Amazing to see the president celebrating that millions of takers have lined up at the government's trough.

That is what it's all about. It was never about healthcare for the people, it's about the total transformation of the United States of America.

Obama's 'victory lap' was so full of lies it would be a joke if they weren't being lapped up by the people and the media.

Notice not one word about him dancing and claiming, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED from his sheep or the media?

They just lay down and accept his lying to them....but they didn't bat an eye when HE WON lie of the year...so they've shown they don't care about the country and the rest of the 360MILLION people in it, just about their Dear Leader having a REALLY really really good day

sick stuff from our own fellow countrymen and women
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OK- What style of, and I say this loosely, governing does his model represent? To you that is.


Wishy washing with a bit of left wing US perhaps, Maybe Reagan was the last president who actually had a stand point on anything much, other than wanting to be president. Obama is stronger than Bush on this and Clinton did what? Obamacare is something that could define him.

Certainly Obamacare isn't Communist, otherwise you'd have to put most countries in the world as Communist, though ironically China doesn't have free healthcare a the point of delivery like, say, the UK and China claims to be Communist.

I like his foreign policy for the most part, hated Libya, and we'll have to see about the Ukraine. I'd say it makes him less aggressive, is there an -ist for that? he's not isolationist, just less confrontational. I know a lot of Americans who believe the US should try and stay as number one, but others who think the US should be more responsible, but see China as a big problem on the horizon.

So, to sum up, I'd find it hard to put him anywhere. Not left wing (based on a world view), not right wing (especially based on a US view), not Libertarian, not really under any banner other than someone who perhaps just wants to make things a little better but doesn't have the power really to do that, and probably likes being president because he's the president. (well who wouldn't?)!

So, sorry for no easy answer, and sorry for the bit of waffle, but I can't really say this in a short way.
Got it.. More of the same

I can have 'Hope and Change' too

You can, but it'll be


Maybe it will be vetoed, and maybe it won't. It all depends on how it is done. Unless the congress passes an appropriation bill, Obamacare will have no money to operate on. A veto would ensure the defunding of Obamacare.

The Congress would need to put that spending in a separate bill. Veto it at your pleasure, Mr. President. You lose either way.

Oh..they want to close down government, again?


And BEFORE an election?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Amazing to see the president celebrating that millions of takers have lined up at the government's trough.

That is what it's all about. It was never about healthcare for the people, it's about the total transformation of the United States of America.

Obama's 'victory lap' was so full of lies it would be a joke if they weren't being lapped up by the people and the media.

Notice not one word about him dancing and claiming, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED from his sheep or the media?

They just lay down and accept his lying to them....but they didn't bat an eye when HE WON lie of the year...so they've shown they don't care about the country and the rest of the 360MILLION people in it, just about their Dear Leader having a REALLY really really good day

sick stuff from our own fellow countrymen and women

You even bother to watch the "Lie of the year" segment on CNN?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPxLdc4ND18]CNN: Politifact Names Obama's "Keep Your Plan" Promise Its Lie Of The Year - YouTube[/ame]

It was incredible.

Even they had to qualify WHY IT WAS A LIE!

A lie is something you put out even though you know it's demonstrably false.

That wasn't the case here.

And they said so in that clip.
OK- What style of, and I say this loosely, governing does his model represent? To you that is.


Wishy washing with a bit of left wing US perhaps, Maybe Reagan was the last president who actually had a stand point on anything much, other than wanting to be president. Obama is stronger than Bush on this and Clinton did what? Obamacare is something that could define him.

Certainly Obamacare isn't Communist, otherwise you'd have to put most countries in the world as Communist, though ironically China doesn't have free healthcare a the point of delivery like, say, the UK and China claims to be Communist.

I like his foreign policy for the most part, hated Libya, and we'll have to see about the Ukraine. I'd say it makes him less aggressive, is there an -ist for that? he's not isolationist, just less confrontational. I know a lot of Americans who believe the US should try and stay as number one, but others who think the US should be more responsible, but see China as a big problem on the horizon.

So, to sum up, I'd find it hard to put him anywhere. Not left wing (based on a world view), not right wing (especially based on a US view), not Libertarian, not really under any banner other than someone who perhaps just wants to make things a little better but doesn't have the power really to do that, and probably likes being president because he's the president. (well who wouldn't?)!

So, sorry for no easy answer, and sorry for the bit of waffle, but I can't really say this in a short way.

Dig it-

Now that response I can entertain and to a degree, relate to. However, in your comparison it would be prudent to make the left wing, right wing comparison based on US view. There are various forms of communism and what matters is how it's defined in the minds of the voter. Socialized medicine is socialist which many, many equate to communism.

Positive rep coming your way. :D

You can, but it'll be


Maybe it will be vetoed, and maybe it won't. It all depends on how it is done. Unless the congress passes an appropriation bill, Obamacare will have no money to operate on. A veto would ensure the defunding of Obamacare.

The Congress would need to put that spending in a separate bill. Veto it at your pleasure, Mr. President. You lose either way.

Oh..they want to close down government, again?


And BEFORE an election?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

They will start to work on the language to draw down the subsidies with hopes that 2016 will negate the veto threat.

Maybe it will be vetoed, and maybe it won't. It all depends on how it is done. Unless the congress passes an appropriation bill, Obamacare will have no money to operate on. A veto would ensure the defunding of Obamacare.

The Congress would need to put that spending in a separate bill. Veto it at your pleasure, Mr. President. You lose either way.

Oh..they want to close down government, again?


And BEFORE an election?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

They will start to work on the language to draw down the subsidies with hopes that 2016 will negate the veto threat.


There's no way to do that.
One good day out of how many??

Lots of them.

Part of Obama's problem is he never took cues from Reagan and George W. Bush who would strut around like roosters at every "perceived" success.

Part of this is better for the country, as he's a very careful President.

But it's rotten politically.
Dig it-

Now that response I can entertain and to a degree, relate to. However, in your comparison it would be prudent to make the left wing, right wing comparison based on US view. There are various forms of communism and what matters is how it's defined in the minds of the voter. Socialized medicine is socialist which many, many equate to communism.

Positive rep coming your way. :D


Socialism is socialism, right? It's not communism.


"Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved."

So, it's the controlling of business by the government. You could claim that the NHS and things like this are socialism, I wouldn't necessarily agree, but you could claim it.


"A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat."

Communism goes much further, it's ownership of business not just by the govt, but by collectives, in theory (which has basically never really been reality) this means the people are in charge, not the govt.

So, Communism in the sense of the healthcare system would be that all people, somehow, participate, which I'm not sure I can actually visualize how it might work. Would all workers have to learn how to be doctors? Or would some doctors merely work as doctors and get paid the same as others? I don't know.

People equate this to Communism because they've had it drilled into their heads since 1945 that this is the case. Nothing more really. Ask those who hate Communism why they hate it, and they might be able to come up with some propaganda they got told, but they'd struggle to tell you what Communism actually means.
Dig it-

Now that response I can entertain and to a degree, relate to. However, in your comparison it would be prudent to make the left wing, right wing comparison based on US view. There are various forms of communism and what matters is how it's defined in the minds of the voter. Socialized medicine is socialist which many, many equate to communism.

Positive rep coming your way. :D


Socialism is socialism, right? It's not communism.


"Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved."

So, it's the controlling of business by the government. You could claim that the NHS and things like this are socialism, I wouldn't necessarily agree, but you could claim it.


"A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat."

Communism goes much further, it's ownership of business not just by the govt, but by collectives, in theory (which has basically never really been reality) this means the people are in charge, not the govt.

So, Communism in the sense of the healthcare system would be that all people, somehow, participate, which I'm not sure I can actually visualize how it might work. Would all workers have to learn how to be doctors? Or would some doctors merely work as doctors and get paid the same as others? I don't know.

People equate this to Communism because they've had it drilled into their heads since 1945 that this is the case. Nothing more really. Ask those who hate Communism why they hate it, and they might be able to come up with some propaganda they got told, but they'd struggle to tell you what Communism actually means.

Which, inevitably is missed by most folks.

The eventual aim of communism is to get rid of a central government. In reality there has never been a true communist government in the modern age.

The closest you probably come is prehistoric Hunter/Gatherers. And even then, there were probably strict hierarchies, something which communism, in theory, eliminates.
Still digging up the dead man (Reagan) for excusing their Dear wonderful Leader, Obama...and making him out as some sort of hero

yet, 60% of the people can't stand him...

cult followers live in some other form of reality
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Still digging up the dead man (Reagan) for excusing their Dear wonderful Leader, Obama...and making him out as some sort of hero

yet, 60% of the people can't stand him...

cult followers live in some other form of reality

And 75% couldn't stand Bush, 63% couldn't stand Clinton, 71% couldn't stand Bush senior, 65% couldn't stand Reagan, 72% couldn't stand Carter, 63% couldn't stand Ford, 76% couldn't stand Nixon, 65% couldn't stand Johnson, 44% couldn't stand Kennedy, 52% couldn't stand Eisenhower, 78% couldn't stand Truman, and 52% couldn't stand Roosevelt.

Welcome to the presidency. What's your point?
Still digging up the dead man (Reagan) for excusing their Dear wonderful Leader, Obama...and making him out as some sort of hero

yet, 60% of the people can't stand him...

cult followers live in some other form of reality

And 75% couldn't stand Bush, 63% couldn't stand Clinton, 71% couldn't stand Bush senior, 65% couldn't stand Reagan, 72% couldn't stand Carter, 63% couldn't stand Ford, 76% couldn't stand Nixon, 65% couldn't stand Johnson, 44% couldn't stand Kennedy, 52% couldn't stand Eisenhower, 78% couldn't stand Truman, and 52% couldn't stand Roosevelt.

Welcome to the presidency. What's your point?

Her point is that history begins at 2009.

Still digging up the dead man (Reagan) for excusing their Dear wonderful Leader, Obama...and making him out as some sort of hero

yet, 60% of the people can't stand him...

cult followers live in some other form of reality

And 75% couldn't stand Bush, 63% couldn't stand Clinton, 71% couldn't stand Bush senior, 65% couldn't stand Reagan, 72% couldn't stand Carter, 63% couldn't stand Ford, 76% couldn't stand Nixon, 65% couldn't stand Johnson, 44% couldn't stand Kennedy, 52% couldn't stand Eisenhower, 78% couldn't stand Truman, and 52% couldn't stand Roosevelt.

Welcome to the presidency. What's your point?

Her point is that history begins at 2009.


WRONG, that's when you libs/Democrats became sheep.... lovers of a man who acts like a dictator/king over you and our country

Still digging up the dead man (Reagan) for excusing their Dear wonderful Leader, Obama...and making him out as some sort of hero

yet, 60% of the people can't stand him...

cult followers live in some other form of reality

And 75% couldn't stand Bush, 63% couldn't stand Clinton, 71% couldn't stand Bush senior, 65% couldn't stand Reagan, 72% couldn't stand Carter, 63% couldn't stand Ford, 76% couldn't stand Nixon, 65% couldn't stand Johnson, 44% couldn't stand Kennedy, 52% couldn't stand Eisenhower, 78% couldn't stand Truman, and 52% couldn't stand Roosevelt.

Welcome to the presidency. What's your point?

the question you need to ask, is what's your frikken point?

like the rest of your posting, you never have one except to look down your nose on others
Still digging up the dead man (Reagan) for excusing their Dear wonderful Leader, Obama...and making him out as some sort of hero

yet, 60% of the people can't stand him...

cult followers live in some other form of reality

And 75% couldn't stand Bush, 63% couldn't stand Clinton, 71% couldn't stand Bush senior, 65% couldn't stand Reagan, 72% couldn't stand Carter, 63% couldn't stand Ford, 76% couldn't stand Nixon, 65% couldn't stand Johnson, 44% couldn't stand Kennedy, 52% couldn't stand Eisenhower, 78% couldn't stand Truman, and 52% couldn't stand Roosevelt.

Welcome to the presidency. What's your point?

the question you need to ask, is what's your frikken point?

like the rest of your posting, you never have one except to look down your nose on others

Do you ever like, um, read your posts before you hit send?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The last two were knee slappers! :D
You wonder how Hitler could have convinced so many people to do so much evil. Are people really that willing to follow their leaders. And then you read the posting of the Obama cult and it all makes perfect sense

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
WRONG, that's when you libs/Democrats became sheep.... lovers of a man who acts like a dictator/king over you and our country


Who is like sheep? Well most of the US is like sheep, they have a system that means they can follow one or the other of the shepherds and no one else. And yet, you come on here, make remarks like somehow your side is better than the other side, which is a very, VERY sheepy thing to do.

Basically, you're being controlled just like the other 99% of people who vote democrat or republican. :eusa_clap:

Obama doesn't act like a dictator, Bush didn't, nor Clinton, nor Bush and so on. You want to know what a dictator acts like? Then go to a country where there's a dictator. Ever lived in a country where people didn't get to vote? Well I have, so.....

You're basically trying to act all tough, but doing what you're supposed to do, make sure everyone keeps away from calling for electoral change, away from stopping the rich controlling the republicans and democrats. Well done.
You wonder how Hitler could have convinced so many people to do so much evil. Are people really that willing to follow their leaders. And then you read the posting of the Obama cult and it all makes perfect sense

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

So then Bush had a cult too? I mean, he made people go to two wars, he literally made it happen, especially Iraq.

Basically when you say "cult" you just mean people follow their political party without thinking because they've been advertised to death. I wouldn't call it a cult, I'd call it stupidity. But that's from BOTH SIDES of the lame "debate" that involves "you're a moron" "No, you're an idiot" "Well Obama is a Muslim" "Well McCain is gay" bla bla boring bla!

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