obama's record to run from


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
During the 2008 campaign, obama promised to end earmark abuse.

One of his first acts as President was to sign a spending bill that included over 8,500 earmarks.


As a candidate for president, obama said lobbyists "will not work in my White House."

As soon as he moved in, he granted waivers for former lobbyists to work in 'his' White House.


During the 2010 midterm elections, obama called super-PACS "a threat to democracy." Now he is embracing them fully in his bid for re-election.

Hes a piece of shit liar hypocrite.
what else did you expect?
one point to add to your op.....
the mccain camp was DEMANDED not to bring up or criticize anything about obama.
this is what specilates some about rigging,etc..
Even if Obama was a bad president, which he isn't, he is a million light years better than any Republican. Turning the economy back over to them is like giving an arsonist a can of gasoline.

After the Senate Appropriations panel approved two spending bills last week, Senate Appropriations Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii) issued a press release celebrating a $250 million railway project for Honolulu, and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) praised $65 million in funding for the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund, $15 million above President Barack Obama’s proposed budget.

(budget-smudget, I suppose)

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If you're going to steal The Weekly Standard's stuff, it's polite to acknowledge the source material.
Not Weekly Standard, BTW.

Really? Not a Weekly Standard piece from Peter Wehner published just this week?

Wehner said:
That can be done in a manner that is tough-minded but not mean-spirited​—​by referring to the public record of Obama’s counterfeit charges and broken promises, which are now sufficiently numerous that they could fill the Library of Congress. Among them:

n During the 2008 campaign, Obama promised to put an end to earmark abuse. Yet in one of his earliest acts as president, he signed an omnibus spending bill that contained more than 8,500 earmarks.

n Candidate Obama said lobbyists “will not work in my White House.” But upon taking office, he allowed waivers for former lobbyists working in his White House. [...]

n During the 2010 midterm elections, the president declared that super-PACs were a “threat to democracy.” He now embraces them. This flip-flop is similar to what Obama did during the 2008 campaign when he reversed his pledge to seek public financing in the general election.
If you're going to steal The Weekly Standard's stuff, it's polite to acknowledge the source material.
Not Weekly Standard, BTW.

Really? Not a Weekly Standard piece from Peter Wehner published just this week?

Wehner said:
That can be done in a manner that is tough-minded but not mean-spirited​—​by referring to the public record of Obama’s counterfeit charges and broken promises, which are now sufficiently numerous that they could fill the Library of Congress. Among them:

n During the 2008 campaign, Obama promised to put an end to earmark abuse. Yet in one of his earliest acts as president, he signed an omnibus spending bill that contained more than 8,500 earmarks.

n Candidate Obama said lobbyists “will not work in my White House.” But upon taking office, he allowed waivers for former lobbyists working in his White House. [...]

n During the 2010 midterm elections, the president declared that super-PACs were a “threat to democracy.” He now embraces them. This flip-flop is similar to what Obama did during the 2008 campaign when he reversed his pledge to seek public financing in the general election.

I'll say, "My apologies".

But you didn't quote anyone so I thought you were referring to my post, which was directly above yours'.


Obama never made the fucking promise you guys .


Obama replied, "John, nobody is denying that $18 billion is important. And, absolutely, we need earmark reform . And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely."

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