Spectator only ,he watched,the fruits of other peoples labor and risk,then threw the person that risked everything in Pakistan under the bus,or to the wolfs you choose which one.

Doesn't take much to impress you does it?

So all Presidents are merely spectators, eh?

Got it.

The Constitution says different.

So I'll go with that if you don't mind.


Run with that,if it give you the tingle,What did Obama do,beside by reports drag his feet on making the go or no go call,all the intelligence and hard work was done by the Bush administration,he was just lucky to be there at the time. Then they exposed they guy mainly responsible for tracking OBL down,WTF??
Run with that,if it give you the tingle,What did Obama do,beside by reports drag his feet on making the go or no go call,all the intelligence and hard work was done by the Bush administration,he was just lucky to be there at the time. Then they exposed they guy mainly responsible for tracking OBL down,WTF??

Intelligence is not done by either administration, it's done by bodies like the CIA who don't change that much when the president changes.

What did Obama do? He did the presidential things, the same as Bush, which was probably nothing to do with this.
Related: Obamacare--Taxpayers in the Hole for $1.5 Trillion

all of it here

I've said this before in here, the health care system is massively corrupt, the amount of money that gets wasted is AT LEAST 15%, the Canadian system spends like 16% on admin, the US over 30%, for what reason? This doesn't include corruption on many other things.

How many billions do the system squeeze out of people who don't know any better?
Run with that,if it give you the tingle,What did Obama do,beside by reports drag his feet on making the go or no go call,all the intelligence and hard work was done by the Bush administration,he was just lucky to be there at the time. Then they exposed they guy mainly responsible for tracking OBL down,WTF??

Intelligence is not done by either administration, it's done by bodies like the CIA who don't change that much when the president changes.

What did Obama do? He did the presidential things, the same as Bush, which was probably nothing to do with this.

Both administrations are responsible for what the CIA does will do,they are in charge,they set policy,all the inner workings on the effort to get OBL were put in place before Obama.
He gets credit,which is fine,but he did little,other than waffle about the mission,then out the guy that helped locate him,WTF???
The Obumbler Administration peddles propaganda to its lapdog apparatchik lame stream media which dutifully regurgitates it for the benefit of laughable lolberals all over the land, and the funniest part to me is how eagerly the libbies just gobble it all up.

It's like it cannot even begin to dawn on our liberal pals just how often (almost unceasingly) this President and his people engage in outright lying.

Accordingly, I now put a question to our lolberal pals:

For example, JUST because the unbelievably inept Sebelius declares that "80 to 90 percent of enrollees have paid first premiums" (see, Wonkbook: Time?s up, Obamacare! Let?s see how you did. ) doesn't necessarily make the claim truthful -- or factually supported.

What is the actual "basis" for that claim? What reporter demanded to see the supporting data? Was the claim challenged or just accepted as "truth?" (I'm guessing it was the latter.)

Has anybody in the ranks of the Obumbler sycophants even ASKED the question, "since Obumbler has a track record of being a lying scumbag, should we accept the claims of his people on his signature legislation without insisting on verification?"

I love our lolberals. They do make me to laugh.
Both administrations are responsible for what the CIA does will do,they are in charge,they set policy,all the inner workings on the effort to get OBL were put in place before Obama.
He gets credit,which is fine,but he did little,other than waffle about the mission,then out the guy that helped locate him,WTF???

Well, most of what presidents do has an impact on the country long after they've left office, it's just part of it. Obama getting it for the economy is ridiculous as no president would have been able to do anything much in his position.

Just the way it goes. Economies are stronger
Spectator only ,he watched,the fruits of other peoples labor and risk,then threw the person that risked everything in Pakistan under the bus,or to the wolfs you choose which one.

Doesn't take much to impress you does it?

So all Presidents are merely spectators, eh?

Got it.

The Constitution says different.

So I'll go with that if you don't mind.


Run with that,if it give you the tingle,What did Obama do,beside by reports drag his feet on making the go or no go call,all the intelligence and hard work was done by the Bush administration,he was just lucky to be there at the time. Then they exposed they guy mainly responsible for tracking OBL down,WTF??

Remember the Pirates getting blasted? That was Obama's call.

Additionally he totally changed policy. Instead of fighting terrorists in a conventional manner, he went with Special Operations. That's a marked difference and departure from the Bush administration, which actually disbanded the units looking for Osama Bin Laden. He also used the AUMF to justify striking terrorists within other countries.

You may remember the "Jason Bourne" guy who offed several street thugs in Pakistan, or not.

That was MY first indication, something was going on there. Shortly after that, Bin Laden was dead.

As are many terrorists hit by drones.

That's thanks to the Commander in Chief.
A) I'm not defending Obama.

Yeah, you're more worshiping him with a fervor that makes Al Qaeda look rational...

Obama Akbar....

B) I'm saying the right are using the same old trick of calling him a Communist when clearly he is not.

Yep, Obama is a Fascist through and through. Obammycare is the merger of federal and corporate power structures, with the IRS (KGB) acting as literal enforcer and collection agent for well connected looters like Blue Cross and Kaiser.

C) I'm calling liars liars. Or is it even lying?


I more see you lying and defending liars. Seems you are a mindless sycophant who defines "truth" as that which serves the party.

It's more using the same old carp over and over,

Old fish can stink...

you don't need to call Obama a Communist, just equating him with Communism is enough, even if you don't say it.

Obama is a collectivist - that is a fact. He seeks to concentrate control over the means of production into the central authority of the federal governent.

What word have you drones been programmed to bleat to describe that?
Socialism is socialism, right? It's not communism.


"Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved."

So, it's the controlling of business by the government. You could claim that the NHS and things like this are socialism, I wouldn't necessarily agree, but you could claim it.


"A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat."

Communism goes much further, it's ownership of business not just by the govt, but by collectives, in theory (which has basically never really been reality) this means the people are in charge, not the govt.

So, Communism in the sense of the healthcare system would be that all people, somehow, participate, which I'm not sure I can actually visualize how it might work. Would all workers have to learn how to be doctors? Or would some doctors merely work as doctors and get paid the same as others? I don't know.

People equate this to Communism because they've had it drilled into their heads since 1945 that this is the case. Nothing more really. Ask those who hate Communism why they hate it, and they might be able to come up with some propaganda they got told, but they'd struggle to tell you what Communism actually means.

So, what you're saying is that Marxist-Leninist is distinctly different that Marxist-Leninist because, um OBAMA AKBAR!

What I love about you low IQ leftists is your attempts to scrub Marxism, based on your own ignorance.

Have you read the fist volum of Capital? Of course not. Have you read the Communist Manifesto? Very doubtful. All you do is present prepackaged talking points from the hate sites. Are you not aware that KOS and ThinkProgress are completely full of shit, or do you just not care?
I have a good friend who was suffering from multiple medical issues because he couldn't afford medical insurance and did not have a medical plan. The ACA has been a huge blessing for him. He now has medical insurance and we are getting to the root of his problems. This story can be told over and over in this country.

Still, Cruz and the GOP wants to repeal it. They hate it. They are willing to require virginal probes for women seeking an abortion, but they hate a law that is actually helping people get medial assistance.

Let me do libreral math. Claim before buying off their own party to pass the law that there are 46 million uninsured and damn it they need insured.

Then after it is passed in the still of the night make a goal of 1/4 of that number. Of course if it looks like that number is too high then lower it a bit claiming victory if you hit a moving target.

Of course the 25 percent that did sign up are probably those who will receive subsidizes and not pay into the system at all but will take out. So once again claim victory for something that really doesn't help at all, except maybe the 10 million now being paid for by the middle class.
The casualty situation in Afghanistan is good news, only one died in Afghanistan this month and two last month. Since Obama has declared it a failure there is little reason for more sacrifice we might as well bring the troops home. His surge caused many to sacrifice their lives and he declared failure, let's cut our losses.
A) I'm not defending Obama.

Yeah, you're more worshiping him with a fervor that makes Al Qaeda look rational...

Obama Akbar....

B) I'm saying the right are using the same old trick of calling him a Communist when clearly he is not.

Yep, Obama is a Fascist through and through. Obammycare is the merger of federal and corporate power structures, with the IRS (KGB) acting as literal enforcer and collection agent for well connected looters like Blue Cross and Kaiser.


I more see you lying and defending liars. Seems you are a mindless sycophant who defines "truth" as that which serves the party.

It's more using the same old carp over and over,

Old fish can stink...

you don't need to call Obama a Communist, just equating him with Communism is enough, even if you don't say it.

Obama is a collectivist - that is a fact. He seeks to concentrate control over the means of production into the central authority of the federal governent.

What word have you drones been programmed to bleat to describe that?

Sigh. It must be a sad life when all you see is people who love Obama and people who loathe Obama and nothing in between.

If you think what I do is worship him, then you really, really need to get some reading glasses.

Oh, great, now calling him a fascist. Jeez, you really have issues.

You don't have a single ounce of reality in this post.

You just take in all the nonsense that is spread around to keep you in your place, you do as your are told, you get taken for a ride, and you will be happy about it, because they'll even tell you that you're happy about it.

Maybe, when you actually read what I write, we can talk again, until then.....
I have a good friend who was suffering from multiple medical issues because he couldn't afford medical insurance and did not have a medical plan. The ACA has been a huge blessing for him. He now has medical insurance and we are getting to the root of his problems. This story can be told over and over in this country.

Still, Cruz and the GOP wants to repeal it. They hate it. They are willing to require virginal probes for women seeking an abortion, but they hate a law that is actually helping people get medial assistance.


Who is paying his premiums?
The casualty situation in Afghanistan is good news, only one died in Afghanistan this month and two last month. Since Obama has declared it a failure there is little reason for more sacrifice we might as well bring the troops home. His surge caused many to sacrifice their lives and he declared failure, let's cut our losses.


And with so few deaths?

Seems the surge..worked.
A) I'm not defending Obama.

Yeah, you're more worshiping him with a fervor that makes Al Qaeda look rational...

Obama Akbar....

Yep, Obama is a Fascist through and through. Obammycare is the merger of federal and corporate power structures, with the IRS (KGB) acting as literal enforcer and collection agent for well connected looters like Blue Cross and Kaiser.


I more see you lying and defending liars. Seems you are a mindless sycophant who defines "truth" as that which serves the party.

Old fish can stink...

you don't need to call Obama a Communist, just equating him with Communism is enough, even if you don't say it.

Obama is a collectivist - that is a fact. He seeks to concentrate control over the means of production into the central authority of the federal governent.

What word have you drones been programmed to bleat to describe that?

Sigh. It must be a sad life when all you see is people who love Obama and people who loathe Obama and nothing in between.

If you think what I do is worship him, then you really, really need to get some reading glasses.

Oh, great, now calling him a fascist. Jeez, you really have issues.

You don't have a single ounce of reality in this post.

You just take in all the nonsense that is spread around to keep you in your place, you do as your are told, you get taken for a ride, and you will be happy about it, because they'll even tell you that you're happy about it.

Maybe, when you actually read what I write, we can talk again, until then.....

Anyone who even slightly "praises" Obama, "worships" him..in the eyes of Conservatives.


I think he's given way to much deference to Republicans. He should have went with Medicare for all. He should not have signed the Patriot Act extension. He should have stood firm against the NDAA clause on indefinite imprisonment. Ken Salazar was an awful choice for Secretary of the Interior.

Otherwise? Good job. :thup:
7 million signed up on the Federal exchange...that number does not include state exchange enrollments. 9 million more people have health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Oh, and those people you are talking about didn't "lose" their insurance...they still have and can get insurance...what they lost was their Pinto that exploded when it was rear ended. Cars still drive the roads.

23% who didn't have insurance now do.....that number in itself is a failure.
This bill was packaged to insure the uninsured and for the most part it was a dismal failure.

This Bill was to insure the uninsured at the expense of the already insured, shifting the burden from government to us.

IF that was the goal, then it is an utter failure. Only 800,000 previously uninsured have signed up, and this includes the state exchanges. And only about half of those have paid their first month premium.
I have a good friend who was suffering from multiple medical issues because he couldn't afford medical insurance and did not have a medical plan. The ACA has been a huge blessing for him. He now has medical insurance and we are getting to the root of his problems. This story can be told over and over in this country.

Still, Cruz and the GOP wants to repeal it. They hate it. They are willing to require virginal probes for women seeking an abortion, but they hate a law that is actually helping people get medial assistance.


What amuses me is my Obamabot brother in-law who lost his coverage due to Fascist Care, and is now paying triple what he paid.

OH, and that fucker Obama is counting him and his dependents as part of the "7.1 million." My BIL got ass-fucked by Fascist Care, but Obammy counts him as proof of success.

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