageddon has not arrived'

This is on the heels of a stock market which is up, corporate profits, which are up, the Unemployment Numbers, which are down and a MONTH of no military deaths due to combat.

Conservatives had a strange reaction to this..

Ryan released a budget which most everyone is calling ludicrous.


And the Heritage foundation started a conservative outreach to women that plainly states, "Just get married".

Dana Milbank: Conservatives to women: Lean back - The Washington Post

This is probably a huge turning point. I hope Democrats capitalize on it and kick the bums out of congress..

Sounds like a Curious George title.
Ah, but people wanted Prohibition repealed...the same cannot be said for the Affordable Care Act.

Sure it can, and has been shown before based on public approval. No one wanted it in the first place.
A recent poll shows ACA opinions are more more approve than disapprove, so that is changing.

Just when do you think the soonest a repeal could happen, in your dream world?


I wanna see the bullshit question asked in this "poll"......
oh yawn, you can bury your head in the sand, just leave the rest of us alone

Well, I suppose your answer is a good way to pretend that you aren't just playing the same old games.

Obama isn't a Communist, by the way, nor is he Jewish, Muslims, nor was he born in Kenya or any of the other nonsense that has been made up to try and tarnish him.

Joe McCarthy realised that lying was a great way of discrediting people, the truth takes so much longer to come out and people don't care when it does, so he just used lies. Why? Because he was considered the worst senator at the time, and then went and became the most famous senator of the time. Just because he could lie loudly.

Isn't this what you're doing?
oh yawn, you can bury your head in the sand, just leave the rest of us alone

Well, I suppose your answer is a good way to pretend that you aren't just playing the same old games.

Obama isn't a Communist, by the way, nor is he Jewish, Muslims, nor was he born in Kenya or any of the other nonsense that has been made up to try and tarnish him.

Joe McCarthy realised that lying was a great way of discrediting people, the truth takes so much longer to come out and people don't care when it does, so he just used lies. Why? Because he was considered the worst senator at the time, and then went and became the most famous senator of the time. Just because he could lie loudly.

Isn't this what you're doing?

The other thing about lies is you can spew them quickly.

So if you spew them in rapid succession? It's a pretty golden thing.

Since it take so long to unpack them it makes the target look exceptionally bad.
The other thing about lies is you can spew them quickly.

So if you spew them in rapid succession? It's a pretty golden thing.

Since it take so long to unpack them it makes the target look exceptionally bad.

Yeah, and politics has become this. When you learn from the worst who put so much effort into hiding their problems, you get this.
oh yawn, you can bury your head in the sand, just leave the rest of us alone

Well, I suppose your answer is a good way to pretend that you aren't just playing the same old games.

Obama isn't a Communist, by the way, nor is he Jewish, Muslims, nor was he born in Kenya or any of the other nonsense that has been made up to try and tarnish him.

Joe McCarthy realised that lying was a great way of discrediting people, the truth takes so much longer to come out and people don't care when it does, so he just used lies. Why? Because he was considered the worst senator at the time, and then went and became the most famous senator of the time. Just because he could lie loudly.

Isn't this what you're doing?

The other thing about lies is you can spew them quickly.

So if you spew them in rapid succession? It's a pretty golden thing.

Since it take so long to unpack them it makes the target look exceptionally bad.

LMAO- You foks are defending Barack Obama by accusing his foes of lying?

My oh my... Defending a liar by calling his opponents liars.

Sounds legit to me :cuckoo:

It starts with a V.

Got it.. More of the same

I can have 'Hope and Change' too

You can, but it'll be


Maybe it will be vetoed, and maybe it won't. It all depends on how it is done. Unless the congress passes an appropriation bill, Obamacare will have no money to operate on. A veto would ensure the defunding of Obamacare.

The Congress would need to put that spending in a separate bill. Veto it at your pleasure, Mr. President. You lose either way.
LMAO- You foks are defending Barack Obama by accusing his foes of lying?

My oh my... Defending a liar by calling his opponents liars.

Sounds legit to me :cuckoo:


A) I'm not defending Obama.
B) I'm saying the right are using the same old trick of calling him a Communist when clearly he is not.
C) I'm calling liars liars. Or is it even lying? It's more using the same old carp over and over, you don't need to call Obama a Communist, just equating him with Communism is enough, even if you don't say it.
LMAO- You foks are defending Barack Obama by accusing his foes of lying?

My oh my... Defending a liar by calling his opponents liars.

Sounds legit to me :cuckoo:


A) I'm not defending Obama.
B) I'm saying the right are using the same old trick of calling him a Communist when clearly he is not.
C) I'm calling liars liars. Or is it even lying? It's more using the same old carp over and over, you don't need to call Obama a Communist, just equating him with Communism is enough, even if you don't say it.

OK- What style of, and I say this loosely, governing does his model represent? To you that is.


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