the question you need to ask, is what's your frikken point?

like the rest of your posting, you never have one except to look down your nose on others

Would you like me to make my point in bold letters at the top of my post so you can read it more easily? Is this what you're asking for?

The point is, Presidents often do really badly in the approval ratings. Kennedy is the ONLY president since WW2 to not get below 50%, the ONLY one, which means he's the ONLY president since WW2 that half the people have never said they hated the guy.

It comes with the job. It also means, when you make a remark about Obama and a lot of people don't like him, that it's kind of a "du'h, of course" kind of moment because it's happened to every president in the last so many decades. It doesn't mean much. It's just what happens. It's like pointing out that it's raining today and that isn't the best it could be.

If you think I'm looking down at you, then it's probably because you put yourself so low. Or maybe it's because I say the truth and hit a nerve, which means you probably need to think about why you think like that, and perhaps change your way of thinking because you clearly aren't happy about it.
I don't know, i really don't know why you feel I'm looking down on you, but it's more you than me.
That is what it's all about. It was never about healthcare for the people, it's about the total transformation of the United States of America.

Obama's 'victory lap' was so full of lies it would be a joke if they weren't being lapped up by the people and the media.

Notice not one word about him dancing and claiming, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED from his sheep or the media?

They just lay down and accept his lying to them....but they didn't bat an eye when HE WON lie of the year...so they've shown they don't care about the country and the rest of the 360MILLION people in it, just about their Dear Leader having a REALLY really really good day

sick stuff from our own fellow countrymen and women

You even bother to watch the "Lie of the year" segment on CNN?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPxLdc4ND18]CNN: Politifact Names Obama's "Keep Your Plan" Promise Its Lie Of The Year - YouTube[/ame]

It was incredible.

Even they had to qualify WHY IT WAS A LIE!

A lie is something you put out even though you know it's demonstrably false.

That wasn't the case here.

And they said so in that clip.

So you and CNN say it wasn't a lie?

Well, that's all the evidence we need....... :thup:
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After the good news came back that ObamaCare had hit it's numbers, President Barack Obama, the popularly elected President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Military did, what he should have been doing on many occasions.

He took a victory lap.

Obama to speak on health law enrollment - POLITICO.com

‘Armageddon has not arrived'

This is on the heels of a stock market which is up, corporate profits, which are up, the Unemployment Numbers, which are down and a MONTH of no military deaths due to combat.

Conservatives had a strange reaction to this..

Ryan released a budget which most everyone is calling ludicrous.


And the Heritage foundation started a conservative outreach to women that plainly states, "Just get married".

Dana Milbank: Conservatives to women: Lean back - The Washington Post

This is probably a huge turning point. I hope Democrats capitalize on it and kick the bums out of congress..
Let's have a few analogies to this "successful" number of Obama...

Baseball.......A player had 535 bats in one season....but, only had 68 hits
Baseball.......A pitcher had 290 strikeouts in one season....but, had an ERA of 5.68

Basketball....A player had played in all 82 games.....but, only had 3.1 PPG

Golf....A player has his PGA card.....but, his ranking is 221 and never was in the money.

So you libbies can tout the 6-7 million all you want but, that number doesn't represent what real success is.

I hope this clears it up for some :eusa_whistle:
It amazes me that people think ObamaCare is a good thing.

At least 5 maybe 6 million people lose their coverage.
Then 7 million sign up...
But there were 48 million that needed it and have not signed up.

So the bottom line is we have a law that's over 2 thousand pages and all the craziness we went through....all that to insure a few million people....

And Obama and the Democrats are doing a victory dance?

This is beyond crazy...

7 million signed up on the Federal exchange...that number does not include state exchange enrollments. 9 million more people have health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Oh, and those people you are talking about didn't "lose" their insurance...they still have and can get insurance...what they lost was their Pinto that exploded when it was rear ended. Cars still drive the roads.

23% who didn't have insurance now do.....that number in itself is a failure.
This bill was packaged to insure the uninsured and for the most part it was a dismal failure.
One good day out of how many??

Lots of them.

Part of Obama's problem is he never took cues from Reagan and George W. Bush who would strut around like roosters at every "perceived" success.

Part of this is better for the country, as he's a very careful President.

But it's rotten politically.

WOW !!! careful more like conniving,ya lots and lots of good days,those would be when? Nov 7th?
Notice not one word about him dancing and claiming, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED from his sheep or the media?

They just lay down and accept his lying to them....but they didn't bat an eye when HE WON lie of the year...so they've shown they don't care about the country and the rest of the 360MILLION people in it, just about their Dear Leader having a REALLY really really good day

sick stuff from our own fellow countrymen and women

You even bother to watch the "Lie of the year" segment on CNN?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPxLdc4ND18]CNN: Politifact Names Obama's "Keep Your Plan" Promise Its Lie Of The Year - YouTube[/ame]

It was incredible.

Even they had to qualify WHY IT WAS A LIE!

A lie is something you put out even though you know it's demonstrably false.

That wasn't the case here.

And they said so in that clip.

So you and CNN say it wan't a lie?

Well, that's all the evidence we need....... :thup:

Did you even bother to watch the tape?


In any case you and your GOP funnymen can keep vomiting up "it's a lie, it's a lie" all you want.

You've lost the argument.

Multiple times.
One good day out of how many??

Lots of them.

Part of Obama's problem is he never took cues from Reagan and George W. Bush who would strut around like roosters at every "perceived" success.

Part of this is better for the country, as he's a very careful President.

But it's rotten politically.

WOW !!! careful more like conniving,ya lots and lots of good days,those would be when? Nov 7th?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqAMkDstPiU]Osama bin Laden is dead, Obama Speech at White House - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAU6S6ke36o]NYC reacts to Osama bin Laden's death - YouTube[/ame]

:thup: Wish I wasn't working that night. But we had a good cheer at the NYSE NOC. :D
You even bother to watch the "Lie of the year" segment on CNN?

CNN: Politifact Names Obama's "Keep Your Plan" Promise Its Lie Of The Year - YouTube

It was incredible.

Even they had to qualify WHY IT WAS A LIE!

A lie is something you put out even though you know it's demonstrably false.

That wasn't the case here.

And they said so in that clip.

So you and CNN say it wan't a lie?

Well, that's all the evidence we need....... :thup:

Did you even bother to watch the tape?


In any case you and your GOP funnymen can keep vomiting up "it's a lie, it's a lie" all you want.

You've lost the argument.

Multiple times.

Feeble attempts to justify a lie doesn't mean it wasn't a lie, hope this helps........ :thup:
So you and CNN say it wan't a lie?

Well, that's all the evidence we need....... :thup:

Did you even bother to watch the tape?


In any case you and your GOP funnymen can keep vomiting up "it's a lie, it's a lie" all you want.

You've lost the argument.

Multiple times.

Feeble attempts to justify a lie doesn't mean it wasn't a lie, hope this helps........ :thup:

Not justifying anything.

It wasn't a "lie".

But keep repeating it if it helps you to sleep.

But 2014 isn't going to go the way you folks hope.

And 2016 will probably see another first. A woman President. And it won't be a Republican one.

Did you even bother to watch the tape?


In any case you and your GOP funnymen can keep vomiting up "it's a lie, it's a lie" all you want.

You've lost the argument.

Multiple times.

Feeble attempts to justify a lie doesn't mean it wasn't a lie, hope this helps........ :thup:

Not justifying anything.

It wasn't a "lie".

But keep repeating it if it helps you to sleep.

But 2014 isn't going to go the way you folks hope.

And 2016 will probably see another first. A woman President. And it won't be a Republican one.


The millions that lost their insurance disagree, but like Obama said, fuck them they're only 5% of the population...... :thup:
Lots of them.

Part of Obama's problem is he never took cues from Reagan and George W. Bush who would strut around like roosters at every "perceived" success.

Part of this is better for the country, as he's a very careful President.

But it's rotten politically.

WOW !!! careful more like conniving,ya lots and lots of good days,those would be when? Nov 7th?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqAMkDstPiU]Osama bin Laden is dead, Obama Speech at White House - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAU6S6ke36o]NYC reacts to Osama bin Laden's death - YouTube[/ame]

:thup: Wish I wasn't working that night. But we had a good cheer at the NYSE NOC. :D

Spectator only ,he watched,the fruits of other peoples labor and risk,then threw the person that risked everything in Pakistan under the bus,or to the wolfs you choose which one.

Doesn't take much to impress you does it?
WOW !!! careful more like conniving,ya lots and lots of good days,those would be when? Nov 7th?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqAMkDstPiU]Osama bin Laden is dead, Obama Speech at White House - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAU6S6ke36o]NYC reacts to Osama bin Laden's death - YouTube[/ame]

:thup: Wish I wasn't working that night. But we had a good cheer at the NYSE NOC. :D

Spectator only ,he watched,the fruits of other peoples labor and risk,then threw the person that risked everything in Pakistan under the bus,or to the wolfs you choose which one.

Doesn't take much to impress you does it?

So all Presidents are merely spectators, eh?

Got it.

The Constitution says different.

So I'll go with that if you don't mind.

It amazes me that people think ObamaCare is a good thing.

At least 5 maybe 6 million people lose their coverage.
Then 7 million sign up...
But there were 48 million that needed it and have not signed up.

So the bottom line is we have a law that's over 2 thousand pages and all the craziness we went through....all that to insure a few million people....

And Obama and the Democrats are doing a victory dance?

This is beyond crazy...

7 million signed up on the Federal exchange...that number does not include state exchange enrollments. 9 million more people have health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Oh, and those people you are talking about didn't "lose" their insurance...they still have and can get insurance...what they lost was their Pinto that exploded when it was rear ended. Cars still drive the roads.

23% who didn't have insurance now do.....that number in itself is a failure.
This bill was packaged to insure the uninsured and for the most part it was a dismal failure.

This Bill was to insure the uninsured at the expense of the already insured, shifting the burden from government to us.
7 million signed up on the Federal exchange...that number does not include state exchange enrollments. 9 million more people have health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Oh, and those people you are talking about didn't "lose" their insurance...they still have and can get insurance...what they lost was their Pinto that exploded when it was rear ended. Cars still drive the roads.

23% who didn't have insurance now do.....that number in itself is a failure.
This bill was packaged to insure the uninsured and for the most part it was a dismal failure.

This Bill was to insure the uninsured at the expense of the already insured, shifting the burden from government to us.

Well that was a part of it.

It was also to make sure the insured don't get the boot for pre-existing conditions.

And wait..there's more...

It was also to insure the kids of the insured.
It was also to cut down on fraud.
It was also to make sure that money that was supposed to be spend on healthcare..get spent on healthcare.
It was also to cut down on redundancy.
It was also to modernize medical bookkeeping.

And so on..
You wonder how Hitler could have convinced so many people to do so much evil. Are people really that willing to follow their leaders. And then you read the posting of the Obama cult and it all makes perfect sense

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

So then Bush had a cult too? I mean, he made people go to two wars, he literally made it happen, especially Iraq.

Basically when you say "cult" you just mean people follow their political party without thinking because they've been advertised to death. I wouldn't call it a cult, I'd call it stupidity. But that's from BOTH SIDES of the lame "debate" that involves "you're a moron" "No, you're an idiot" "Well Obama is a Muslim" "Well McCain is gay" bla bla boring bla!

oh brother:eusa_shifty:
7 million signed up on the Federal exchange...that number does not include state exchange enrollments. 9 million more people have health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Oh, and those people you are talking about didn't "lose" their insurance...they still have and can get insurance...what they lost was their Pinto that exploded when it was rear ended. Cars still drive the roads.

23% who didn't have insurance now do.....that number in itself is a failure.
This bill was packaged to insure the uninsured and for the most part it was a dismal failure.

This Bill was to insure the uninsured at the expense of the already insured, shifting the burden from government to us.

We the People are the government. Taxpayers were picking up the tab when the uninsured turned up at ER's. The studies proved that it was actually cheaper to insure them than to pay for ER services when they became sick.
You wonder how Hitler could have convinced so many people to do so much evil. Are people really that willing to follow their leaders. And then you read the posting of the Obama cult and it all makes perfect sense

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

So then Bush had a cult too? I mean, he made people go to two wars, he literally made it happen, especially Iraq.

Basically when you say "cult" you just mean people follow their political party without thinking because they've been advertised to death. I wouldn't call it a cult, I'd call it stupidity. But that's from BOTH SIDES of the lame "debate" that involves "you're a moron" "No, you're an idiot" "Well Obama is a Muslim" "Well McCain is gay" bla bla boring bla!

oh brother:eusa_shifty:

Where art thou?

Great flick.

Love this song!

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this will be a wonderful happy good day for him too AND his cult worshippers will be, thanking G-d for it and him
links in article at site


The Coming Obamacare Shock for 170 Million Americans


The Fiscal Times
By Edward Morrissey
13 hours ago

Barack Obama declared victory this week as the deadline to avoid the penalty for the individual mandate to carry health insurance passed on Monday. “The Affordable Care Act is here to stay,” the President insisted as he announced that 7.1 million people had enrolled in private insurance through Obamacare. “The debate over repealing this law is over.”

Consider that presidential wish casting in a midterm cycle in which Democrats will have to constantly defend their support for the unpopular law. As Jimmy Fallon pointed out later the same evening, the numbers were neither impressive nor reliable. “It’s amazing what you can achieve when you make something mandatory,” Fallon told his laughing audience, “fine people if they don’t do it — and keep extending the deadline for months.”

Related: Obamacare is a “Haves and Have Nots’ Health System

The public has hardly been in a celebratory or a laughing mood. Polls show that the American public remains as opposed to the ACA as ever, with 55 percent of Quinnipiac respondents disapproving of the law. Only 39 percent approve of Obama’s handling of health care policy, which has until recently been a Democratic Party strength. For that matter, Obama only gets a 40 percent approval rating on the economy and jobs, to which House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wants the debate to turn now that the Obamacare debate “is over.”

Pelosi and Obama may want to be careful with that wish casting, because the two debates are now closely related. A new study from the American Health Policy Institute – recently launched by former Bush administration Deputy Secretary of HHS Tevi Troy – shows that large employers expect to face steep compliance costs, starting in the fall. Their cost estimates range between $4,800 and $5,900 per employee over the next decade. The total cost to large employers over the next decade will run between $151 billion and $186 billion, according to the 100 companies surveyed by AHPI that employ 10,000 or more people.
That doesn’t include additional price increases from insurers attempting to cover bad bets in their 2014 premium rates after the first round of Obamacare. "I do think that it's likely premium rate shocks are coming,” CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield CEO Chet Burrell told Reuters. “I think they begin to make themselves at least partially known in 2015 and fully known in 2016.” The consensus is that premiums will rise by double-digit percentages next year from their already-inflated levels for 2014 coverage.

The Obama administration unilaterally delayed a portion of the employer mandate, but it still takes effect for those employing more than 200 workers at the beginning of January 2015. Large employers have to budget as soon as this summer to deal with those costs. Most of them will start scaling down their so-called “Cadillac” health care plans to avoid the taxes those will accrue by 2016, getting ahead of the curve.

Related: Obamacare--Taxpayers in the Hole for $1.5 Trillion

all of it here
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