Obama's wrong. Mass killings aren't uncommon in other countries

That body count was 11. Including a policeman. Injured another 11.

And in support of that attack 5 Jews were slaughtered in France, 11 injured.

France is an advanced country is it not?

Yeah, but how often does that happen in France?

We have a couple of these incidents every year now in the US.

France has maybe one a decade...

The USA has five times the population of France, numskull. The figures quoted were mass killings per anum per 100,000 population. Don't you know what that means?

Our murder rate in 2013 was 4.7 per 100000
That's half what it was in the 90s

SO on average a person has a .0047% chance of getting murdered.

Is that really anything to worry about?
Gun nuts are scary

you only have a .0035% chance of being killed with a gun.

If you're afraid of that then you must be a shut in
The OP is correct. Obama is misinformed or living in Yaya land. But, on the other hand, that exposes a prejudice he and some of the rest of us have, mass murder is expected or normal in POOR countries?

Ouch! Good point.
The difference being that each of these spree killings are one off's. The Charlie Hebdo and bakery shootings were connected, in France. The rest were isolated events in the countries where they occurred. In the US, there's one of these outrages every year, sometimes more often.

That's a lie. These "other countries" have murder count out in the nine figures column, hundreds of million, and it's all done by Progressive government on their unarmed citizens

There's a difference between political oppression and individuals going on a killing spree.

Are you so desperate to prove Obama wrong on everything he says and does that you have to resort to this.

The hatred you have for your President is ridiculous. I don't like our Prime Minister much but I acknowledge that not everything he says and does is wrong.

Your hatred of Obama does the country no good. If you people don't start working together and respecting one another, you country is lost.

He's not my President, he called my "the enemy"

I have fireworks bought for the day he drops fucking dead
Darkwind, the chart say specifically that the USA had 38 incidents (mass murder shooting occurrences) and during the same limited years, all the other countries on the chart, including countries that do not truly belong there, like Israel...they ALL ADD UP TO 17 mass shooting incidences....

all other nations on chart-17

So where is the lie? Where?

Please point out where this chart shows that Obama lied about how many mass shootings occurrences/incidences we have compared to these other nations on the chart....
It is dishonest because you are not considering the population differences between the countries. Which is why they use the fatalities per 1,000,000 metric. It is a much more accurate rating....

You'll note that the USA is at .72.
Obama mentioned incidences of Mass Murder Shootings, not the number of people killed...and when you look at the chart posted on this very limited time period, it SHOWS that there are 304.1 million people in all of these other Nations combined together on the chart and 314.0 million in the USA, which is nearly equal in populations, we had 38 mass murder shootings, and ALL of these other nations combined had 17....and like said, the populations comparing the 2 are the same or near the same.

Can't get much more accurate of a rating/reading, than THAT....

38 HERE, 17 THERE.
virtually same amount of people....


38/314M = 0.12
17/304M = 0.05


More than DOUBLE the number of Mass Murder Incidences PER PERSON than all of the Nations on the chart PER PERSON
Clearly, you don't understand statistics.

Equate the populations of each country to our....multiply the number of incidents by that factor....

Then compare each to the USA.....

Obama did NOT say we had a higher incidence of ALL nations in Europe COMBINED.

I realize you have some imperative to protect him at all costs, but simply face the fact that he IS wrong.
You understand statistics

So clearly you understand the concept of statistical confidence. Now what is the statistical confidence of a sample size of one vs a sample size of 38

Now, how does that impact your ability to draw conclusions on the samples?
comparing Norway, one member state of the European Union to all of the United States, with 50 different states as members of our Union with 50 different sets of gun laws per State is just ludicrous.... imho.

The EU is similar in some ways to our Union of States...each member State of the EU has their own gvts, like our States have theirs, each member State of the EU has their own gun laws, like our states, each member state in the EU can now traverse all member states without a passport, open borders between member states, just like our States, the EU member State citizens can work in any other member State without the need of a work visa, just like the people from one state here being allowed to work in another state....

etc etc etc....

comparing all of the States within the USA with all of Europe's member States is logical, and more meaningful in discerning the meaning of the message....imo.

and comparing to all of Canada, all of Australia, etc...
Wow, really? You think comparing diversified counties as a whole is better than comparing diversified countries singly?

The real truth is, you cannot compare the USA with any other nation or region in the world. But to say they are better because of X when it is patently false, is absurd. It is also impossible to defend.
Now this is part of a transcript of an Obama rant about rampage killings from Mother Jones in 2014. Once a week for mass murders. One day stories on mass murders.

"PRESIDENT OBAMA: I have to say that people often ask me how has it been being president, and what am I proudest of and what are my biggest disappointments. And I've got two and a half years left. My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage."

"We're the only developed country on Earth where this happens. And it happens now once a week. And it's a one-day story. There's no place else like this."

Obama Goes Off on Mass Shootings Mother Jones
Darkwind, the chart say specifically that the USA had 38 incidents (mass murder shooting occurrences) and during the same limited years, all the other countries on the chart, including countries that do not truly belong there, like Israel...they ALL ADD UP TO 17 mass shooting incidences....

all other nations on chart-17

So where is the lie? Where?

Please point out where this chart shows that Obama lied about how many mass shootings occurrences/incidences we have compared to these other nations on the chart....
It is dishonest because you are not considering the population differences between the countries. Which is why they use the fatalities per 1,000,000 metric. It is a much more accurate rating....

You'll note that the USA is at .72.
Obama mentioned incidences of Mass Murder Shootings, not the number of people killed...and when you look at the chart posted on this very limited time period, it SHOWS that there are 304.1 million people in all of these other Nations combined together on the chart and 314.0 million in the USA, which is nearly equal in populations, we had 38 mass murder shootings, and ALL of these other nations combined had 17....and like said, the populations comparing the 2 are the same or near the same.

Can't get much more accurate of a rating/reading, than THAT....

38 HERE, 17 THERE.
virtually same amount of people....


38/314M = 0.12
17/304M = 0.05


More than DOUBLE the number of Mass Murder Incidences PER PERSON than all of the Nations on the chart PER PERSON
Clearly, you don't understand statistics.

Equate the populations of each country to our....multiply the number of incidents by that factor....

Then compare each to the USA.....

Obama did NOT say we had a higher incidence of ALL nations in Europe COMBINED.

I realize you have some imperative to protect him at all costs, but simply face the fact that he IS wrong.
You understand statistics

So clearly you understand the concept of statistical confidence. Now what is the statistical confidence of a sample size of one vs a sample size of 38

Now, how does that impact your ability to draw conclusions on the samples?
comparing Norway, one member state of the European Union to all of the United States, with 50 different states as members of our Union with 50 different sets of gun laws per State is just ludicrous.... imho.

The EU is similar in some ways to our Union of States...each member State of the EU has their own gvts, like our States have theirs, each member State of the EU has their own gun laws, like our states, each member state in the EU can now traverse all member states without a passport, open borders between member states, just like our States, the EU member State citizens can work in any other member State without the need of a work visa, just like the people from one state here being allowed to work in another state....

etc etc etc....

comparing all of the States within the USA with all of Europe's member States is logical, and more meaningful in discerning the meaning of the message....imo.

and comparing to all of Canada, all of Australia, etc...
Norway had one bad day
We had 38 bad days

The expectation is that Norway will never have a day like that again......we will have one in a couple of months

That is what Obama is complaining about
That body count was 11. Including a policeman. Injured another 11.

And in support of that attack 5 Jews were slaughtered in France, 11 injured.

France is an advanced country is it not?

Yeah, but how often does that happen in France?

We have a couple of these incidents every year now in the US.

France has maybe one a decade...

The USA has five times the population of France, numskull. The figures quoted were mass killings per anum per 100,000 population. Don't you know what that means?

Our murder rate in 2013 was 4.7 per 100000
That's half what it was in the 90s

SO on average a person has a .0047% chance of getting murdered.

Is that really anything to worry about?
Gun nuts are scary

you only have a .0035% chance of being killed with a gun.

If you're afraid of that then you must be a shut in

Less than that..

Why if you count how many hours people own guns and how much time it actually takes to blow someone's brains out......the odds are infanessimal
Here's his bullshit line:

"Once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. … We as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Governments do it with regularity, they just can't stand private competition.
Despite Hussein fondness for Islam, it is hard to reconcile his statement that "mass killings are uncommon in other countries" with the constant mass killings occurring on a regular basis in the Middle Eastern countries.

As usual he turns a blind eye to the crimes committed by those of his heritage!

This man is prejudiced, discriminatory and can not be trusted.
Despite Hussein fondness for Islam, it is hard to reconcile his statement that "mass killings are uncommon in other countries" with the constant mass killings occurring on a regular basis in the Middle Eastern countries.

As usual he turns a blind eye to the crimes committed by those of his heritage!

This man is prejudiced, discriminatory and can not be trusted.
Sad that conservatives hold us up to the standards of an Islamic hellhole

Read what countries Obama was actually comparing ourselves to
Despite Hussein fondness for Islam, it is hard to reconcile his statement that "mass killings are uncommon in other countries" with the constant mass killings occurring on a regular basis in the Middle Eastern countries.

As usual he turns a blind eye to the crimes committed by those of his heritage!

This man is prejudiced, discriminatory and can not be trusted.
Sad that conservatives hold us up to the standards of an Islamic hellhole

Read what countries Obama was actually comparing ourselves to

Yeah, yeah....we all know Hussein is your knight in shining armour! YAWN
Not as rare as you infer. None the countries of the EU, none are as diverse as is the US. We are seeing that change and as we do we see the murder rate increasing.
You are right though, it is a price we pay for freedom, freedom is seldom free.

It's not the price you pay for freedom, it's the price you pay for gun ownership.

Many of the other First Workd countries which have fewer gun deaths than the U.S. have more freedom than the U.S. The U.S. isn't even in the top 10 of personal and economic freedoms.

Your freedom is an illusion.

If 40,000 people were being killed by terrorists in the U.S. every year would you shrug it off as the price of freedom or would you demand something be done about it?

Between murders, suicides and accidental shootings, more than 40,000 Americans die each year.

"Price of freedom" is the dumbest excuse I've ever seen for tolerating this horror.

Again you lie with omission....

Each year on average 2 million violent criminal attacks are stopped or prevented and lives are saved by Americans with guns.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns...and the gun murder rate is going down.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up...

2 million times a year guns stop violent crime

in 2013 accidental gun deaths...505

in 2103 gun murders....8,454 (mainly committed by gangs and drug dealers in small multi block areas in inner cities)

So no guns are not really a problem in a country of over 320 million people....


If 2 million lives are saved by guns every year (a figure that I find hard to believe), why aren't more people dying in jurisdictions where guns are restricted? Not having guns to protect themselves and all.

Keep lying to yourselves that guns keep you safe when all evidence says that's false, because otherwise you'll have to do something about them.
Despite Hussein fondness for Islam, it is hard to reconcile his statement that "mass killings are uncommon in other countries" with the constant mass killings occurring on a regular basis in the Middle Eastern countries.

As usual he turns a blind eye to the crimes committed by those of his heritage!

This man is prejudiced, discriminatory and can not be trusted.
Sad that conservatives hold us up to the standards of an Islamic hellhole

Read what countries Obama was actually comparing ourselves to

Yeah, yeah....we all know Hussein is your knight in shining armour! YAWN
You seem to be the one with the Muslim Fetish

Still have those harem girl fantasies?
It is dishonest because you are not considering the population differences between the countries. Which is why they use the fatalities per 1,000,000 metric. It is a much more accurate rating....

You'll note that the USA is at .72.
Obama mentioned incidences of Mass Murder Shootings, not the number of people killed...and when you look at the chart posted on this very limited time period, it SHOWS that there are 304.1 million people in all of these other Nations combined together on the chart and 314.0 million in the USA, which is nearly equal in populations, we had 38 mass murder shootings, and ALL of these other nations combined had 17....and like said, the populations comparing the 2 are the same or near the same.

Can't get much more accurate of a rating/reading, than THAT....

38 HERE, 17 THERE.
virtually same amount of people....


38/314M = 0.12
17/304M = 0.05


More than DOUBLE the number of Mass Murder Incidences PER PERSON than all of the Nations on the chart PER PERSON
Clearly, you don't understand statistics.

Equate the populations of each country to our....multiply the number of incidents by that factor....

Then compare each to the USA.....

Obama did NOT say we had a higher incidence of ALL nations in Europe COMBINED.

I realize you have some imperative to protect him at all costs, but simply face the fact that he IS wrong.
You understand statistics

So clearly you understand the concept of statistical confidence. Now what is the statistical confidence of a sample size of one vs a sample size of 38

Now, how does that impact your ability to draw conclusions on the samples?
comparing Norway, one member state of the European Union to all of the United States, with 50 different states as members of our Union with 50 different sets of gun laws per State is just ludicrous.... imho.

The EU is similar in some ways to our Union of States...each member State of the EU has their own gvts, like our States have theirs, each member State of the EU has their own gun laws, like our states, each member state in the EU can now traverse all member states without a passport, open borders between member states, just like our States, the EU member State citizens can work in any other member State without the need of a work visa, just like the people from one state here being allowed to work in another state....

etc etc etc....

comparing all of the States within the USA with all of Europe's member States is logical, and more meaningful in discerning the meaning of the message....imo.

and comparing to all of Canada, all of Australia, etc...
Norway had one bad day
We had 38 bad days

The expectation is that Norway will never have a day like that again......we will have one in a couple of months

That is what Obama is complaining about

Your expectations are irrelevant. Facts are facts.
Despite Hussein fondness for Islam, it is hard to reconcile his statement that "mass killings are uncommon in other countries" with the constant mass killings occurring on a regular basis in the Middle Eastern countries.

As usual he turns a blind eye to the crimes committed by those of his heritage!

This man is prejudiced, discriminatory and can not be trusted.
Sad that conservatives hold us up to the standards of an Islamic hellhole

Read what countries Obama was actually comparing ourselves to

Yeah, yeah....we all know Hussein is your knight in shining armour! YAWN
You seem to be the one with the Muslim Fetish

Still have those harem girl fantasies?

Forget about me! :)

Go and worship your false prophet Hussein! :bowdown:
Not as rare as you infer. None the countries of the EU, none are as diverse as is the US. We are seeing that change and as we do we see the murder rate increasing.
You are right though, it is a price we pay for freedom, freedom is seldom free.

It's not the price you pay for freedom, it's the price you pay for gun ownership.

Many of the other First Workd countries which have fewer gun deaths than the U.S. have more freedom than the U.S. The U.S. isn't even in the top 10 of personal and economic freedoms.

Your freedom is an illusion.

If 40,000 people were being killed by terrorists in the U.S. every year would you shrug it off as the price of freedom or would you demand something be done about it?

Between murders, suicides and accidental shootings, more than 40,000 Americans die each year.

"Price of freedom" is the dumbest excuse I've ever seen for tolerating this horror.

Again you lie with omission....

Each year on average 2 million violent criminal attacks are stopped or prevented and lives are saved by Americans with guns.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns...and the gun murder rate is going down.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up...

2 million times a year guns stop violent crime

in 2013 accidental gun deaths...505

in 2103 gun murders....8,454 (mainly committed by gangs and drug dealers in small multi block areas in inner cities)

So no guns are not really a problem in a country of over 320 million people....


If 2 million lives are saved by guns every year (a figure that I find hard to believe), why aren't more people dying in jurisdictions where guns are restricted? Not having guns to protect themselves and all.

They are, numskull. The crime rate has gone down in every state where concealed-carry has passed.

Keep lying to yourselves that guns keep you safe when all evidence says that's false, because otherwise you'll have to do something about them.

You have to be a certifiable moron to believe a gun wouldn't be a big help protecting you from robbery and assault. That's why liquor stores and convenience stores are so often equipped with them.
Not as rare as you infer. None the countries of the EU, none are as diverse as is the US. We are seeing that change and as we do we see the murder rate increasing.
You are right though, it is a price we pay for freedom, freedom is seldom free.

It's not the price you pay for freedom, it's the price you pay for gun ownership.

Many of the other First Workd countries which have fewer gun deaths than the U.S. have more freedom than the U.S. The U.S. isn't even in the top 10 of personal and economic freedoms.

Your freedom is an illusion.

If 40,000 people were being killed by terrorists in the U.S. every year would you shrug it off as the price of freedom or would you demand something be done about it?

Between murders, suicides and accidental shootings, more than 40,000 Americans die each year.

"Price of freedom" is the dumbest excuse I've ever seen for tolerating this horror.

Again you lie with omission....

Each year on average 2 million violent criminal attacks are stopped or prevented and lives are saved by Americans with guns.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns...and the gun murder rate is going down.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up...

2 million times a year guns stop violent crime

in 2013 accidental gun deaths...505

in 2103 gun murders....8,454 (mainly committed by gangs and drug dealers in small multi block areas in inner cities)

So no guns are not really a problem in a country of over 320 million people....


If 2 million lives are saved by guns every year (a figure that I find hard to believe), why aren't more people dying in jurisdictions where guns are restricted? Not having guns to protect themselves and all.

Keep lying to yourselves that guns keep you safe when all evidence says that's false, because otherwise you'll have to do something about them.
Wow, do you work at it?

Nearly ALL of the gun violence is located in gun free zones...
My head started to spin faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist when I read about Obama's claim. Sheesh. Either he's misinformed or that old liar is coming out in him again.

Here's his bullshit line:

"Once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. … We as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it." is the full quote.

So he's fucked up in his memory or lying again. How the hell do you forget Charlie Hebdo so damn quick Mr. President?

you and the right wing rag you are quoting ARE THE ONES LYING Tiny

That body count was 11. Including a policeman. Injured another 11.

And in support of that attack 5 Jews were slaughtered in France, 11 injured.

France is an advanced country is it not?

mmmmm' kay let's take a walk down memory lane and visit the worst shooting spree.

"In 2011, a deranged Anders Behring Breivik killed eight people by setting off a van bomb in Oslo, before going on to murder 69 more people, mostly children, at a summer camp.

This is the single worst shooting spree incident in history.

Obama surely remembers that he left the White House and visited the Norwegian ambassador’s residence to offer his condolences."


"It takes only a rudimentary search to find out that mentally unstable killers can be found anywhere. In February of this year, nine people were killed in Czech Republic spree killing."


"In Erfurt, Germany, a couple of years ago, an expelled student murdered 13 teachers, 2 students and a policeman. That same year, in the Serbian village of Velika Ivanča, a gunman shot and killed 14 people—many of them his own relatives— and a Russia gunman opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle killing six people. A couple of years before that, in England, a lone gunman killed 12 people and injured 11."


"Advanced countries or developing ones, it’s the same thing. In 2013 a mentally unstable man in Rio de Janeiro killed 12 children and seriously wounded another 12. And you might remember that China had an outbreak of mass stabbings, hammer and cleaver attacks not long ago. You don’t need guns to kill people. One man stabbed 22 children by himself. Two attackers killed 29 people and injured 143 at Chinese railway station last year."

Actually President Obama Mass Killings Aren t Uncommon In Other Countries
WHY do these RIGHT WING RAGS have to manipulate the TRUTH in order to CREATE CONTROVERSY?

Shame on you and them tiny....


You have CREATED AND MANUFACTURED the controversy on what he said, can't you see that?

"We do know that once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun," Obama said at the White House. "At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

SHAME on you! Honestly, you should be more careful in what these right wing media outlets say and check them for accuracy before you regurgitate their made up LIES.

YOU are lying. The video does not lie. His EXACT words are "this type pf mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries". It's in the video

Obama on Charleston This does not happen in other advanced countries US news The Guardian
NOPE, you and your right wing media ARE LYING and DID NOT put the last two sentences in his quote....



Read and listen and weep....

Obama Senseless murders in church shooting - CNNPolitics.com

LMAO You're such a drone. The video isn't edited LMAO
the op Article posted in the 1st post, in writing, edited out Obama's FULL STATEMENT, so stop lying, pretty please...;)

here it is again between the 3 min and 4 min spot.

Not as rare as you infer. None the countries of the EU, none are as diverse as is the US. We are seeing that change and as we do we see the murder rate increasing.
You are right though, it is a price we pay for freedom, freedom is seldom free.

It's not the price you pay for freedom, it's the price you pay for gun ownership.

Many of the other First Workd countries which have fewer gun deaths than the U.S. have more freedom than the U.S. The U.S. isn't even in the top 10 of personal and economic freedoms.

Your freedom is an illusion.

If 40,000 people were being killed by terrorists in the U.S. every year would you shrug it off as the price of freedom or would you demand something be done about it?

Between murders, suicides and accidental shootings, more than 40,000 Americans die each year.

"Price of freedom" is the dumbest excuse I've ever seen for tolerating this horror.

Again you lie with omission....

Each year on average 2 million violent criminal attacks are stopped or prevented and lives are saved by Americans with guns.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns...and the gun murder rate is going down.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up...

2 million times a year guns stop violent crime

in 2013 accidental gun deaths...505

in 2103 gun murders....8,454 (mainly committed by gangs and drug dealers in small multi block areas in inner cities)

So no guns are not really a problem in a country of over 320 million people....


If 2 million lives are saved by guns every year (a figure that I find hard to believe), why aren't more people dying in jurisdictions where guns are restricted? Not having guns to protect themselves and all.

Keep lying to yourselves that guns keep you safe when all evidence says that's false, because otherwise you'll have to do something about them.

Guns do keep you safe. Say you are a rapist, you have a choice of two houses to break into, one has a sign that says Insured By Smith and Wesson, the other has a sign that says "Proud To Be A Gun Free Home". Which home do you break into? Be honest
WHY do these RIGHT WING RAGS have to manipulate the TRUTH in order to CREATE CONTROVERSY?

Shame on you and them tiny....


You have CREATED AND MANUFACTURED the controversy on what he said, can't you see that?

"We do know that once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun," Obama said at the White House. "At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

SHAME on you! Honestly, you should be more careful in what these right wing media outlets say and check them for accuracy before you regurgitate their made up LIES.

YOU are lying. The video does not lie. His EXACT words are "this type pf mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries". It's in the video

Obama on Charleston This does not happen in other advanced countries US news The Guardian
NOPE, you and your right wing media ARE LYING and DID NOT put the last two sentences in his quote....



Read and listen and weep....

Obama Senseless murders in church shooting - CNNPolitics.com

LMAO You're such a drone. The video isn't edited LMAO
the op Article posted in the 1st post, in writing, edited out Obama's FULL STATEMENT, so stop lying, pretty please...;)

here it is again between the 3 min and 4 min spot.

Not as rare as you infer. None the countries of the EU, none are as diverse as is the US. We are seeing that change and as we do we see the murder rate increasing.
You are right though, it is a price we pay for freedom, freedom is seldom free.

It's not the price you pay for freedom, it's the price you pay for gun ownership.

Many of the other First Workd countries which have fewer gun deaths than the U.S. have more freedom than the U.S. The U.S. isn't even in the top 10 of personal and economic freedoms.

Your freedom is an illusion.

If 40,000 people were being killed by terrorists in the U.S. every year would you shrug it off as the price of freedom or would you demand something be done about it?

Between murders, suicides and accidental shootings, more than 40,000 Americans die each year.

"Price of freedom" is the dumbest excuse I've ever seen for tolerating this horror.

Again you lie with omission....

Each year on average 2 million violent criminal attacks are stopped or prevented and lives are saved by Americans with guns.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns...and the gun murder rate is going down.

More Americans are owning and carrying guns and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up...

2 million times a year guns stop violent crime

in 2013 accidental gun deaths...505

in 2103 gun murders....8,454 (mainly committed by gangs and drug dealers in small multi block areas in inner cities)

So no guns are not really a problem in a country of over 320 million people....


If 2 million lives are saved by guns every year (a figure that I find hard to believe), why aren't more people dying in jurisdictions where guns are restricted? Not having guns to protect themselves and all.

Keep lying to yourselves that guns keep you safe when all evidence says that's false, because otherwise you'll have to do something about them.

Guns do keep you safe. Say you are a rapist, you have a choice of two houses to break into, one has a sign that says Insured By Smith and Wesson, the other has a sign that says "Proud To Be A Gun Free Home". Which home do you break into? Be honest

Suppose you are a thief and are looking for some guns to steal
That body count was 11. Including a policeman. Injured another 11.

And in support of that attack 5 Jews were slaughtered in France, 11 injured.

France is an advanced country is it not?

Yeah, but how often does that happen in France?

We have a couple of these incidents every year now in the US.

France has maybe one a decade...

There was a thread about this earlier, with a list of first world countries who have had mass killings since 2000. I think Germany had three and the other countries one or two. So as usual, I had to add a dose of reality to that thread as I will do for this one, too:

Mass shooting in the U.S,: 160 incidents between 2000 and 2013 according to the FBI.
FBI: A Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the United States Between 2000 and 2013


Japan has a zero murder rate. That's 0 for those who think this is a typo. Japan is about as first world as you can get.
A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths

A Land Without Guns How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths - The Atlantic
per capita - definition of per capita by The Free Dictionary

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