Obama's wrong. Mass killings aren't uncommon in other countries

Interesting statistic I just came across.

Australia has extremely tough gun laws and consequently over the past few years deaths by guns have dropped to a historic low of 13%

BUT grab this. Deaths by stabbing have increased by 11%. 30 % to 41%.

If people really really want to kill they will find a way even if they have to use a spatula to waste someone. Well ok. Forks. Maybe a bbq skewer. Yeah a spatula wouldn't cut it but you see where I'm going with this.

"Gun-related homicide dropped to a historic low of 13 per cent but the frequency of people dying from stab wounds jumped from 30 per cent to 41 per cent over the previous decade."

Murders at a low but knife use on the rise

Here's the keeper from the study.

"Stab wounds were the most commonly recorded cause of death at 38 per cent, followed by beatings at 25 per cent with gunshot wounds accounting for 13 per cent.

Double or single barrelled shotguns were the most commonly used firearm.

''Since the [study] began in 1989-90, homicides resulting from the use of a firearm have decreased,'' the study found. ''Conversely the proportion of homicides involving knives has increased.''
We did listen and we heard Obama say they NEVER happen which has been shown to be a departure from the truth. Why lie the facts are bad enough. But when he does lie it makes everything he says seem to be one big fat LIE whether or not it is a lie, and it does not aid in the discourse.

Of course his solution was to come before the nation, lie about the situation then jet off to CA for a fund raiser in a Billionaires home. And you wonder why there is so little respect left for him.
He said never happened in the frequency we do

Why do you always take things out of context? Does lying help you?

Present the evidence as I do with all my posts. Him just saying it doesn't, without context, doesn't make it so Jake. Facts be the facts.
He did not claim it never happens

Why do conservatives struggle with context?

"Now is the time for mourning and healing, but let's be clear: At some point, we as a country, will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency," the president said as he stood next to Vice President Joe Biden. "It is in our power to do something about it… I say that recognizing the politics in this town foreclose a lot of those avenues right now."

I note that you seldom actual provide the quote jake, hard to argue with your opinion. I do not see how the quote is taken out of context. Or do you think saying NEVER then saying the "same frequency" has the same meaning? He said what he said, live with it. He made a distinction between advanced countries and other places. Lord knows what he really meant. But he had a fund raiser to get to so I assume he was in a hurry.
Context my boys Context

Why do Conservatives have such difficulty with it? Somehow, each sentence in a statement must stand on its own or conservatives can't figure it out

Like this one...A well regulated militia being necessary for a free state, the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed

Still haven't learned the meaning of a comma, I see
Obambam can spew whatever is written for him. I don't give a crap.

he is not our LORD and savior, or the most brilliant man to walk the earth that he know everything about every country in the world.

he a freaking joke to many here at home and that is all that MATTERS
Obambam can spew whatever is written for him. I don't give a crap.

he is not our LORD and savior, or the most brilliant man to walk the earth

he a freaking joke to many here at home and that is all that MATTERS

LOL when he's on the tube our five year old will walk by and say "blah, blah, blah"
Not as rare as you infer. None the countries of the EU, none are as diverse as is the US. We are seeing that change and as we do we see the murder rate increasing.
You are right though, it is a price we pay for freedom, freedom is seldom free.

It's not the price you pay for freedom, it's the price you pay for gun ownership.

Many of the other First Workd countries which have fewer gun deaths than the U.S. have more freedom than the U.S. The U.S. isn't even in the top 10 of personal and economic freedoms.

Your freedom is an illusion.

If 40,000 people were being killed by terrorists in the U.S. every year would you shrug it off as the price of freedom or would you demand something be done about it?

Between murders, suicides and accidental shootings, more than 40,000 Americans die each year.

"Price of freedom" is the dumbest excuse I've ever seen for tolerating this horror.

Again you lie with omission....

Each year on average 2 million violent criminal attacks are stopped or prevented and lives are saved by Americans with guns.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns...and the gun murder rate is going down.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up...

2 million times a year guns stop violent crime

in 2013 accidental gun deaths...505

in 2103 gun murders....8,454 (mainly committed by gangs and drug dealers in small multi block areas in inner cities)

So no guns are not really a problem in a country of over 320 million people....


If 2 million lives are saved by guns every year (a figure that I find hard to believe), why aren't more people dying in jurisdictions where guns are restricted? Not having guns to protect themselves and all.

Keep lying to yourselves that guns keep you safe when all evidence says that's false, because otherwise you'll have to do something about them.
Chicago has the toughest gun laws, so....
Obambam can spew whatever is written for him. I don't give a crap.

he is not our LORD and savior, or the most brilliant man to walk the earth

he a freaking joke to many here at home and that is all that MATTERS

LOL when he's on the tube our five year old will walk by and say "blah, blah, blah"

oh my, I become a five year old, because I do the same and then turn his ugly ass OFF. I am so burned out and sick of him, I can't stand to look at him or hear that VOICE.
blaaa blaaa blaaa :puke:
Obambam can spew whatever is written for him. I don't give a crap.

he is not our LORD and savior, or the most brilliant man to walk the earth

he a freaking joke to many here at home and that is all that MATTERS

LOL when he's on the tube our five year old will walk by and say "blah, blah, blah"

oh my, I become a five year old, because I do the same and then turn his ugly ass OFF. I am so burned out and sick of him, I can't stand to look at him or hear that VOICE.
blaaa blaaa blaaa :puke:

Yeah, that "let me be clear" grates on my nerves
Obambam can spew whatever is written for him. I don't give a crap.

he is not our LORD and savior, or the most brilliant man to walk the earth

he a freaking joke to many here at home and that is all that MATTERS

LOL when he's on the tube our five year old will walk by and say "blah, blah, blah"

oh my, I become a five year old, because I do the same and then turn his ugly ass OFF. I am so burned out and sick of him, I can't stand to look at him or hear that VOICE.
blaaa blaaa blaaa :puke:

Yeah, that "let me be clear" grates on my nerves


make no mistake !

and that WHINE of how We call him an Idiot and have stopped him from doing all he planned to Transform us. We are so UNGRATEFUL how could we deny him

my gawd he should frikken RESIGN because of it in my book. please please please and take the wifey who has( NEVER been proud of us in HER LIFE until that hubby of hers was elected) with ya
It is dishonest because you are not considering the population differences between the countries. Which is why they use the fatalities per 1,000,000 metric. It is a much more accurate rating....

You'll note that the USA is at .72.
Obama mentioned incidences of Mass Murder Shootings, not the number of people killed...and when you look at the chart posted on this very limited time period, it SHOWS that there are 304.1 million people in all of these other Nations combined together on the chart and 314.0 million in the USA, which is nearly equal in populations, we had 38 mass murder shootings, and ALL of these other nations combined had 17....and like said, the populations comparing the 2 are the same or near the same.

Can't get much more accurate of a rating/reading, than THAT....

38 HERE, 17 THERE.
virtually same amount of people....


38/314M = 0.12
17/304M = 0.05


More than DOUBLE the number of Mass Murder Incidences PER PERSON than all of the Nations on the chart PER PERSON
Clearly, you don't understand statistics.

Equate the populations of each country to our....multiply the number of incidents by that factor....

Then compare each to the USA.....

Obama did NOT say we had a higher incidence of ALL nations in Europe COMBINED.

I realize you have some imperative to protect him at all costs, but simply face the fact that he IS wrong.
You understand statistics

So clearly you understand the concept of statistical confidence. Now what is the statistical confidence of a sample size of one vs a sample size of 38

Now, how does that impact your ability to draw conclusions on the samples?
comparing Norway, one member state of the European Union to all of the United States, with 50 different states as members of our Union with 50 different sets of gun laws per State is just ludicrous.... imho.

The EU is similar in some ways to our Union of States...each member State of the EU has their own gvts, like our States have theirs, each member State of the EU has their own gun laws, like our states, each member state in the EU can now traverse all member states without a passport, open borders between member states, just like our States, the EU member State citizens can work in any other member State without the need of a work visa, just like the people from one state here being allowed to work in another state....

etc etc etc....

comparing all of the States within the USA with all of Europe's member States is logical, and more meaningful in discerning the meaning of the message....imo.

and comparing to all of Canada, all of Australia, etc...
Norway had one bad day
We had 38 bad days

The expectation is that Norway will never have a day like that again......we will have one in a couple of months

That is what Obama is complaining about
The Obama also complained that the Constitution said too much to limit the power of the government and not enough about what it should allow the government to do
Obama is spot on

No other industrialized nation would put up with the mass killings and 30,000 gun deaths that we do

We just shrug it off

My gosh there is even bigger problems in the US then just gun related deaths, there are traffic accidents which the US is also has a problem when compared to other countries especially EU countries.

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

United Kingdom 3.5
United States 11.6
Germany 4.3
Italy 6.2
France 4.9
Spain 3.6
Sweden 3

Fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants.

OMG we are killing our youth at a faster rate then almost everyone, thank you Russia for being number one. Hard to see EU countries in this statistic, they must have done something to solve their murder rate.

Countries Compared by Health Abortions. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

1 Russia 2.77 million
2 United States 1.21 million
3 India 596,345
4 Japan 343,024
Group of 7 countries (G7) average 336,275.83
5 France 161,129
6 Italy 134,137
7 Germany 97,936

Makes gun deaths seem like a small number when one considers that liberal theology leads to a million deaths per year.
2nd amendment Palestine in comparison to her right to choose

Right to choose to kill another human being. As RW (jake) says, killing on purpose.
No idea what you are babbling about

Abortion is legal
What happened in Charleston is not

Of course you refuse to understand, that is understandable.

Abortion, legal or not, is the purposeful chosen killing of a human being, whether you accept that definition or not. What do you think goes through the minds of these kids when they see that the killing of 1.2 million of our youth is simply reduced to a "choice?"

Both what the killer did and having an abortion are by choice jake, Neither choice do I agree with.

But fetuses and zygotes are not children. Far from it. Is birth control murder now?
Obama mentioned incidences of Mass Murder Shootings, not the number of people killed...and when you look at the chart posted on this very limited time period, it SHOWS that there are 304.1 million people in all of these other Nations combined together on the chart and 314.0 million in the USA, which is nearly equal in populations, we had 38 mass murder shootings, and ALL of these other nations combined had 17....and like said, the populations comparing the 2 are the same or near the same.

Can't get much more accurate of a rating/reading, than THAT....

38 HERE, 17 THERE.
virtually same amount of people....


38/314M = 0.12
17/304M = 0.05


More than DOUBLE the number of Mass Murder Incidences PER PERSON than all of the Nations on the chart PER PERSON
Clearly, you don't understand statistics.

Equate the populations of each country to our....multiply the number of incidents by that factor....

Then compare each to the USA.....

Obama did NOT say we had a higher incidence of ALL nations in Europe COMBINED.

I realize you have some imperative to protect him at all costs, but simply face the fact that he IS wrong.
You understand statistics

So clearly you understand the concept of statistical confidence. Now what is the statistical confidence of a sample size of one vs a sample size of 38

Now, how does that impact your ability to draw conclusions on the samples?
comparing Norway, one member state of the European Union to all of the United States, with 50 different states as members of our Union with 50 different sets of gun laws per State is just ludicrous.... imho.

The EU is similar in some ways to our Union of States...each member State of the EU has their own gvts, like our States have theirs, each member State of the EU has their own gun laws, like our states, each member state in the EU can now traverse all member states without a passport, open borders between member states, just like our States, the EU member State citizens can work in any other member State without the need of a work visa, just like the people from one state here being allowed to work in another state....

etc etc etc....

comparing all of the States within the USA with all of Europe's member States is logical, and more meaningful in discerning the meaning of the message....imo.

and comparing to all of Canada, all of Australia, etc...
Norway had one bad day
We had 38 bad days

The expectation is that Norway will never have a day like that again......we will have one in a couple of months

That is what Obama is complaining about
The Obama also complained that the Constitution said too much to limit the power of the government and not enough about what it should allow the government to do

yes he did. And I think the people DID hear that and on top of them SHOVING Oscamcare down our throats. that's why the people took THE HOUSE away from the Democrats after only two year of him. and then thankfully they took away the Senate next. He and his cult member's should whine. and as we see they are by coming out with nothing but: smears and their dirty nasty slimy Politics against everyone
My gosh there is even bigger problems in the US then just gun related deaths, there are traffic accidents which the US is also has a problem when compared to other countries especially EU countries.

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

United Kingdom 3.5
United States 11.6
Germany 4.3
Italy 6.2
France 4.9
Spain 3.6
Sweden 3

Fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants.

OMG we are killing our youth at a faster rate then almost everyone, thank you Russia for being number one. Hard to see EU countries in this statistic, they must have done something to solve their murder rate.

Countries Compared by Health Abortions. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

1 Russia 2.77 million
2 United States 1.21 million
3 India 596,345
4 Japan 343,024
Group of 7 countries (G7) average 336,275.83
5 France 161,129
6 Italy 134,137
7 Germany 97,936

Makes gun deaths seem like a small number when one considers that liberal theology leads to a million deaths per year.
2nd amendment Palestine in comparison to her right to choose

Right to choose to kill another human being. As RW (jake) says, killing on purpose.
No idea what you are babbling about

Abortion is legal
What happened in Charleston is not

Of course you refuse to understand, that is understandable.

Abortion, legal or not, is the purposeful chosen killing of a human being, whether you accept that definition or not. What do you think goes through the minds of these kids when they see that the killing of 1.2 million of our youth is simply reduced to a "choice?"

Both what the killer did and having an abortion are by choice jake, Neither choice do I agree with.

But fetuses and zygotes are not children. Far from it. Is birth control murder now?

that's what YOU believe. Other people FEEL different. If calling you child that you made some name like a zygotes. and You all don't mind aborting your offspring just for the hell of it. have at it
Not as rare as you infer. None the countries of the EU, none are as diverse as is the US. We are seeing that change and as we do we see the murder rate increasing.
You are right though, it is a price we pay for freedom, freedom is seldom free.

It's not the price you pay for freedom, it's the price you pay for gun ownership.

Many of the other First Workd countries which have fewer gun deaths than the U.S. have more freedom than the U.S. The U.S. isn't even in the top 10 of personal and economic freedoms.

Your freedom is an illusion.

If 40,000 people were being killed by terrorists in the U.S. every year would you shrug it off as the price of freedom or would you demand something be done about it?

Between murders, suicides and accidental shootings, more than 40,000 Americans die each year.

"Price of freedom" is the dumbest excuse I've ever seen for tolerating this horror.

Again you lie with omission....

Each year on average 2 million violent criminal attacks are stopped or prevented and lives are saved by Americans with guns.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns...and the gun murder rate is going down.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up...

2 million times a year guns stop violent crime

in 2013 accidental gun deaths...505

in 2103 gun murders....8,454 (mainly committed by gangs and drug dealers in small multi block areas in inner cities)

So no guns are not really a problem in a country of over 320 million people....


If 2 million lives are saved by guns every year (a figure that I find hard to believe), why aren't more people dying in jurisdictions where guns are restricted? Not having guns to protect themselves and all.

Keep lying to yourselves that guns keep you safe when all evidence says that's false, because otherwise you'll have to do something about them.
Again, you bring up evidence and yet do not bring any.

I have lost count now the number of times you have demanded that the evidence claims what you say and then fail to bring any evidence at ALL to uphold your false point.

The evidence DOES NOT agree with you. Virtually every place that has passed strict gun control has NOT seen a decrease in homicides. There is a MASSIVE amount of evidence out there. There is virtually nothing that supports your position.
He said never happened in the frequency we do

Why do you always take things out of context? Does lying help you?

Present the evidence as I do with all my posts. Him just saying it doesn't, without context, doesn't make it so Jake. Facts be the facts.
He did not claim it never happens

Why do conservatives struggle with context?

"Now is the time for mourning and healing, but let's be clear: At some point, we as a country, will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency," the president said as he stood next to Vice President Joe Biden. "It is in our power to do something about it… I say that recognizing the politics in this town foreclose a lot of those avenues right now."

I note that you seldom actual provide the quote jake, hard to argue with your opinion. I do not see how the quote is taken out of context. Or do you think saying NEVER then saying the "same frequency" has the same meaning? He said what he said, live with it. He made a distinction between advanced countries and other places. Lord knows what he really meant. But he had a fund raiser to get to so I assume he was in a hurry.
Context my boys Context

Why do Conservatives have such difficulty with it? Somehow, each sentence in a statement must stand on its own or conservatives can't figure it out

Like this one...A well regulated militia being necessary for a free state, the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed

Still haven't learned the meaning of a comma, I see
"Anything before a comma doesn't count"
Not as rare as you infer. None the countries of the EU, none are as diverse as is the US. We are seeing that change and as we do we see the murder rate increasing.
You are right though, it is a price we pay for freedom, freedom is seldom free.

It's not the price you pay for freedom, it's the price you pay for gun ownership.

Many of the other First Workd countries which have fewer gun deaths than the U.S. have more freedom than the U.S. The U.S. isn't even in the top 10 of personal and economic freedoms.

Your freedom is an illusion.

If 40,000 people were being killed by terrorists in the U.S. every year would you shrug it off as the price of freedom or would you demand something be done about it?

Between murders, suicides and accidental shootings, more than 40,000 Americans die each year.

"Price of freedom" is the dumbest excuse I've ever seen for tolerating this horror.

Again you lie with omission....

Each year on average 2 million violent criminal attacks are stopped or prevented and lives are saved by Americans with guns.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns...and the gun murder rate is going down.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up...

2 million times a year guns stop violent crime

in 2013 accidental gun deaths...505

in 2103 gun murders....8,454 (mainly committed by gangs and drug dealers in small multi block areas in inner cities)

So no guns are not really a problem in a country of over 320 million people....


If 2 million lives are saved by guns every year (a figure that I find hard to believe), why aren't more people dying in jurisdictions where guns are restricted? Not having guns to protect themselves and all.

Keep lying to yourselves that guns keep you safe when all evidence says that's false, because otherwise you'll have to do something about them.
Chicago has the toughest gun laws, so....

Chicago has the toughest gun laws, so....drive twenty miles to Indiana to buy your guns
Not as rare as you infer. None the countries of the EU, none are as diverse as is the US. We are seeing that change and as we do we see the murder rate increasing.
You are right though, it is a price we pay for freedom, freedom is seldom free.

It's not the price you pay for freedom, it's the price you pay for gun ownership.

Many of the other First Workd countries which have fewer gun deaths than the U.S. have more freedom than the U.S. The U.S. isn't even in the top 10 of personal and economic freedoms.

Your freedom is an illusion.

If 40,000 people were being killed by terrorists in the U.S. every year would you shrug it off as the price of freedom or would you demand something be done about it?

Between murders, suicides and accidental shootings, more than 40,000 Americans die each year.

"Price of freedom" is the dumbest excuse I've ever seen for tolerating this horror.

Again you lie with omission....

Each year on average 2 million violent criminal attacks are stopped or prevented and lives are saved by Americans with guns.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns...and the gun murder rate is going down.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up...

2 million times a year guns stop violent crime

in 2013 accidental gun deaths...505

in 2103 gun murders....8,454 (mainly committed by gangs and drug dealers in small multi block areas in inner cities)

So no guns are not really a problem in a country of over 320 million people....


If 2 million lives are saved by guns every year (a figure that I find hard to believe), why aren't more people dying in jurisdictions where guns are restricted? Not having guns to protect themselves and all.

Keep lying to yourselves that guns keep you safe when all evidence says that's false, because otherwise you'll have to do something about them.
Chicago has the toughest gun laws, so....

Chicago has the toughest gun laws, so....drive twenty miles to Indiana to buy your guns
Not surprised you missed the point
Despite Hussein fondness for Islam, it is hard to reconcile his statement that "mass killings are uncommon in other countries" with the constant mass killings occurring on a regular basis in the Middle Eastern countries.

As usual he turns a blind eye to the crimes committed by those of his heritage!

This man is prejudiced, discriminatory and can not be trusted.
Sad that conservatives hold us up to the standards of an Islamic hellhole

Read what countries Obama was actually comparing ourselves to

He's brought up Australia in the past and I've just put up a link to a study that shows although gun deaths are at a record low, death by knives has risen a staggering 11%.

And yes, the last mass murder in Australia was late last year when a mother stabbed eight children to death.

There's an old saying that is quite applicable to someone who wishes to harm others.

"Where there is a will, there is a way".

Sadly those that wish to do harm are now choosing knives.

"One of Australia’s worst mass killings, leaving eight children from the same family dead, has left the city of Cairns in shock.

The grim discovery of the bodies of children aged 18 months to 15 years was reportedly made by their adult brother at their home in Manoora, in the north Queensland city’s west.

The mother of seven of the children, 37, was being treated for stab wounds to the chest and was in a stable condition. Police said early on Saturday (local time) that she had been arrested for murder."

Mother arrested for murder after eight children stabbed to death in Cairns Australia news The Guardian
Present the evidence as I do with all my posts. Him just saying it doesn't, without context, doesn't make it so Jake. Facts be the facts.
He did not claim it never happens

Why do conservatives struggle with context?

"Now is the time for mourning and healing, but let's be clear: At some point, we as a country, will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency," the president said as he stood next to Vice President Joe Biden. "It is in our power to do something about it… I say that recognizing the politics in this town foreclose a lot of those avenues right now."

I note that you seldom actual provide the quote jake, hard to argue with your opinion. I do not see how the quote is taken out of context. Or do you think saying NEVER then saying the "same frequency" has the same meaning? He said what he said, live with it. He made a distinction between advanced countries and other places. Lord knows what he really meant. But he had a fund raiser to get to so I assume he was in a hurry.
Context my boys Context

Why do Conservatives have such difficulty with it? Somehow, each sentence in a statement must stand on its own or conservatives can't figure it out

Like this one...A well regulated militia being necessary for a free state, the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed

Still haven't learned the meaning of a comma, I see
"Anything before a comma doesn't count"
It means "and"....therefore meaning they BOTH 'count'
2nd amendment Palestine in comparison to her right to choose

Right to choose to kill another human being. As RW (jake) says, killing on purpose.
No idea what you are babbling about

Abortion is legal
What happened in Charleston is not

Of course you refuse to understand, that is understandable.

Abortion, legal or not, is the purposeful chosen killing of a human being, whether you accept that definition or not. What do you think goes through the minds of these kids when they see that the killing of 1.2 million of our youth is simply reduced to a "choice?"

Both what the killer did and having an abortion are by choice jake, Neither choice do I agree with.

But fetuses and zygotes are not children. Far from it. Is birth control murder now?

that's what YOU believe. Other people FEEL different. If calling you child that you made some name like a zygotes. and You all don't mind aborting your offspring just for the hell of it. have at it

Hey Steph. Ever notice that you never see a headline that reads...

"Chelsea Clinton is with zygote and is expecting any day now"


"Princess Kate is so happy to be bearing her second zygote. The Royal Family is thrilled at the news about the zygote."


"Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are so excited to announce that Kim is with her second fetus. No names have been chosen for the fetus but Kim has definitely ruled out South for the fetus".


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