The question remains: at what "cost?"

Oh goodie, another person claiming it's about the cost.

The US spends DOUBLE your GDP on healthcare than the UK.

The US spend DOUBLE you spending on administration than Canada (16% to 30 something %)

The corruption is immense, the bureaucracy is immense, the system before Obamacare is MASSIVE, and that was with 15% of people not being able to use it at all.

http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/mspar...lobal Report on Corruption--2006--pp16-22.pdf

"Corruption in health care systems: the US experience"

U.S. health care is a 'subtle form of corruption' says leading cancer doctor | MinnPost

But people complain about how much Obamacare costs, and yet have never, ever lifted a finger or raised a voice at the cost of healthcare before, just allowing it to be over priced and full of corruption.

Me thinks people just don't like the Obama part to it, nor that big companies with lots of money are telling them it's bad and they believe everything they say. Then go to mcdonalds and eat an inferior burger for more money with a cola instead of a proper drink because "hey, this is advertising".

Since many of you lolberals appear to lack even rudimentary comprehension skills, I'll deign to spell it out for you:

"Cost" means MORE than just dollars and cents.

GO ask an adult to assist you in grappling with this non-mystery.


In terms of budget?

It does mean dollars and cents.

Go ask your local auditor or accountant.
Oh goodie, another person claiming it's about the cost.

The US spends DOUBLE your GDP on healthcare than the UK.

The US spend DOUBLE you spending on administration than Canada (16% to 30 something %)

The corruption is immense, the bureaucracy is immense, the system before Obamacare is MASSIVE, and that was with 15% of people not being able to use it at all.

http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/mspar...lobal Report on Corruption--2006--pp16-22.pdf

"Corruption in health care systems: the US experience"

U.S. health care is a 'subtle form of corruption' says leading cancer doctor | MinnPost

But people complain about how much Obamacare costs, and yet have never, ever lifted a finger or raised a voice at the cost of healthcare before, just allowing it to be over priced and full of corruption.

Me thinks people just don't like the Obama part to it, nor that big companies with lots of money are telling them it's bad and they believe everything they say. Then go to mcdonalds and eat an inferior burger for more money with a cola instead of a proper drink because "hey, this is advertising".

And, when all said and done after spending a trillion+ there's going to be the 15% who won't have insurance. Go figure.....:eusa_whistle:

And that's not the case.

Go figure.

Right, it's going to be more than 15% without insurance.......
And that's not the case.

Go figure.

Right, it's going to be more than 15% without insurance.......

No..it's not.

Massachusetts health care reform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Have a gander.

That's the proof of concept.

Did you consider the possibility the content of that Wikipedia page as put was put together by partisan hacks like you?.....

The Massachusetts law got bi-partisan support, had nowhere near the amount of propaganda and is nowhere near the disaster that Obamacare is.... :thup:
After the good news came back that ObamaCare had hit it's numbers, President Barack Obama, the popularly elected President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military did, what he should have been doing on many occasions.

He took a victory lap.

Obama to speak on health law enrollment - POLITICO.com

‘Armageddon has not arrived'

This is on the heels of a stock market which is up, corporate profits, which are up, the Unemployment Numbers, which are down and a MONTH of no military deaths due to combat.

Conservatives had a strange reaction to this..

Ryan released a budget which most everyone is calling ludicrous.


And the Heritage foundation started a conservative outreach to women that plainly states, "Just get married".

Dana Milbank: Conservatives to women: Lean back - The Washington Post

This is probably a huge turning point. I hope Democrats capitalize on it and kick the bums out of congress..

how people can still vote Repub is a mystery
How all you Obumblerphiles can so eagerly wish to toss that idiot's salad is the true mystery.
A vey good day for Obumbler is bound to be a pretty bad day for America.
How all you Obumblerphiles can so eagerly wish to toss that idiot's salad is the true mystery.
A vey good day for Obumbler is bound to be a pretty bad day for America.

well they are in that rabid loyal bunch in that 30something percent approval
so they have to work extra hard for him
When a ceaseless prattling irrational commentary shows the hallmarks of "Bush Derangement Syndrome," the libs just deny it.

But when there is any criticism of The ONE, the same libbies tend to CALL it "Obama Derangement Syndrome."


Many of our libbies simply lack the capacity to comprehend ANY criticism of Barack "Barry" Hussein Soetoro Obumbler.

Of course, many of the same geniuses cannot fathom that there is anything inherently wrong about ObumblerCare, either.
After the good news came back that ObamaCare had hit it's numbers, President Barack Obama, the popularly elected President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military did, what he should have been doing on many occasions.

He took a victory lap.

Obama to speak on health law enrollment - POLITICO.com

‘Armageddon has not arrived'

This is on the heels of a stock market which is up, corporate profits, which are up, the Unemployment Numbers, which are down and a MONTH of no military deaths due to combat.

Conservatives had a strange reaction to this..

Ryan released a budget which most everyone is calling ludicrous.


And the Heritage foundation started a conservative outreach to women that plainly states, "Just get married".

Dana Milbank: Conservatives to women: Lean back - The Washington Post

This is probably a huge turning point. I hope Democrats capitalize on it and kick the bums out of congress..

how people can still vote Repub is a mystery

I'm wondering the same thing about the dems.


And yet, the Republicans have been in power, what, half the time, and THEY'RE STILL POOR.

So why would they vote Republican?

The point is, the two main parties are NOT IN IT FOR THE PEOPLE, they're in it for the people who pay them a shed load of money.

The system is CORRUPT and no one seems to care, mainly because they tell you it isn't and most people believe them. D'oh!
Maybe I missed it, but I am not recalling seeing many conservatives taking the position that ObumblerCare is incapable of benefiting SOME people.

It almost surely WOULD benefit (and is benefiting) SOME folks.

The question remains: at what "cost?"

It is a VERY largely despised imposition of raw government (abuse of) power directed at all of us.

Although it might help SOME people, it does so at the expense of many many others. Yeah yea. Reid will claim that this is just a Koch Brothers' "lie" except that it isn't a lie at all.

And it is very much a product of socialist thinking. Government doesn't provide diddly shit since government's money is really the money it takes from all of the people. Thus, what ObumblerCare amounts to is the imposition of significant ADDITIONAL costs on ALL actual taxpayers to benefit the relative few. It comes complete with significant additional costs, massive red tape and it is also going to quickly prove destructive of the health care delivery "system" that was already in place.

It is predicated on notions of governmental authority that are VERY much at odds with the Constitutional limitations under which our Republic is supposed to operate. And the SCOTUS decision approving that absurdity is itself an abandonment of Constitutional limitations.

So, yeah. For SOME people ObumblerCare will prove to be a boon. But it is still entirely wrong and it is a clusterfuck of governmental meddling that all of us will quickly regret.

It cannot be repealed in its totality soon enough. Sadly, such a full-fledged repeal of ObumblerCare cannot happen that rapidly. Too bad. Seriously. Too bad.

Ah, another conservative talking about costs, as if they actually care, when the healthcare system before Obamacare was riddled (and still is) with corruption, costs massively more than it should do, and all to make rich people richer.

If you cared about how much things cost, you'd be fighting the corruption, instead you seem to be holding it up as a virtue.
And, when all said and done after spending a trillion+ there's going to be the 15% who won't have insurance. Go figure.....:eusa_whistle:

And that's not the case.

Go figure.

Right, it's going to be more than 15% without insurance.......

I seem to recall Obama saying he was going to save something like 600 Billion by cutting medicaid and mediare waste. How did he know there was that much corruption ?

Seems like our health care costs went nutso when we put medicare and medicaid on the books.
Maybe I missed it, but I am not recalling seeing many conservatives taking the position that ObumblerCare is incapable of benefiting SOME people.

It almost surely WOULD benefit (and is benefiting) SOME folks.

The question remains: at what "cost?"

It is a VERY largely despised imposition of raw government (abuse of) power directed at all of us.

Although it might help SOME people, it does so at the expense of many many others. Yeah yea. Reid will claim that this is just a Koch Brothers' "lie" except that it isn't a lie at all.

And it is very much a product of socialist thinking. Government doesn't provide diddly shit since government's money is really the money it takes from all of the people. Thus, what ObumblerCare amounts to is the imposition of significant ADDITIONAL costs on ALL actual taxpayers to benefit the relative few. It comes complete with significant additional costs, massive red tape and it is also going to quickly prove destructive of the health care delivery "system" that was already in place.

It is predicated on notions of governmental authority that are VERY much at odds with the Constitutional limitations under which our Republic is supposed to operate. And the SCOTUS decision approving that absurdity is itself an abandonment of Constitutional limitations.

So, yeah. For SOME people ObumblerCare will prove to be a boon. But it is still entirely wrong and it is a clusterfuck of governmental meddling that all of us will quickly regret.

It cannot be repealed in its totality soon enough. Sadly, such a full-fledged repeal of ObumblerCare cannot happen that rapidly. Too bad. Seriously. Too bad.

Ah, another conservative talking about costs, as if they actually care, when the healthcare system before Obamacare was riddled (and still is) with corruption, costs massively more than it should do, and all to make rich people richer.

If you cared about how much things cost, you'd be fighting the corruption, instead you seem to be holding it up as a virtue.

Please tell us how Obama can say he's going to save all this money on corruption when our big medical programs have huge corruption....

$Billions in Medicare/Medicaid lost to fraud, abuse - National Law Enforcement | Examiner.com
Please tell us how Obama can say he's going to save all this money on corruption when our big medical programs have huge corruption....

$Billions in Medicare/Medicaid lost to fraud, abuse - National Law Enforcement | Examiner.com

You're missing my point entirely. I'm not defending Obamacare. I do realise there seem to be two sorts of people, pro-Democrat and pro-Republican, or maybe that should be anti-Republican and anti-Democrat, is there a difference? Probably not.
However, I'm actually looking at this from a different point, which is anti-Republican AND anti-Democrat and anti-the whole damn corruption that is killing the USA.

I'm not saying Obamacare will save money.

I'm saying all of a sudden people who have supported a healthcare system which is corrupt and wasting money (admin costs twice as much as in Canada, the whole system costs twice as much as the UK's NHS (before Cameron started dismantling it)) are coming out with "this is a waste of money".

The point is, if they actually cared about saving money, they'd have been criticising the system long ago, but oh no, they're just criticising it because it's Obama's and the Democrat's new thing.
Please tell us how Obama can say he's going to save all this money on corruption when our big medical programs have huge corruption....

$Billions in Medicare/Medicaid lost to fraud, abuse - National Law Enforcement | Examiner.com

You're missing my point entirely. I'm not defending Obamacare. I do realise there seem to be two sorts of people, pro-Democrat and pro-Republican, or maybe that should be anti-Republican and anti-Democrat, is there a difference? Probably not.
However, I'm actually looking at this from a different point, which is anti-Republican AND anti-Democrat and anti-the whole damn corruption that is killing the USA.

I'm not saying Obamacare will save money.

I'm saying all of a sudden people who have supported a healthcare system which is corrupt and wasting money (admin costs twice as much as in Canada, the whole system costs twice as much as the UK's NHS (before Cameron started dismantling it)) are coming out with "this is a waste of money".

The point is, if they actually cared about saving money, they'd have been criticising the system long ago, but oh no, they're just criticising it because it's Obama's and the Democrat's new thing.

My mistake.

I agree with most of your comment.
Well, to be honest, the impact of Obamacare will take a long time to appear. Long after he has left office.

Actually, this country has already realized savings from ObamaCare.

I sat on a jury where a newly formed unit (as a result of looking for medicare fraud) of police and medicare investigators did a sting operation on a pharmacy. That was part of a early implementation of the law rooting out corruption.

And parts of the law gets rid of redundant medical procedures and cracks down on all sorts of nuttiness.

It's been saving the government a bundle.

Fraud suddenly became illegal ?

My mother had been pointing out fraud to the federal government for decades ....to no avail. Obamacare suddenly turns that around.

Don't think so.

And yet, the Republicans have been in power, what, half the time, and THEY'RE STILL POOR.

So why would they vote Republican?

The point is, the two main parties are NOT IN IT FOR THE PEOPLE, they're in it for the people who pay them a shed load of money.

The system is CORRUPT and no one seems to care, mainly because they tell you it isn't and most people believe them. D'oh!
You're singing to the choir with your post....you hit on the reason why I'm not either a repub or a dem. D'oh!
You're singing to the choir with your post....you hit on the reason why I'm not either a repub or a dem. D'oh!

Good, now only another 300 million people to go.

Problem is a lot of people don't want to know, they like playing the game, they like firing verbal abuse at the other side and getting nowhere but in a downwards spiral.

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