Obedient to the Will of God

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
We know the will of God once we determine to be obedient to the will of God. If God discerns that we are determined to do our own will - He is most merciful not to permit us to see His own will because then we'd be in open rebellion. As it is, some are just ignorant as to what they are doing. If we are born again, that should not be. It is not difficult to know the will of God in discerning what He would have us to do concerning authority figures. If you are given a ticket for speeding, you are not at liberty to decide whether or not you will appear in court. If you don't appear, they will come and arrest you. If you do not pay the fine, they will put you in jail until you do pay the fine. With each violation of the law the penalty grows greater and greater until one day you wake up and realize that had you obeyed the law to not speed in the first place - you would never have been pulled over.

Some have prayed - let Obama be removed from office. Let another take his place. He is an unjust ruler. I've thought about this. He is an unjust ruler ruling an unjust, rebellious people. If God had not determined long ago that this was the person He would permit to replace George Bush Jr. he would not be in office today. Yet he is. Another election has come and gone and he is still in office. Now the people say, let us impeach him. No. You won't be impeaching anyone because as it stands? This is the will of God in the matter. While continuing on in greater and greater discontent the people have yet to realize this is a reflection of where we are at as a people. Were we to repent, submit to God, pray for the nation, everything would turn around because God would have no reason to not hear our prayers. He is bound to His own word. If we do it His way, we get His results. If we do not do it His way, we do not get His results.

What is the problem here? We have not been obedient to the will of God. We have tried to force God's Hand to conform to our own will while praying thine will be done. A double minded man will not receive anything from God. Why don't we know the will of God in certain matters? Because we have not been interested in the will of God. We've been interested in our own will which is not the same as God's will. While we are consumed with temporal matters here upon the earth, God is looking at eternal matters that will effect us long after we depart from this earth. It seems like now would be the perfect time to determine to be obedient to the will of God so that we can realize we do not know what is best for us. God knows what is best for us. We need to get off the throne of our own lives. The sooner the better.
What you want is obedience to whomever decides to run. It's a perverted attempt to control people. It doesn't work either. Obedience to an alleged unknowable.
Psalm 1 not only defines who we are today but who we will be tomorrow. It defines us every single day of our lives. It is amazing to realize that God will cut down your company to a party of zero if He must to get you to the place of realizing - you do not walk with those who do not walk with Him. This is not a part time command. This is a full time command. We do not take breaks from God. God is looking for us to be obedient to Him at all times. How are you going to keep company with people who do not obey God and expect it not to effect you? It will effect you. There is no question it will effect you. It is not a matter of if but of when. If you want to be wise, walk with the wise. If you want to be godly, walk with the godly. The wise do not walk with the foolish and the godly to do not walk with the wicked. A man is known by the company he keeps. Who are you keeping company with?
Make no mistake, what you have is a fictional deity with fictional myths created by men in an effort to control a population. Your rights end at the tip of your nose.
I know what it is to be obedient to God and, unfortunately, I know first hand what it is to be disobedient. (I don't recommend the latter. :))

Jeremiah, I do not in any way question your faith, your love for God, or that you are truly blessed as one of his disciples. But I have to say that I just can't agree that God gave us Obama. He probably allowed it because you are right that we have become a stiff necked and rebellious people, but I just can't believe that he put us all here with no ability to change the course of our own history. I cannot see how that would not make us pre-programmed marionettes with our lives already mapped out and no choice or will to repent or change our ways.

We as a people have become increasing hedonistic, rebellious, uncaring, and even contentious in our relationship with God, and the Bible is full of the histories that there are and will be consequences for that. But I have to believe that he also gave us free will and the power to love and the ability to choose to change our course and the outcome.
What you want is obedience to whomever decides to run. It's a perverted attempt to control people. It doesn't work either. Obedience to an alleged unknowable.

No, I want to obey God and that means that whoever is in authority? I am going to be obedient to the Word of God and realize that I am not striving against a man but against God if I rebel. Let's use this board for an example, Disir. The board rules are posted. Someone breaks the rules. According to a recent post by a Moderator here - they do not immediately get a ban - they go through a series of warnings and as a last resort - if all warnings go unheeded they enforce a ban. What does that mean? It means you are banned from posting. Have you ever seen someone continue to post in pink after they were banned, Disir? I have. You know what that is called? Rebellion. Guess what? Now the speeding ticket is no longer $25.00 - it jumps to $125.00 - in ban language that might mean you can post next year instead of next month! Why? Because the first discipline was ignored. What is that called? A system. Guess what?

God has a system! How long have Americans been ignoring God' system? Since Obama came into office? No. Since before He was born! Alright? This has been a long time coming. Now when judgment falls? ( and it hasn't yet ) You'll see a whole new "system" because in that day? Wherever you are at with God? Is where you'll be in the natural realm concerning your circumstances. If you are fully in Christ and walk in obedience to His Word? You will be kept by His Word. If you are not? You won't be. In that day those who have lived in rebellion will understand the meaning of the word "judgment". We haven't gotten there yet.
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There is no system, Jeremiah but that which each man has decided to live for himself. Rebellion is simply whatever you choose it to be.

I find it amazing that life is extremely short and if your god is found in each living thing then it is not your relationship to god but your relationship to each living thing.

Usually when I pray, I am seeking advice so that I may learn the Will of YHWH or another deity like Ishtar or Lilith, in regards to the choices/ decisions I make that affect myself and others.

I pray frequently to thank the gods for guiding me, aiding me, or offering their wisdom and inspiration to me.

I may also pray for the people I love if they are hurt, are ill, or in danger.

I also pray to learn more about the gods/ goddesses that I am communing with.

I thoroughly enjoy the experience of communing with the gods, and finding ways to offer Mana to them.

When I seek to align myself with the Will of a deity, whether it be God, Athena, Lilith... whoever... prayer is the way to go.
I know what it is to be obedient to God and, unfortunately, I know first hand what it is to be disobedient. (I don't recommend the latter. :))

Jeremiah, I do not in any way question your faith, your love for God, or that you are truly blessed as one of his disciples. But I have to say that I just can't agree that God gave us Obama. He probably allowed it because you are right that we have become a stiff necked and rebellious people, but I just can't believe that he put us all here with no ability to change the course of our own history. I cannot see how that would not make us pre-programmed marionettes with our lives already mapped out and no choice or will to repent or change our ways.

We as a people have become increasing hedonistic, rebellious, uncaring, and even contentious in our relationship with God, and the Bible is full of the histories that there are and will be consequences for that. But I have to believe that he also gave us free will and the power to love and the ability to choose to change our course and the outcome.[/QUOTE

I stand corrected, Foxfyre. You are right. I can agree with you that God "permitted it" vs. chose this for us because truthfully we put ourselves in this mess by the very definition you have given - increasing hedonistic, rebellious, uncaring and even contentious in our relationship with God. I see myself as undone here this morning. I have been helping a family member ( actually two) I should not have been helping and God opened my eyes to it recently and it is very painful to realize I was working against Him. Here God is trying to answer my prayers for them by bringing them to their knees and I am sending money which is the equivalent of putting a pillow under their head!

Last night He gave me the scripture the way of the transgressor is hard. I was about to send them more money! I tell my husband and he says God gave me that scripture twice yesterday, I didn't want to tell you. So these people who I was trying to help have caused me to sin against God! I am confessing my sins here because I'm sure I am not the only one who has been blindsided by their emotions before. Besides it might help someone here realize it isn't always the will of God for you to bail someone out of something. It is the same reason on a larger scale that God is not bailing America out of this mess. It is 2 Chronicles 7: 14 but I was putting that scripture in reverse by my own actions. I could not figure out the will of God in that matter until He saw I was willing to do it. Am I more merciful than God? God forbid I ever act like it. I was actively hindering His plan and my own prayers. On a larger scale I think America has done the same thing!
Foxfyre, I wrote my post to you and it showed up as your quote!! Sorry about that. - J.
There is no system, Jeremiah but that which each man has decided to live for himself. Rebellion is simply whatever you choose it to be.

I find it amazing that life is extremely short and if your god is found in each living thing then it is not your relationship to god but your relationship to each living thing.

Amazing what you come up with, Disir. The measure of our love for God is defined by our relationship to every living thing so you are not too far off. Life is about order. Boundaries set the sea and shore, boundaries set law and order, if there was no system, no boundaries, no order we would be in utter chaos.

God brings order and fullness of life on the same measure we invite Him in. We must invite Him in. Because God is not a dictator. The godless are dictators because they want to be God - their desire is to be worshiped and those who will bow down to them are promised the world. ( for awhile ) But evil won't keep its word because honesty is a virtue and Lucifer has no virtues.

God's system is found in the bible.
There is no system, Jeremiah but that which each man has decided to live for himself. Rebellion is simply whatever you choose it to be.

I find it amazing that life is extremely short and if your god is found in each living thing then it is not your relationship to god but your relationship to each living thing.

Amazing what you come up with, Disir. The measure of our love for God is defined by our relationship to every living thing so you are not too far off. Life is about order. Boundaries set the sea and shore, boundaries set law and order, if there was no system, no boundaries, no order we would be in utter chaos.

God brings order and fullness of life on the same measure we invite Him in. We must invite Him in. Because God is not a dictator. The godless are dictators because they want to be God - their desire is to be worshiped and those who will bow down to them are promised the world. ( for awhile ) But evil won't keep its word because honesty is a virtue and Lucifer has no virtues.

God's system is found in the bible.

The bible was written by man. Not god. Life is not about order. It is not about obedience.

While your personal relationship to that book is ok by me. That larger scale is quite bothersome.
Usually when I pray, I am seeking advice so that I may learn the Will of YHWH or another deity like Ishtar or Lilith, in regards to the choices/ decisions I make that affect myself and others.

I pray frequently to thank the gods for guiding me, aiding me, or offering their wisdom and inspiration to me.

I may also pray for the people I love if they are hurt, are ill, or in danger.

I also pray to learn more about the gods/ goddesses that I am communing with.

I thoroughly enjoy the experience of communing with the gods, and finding ways to offer Mana to them.

When I seek to align myself with the Will of a deity, whether it be God, Athena, Lilith... whoever... prayer is the way to go.
Well, Ashtara, you desire spiritual connection because you are a spirit being ( as we all are) and at a young age you've come to desire spiritual things - although some would not be for your benefit. There is food that is healthy for our bodies and food that is not for our bodies and could kill us even though it looks delightful, colorful, and harmless. The same is true of our spiritual tastes - places where we seek spiritual fulfillment.

Paul called certain things curious arts -because the occult - hidden things cause curiosity. Dina was curious which led to her rape and the death of an entire city - vengeance exacted by her brothers. What was she curious about? She wanted to see how pretty the women of that city were. Perhaps it seemed harmless but curiosity is never harmless. Neither are arts it was named for.
There is no system, Jeremiah but that which each man has decided to live for himself. Rebellion is simply whatever you choose it to be.

I find it amazing that life is extremely short and if your god is found in each living thing then it is not your relationship to god but your relationship to each living thing.

Amazing what you come up with, Disir. The measure of our love for God is defined by our relationship to every living thing so you are not too far off. Life is about order. Boundaries set the sea and shore, boundaries set law and order, if there was no system, no boundaries, no order we would be in utter chaos.

God brings order and fullness of life on the same measure we invite Him in. We must invite Him in. Because God is not a dictator. The godless are dictators because they want to be God - their desire is to be worshiped and those who will bow down to them are promised the world. ( for awhile ) But evil won't keep its word because honesty is a virtue and Lucifer has no virtues.

God's system is found in the bible.

The bible was written by man. Not god. Life is not about order. It is not about obedience.

While your personal relationship to that book is ok by me. That larger scale is quite bothersome.

No, Disir. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is Him.. not the word of men. Men were His instrument but it is His Word. If there were no order tomorrow you would be very surprised by just how much your life depended upon it. Same goes for obedience, Disir.
There is no system, Jeremiah but that which each man has decided to live for himself. Rebellion is simply whatever you choose it to be.

I find it amazing that life is extremely short and if your god is found in each living thing then it is not your relationship to god but your relationship to each living thing.

Amazing what you come up with, Disir. The measure of our love for God is defined by our relationship to every living thing so you are not too far off. Life is about order. Boundaries set the sea and shore, boundaries set law and order, if there was no system, no boundaries, no order we would be in utter chaos.

God brings order and fullness of life on the same measure we invite Him in. We must invite Him in. Because God is not a dictator. The godless are dictators because they want to be God - their desire is to be worshiped and those who will bow down to them are promised the world. ( for awhile ) But evil won't keep its word because honesty is a virtue and Lucifer has no virtues.

God's system is found in the bible.

The bible was written by man. Not god. Life is not about order. It is not about obedience.

While your personal relationship to that book is ok by me. That larger scale is quite bothersome.

No, Disir. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is Him.. not the word of men. Men were His instrument but it is His Word. If there were no order tomorrow you would be very surprised by just how much your life depended upon it. Same goes for obedience, Disir.

No, it was inspired out of greed. It took 8 centuries to develop a Christology.

Even so, it has no place in US law or any aspect of governance.
There is absolutely no proof that the bible is anything but the word of men.
Usually when I pray, I am seeking advice so that I may learn the Will of YHWH or another deity like Ishtar or Lilith, in regards to the choices/ decisions I make that affect myself and others.

I pray frequently to thank the gods for guiding me, aiding me, or offering their wisdom and inspiration to me.

I may also pray for the people I love if they are hurt, are ill, or in danger.

I also pray to learn more about the gods/ goddesses that I am communing with.

I thoroughly enjoy the experience of communing with the gods, and finding ways to offer Mana to them.

When I seek to align myself with the Will of a deity, whether it be God, Athena, Lilith... whoever... prayer is the way to go.
Well, Ashtara, you desire spiritual connection because you are a spirit being ( as we all are) and at a young age you've come to desire spiritual things - although some would not be for your benefit. There is food that is healthy for our bodies and food that is not for our bodies and could kill us even though it looks delightful, colorful, and harmless. The same is true of our spiritual tastes - places where we seek spiritual fulfillment.

Paul called certain things curious arts -because the occult - hidden things cause curiosity. Dina was curious which led to her rape and the death of an entire city - vengeance exacted by her brothers. What was she curious about? She wanted to see how pretty the women of that city were. Perhaps it seemed harmless but curiosity is never harmless. Neither are arts it was named for.

Jeremiah, would you please be more specific about what practices or arts that you consider to be "occult"?
Well as you had mentioned before that you knew how to invoke demons that would qualify as occult. When Saul sought out the witch of Endor to call up Samuel's spirit that was seeking occult powers. What exactly would you describe as the occult, Ashtara? I'd be interested in hearing how you define it.

To be clear anything occult - divination, incantations, invoking demons is forbidden by God. We are not to have any part in such practices.
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There is absolutely no proof that the bible is anything but the word of men.
Of course there is, BillyP. We have God's word. He said it is inspired of Him. It is written:

Romans 3 4 Not at all Let God be true and every human being a liar. As it is written So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge.
in human terms.)…
Cross References
Job 40:8
"Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?

Psalm 51:4
Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge.

and again it is written:

2 Timothy 3 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness

Cross References
Deuteronomy 29:29
The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.Zephaniah 3:2

She obeys no one, she accepts no correction. She does not trust in the LORD, she does not draw near to her God.Romans 4:23

The words "it was credited to him" were written not for him alone,Romans 15:4
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.
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We know the will of God once we determine to be obedient to the will of God. If God discerns that we are determined to do our own will - He is most merciful not to permit us to see His own will because then we'd be in open rebellion. As it is, some are just ignorant as to what they are doing. If we are born again, that should not be. It is not difficult to know the will of God in discerning what He would have us to do concerning authority figures. If you are given a ticket for speeding, you are not at liberty to decide whether or not you will appear in court. If you don't appear, they will come and arrest you. If you do not pay the fine, they will put you in jail until you do pay the fine. With each violation of the law the penalty grows greater and greater until one day you wake up and realize that had you obeyed the law to not speed in the first place - you would never have been pulled over.

Some have prayed - let Obama be removed from office. Let another take his place. He is an unjust ruler. I've thought about this. He is an unjust ruler ruling an unjust, rebellious people. If God had not determined long ago that this was the person He would permit to replace George Bush Jr. he would not be in office today. Yet he is. Another election has come and gone and he is still in office. Now the people say, let us impeach him. No. You won't be impeaching anyone because as it stands? This is the will of God in the matter. While continuing on in greater and greater discontent the people have yet to realize this is a reflection of where we are at as a people. Were we to repent, submit to God, pray for the nation, everything would turn around because God would have no reason to not hear our prayers. He is bound to His own word. If we do it His way, we get His results. If we do not do it His way, we do not get His results.

What is the problem here? We have not been obedient to the will of God. We have tried to force God's Hand to conform to our own will while praying thine will be done. A double minded man will not receive anything from God. Why don't we know the will of God in certain matters? Because we have not been interested in the will of God. We've been interested in our own will which is not the same as God's will. While we are consumed with temporal matters here upon the earth, God is looking at eternal matters that will effect us long after we depart from this earth. It seems like now would be the perfect time to determine to be obedient to the will of God so that we can realize we do not know what is best for us. God knows what is best for us. We need to get off the throne of our own lives. The sooner the better.

Anyone ever suggested you talk with someone? If not, let me be the first. Find someone to talk to. Preferably where you're lying on a couch...

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